• Title/Summary/Keyword: 1차산맥

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A Study of Gazette Comparison of Google Earth and US Data base -in case of Korea and Taiwan- (구글사의 위성영상과 미국의 지명데이터베이스에 나타나는 지명 비교연구-한국과 대만사례를 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyeong;Chang, Eun-Mi
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2007
  • 세계화의 빠른 진행과 더불어 외국에 대한 정확한 인식은 매우 중요한 문제로 등장하였다. 아직도 사실적 오류와 더불어 국제관계에서의 위치 때문에 많은 오류가 남아 있는 점도 사실이다. 그 가운데 미국의 위성영상서비스 가운데 가장 대표적인 구글사의 검색서비스와 미국지리정보국의 지명데이터베이스에 관한 내용을 분석함으로서 문제의 뿌리가 어디인지를 밝히고자 하였다. 이미 구글에 관련된 논문은 Science Direct 검색결과 69개가 검색되고 있을 만큼 전세계적 문화적 영향력을 가지고 있다. 본고에서는 전 세계의 지명을 영어로 서비스하고 있는 구글사와 미국의 지명 DB내에 있는 오류사례를 찾아내고, 그 유형을 분석하고, 특히 일제의 강점을 당했던 한국과 대만사례를 비교하는 데 있다. 대만 역시 1945년 제2차 세계대전의 종전으로 인해 일본의 영향에서 벗어나게 되었다. 따라서 지명에도 일본의 영향이 크게 남아 있을 것으로 보고 앞서 나온 유형대로 몇 개의 분석을 실시하였다. 그 중 대표적인 것을 들면, 경상남도 남해군 일원의 위성영상을 보면 최소한 3개의 일본식 지명이 나타난다. 우선 해양지명으로 미조만은 Mijo-wan으로 앵강만은 Oko-wan으로 표시되어 있고, 천황산은 Tenno San이라는 지명으로 나타나고 있다. 제주도의 한라산을 지칭하는 표준어는 Halla-san으로 등재되어 있으나 이명으로 소개되어 있는 것이 무려 11개나 등록되어 있는 것으로 파악되었다. Halla-san에 대한 미국의 NGA(National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)의 지명정보 데이터베이스에서 검색한 결과는 아래와 같다. 앞의 간라산 또는 간다산 등은 일본식 표기임이 확실하며 여기에 오크랜드산(Auckland, Mount)이라고 또한 표기되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 대만의 경우 총 1,280개의 산악명과 산맥명이 등재되어 있으니 일본어 표기는 하나도 없으며, 영어로 Central Mountains와 Seaboard Mountains두개만 영문표기 지명이 등재되어 있을 뿐이며, 그 가운데 12개는 한자로 표기되어 있다. 국내의 지명이 모두 영문 알파벳으로 표기된 것과는 달리 대만의 경우 한자지명이 그대로 데이터베이스에 등재되어 있다. 하천의 경우를 분석해보면 1485개의 지명이 등록되어 있으며 이 가운데 24개는 한자지명으로 표기되어 있다. 유형별 분석을 통한 연구결과가 올바른 지명 찾기에 기여하고, 독도와 백두산에 국한된 지명논쟁의 근간을 공고히 하는데 기여할 것으로 사료된다.

