• Title/Summary/Keyword: 1인 구조자

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Ultrastructural Changes during Germination of Ginseng Seeds (Panax ginseng) (인삼종자의 발아과정에 있어서 미세구조의 변화)

  • Kim, Woo-Kap;Park, Hong-Duok;Kim, Eun-Soo;Han, Sung-Sik
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 1979
  • The ultrastructural changes of embryo and endosperm cells were observed during the green fruit with embryo about $250{\mu}$ long to germination. 1. In the embryo cells of green fruit with embryo about $250{\mu}$ long, mitochondrial cristae and plastid are undifferentiated and dictyosome are occasionally observed. There are electron-opaque globoids in the vacuole and a lot of spherosomes in the outer layer of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Endosperm is filled with spherosomes and electron-opaque protein bodies surrounded by spherosomes, and due to these, other organelle are not observed. 2. In the embryo cells of seeds with red seed coat, mitochondrial cristae are well developed, electron-opaque globoids increased, and vacuoles are enlarged. In the endosperm, however, spherosomes increased, protein bodies are enlarged, and electron-opaque globoidal crystals are dispersed within them. 3. In the procambium and epicotyl cells of dehiscent seed, Golgi vacuoles and vesicles are well developed, and mitochondrial cristae are also well differentiated. Spherosomes are numerously present and radicle cells, peripheral cells of hypocotyl, and vacuoles of cotyledon are well differentiated. Endosperm is filled with spherosomes containing electron-opaque granules and protein bodies are surrounded by a single membrane. There are acid phosphatase around globoids and spherosomes. 4. At the time of seeding, spherosomes markedly increased in the outer layer of cotyledon and protein bodies are also observed. Cell organelles are differentiated and plastids containing starch are also present. 5. In the outer $2{\sim}3$ layers of cotyledons, radicle cells, and peripheral cells of hypocotyl during post-seeding to germination, spherosomes and plastids with starch increased, and mitochondria and microbodies are also found around the nucleus of embryo cells. With approaching, the germination stage, in the endosperm contacting with embryo, vacuoles are well differentiated but spherosomes decreased. There increased electron-opaque materials within vacuoles. In other endosperm, with the decrease of spherosome, mitochondria increased and electro n-opaque globular bodies are formed and gradually increased. The outer layer of protein bodies are reduced while electron-transparent portions are enlarged and fused together to occupy the outer layer where small particles are formed. 6. In the endosperm of germination stage, spherosomes decreased while protein bodies, are fused together to form 2 or 3 within a cell.

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Distribution Characteristics of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) as an Exotic Species, in Some Medium-to-Large Size Korean Reservoirs and Physico-chemical Water Quality in the Habitats (국내 중대형 인공호에서 외래종인 배스(Micropterus salmoides)의 분포 특성 및 서식지의 이화학적 수질)

  • Kim, Hyun-Mac;Kil, Ji-Hyon;Lee, Eui-Haeng;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to understand the distribution characteristics of largemouth bass as an exotic species in relation to water chemistry. The survey was conducted in 10 reservoirs in Korea that showed different properties in size, location and eutrophic state. Total number of fish species observed in the artificial reservoirs was 52 (13 family) and the relative abundance of the bass was 13% of the total, which is the third dominant species in the whole sample. The relative abundance of bass was the highest in the Pyungtak reservoir (60%), whereas the Daechung reservoir showed the lowest abundance (only 3%). Although no significance difference statistically were founded in the relationship between bass abundance and water quality parameters. The reservoir trophic state showed some relationships. As result, the higher abundance was observed in hypertrophic reservoirs that located in the esturine regions compared to other large and medium reservoirs classified as meso- or eutrphic state. In conclusion, bass distribution in the reservoir ecosystem can not be directly explained by water chemistry only but other environmental factors should be considered.

Changes in Nutrient Distribution, Cycling, and Availability in Aspen Stands after an Intensive Harvesting (집약적(集約的)인 벌채(伐採)로 인한 미국(美國)사시나무림내 양분(養分)의 분포(分布), 순환 (循環) 및 가용성(可溶性)의 변화(變化))

