• Title/Summary/Keyword: 효율 성

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Financial Determinants of Credit Default Swap Spreads for Financial Institutions Headquartered in the Republic of Korea (국내 금융기관들의 신용부도스왑 스프레드에 대한 재무적 결정요인 분석)

  • Kim, Hanjoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.338-357
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated any possible financial attributes of the CDS spreads of a firm belonging to financial industries headquartered in the Republic of Korea. There were few studies on this issue, especially for the firms located in emerging capital markets. Coupled with the models such as a multiple regression and a principal component analysis(PCA), this research has identified that only two explanatory variables such as SLOPE and INTER3 (i.e. interaction effect between the BETA and the SLOPE) consistently showed their statistically significant influence on the CDS spreads through the 'selected' model without and with applying a stepwise regression procedure for the robustness. Given the rapid developments of sophisticated financial derivatives, this study may suggest a valuable insight to foreign and domestic investors to identify the possible determinants of CDS spreads at the firm- and/or the industry-level.

Semantic Web based Multi-Dimensional Information Analysis System on the National Defense Weapons (시맨틱 웹 기반 국방무기 다차원 정보 분석 시스템)

  • Choi, Jung-Hwoan;Park, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Pyung;Lee, Seungwoo;Jung, Hanmin;Seo, Dongmin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.502-510
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    • 2012
  • As defense science and technology are developing, smart weapons are being developed continually. The collection and analysis of the future strategic weapon information from all over the world have become a greater priority because information sharing became active. So, a system to manage and analyze heterogeneous defense intelligence is required. Semantic Web is the next generation knowledge information management technology for integrating, searching and navigating heterogeneous knowledge resource. Recently, Semantic Web is wildly being used in intelligent information management system. Semantic Web supports the analysis with the high reliability because it supports the simple keyword search as well as the semantic based information retrieval. In this paper, we propose the semantic web based multi-dimensional information analysis system on the national defense weapons that constructs ontology for various weapons information such as weapon specifications, nations, manufacturers and technologies and searches and analyses the specific weapon based on ontology. The proposed system supports the semantic search and multi-dimensional information analysis based on the relations between weapon specifications. Also, our system improves the efficiency on acquiring smart weapon information because it is developed with ontology based on military experts' knowledge and various web documents related with various weapons and intelligent search service.

EU Enlargement toward Central and Eastern Europe, Location of Foreign Direct Investment and the Changing of Economic Space (EU의 중.동부유럽으로의 확대와 투자입지 및 경제공간의 변화)

  • Moon, Nam-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.698-712
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    • 2004
  • As EU's enlargement toward Central and Eastern countries, it is expected to change of the economic activity space of EU. This paper aims to examine the changing of economic activity space of EU with a locational analysis of foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern countries. The foreign enterprises, particularly EU's firms are increasing the direct investment in the Central and Eastern countries from the middle 1990's for a raising of the efficiency of production and a prior occupation of the potential market. The foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe has a tendency to concentrate in Poland, Hungary, Czech and Slovakia, which has relatively a large market, a cheap and plentiful labor, a stable political system and a positive inviting policy of foreign direct investment. And, the foreign direct investment shows a tendency to locate generally in a big city, which has a advantageous production factors by a well-developed infrastructure and a regional industrial organization, a skilled labors, a market, etc., and in a border area between East and West Europe because of a cheap and plentiful labor, a similar cultural environment and the low cost of transportation. In conclusion, as an integration of the Central and Eastern countries into EU, the capital territories of Hungary, Czech and Poland, and the border area between East and West Europe is becoming a new economic activity space of EU with a location of foreign direct investment. And. the Baltic zone is also expect to become a new economic activity space according to the augmentation of exchanges and direct investment inter near countries.

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The Development of a Safety Environment Survey Framework Considering Regional Characteristics (지역 특성을 고려한 안전환경 조사 프레임워크 개발)

  • Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Eun Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.364-378
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    • 2015
  • As safety Issue becomes one of the hot topics, practical researches and feasible policies are in needs not only for central government but also local officers. The previous studies focused on organizational or institutional approaches and on functional efficiencies, especially how to integrate disaster data at every stage of disaster from preparedness to recovery. Physical and social environments differ from among others, top-down disaster management plan cannot work, and therefore more practical statistics and survey is required to prepare the safety management plan for local government. We aim to suggest a safety environment survey framework and to apply it to two guns (Muan and Goheung). We considered main factors of the framework based on legal requirement for safety index and four stages of disaster progress. Two guns are located in remote area and have a population who are weak to disaster. Action items were drawn from the survey and analysis from the framework respectively. We expect this framework to be expanded to include more urbanized and complex areas.

