• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활동기반

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Characteristics of Mise en abyme expression in Modern architectural space - Focusing on the construction work of Jean Nouvel - (현대 건축 공간에서 나타난 미장아빔적 표현 특성 - 장누벨의 건축 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Deuk Geun;Kim, Kai Chun
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.20
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 2015
  • This study has started from a curiosity about how the concept and characteristics of mise en abyme, which is one of meta-discourse in the contemporary aesthetics and has affected every aspect of modern philosophy, art, and culture, are expressed in modern architecture. 'Mise en abyme' is a technique mainly used by writers of the nouveau roman after it was introduced first in the work of novelist Andre Gide; this technique of artistic expression has been extended across the whole contemporary art and has become the meta-discourse which essentially makes its appearance in the art after postmodernism. 'Mise en abyme', meaning endless formation of image between two mirrors, got involved with discourse of the various philosophers of the time such as Deleuze and Derrida, and was also expressed in the language of architecture by modern architects who have been influenced by their philosophy. In this context, the technique of mise en abyme which is mostly used in art has a relation to methods of space expression of architects. This research studied the characteristics of mise en abyme which show in the expressional method of the modern architecture based on the relationship between the technique of mise en abyme and the modern method of architectural expression. Moreover, on the basis of this an analysis was carried out on architectural works of Jean Nouvel, who uses de-materialization and singularity as the architectural language. Through the research it was confirmed that the characteristics of expression of mise en abyme in architecture are embodied in material of the surface which forms buildings' exterior, or expressed by using reflection and graphical factors. Through analysis this study allows the chance to see that even though the means and field for expressing mise en abyme are different, the characteristics of the fundamental concept are shared among them, and to think about the meaning in the technique of mise en abyme as one yardstick to understand modern architecture in modern times with no specific mainstream.

Characteristics of Satellite-Based CO/CO2, CO/NO2 Ratio in South Korea and China (한국과 중국의 도시별 위성기반 CO/CO2, CO/NO2 비율 특성)

  • Jieun Yu;Jaemin Kim;Jin Ah Jang;Jeong-Ah Yu;Seung-Yeon Kim;Yun Gon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the ratio of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), CO and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for cities and regionsin Korea and China using column-averaged carbon dioxide dry-air mole fraction (XCO2) of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2/3, CO and NO2 vertical column density (named XCO, XNO2 in thisstudy) of TROPOspheric monitoring instrument from April 2018 to April 2022, and presented the relationship between socioeconomic indicators (population, number of vehicles, Gross Regional Domestic Product) and ratio, and differences in characteristics between Korea and China. First, CO2 and CO were analyzed after calculating ΔXCO2 and ΔXCO removing the background value and trend line due to the difference in atmospheric residence time of three gaseous substances (CO2, CO, and NO2). Comparing the three values by regions, ΔXCO and ΔXCO2 were relatively higher in China and XNO2 were higher in Korea and the ratio of both values (ΔXCO/ΔXCO2, ΔXCO/XNO2) was higher in China than in Korea. ΔXCO/ΔXCO2, ΔXCO/XNO2 and socioeconomic indicators have a positive correlation suggesting that the concentration of air pollutants and greenhouse gases is higher as the city is large and the economic activity is active. Regarding the differences in the ratio characteristics of Korea and China, the relationship between ΔXCO and ΔXCO2 showed a negative correlation in Korea and a positive correlation in China. When the relationship between ΔXCO and XNO2 was examined for summer and winter, the change of ΔXCO by season was not significant in Korea, whereasthe change of ΔXCO and XNO2 by season waslarge in China resulting in the relationship between two countries appeared differently. These results suggest that seasonal variability and national emission characteristics should be considered in the process of analyzing the ratio of greenhouse gases to air pollutants.

Misconception on the Yellow Sea Warm Current in Secondary-School Textbooks and Development of Teaching Materials for Ocean Current Data Visualization (중등학교 교과서 황해난류 오개념 분석 및 해류 데이터 시각화 수업자료 개발)