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Interpretation on Making Techniques of Some Ancient Ceramic Artifacts from Midwestern Korean Peninsula: Preliminary Study (한반도 중서부 출토 일부 고대 세라믹 유물의 제작기술 해석: 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Chan Hee;Jin, Hong Ju;Choi, Ji Soo;Na, Geon Ju
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.273-291
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    • 2016
  • Some ceramic artifacts representing time-wise from comb pattern pottery in the Neolithic Age to white porcelain in Joseon Dynasty were selected from 7 sites in the north and south area of Charyeong Mountain Range in order to making techniques interpretation and development process of ancient ceramics through physicochemical and mineralogical quantitative analysis. Studied pottery samples in the Prehistoric times showed trace of ring piling in soft-type, and pottery in the Three Kingdoms Period had both soft and hard-type but kettle-ware and storage-ware were made with ring piling, but table-ware was made by wheel spinning. Different from pottery after the Three Kingdom Period when refinement of source clay was high, pottery in the Neolithic Age and in the Bronze Age exhibited highly mineral content in sandy source clay, which showed a lot of larger temper than source clay. Groundmass of celadon and white porcelain almost did not reveal primary minerals but had high content of minerals by high temperature firing. Ceramic samples showed some different in major and minor elements according to sites irrespective of times. Geochemical behaviors are very similar indicating similar basic characteristics of source clay. However, loss-on-ignition showed 0.01 to 12.59wt.% range with a large deviation but it rapidly decreased moving from the Prehistoric times to the Three Kingdom Period. They have correlation with the weight loss due to firings, according to burning degree of source clay and detection of high temperature minerals, estimated firing temperatures are classified into 5 groups. Pottery in the Neolithic Age and in the Bronze Age belongs from 750 to $850^{\circ}C$ group; pottery in the Three Kingdom Period are variously found in 750 to $1,100^{\circ}C$ range of firing temperature; and it is believed celadon and white porcelain were baked in high temperature of 1,150 to $1,250^{\circ}C$. It seems difference between refinement of source clay and firing temperature based on production times resulted from change in raw material supply and firing method pursuant to development of production skill. However, there was difference in production methods even at the same period and it is thought that they were utilized according to use purpose and needs instead of evolved development simply to one direction.

Misconceptions of the Freshmen at High School about Plate Tectonics (판구조론에 관한 고등학교 1학년 학생들의 오개념)

  • Jeong, Kyoung-Jin;Jeong, Ku-Song;Moon, Byoung-Chan;Jeong, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.762-774
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate misconceptions about plate tectonics which spread widely among freshmen at high school with drawing. For this, we chose 6 conceptions about plate tectonics by analysis of 7th curriculum and of 11 kinds of science textbooks. Questionnaire of drawing about plate tectonics were developed depending on them. Data was collected from 134 students who was freshmen at high school in Daegu. The result of this study was as follows. First, In structure of plate, 'upper mantle type' and 'crust type' misconceptions were more than half of the respondents. Second, In distribution of plate, 'cracked earthquake zone type' and 'earthquake frequency type' misconceptions were more than half of the respondents. Third, In formation of ocean ridge at oceanic crust- oceanic crust divergent plate boundary, 'divergence type' and 'collision type' misconceptions were more than half of the respondents. Fourth, In formation of mountain ridge at continental crust- continental crust convergent plate boundary, 'collision type' misconceptions were more than half of the respondents. Fifih, In formation of mountain ridge at oceanic crust- continental crust convergent plate boundary, 'subduction type' and 'fault type' misconceptions were more than half of the respondents. Sixth, In transform-fault at oceanic crust- oceanic crust transform-fault boundary, 'direction type' and 'section type' misconceptions were almost half of the respondents. In this study, students' drawings about plate tectonics showed similar misconceptions. This imply that drawing conceptions can be used by the strong evidence of misconceptions which spread widely among students. Furthermore, this study has a significance that this conclusion is useful to teachers as basic teaching-teaming materials of plate tectonics.

Discussions on the Distribution and Genesis of Mountain Ranges in the Korean Peninsular (II) : The Proposal of 'Sanjulgi-Jido(Mountain Ridge Map)‘ (한국 산맥론(II): 한반도 '산줄기 지도'의 제안)