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An Analysis Affecting Commercial Use Penetration within Single-detached Residential Units in the Residential Development Complexes : Focused on Cheong-ju Cases (택지개발지구 단독주택용지내 상업용도 침투의 영향요소 분석 : 청주시 사례를 중심으로)

  • Song, Sun-Gi;Jung, Yun-Kwang;Hwang, Hee-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.34-47
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual condition of commercial use of housing site in residential development complexes, and to derive effective future development plan by analyzing the influence of penetrating factors of commercial use. The foJlowing are the results of the analysis. First, characteristics of roads showed that the wider the widths of roads adjoining individual lots have more influences on commercial use penetration. This means that non-residential facilities tend to be located on regions where frequencies of uses are high, preferring regions having good transportation accessibility. Second, characteristics of adjacent usage showed that the distances of common housing, neighborhood facilities, schools to single-detached residential units acted as a factor for higher penetration ratio of commercial use when they were closer.ors an opposite, it showed as distances to parks were further, the penetration ratio were higher. This can be inferred that the condition of detached houses located closer to parks have pleasure environment, and act as a factor preventing commercial use penetration. Third, the official land price presents as a form of quality, as the analysis showed that the higher official land price, the more it acts as a factor increasing the penetration ratio of commercial use.

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Experimental Study of Desalting Methods Using Ethyl Alcohol for Archaeological Cast Iron Objects (에틸알코올 용매를 이용한 주조철제유물의 탈염 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Hye Youn;Cho, Ju Hye
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2015
  • Excavated archaeological cast iron objects in improper storage are quickly corroded and disintegrated into block and powder finally. Hence desalination treatment which is a way of removing internal corrosive factors, especially chloride ion, is an important process. But desalination is often omitted or objects are dehydrated by alcohol because the destruction of objects could occur during desalting. Although current desalting methods mostly use an aqueous alkali solution, $OH^-$ ions of water could accelerate corrosion and broaden internal cracks cause of high surface tension. Therefore this study experimented desalting using ethyl alcohol, which is low surface tension, to investigate an effect of desalination. As a result, desalting using ethyl alcohol showed the similar or more effective results of desalting using water. In addition, as aspects of desalting safety, ethyl alcohol desalting method was smaller destruction of objects and extraction of Fe from the objects than the aqueous alkali solution. However, this study explored the possibility of desalting methods using organic solvent in fieldwork, so the results would provide basic date for making the safe and effective desalting method for archaeological cast iron objects through further experiments.

Elevation of anti-oxidative activity and inhibitory activities against tyrosinase, elastase, collagenase and hyaluronidase of Oplismenus undulatifolius by elicitor treatment (Elicitor 처리한 주름조개풀(Oplismenus undulatifolius)의 항산화, tyrosinase, elastase, collagenase 및 hyaluronidase 억제 활성 증대)

  • Lee, Eun-Ho;Cho, Young-Je
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2020
  • This study was designed to assess the change of the antioxidative and biological enzyme activities [tyrosinase, elastase, collagenase, and hyaluronidase (HAase)] of extracts from elicitor-treated Oplismenus undulatifolius. Elicitor-treated O. undulatifolius showed higher total phenolic content than the non-treated extract. As a result of comparing the anti-oxidant activity of elicitor-treated O. undulatifolius extract and non-treated extract, the elicitor-treated group showed high activity. Elicitor-treated O. undulatifolius showed higher elastase and collagenase inhibitory activities as anti-wrinkle effect, tyrosinase inhibitory activity as whitening effect, and anti-inflammation effect to induced as HAase inhibition than the non-treated extract. Therefore, elicitor-treatment during O. undulatifolius cultivation in outdoors will elevate total phenolics content in the plant and elevate of various bioactivities, which will yield high quality for industrialization.

