• 제목/요약/키워드: 후공정

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A Study on Creation of Fair Transaction Environment between Platform Operator and Contents Provider in Broadcasting Industry (방송 산업 내 플랫폼사업자와 콘텐츠사업자 간 공정거래환경 조성 연구)

  • Yonghee Kim;Joonho Do
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2023
  • In a broadcasting market environment that has a close interdependence between platform operators and content operators, problems such as conflicts over program usage fees, and home shopping transmission fees are intensifying. This study attempted to analyze the environment of the domestic broadcasting market and present implications, analyze the cause of user fee conflict between the platform and PP, and propose detailed alternatives to resolve user fee conflict disputes. The results of environmental analysis on the domestic broadcasting market are as follows. First, the growth engine of the broadcasting industry has changed to direct resources such as service usage fees and content fees, and commerce is increasing. Second, as hegemony in the domestic broadcasting market changes from terrestrial to paid broadcasting and OTT, monopolies in the entire broadcasting area are being dismantled by voluntary entry. Third, the need to overhaul the existing regulatory system is increasing due to the dismantling and reorganization of the existing broadcasting market. On the other hand, this study proposed a strategy to diversify the profit structure of PP, supply program after pre-contracting, and strengthen CPS bargaining power in order to resolve disputes between paid broadcasting platforms and PP sharply. In particular, as strategies to strengthen CPS bargaining power of small and medium-sized SOs, it proposed to jointly improve CPS-related systems through IPTV and individual SOs, to redefine fees for programs and to voluntarily use programs.

A Study on the Blockchain based Frequency Allocation Process for Private 5G (블록체인 기반 5G 특화망 주파수 할당 프로세스 연구)

  • Won-Seok Yoo;Won-Cheol Lee
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2023
  • The current Private 5G use procedure goes through the step of application examination, use and usage inspection, and can be divided in to application, examination step as a procedure before frequency allocation, and use, usage inspection step as a procedure after frequency allocation. Various types of documents are required to apply for a Private 5G, and due to the document screening process and radio station inspection for using Private 5G frequencies, the procedure for Private 5G applicants to use Private 5G is complicated and takes a considerable amount of time. In this paper, we proposed Frequency Allocation Process for Private 5G using a blockchain platform, which is fast and simplified than the current procedure. Through the use of a blockchain platform and NFT (Non-Fungible Token), reliability and integrity of the data required in the frequency allocation process were secured, and security of frequency usage information was maintained and a reliable Private 5G frequency allocation process was established. Also by applying the RPA system that minimizes human intervention, fairness was secured in the process of allocating Private 5G. Finally, the frequency allocation process of Private 5G based on the Ethereum blockchain was performed though a simulation.

A Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Rights and OSH of Seafarers and Tendency in 2022 Amendments of Maritime Labour Convention (팬데믹이 선원의 권리 및 안전보건에 미친 영향과 2022년 해사노동협약 개정 동향 연구)

  • Hyun-Wook Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.1191-1200
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    • 2022
  • The COVID-19 pandemic can be deemed one of the greatest hardships faced by mankind in the 21st century. All industries have been severely affected and workers are still experiencing deep difficulties due to the changed working and living environment. Seafarers have been recognized by the international community as key workers since the pandemic began. They are also working internationally to establish a Level Playing Field through the protection of their rights through the Seafarers' Employment Agreement and the implementation of international labour standards. However, despite the obligations under international conventions to be implemented by State parties and the recommendations by international organizations, the rights of seafarers under the Maritime Labour Convention were violated were violated and their occupational safety and health of seafarers were further threatened throughout the pandemic. This article analyzes the impact of the international shipping industry and the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention based on each country's measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the amendments of the Maritime Labour Convention adopted through the fourth Special Tripartite Committee were analyzed based on the conference documents and reports to comprehend the implied meaning. The adopted eight amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention are expected to positively affect the seafarers' rights, safety and health in the future, but the international community's efforts should continue because the issues of maximum working hours, maximum service period on board, and the repatriation of seafarers still remain unsettled.