  • Park Soo Jin;SON ILL
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, there are strong social demands to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains in Korea. This study aims to develop a 'Sanjulgi-Jido(mountain ridge map)' that might be used not only to satisfy these social demands but also to effectively present the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins in the Korean Peninsular. The 'Sanjulgi-Jido' developed in this study is a map that presents the continuity of mountains based on the drainage divides that are delineated by a pre-defined drainage basin size and elevation. This study first validated the Bakdudaegan system through the analyses of a digital elevation model. The Bakdudaegan system has long been recognized as the Koreans traditional conceptual framework to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains. The analyses showed that the Bakdudaegan system has several problems to represent the mountain systems in Korea, which includes 1) the lack of the representativeness of drainage basins, 2) inaccuracy to depict the boundary of drainage basins, 3) the lack of representativeness of mountains, and 4) geo-polical issue that confines the spatial extent of mountain systems within the Korean Peninsular. In order to represent the mountains system in a more quantitative manner, we applied several terrain analysis techniques to understand the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins. Based on these analyses, we developed an hierarchical system to classify the continuity (If mountains, which are presented as the spatial distribution of drainage divides with a certain elevation. The first-order Sanjulgi is the drainage divides whose drainage basin are bigger than $5,000km^2$ and the point elevation is above 100m. The next order Sanjulgi is delineated as the size of drainage basin is successively divided by two. This kind of design is able to provide a logical framework to present the mountain systems at different details, depending on the purpose and scale of maps. We also provide several empirical functions to calculate various geomorphological indices for each order of Sanjulgi. The 'Sanjulgi Jido' is similar with the Bakdudaegan system, since it characterizes the continuity of mountains based on the spatial distribution of the drainage divide. It, however, has more scientific criteria to define the scale and continuity of mountains. It should be also noted that the 'Sanjulgi Jido' proposed has different logical and methodological background, compared with the mountain range map that explains the genesis of mountain systems in addition to the continuity of mountains.

A Study on the Traditional Geographic System Recognition and Environmental Value Estimate of Hannamkeumbuk-Keumbuk Mountains for the Establishment of a Management Plan (관리계획 수립을 위한 한남금북.금북정맥의 전통적 지리체계인식과 환경가치 추정 연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Kim, Dong-Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2012
  • In this study, how much users of Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains are aware of Baekdaegan and its attached mountain chains, a traditional geographic system, according to Sangyungpyo and basic data like the degree of awareness and use-behaviors, etc. have been studied. In addition, the environmental value of Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains separating the central and the southern part of Korea among attached mountain ranges, secondary mountain chains, which act as an ecosystem buffer in the Baekdudaegan Range, has been estimated at the current amount of currency. In the questions of the perception of the traditional classification standard of mountain chains and Baekdudaegan, more than 70% of respondents answered that they had heard of or known them but 66.8% werenot aware of Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains. While the awareness for Baekdudaegan is high, the perception of its attached mountain chains was very poor. DBDC responder system and CVM, which is used widely for the value estimate method of environment goods, were used. As the result, an additional benefit got when a person visits Hannamkeumbuk Keumbuk mountains was estimated as 5,813 won. It could find out that this amount was very low compared with 51,984 won, average visit cost. It judged that the reason was that damage of environmental conditions, the monotony of the trails and progress of indiscriminate environmental destruction, etc. The results of this study will offer a new perspective on public relations activities and resource conservation of Baekdudaegan and its attached mountain chains and estimate perceptions and efficient services for visitors to HannamKeumbuk Keumbuk Mountains. This study will act as data for basic planning and management to increase the mountains' value and to preserve them. Further studies are needed to make a frame of work division and management with various organizations so that the management of Hannamkeumbuk-Keumbuk Mountains may be properly established and their value may been hanced.