  • Kim, Dong Yeob
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.4
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    • pp.656-666
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    • 1996
  • Aspen demand has increased recently in the Great Lakes region in the United States. Since aspen has moved into the region in late 1800's, its growing stock has increased so as to change forestry industry of the Lake States. Intensive timber harvesting and biomass removal may cause nutrient depletion, especially on nutrient-poor sites. Forest nutrients and nutrient cycling were investigated in aspen stands of 7-10, 27-33, and 41-42 year-old growing on sandy soils in Minnesota. Nutrients added to the aspen stands by atmospheric deposition and soil weathering were efficiently absorbed and stored in the tree biomass. Aboveground biomass increased from $24.4t{\cdot}ha^{-1}$ at young stands to $139.2t{\cdot}ha^{-1}$ at mature stands. Nutrients accumulated in the tree biomass showed same magnitude of difference. Nutrients added to the site through atmospheric deposition were in the order of Ca, N, K, Mg, and P. Annual litterfall was greater in older stands. However, the amount of nutrients returned by litterfall was not significantly different among stand ages due to the greater nutrient contents in the litterfall of young stands. Litter decomposition and nutrient release rates were greater at young stands than at older stands. Likewise, nutrient availability was higher in young aspen stands and became lower as the stands grew older. Nutrient leaching loss was minimal at all stand ages. Soil N mineralization was greater at young stands than at older stands. Nutrient cycling process was facilitated in young aspen stands with an increased level of available nutrients, Based on the estimations of nutrient balance and nutrient removal by harvesting, Ca was the most critical element which was likely to be depleted if aspen stands are intensively harvested with short rotations.

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Shallow Subsurface Structure of the Yaksoo Area, Ulsan, Korea by Geophysical Surveys (물리탐사기법에 의한 울산광역시 약수지역 천부지하구조 조사)

  • Lee, Jung-Mo;Kong, Young-Sae;Chang, Tae-Woo;Park, Dong-Hee;Kim, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2000
  • The location and geometry of the Ulsan Fault play important roles in interpreting tectonic evolution of the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. Dipole-dipole electrical resistivity surveys and seismic refraction surveys were carried out in the Yaksoo area, Ulsan in order to measure the thickness of the alluvium covering the Ulsan Fault and to find associated fracture zones and possibly the location of its major fault plane. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted. Some results reported previously by others were also used in this interpretation. No low resistivity anomalies were found in the cross-sectional resistivity image of the survey line located in the east of the Dong River. In contrast, well-developed continuous low resistivity anomalies were detected in the west of the Dong River. This strongly suggests that the major fault plane of the Ulsan Fault is located under or in the west part of the Dong River. Two refraction boundaries corresponding to the underground water level and the bottom of the alluvium were found by refraction surveys carried out on the limited part of the east survey line. The thickness of the alluvium was found to be about 30 m. Small faults in the basement rock identified by reflection surveys were not detected by both resistivity and refraction seismic surveys. This might be explained by assuming that low resistivity anomaly is more closely related to the clay contents than the water contents. On the other hand, it may be resulted by the limited resolution of the resistivity and refraction surveys. Detailed study is required to clarify the reason. Resistivity survey is frequently considered to be a good exploration method to detect subsurface faults. However, it appears to be less useful than reflection seismic survey in this work. In dipole-dipole resistivity survey, the number of separation should be increased to survey deeper subsurface with the same resolution. However, signal to noise ratio decreases as the number of separation increases. In this survey area, the signal to noise ratio of up to sixteen separations was good enough based on the statistical properties of measurements.

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Renal Anomalies in Children with Turner Syndrome (Turner 증후군 환자에서 신기형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji Young;Hong, Sun Young;Park, Young Mi;Park, Yong Hoon;Chung, Woo Yeong
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.891-895
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The prevalence of renal anomalies in Turner syndrome(TS) has been reported to vary from 33% to 60%. The purpose of this study was to clarify the true incidence of renal malformations in Korean TS. Methods : We evaluated 33 patients with Turner syndrome diagnosed by karyotype in Inje University Busan Paik hospital and Youngnam University from January 1995. Intravenous pyelography(IVP) was performed on all patients; abdominal ultrasonography and 99mTc-DMSA renal scan were performed on some. Cytogenetic analysis was performed on all patients with peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results : Of the total 33 patients, the karyotype showed 45, X in 18(54.5%) patients, mosaicism in 11(33.3%) patients and structural aberration in 4(12.2%) patients. The overall incidence of renal anomalies was 36.4%. The renal anomalies included four cases of horeshoe kidney, six cases of abnormal renal collecting system one case of single kidney and one case of malrotation. The incidence of renal anomalies in 45, X karotype(44.4%) showed a higher rate than that of mosaicism and structural aberration(26.7%), but there is no statistical significance. Conclusion : The incidence of renal anomalies in Korean TS reveals 36.4%. This rate is similar to other foreign TS studies. We recommend that renal ultrasonography or IVP for investigation of renal anomalies should be done as a screening procedure for the better quality of life in patients with TS.