The effect of external influence and operational management level on urban water system from water-energy nexus perspective (물-에너지 넥서스 관점에서 외부영향과 운영관리 수준이 도시물순환시스템에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seo Hyung;Shin, Bongwoo;Song, Youngseok;Kim, Dongkyun;Shin, Eunher
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.9
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    • pp.587-602
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    • 2023
  • Due to climate change, population growth, and economic development, the demand for water in the urban water system (UWS) and the energy required for water use constantly increase. Therefore, beyond the traditional method of considering only the water sector, the Nexus approach, which considers synergies and trade-offs between the water and energy sectors, has begun to draw attention. In previous researches, the Nexus methodology was used to demonstrate that the UWS is an energy-intensive system, analyze the water-energy efficiency relationship surrogated by energy intensity, and identify climate (long-term climate change, drought, type), geographic characteristics (topography, flat ratio, location), system characteristics (total supply water amount, population density, pipeline length), and operational management level (water network pressure, leakage rate, water saving) effects on the UWS. Through this, it was possible to suggest the direction of policies and institutions to UWS managers. However, there was a limit to establishing and implementing specific action plans. This study built the energy intensity matrix of the UWS, quantified the impact of city conditions, external influences, and operational management levels on the UWS using the water-energy Nexus model, and introduced water-energy efficiency criteria. With this, UWS managers will be able to derive strategies and action plans for efficient operation management of the UWS and evaluate suitability and validity after implementation.

Improving Lifetime Prediction Modeling for SiON Dielectric nMOSFETs with Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Degradation (SiON 절연층 nMOSFET의 Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown 열화 수명 예측 모델링 개선)

  • Yeohyeok Yun
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2023
  • This paper analyzes the time-dependent dielectric breakdown(TDDB) degradation mechanism for each stress region of Peri devices manufactured by 4th generation VNAND process, and presents a complementary lifetime prediction model that improves speed and accuracy in a wider reliability evaluation region compared to the conventional model presented. SiON dielectric nMOSFETs were measured 10 times each under 5 constant voltage stress(CVS) conditions. The analysis of stress-induced leakage current(SILC) confirmed the significance of the field-based degradation mechanism in the low electric field region and the current-based degradation mechanism in the high field region. Time-to-failure(TF) was extracted from Weibull distribution to ascertain the lifetime prediction limitations of the conventional E-model and 1/E-model, and a parallel complementary model including both electric field and current based degradation mechanisms was proposed by extracting and combining the thermal bond breakage rate constant(k) of each model. Finally, when predicting the lifetime of the measured TDDB data, the proposed complementary model predicts lifetime faster and more accurately, even in the wider electric field region, compared to the conventional E-model and 1/E-model.

Repair of Plasma Damaged Low-k Film in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (초임계이산화탄소를 이용한 플라즈마 손상된 다공성 저유전 막질의 복원)

  • Jung, Jae-Mok;Lim, Kwon-Taek
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2010
  • Repair reaction of plasma damaged porous methyl doped SiOCH films was carried out with silylation agents dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide ($scCO_2$) at various reaction time, pressure, and temperature. While a decrease in the characteristic bands at $3150{\sim}3560cm^{-1}$ was detectable, the difference of methyl peaks was not identified apparently in the FT-IR spectra. The surface hydrophobicity was rapidly recovered by the silylation. In order to induce effective repair in bulk phase, the wafer was heat treated before reaction under vacuum or ambient condition. The contact angle was slightly increased after the treatment and completely recovered after the subsequent silylation. Methyl groups were decreased after the plasma damage, but their recovery was not identified apparently from the FT-IR, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy analyses. Furthermore, Ti evaporator was performed in a vacuum chamber to evaluate the pore sealing effect. The GDS analysis revealed that the open pores in the plasma damaged films were efficiently sealed with the silylation in $scCO_2$.

A Study on Phosphate Removal Characteristic of EAF Slag for Submarine Cover Material (EAF Slag의 해양복토제 활용을 위한$PO_4{^-}-P$ 제거특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Won;Seo, Jong-Beom;Kang, Min-Gyeong;Kim, In-Deuk;Oh, Kwang-Joong
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.258-264
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    • 2010
  • This study estimated the possibility of phosphate removal characteristics to utilize EAF(electric arc furnace) slag as submarine cover material. The major phosphate removal mechanism was a certain formation of HAP precipitation occurred by the ionization reaction between $Ca^{2+}$ and $OH^-$, which were leached from the EAF Slag. Another phosphate removal mechanism was the adsortion of EAF slag surface. As a result of $PO_4{^-}-P$ removal characteristics using continuous column reactor, $PO_4{^-}-P$ concentration decreased rapidly after 3 days and 10 days later, it show under 0.5 ppm. The result as applied in real sea water, shows that the phosphate removal effects were 93~98% by the subaqueous sediment removal using the EAF slag. In conclusion, EAF slag is useful in $PO_4{^-}-P$ removal and control and it is possible to use without additional process like crush and selection.