The annual variation pattern and regional division of weather eatropy in South Korea (남한의 일기엔트로피의 연변화유형과 지역구분)

  • ;Park, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.207-229
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    • 1995
  • The characteristics of weather and climate in South Korea has great influences on the annual variation pattern and the appearance of the prevailing weather. The purpose of this paper is to induce the quantity of the weather entropy and annual variation pattern using the information theory and the principal component analysis. And author tried to classify the region according to the variation of its space scale, The raw materials used for this study are the daily cloudiness and precipitation during the years 1990-1994 at 69 stations in South Korea. It is divided into four classes of fine, clear, cloudy and rainy. The rcsults of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Thc characteristics of annual variation pattern of weather entropy can be chiefly divided into five categories and the accumulated contributory rate of these is 73.1%. 2. Annual variation pattern of the first principal component reaches smaller in May, April and September than national average, and becomes greater when the winter comes. This weather entropy's quantity(Rs1) is positive in most area to the western sife of Soback Mountains and negative in most seaside area to the eastern side of Soback Mountains. 3. The characteristics of annual variation pattern of the second principal component shows that the entropy is more smaller in summer than national average and the rest of seasons shows larger, especially in January, May and September. This weather entropy's quantity(Rs2) is positive in most Honam Inland area to the western side of Soback Mountains and negative in most Youngnam Inland area to the eastern side of Soback Mountains. 4. Eight type regions (S1-S11) are classified based on the occurrences of minimum weather entropy in South Korea, and annual variation pattern of weather entropy by principal component analysis may be classified into sixteen type regions (Rs1-Rs9). Putting these things together, South Korea can be classifieed into thirty one type regions (Rs1S7-Rs9S10).

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The Whereabout of the Bell Imperial-Dragon-Temple (皇龍寺 49萬소斤 巨鐘은 어디로)

  • Lee, Byung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 1997
  • Recently, the search for the whereabout of the huge Bell Imperial-Dragon-Temple becomes a great issue. If it happens to be found out and ringing at the original location of the Bell in Kyungjoo City, the Bell might be a great national treasure and lasting to the eternity with her beautiful sound. The Bell was so huge that the total weight of the raw material put into crucibles was 497,581 Kun (289 tons), the shoulder weight 10.3 Chuk (3.14 m) and the maximum thickness 9 Chon (27.4 cm). The Bell was erected in 754 in Shilla Dynasty and was assumed to be lost during the war time by the 3rd invasion of Mongolians (1235~8). However, the author found out that the huge Bell was recast into a new small Bell (8.1 ton) in 1103 by the people of Koryu Dynasty and then the new small Bell was hung in the same position as in the original huge Bell. 135 years later, the new small Bell was carried out by Mongolian forces as a spoil of war from Kyungjoo to the Bay Tonghaegoo, through the saddle point of Mountain Toham, Yangbuk and Riber Great Bell. At the bay, Mongolian forces wished to bring back the Bell to Mongolia by a ship, but they dropped the Bell into the sea by accident. So, if this was the case, the bell at the seabed may be the new small bell (7.4 ton) but not the original huge Bell (41.0 ton) For the evaluation of missing data of the two bells, the author sets up two equations relating all the dimensions and their weights, which seems to be a useful guide to the design of bells. The results of the evaluation of the Bells are as follows. The huge Bell The new small Bell Weight 41.0 ton 7.4 ton Shoulder ht. 3.14 m 2.07 m Mouth diameter 2.468 m 1.546 m Max. thickness 27.4 cm (9 Chon) 11.9 cm (3.9 Chon)

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Geology and Mineralization of the Iscaycruz Pb-Zn-Cu Project, Central Peru (페루 중부 이스카이크루즈 연-아연-동 프로젝트의 지질 및 광화작용)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Nam, Hyeong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2021
  • The geology of the Iskaycruz project are mainly composed of sedimentary rocks within Cretaceous basin. The basal part is composed up of dark-gray shale, gray sandstone, and clastic rock of Oyon formation interbedded with coal measures. In the folded zone in the eastern part of the survey area, there is Chimu formation that has medium-grained massive and white quarztite. In terms of geological structure, the Iskaykruz region is located in the folded and overthrust zones of the central part of the Occidental Mountains. Ore body was formed by hydrothermal replacement process and consists of zinc, lead, silver, and copper. Stratabound-type deposits are hosted in limestone of Santa formation. It extends 12 kilometers discontinuously from northern Canaypata to southern Antapampa. Irregular iron oxide and sulfide minerals hosted in Santa and Parihuanca formations are observed. The mineralization observed on the surface consist of primary sulfides consisting of sphalerite with galena and chalcopyrite, and iron and manganese oxide produced from oxidation of primary sulfides. Skarn minerals are accompanied by tremolite, garnet, epidote and quartz.