A Q-study on Librarians' Role Orientations (도서관 사서의 역할지향(Role Orientation)에 관한 Q 연구)

  • Jung, Hyun-Wook;Kang, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the role orientation that librarians are expected to carry during their career-life. More specifically, this study examined the pattern of librarians subjectivism related to attitude, belief, and confidence. Q questions were made of 36 items, including personal value system and role attitude. P sample included 23 librarians. Data were collected for 8 days (from April 15, 2005 to April 22, 2005). Analyses showed the following results. First, librarians role orientations were classified into 3 types: user-centered orientation, organization-centered orientation, and expertise-centered orientation. (1) The first type librarians were interested in having good relationships with users, while emphasizing the importance of providing good services to the users. (2) The second type of librarians were concerned with social function of the library, while placing highlight on their roles as organizational members. Among them, achievement evaluation was regarded as an important indicator of personal success. They were interested in having stable organizational culture, as well as economic growth of libraries. This orientation was dominant among married members. (3) The third type of librarians focused on librarians role implementation and professional achievement. They showed interest not only in the improvement of librarians creativity and the growth of expertises, but also the expansion of retraining opportunities. This orientation was conspicuous among female librarians. Second, several commonalities and differences were consistently found among librarians. The first type was interested in user-centered orientation(user contact, need satisfaction, self dignity, etc.). The second type was interested in organization-centered orientation(creativity, expertise growth, retraining opportunity, professional achievement. self-respect, etc.).

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Reproductive Progress and Heavy Metal Contamination of Feral Pigeons (Columba livia) in Seoul and the Ansan Industrial Complex areas (도심 및 공단지역에 서식하는 비둘기의 중금속 축적과 번식 경과 비교)

  • 남동하;이두표;구태회
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2003
  • This study focused on relationships between Pb and Cd concentrations and the difference of success reproductive progress in urban (Seoul) and industrial complex (Ansan) areas. Results of the Pb analysis for the feral pigeons from Seoul (egg contents:1.64 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet $g^{-1}$, adults in bones: 29.5 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet $g^{-1}$ and the Ansan industrial complex (egg contents: 1.13 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet $g^{-1}$, adults in bones: 10.5 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet g-1) showed that the Pb level of eggs and adults is significantly different between the two colonies (p<0.05). Cd concentrations in liver and kidneys of adult pigeons were also significantly different between Seoul(liver: 0.24 ${\mu}g$ wet $g^{-1}$, kidney: 1.05 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet $g^{-1}$ and the Ansan (liver: 0.14 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet $g^{-1}$, kidney: 0.43 $\mu\textrm{g}$ wet $g^{-1}$ colonies (P<0.05). Clutch size of Feral Pigeons living in Seoul was similar between the two colonies, 1.9$\pm$0.3 in Seoul and 2.0$\pm$0.0 in Ansan. The length, breadth, and thickness of eggs were not significantly different between the two colonies (p>0.05). Incubation period in Seoul (17.8 days) did not differ from the Ansan (17.4 days). No difference in growth rate (body weight, wing length, and tarsus length) was found between the two test groups (p>0.05). In Seoul, 65.2% were hatching, and 42.1% fledging. The Proportion of hatching and fledging in the Ansan was 60.7% and 45.0%, respectively. The significant differences between the two colonies for reproductive sucess were not found (p>0.05). With regard to the reproductive effects to the heavy metals, the Pb and Cd concentrations feund in the two colonies were not as high as those considered in results of toxic effects in other species.

Synthesis of Cyclen-Based Copper Complexes as a Potential Estrogen Receptor Ligand (에스트로젠 수용체 리간드로서 사이클렌을 기본 구조로 한 구리 착물의 합성)

  • Park, Jeong-Chan;Pandya, Darpan N.;Jeon, Hak-Rim;Lee, Sang-Woo;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Lee, Jae-Tae;Yoo, Jeong-Soo
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.326-334
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The estrogen receptor (ER), which is over-expressed in ER-positive breast tumors, has been imaged by positron emission tomography (PET) using $[^{18}F]$ labeled estrogen ligands, especially $[^{18}F]FES$. However, $[^{18}F]$ has relatively short-lived half-life ($t_{1/2}$ =1.8 h) and the labeling yield of radio-fluorination is usually low compared with $^{64}Cu\;(t_{1/2}=12.7\;h)$. 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (cyclen) is used to form stable metal complexes with copper, indium, gallium, and gadolinium. With these in mind, we prepared cyclen-based Cu complexes which mimic estradiol in aspect of two hydroxyl groups. Materials and Methods: 1.7-Protected cyclen, 1.7-bis (benzyloxycarbonyl)-cyclen was synthesized according to the reported procedure. After introducing two 4-benzyloxybenzyl groups at 4,10-positions, the benzyloxycarbonyl and benzyl groups were removed at the same time by hydrogenation on Pd/C to give 1,7-bis(4-hydroxybenzyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (1). Results: The prepared ligand 1 was fully characterized by $^1H,\;^{13}C$ NMR, and mass spectrometer. The synthesized ligand was reacted with copper chloride and copper perchlorate to give copper complexes $[Cu(1)]^{2+}2(CIO_4^-)\;and\;[Cu(1)Cl]^+Cl^-$ which were confirmed by high-resolution mass (FAB). Conclusion: We successfully synthesized a cyclen derivative of which two phenol groups are located on trans position of N-atoms. And, two Cu(ll) complexes of +2 and +1 overall charge, were prepared as a potential PET tracers for ER imaging.