Separation of Vanadium and Tungsten from Simulated Leach Solutions using Anion Exchange Resins (음이온교환 수지를 이용한 바나듐/텅스텐 혼합용액으로부터 바나듐/텅스텐 분리회수에 관한 연구)

  • Jong Hyuk Jeon;Hong In Kim;Jin Young Lee;Rajesh Kumar Jyothi
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2022
  • The adsorption/desorption behavior and separation conditions of vanadium and tungsten ions were investigated using a gel-type anion-exchange resin. In the adsorption experiment with the initial acidity of the solution, the adsorption rate of vanadium was remarkably low in strong acids and bases. Additionally, the adsorption rate of tungsten was low in a strong base. An increase in the reaction temperature increased the adsorption reaction rate and maximum adsorption. The effect of tungsten on the maximum adsorption was minimal. The adsorption isotherms of vanadium and tungsten on the ion-exchange resin were suitable for the Langmuir adsorption isotherms of both the ions. For tungsten, the adsorption isotherms of vanadium and tungsten were polyoxometalate. Both ion-exchange resins were simulated using similar quadratic reaction rate models. Vanadium was desorbed in the aqueous solutions of HCl or NaOH, the desorption characteristics of vanadium and tungsten depended on the desorption solution, and tungsten was desorbed in the aqueous solution of NaOH. It was possible to separate the two ions using the desorption process. The desorption reaction reached equilibrium within 30 min, and more than 90% recovery was possible.

Synthesis of High-purity Silicon Carbide Powder using the Silicon Wafer Sludge (실리콘 기판 슬러지로부터 고순도 탄화규소 분말 합성)

  • Hanjung Kwon;Minhee Kim;Jihwan Yoon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2022
  • This study presents the carburization process for recycling sludge, which was formed during silicon wafer machining. The sludge used in the carburization process is a mixture of silicon and silicon carbide (SiC) with iron as an impurity, which originates from the machine. Additionally, the sludge contains cutting oil, a fluid with high viscosity. Therefore, the sludge was dried before carburization to remove organic matter. The dried sludge was washed by acid cleaning to remove the iron impurity and subsequently carburized by heat treatment under vacuum to form the SiC powder. The ratio of silicon to SiC in the sludge was varied depending on the sources and thus carbon content was adjusted by the ratio. With increasing SiC content, the carbon content required for SiC formation increased. It was demonstrated that substoichiometric SiCx (x<1) was easily formed when the carbon content was insufficient. Therefore, excess carbon is required to obtain a pure SiC phase. Moreover, size reduction by high-energy milling had a beneficial effect on the suppression of SiCx, forming the pure SiC phase.

The Electrical Characteristics of 1200V Trench Gate MOSFET Based on SiC (1200V급 SiC 기반 트렌치 게이트 MOSFET의 전기적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yu Rim Kim;Dong Hyeon Lee;Min Seo Kim;Jin Woo Choi;Ey Goo Kang
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2023
  • This research was carried out experiments with changing processes and design parameters to optimally design a SiC-based 1200V power MOSFET, and then, essential electrical characteristics were derived. In order to secure the excellence of the trench gate type SiC power MOSFET device to be designed, electrical characteristics were derived by designing it under conditions such as planner gate SiC power MOSFET, and it was compared with the trench gate type SiC power MOSFET device. As a result of the comparative analysis, the on-resistance while maintaining the yield voltage was 1,840mΩ, for planner gate power MOSFET and to 40mΩ for trench gate power MOSFET, respectively, indicating characteristics more than 40 times better. It was judged that excellent results were derived because the temperature resistance directly affects energy efficiency. It is predicted that the devices optimized through this experiment can sufficiently replace the IGBT devices generally used in 1200V class, and that since the SiC devices are wide band gap devices, they will be widely used to apply semiconductors for vehicles using devices with excellent thermal characteristics.