Influences of Environmental Gradients on the Patterns of Vegetation Structure and Tree Age Distribution in the East Side of Cascade Range, Washington, USA (워싱턴주(州) 케스케이드산맥(山脈) 동(東)쪽 산림(山林)에서 환경구배(環境勾配)가 식생구조(植生構造)와 연령분포(年齡分布)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Woo, Su Young;Lee, Kyung Joon;Lee, Sang Don
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.1
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 1996
  • To understand vegetation changes along environmental gradients in the natural forests in the east side of the Cascade Range in Washington state, USA, line transects were used to sample six different forest environments in the Wenatchee National Forest in the north-facing and south-facing sites at 975, 1280 and 1700m elevation. Data were analyzed using ordination by detranded correspondence analysis. Pseudotsuga menziesii was found as one of the dominant species on all the six sites regardless of elevation or aspect, while Pinus ponderosa was dominant on south slopes only. Abies grandis and A. lasiocarpa were dominant species on north slopes at elevations of 1280 and 1700m, respectively. Moisture, as it related to aspect, was identified as one of the most important environmental gradients for explaining the variation of vegetation types. On north-facing slopes, compared to south-facing slopes, where moisture was not as limiting and canopies could grow denser, probably, elevation or competitive interaction was more important. Species diversity tended to decrease with increasing environmental severity, with south slopes having less diversity than north slopes due to extended water stress and harsher temperature extremes on south slopes. The age structure on north-facing and south-facing slopes was different. Light intensity, moisture and climate were different between these two slopes. Large scale disturbances(e.g., big fire or insects) were major causes in changing age structure. Younger trees showed a closer relationship between size and age than adult trees. DBH values of shade intolerant species in south-facing slope were bigger than those of north-facing slope, which suggested that aspect of stands be the most important factor for age and size.

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Establishment of an Ice Core Processing Method and Analytical Procedures for Fundamental Proxies (빙하코어의 전처리 방법 및 기초 프록시 분석법 확립)

  • Jun, Seong Joon;Hong, Sang Bum;Hur, Soon Do;Lee, Jeonghoon;Kang, Jung-Ho;Hwang, Hee Jin;Chung, Ji Woong;Jung, Hye Jin;Han, Changhee;Hong, Sungmin
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2014
  • We established the first complete ice core processing method and analytical procedures for fundamental proxies, using a 40.2 m long ice core drilled on the Mt. Tsambagarav glacier in the Mongolian Altai mountains in July 2008. The whole core was first divided into two sub ice core sections and the measurements of the visual stratigraphy and electrical conductivity were performed on the surface of these sub core sections. A continuous sequence of samples was then prepared for chemical analyses (stable isotope ratios of oxygen ($^{18}O/^{16}O$) and hydrogen ($^2H/^1H$), soluble ions and trace elements). A total of 29 insoluble dust layers were identified from the measurement of visual stratigraphy. The electrical conductivity measurement (ECM) shows 11 peaks with the current more than 0.8 ${\mu}A$ Comparing the profiles of $SO_4{^{2-}}$ and $Cl^-$ concentrations to correlate with known volcanic eruptions, the first two ECM peaks appear to be linked to the eruptions (January and June 2007) of Kliuchevskoi volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia, which supports the reliability of our ECM data. Finally, the composition of stable isotopes (${\delta}^{18}O$ and ${\delta}D$) shows a well-defined seasonal variation, suggesting that various chemical proxies may have been well preserved in the successive ice layers of Tsambagarav ice core. Our ice core processing method and analytical procedures for fundamental proxies are expected to be used for paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental studies from polar and alpine ice cores.