The evaluation of effectiveness of 3DCA using vacuum bag(Vac-Lock) for patient immobilization device (3DCA제작을 통한 Vac-Lock 사용시 효율성향상에 대한 연구)

  • Lee YoungChul;Lee ChulBin;Kang NoHyun;Kim DongEuk;Lee JungYong;Jeong InPyo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : Patient immobilization is crucial factor for radiation therapy. Generally, we have been used vacuum bag immobilization device(Vac-Lock) for whole body immobilization. In order to easily set up of vacuum bag(Vac-Lock), we made a 3DCA(3-Dimensional Conformal Accessary). The purpose of this study is evaluation of effectiveness of 3DCA using Vack-Lock for patient immobilization. Materials and Methods : We made 3DCA(3-Dimensional Conformal Accessary) tool of wooden boards. The reasons to choice of wooden boards are its easily handling nature and cheap expenses. Results : (1) We reduced man power from $5{\sim}6$persons to 1person to make immobilizations, (2) Shortened work time from 1hour to within 10minutes. (3) Avoid a collision to treatment gantry head. (4) Its shapes are smart and clean. Conclusion : We have made and used 3DCA(3-Dimensional Conformal Accessary) tool was very effective and convenience for the patients and users.

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Developing Bibliometric Indicators for Analysis & Evaluation of National R&D Programs (국가연구개발사업의 과학적 성과분석을 위한 새로운 계량지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Jung-Eun;Kim, Hae-Do;Cho, Young-Don;Cho, Suk-Min;Cho, Soon-Ro
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.376-399
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    • 2008
  • Science and technology (S&T) is one of the most important elements in a nation's competitiveness. In an effort to strengthen their national competitiveness, all countries are focusing on upgrading the level of eir S&T. With these factors in mind, Korea has increased its support of national research and development (R&D). In recent years, this added support has resulted in an increased interest in the effectiveness of R&D. We have made continuous efforts to enhance the accountability and effectiveness of R&D by strengthening performance evaluation and considering R&D evaluation results during the budget review (appropriation) process. In order to change to a performance based system, we need to develop objective and scientific indicators to measure and evaluate the quality of the research performance of R&D programs. One of the primary research outcomes is publications. The impact factor of publications is widely used to evaluate overall journal quality and the quality of the papers published therein. However, the use of impact factors has been criticised because they can vary greatly when works from different subject areas are compared. In order to overcome this limitation, we have developed three kinds of qualitative indicators, which are functions of the impact factor. Two of these qualitative indicators, Modified Rank Normalized Impact Factor and Ordinal Rank Normalized Impact Factor, are based on order statistics (rank) for all journals from a specific specialty. The third qualitative indicator, Relative Field Impact Factor, uses the average impact factor of all journals within a subject category. We also suggest a quantitative indicator, Percentage of Contribution. In this study, we suggest 4 indicators and use them to evaluate the performance of outcomes from three R&D programs supported by the Ministry of Education, Science & Technology. We also perform a simulation study to verify the effectiveness of the proposed indicators. It can be shown that the proposed Ordinal Rank Normalized Impact Factor is the most reliable and effective indicator for comparing research performance across subject categories. However, we recommend using previous indicators in combination with the proposed indicators in this study for the research evaluation of R&D programs.

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An Analysis of the Linked Structure for Technology-Industry in National R&D Projects (국가 R&D과제의 기술-산업 연계구조분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Jeong;Lee, June-Young;Kim, Do-Hyun;Shim, We;Jeong, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Kang-Hoe;Kwon, Oh-Jin;Moon, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.443-460
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    • 2012
  • Technology is closely related to industrial development and various studies have been performed to understand the linked structure for knowledge flow between the technology and industry. The research, however, wasn't carried out to flow for Korea National Research and Development projects. In this study, linked structure for technology-industry was discussed by utilizing patent data performed in actual National R&D using NTIS Information of the national research and development, and then it was analyzed how knowledge flows between the technology and industry are flowing. It should be defined that the individual applications expected by researchers at the start of the research and technology-industry applications actually applied from the research performances after research was completed. As a result, it was confirmed in most projects the flow of knowledge was occurring to predicted industries before the start of the R&D. However, the technology was applied to unexpected industry in three industries such as Y09(medical, precision and optical instruments), Y10(electrical and mechanical equipment), Y11(automotive and transportation equipment). The results of this study will be able to contribute to planning for efficient investment strategy of technology-industry by investigating the technology-industry knowledge flow relations of national R&D projects.

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