Restructuring of the Old-Age Income Maintenance System and Development Direction of the Seniority Pension Scheme in Korea (노령소득보장체계의 재구축과 경로연금제도의 발전방향)

  • Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.50
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    • pp.235-263
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    • 2002
  • The present study is designed to explore restructuring direction of the old-age income maintenance system and development direction of the Seniority Pension Scheme(SPS) in Korea. While the SPS is trifling scheme with tiny benefit amount and small budget, the SPS has important role that function as only public income maintenance scheme for both the low income class and the excluded from public pension and public assistance at present stage because of immature National Pension. This study starts with the research question why serious mis-matching problem between needs and resources in old-age income maintenance system occur. Thus this study explores fundamental change direction of the old-age income maintenance system which is coincide with further situation change(demography, labour market, family structure). Also this study explores desirable SPS's development direction as taking into account relation with other public old-age income maintenance system. This paper suggests basic direction of old-age income maintenance system as follows: principle of universal and individual security; principle of sustainability; principle of equity. Under general principle, this paper also proposes largely two development scenario of the SPS. The one is to maintain present transitional and provisional scheme with trying scheme's substantiality. The other is to change into permanent old-age income maintenance scheme for the excluded public pension and public assistance. At this point it is the public pension's role that the SPS's development direction is determined. If the public pension keep one pension per one earner as present system, non-contribution pension as present SPS should maintain continuously. However, if the public pension reorganize into basic pension of one pension per one person and earning-related pension, the SPS should be managed temporarily until mature of public pension. Therefore whether the public pension play basic security role for all elderly or not will determine the SPS development direction.

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Petrology of Host Body of Feldspar Deposits in Jechon Ganites (장석광상 모암인 제천반상화강암의 암석학적 특성)

  • Lee, Han-Yeang;Kim, Dai-Oap;Park, Joong-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.405-414
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    • 2001
  • Jecheon granite can be divided into two types; porphyritic granite (K-feldspar megacryst bearing) and medium-grained biotite granite. Porphyritic granite, host body of feldspar deposits, is 8${\sim}$11 km in diameter and about 80 $km^{2}$ in area. It mainly contains K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and quartz, and magnetite, zircon, sphene and apatite are accessary minerals. Enclosed minerals in K-feldspar megacryst with 3${\sim}$10 cm in diameter are hornblende, plagioclase, quartz, magnetite, apatite, sphene and zircon. Mafic enclaves mainly consisting of hornblende, plagioclase and quartz are frequently observed in porphrytic granite. Medium-grained biotite granite consists of K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende as main, and hematite, muscovite, apatite and zircon as accessary minerals. Core and rim An contents of plagioclase from porphyritic granite, medium biotite granite, K-feldspar megacryst, and mafic enclave are 36 and 21, 40 and 32, 37 and 32, and 43 and 36, respectively. $X_{Fe}$ values of hornblende are 0.57 at biotite granite, 0.51 at K-feldspar mehacryst and 0.45 at mafic enclave. $X_{Fe}$ values of biotite and hornblende are homogeneous without chemical zonation. K-feldspar megacryst shows end member of pure composition with exsolved thin lamellar pure albites. Characteristics of mineral compositions and petrography indicate porphyritic granite is igneous origin and medium-grained biotite granite comes from the same source of magma; biotite granite is initiated to solidly and from residual melt porphyritic granite can be formed. Possibly K-feldspar megacrysts are formde under H$_{2}$O undersaturation condition and near K-feldspar solidus curve temperature; growth rate is faster than nucleation rate. Mafic enclaves are thought to be mingled mafic magma in felsic magma, which is formed from compositional stratigraphy. Estimated equilibrium temperature and pressure for medium-grained biotite granite are about $800^{\circ}C$ and 4.83${\sim}$5.27 Kb, respectively.

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