  • Su-Ran Kim;Kyung-Ae Park;Do-Seong Byun;Kwang-Young Jeong;Byoung-Ju Choi
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.13-35
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    • 2023
  • Ocean currents play the most important role in causing and controlling global climate change. The water depth of the Yellow Sea is very shallow compared to the East Sea, and the circulation and currents of seawater are quite complicated owing to the influence of various wind fields, ocean currents, and river discharge with low-salinity seawater. The Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) is one of the most representative currents of the Yellow Sea in winter and is closely related to the weather of the southwest coast of the Korean Peninsula, so it needs to be treated as important in secondary-school textbooks. Based on the 2015 revised national educational curriculum, secondary-school science and earth science textbooks were analyzed for content related to the YSWC. In addition, a questionnaire survey of secondary-school science teachers was conducted to investigate their perceptions of the temporal variability of ocean currents. Most teachers appeared to have the incorrect knowledge that the YSWC moves north all year round to the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and is strong in the summer like a general warm current. The YSWC does not have strong seasonal variability in current strength, unlike the North Korean Cold Current (NKCC), but does not exist all year round and appears only in winter. These errors in teachers' subject knowledge had a background similar to why they had a misconception that the NKCC was strong in winter. Therefore, errors in textbook contents on the YSWC were analyzed and presented. In addition, to develop students' and teachers' data literacy, class materials on the YSWC that can be used in inquiry activities were developed. A graphical user interface (GUI) program that can visualize the sea surface temperature of the Yellow Sea was introduced, and a program displaying the spatial distribution of water temperature and salinity was developed using World Ocean Atlas (WOA) 2018 oceanic in-situ measurements of water temperature and salinity data and ocean numerical model reanalysis field data. This data visualization materials using oceanic data is expected to improve teachers' misunderstandings and serve as an opportunity to cultivate both students and teachers' ocean and data literacy.

Syugendo(修驗道) and Noh(能) Performance (수험도(修驗道)와 노(能) - 노 <다니코(谷行)>의 작품분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyeonwook
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.23
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    • pp.37-61
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    • 2011
  • The Noh(能) performance is a traditional drama that represents Japan. The Noh performance was approved in the background of religious thought such as Shintoism(神道), Buddhisms(佛敎), and Syugendo(修驗道). Especially, the influence from Shugendo is large. Shugendo was active in the Middle Ages. Especially, the influence from Shugendo is large. Shugendo was active in the Middle Ages. The Noh was approved while receiving a large influence from Shugendo. It can know the feature of the Shugen(修驗) culture in the Middle Ages through the consideration of . Moreover, the appearance of the training of 'Yamabusi(山伏)' can be seen. "Yamabusi" has not been paid to attention up to now in the research of . And, the focus was appropriated to Yamabusi and it researched in this text. Moreover, the problem of "Chigo(稚子)" is thought through . "Chigo culture" was general in the Middle Ages. It is thought that "Chigo culture" is reflected in . is an Noh performance for the boy named 'Wakamatsu' to enter the mountain and to train. It is because mother's sickness was cured. However, the boy gets sick while it is training. It was dropped to the valley according to the law of Shugendo, and it died. However, it revives by the Yamabusi's prayers. 'Taniko' is to drop to the valley and to bury it when the Yamabusi gets sick while lived. The title of the Noh originated in here. has elements of history, content of training of Shugendo, "Filial piety", and the Chigo culture, etc. These are features of the culture in the Middle Ages. It is not only a sad content though this is a content of the cruel remainder. It is because of the revival though waited rapidly at the end. As for the difficulty of training is drawn in the round, and the appearance of the training at that time is understood well. The essence of Shugendo is to train in the mountain. Supernatural power can be obtained through training. Moreover, it was thought that it was able to be newly reborn through training. The leading part of Shugendo is an Yamabusi. The Yamabusi took an active part in not only the mountain but also the village. The Yamabusi is ordinary people's lives and because the relation is deep, an important factor it knows the folk customs of Japan. The word 'Chigo' is not written in . However, a spectator at that time is 'Chigo' Wakamatsu and is already sure to have understood 'Chigo'. Because everyone knew the Chigo culture in the Middle Ages. A religion at that time and knowledge of the society are necessary to understand the play of Nho well.

Pansori Patronage of Daewongun and His Influences on Park Yujeon's Jeokbyeokga (판소리 패트론으로서의 대원군과 박유전 <적벽가>의 변모)

  • Yoo, Min-Hyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.38
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    • pp.143-191
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    • 2019
  • This research argues that Pansori had patrons in its development. Patrons are commonly discussed aspect of history of any art form. Pansori is no exception. While Pansori originally began as the art of the common people, Yangban class became the primary audience. This paper examines the role of royal family of Choson dynasty in development of Pansori. Heungseon Daewongun (흥선대원군) in particular was a Pansori aficionado. The record around Daewongun's involvement to Pansori proves that heavy monetary investment was made. He hosted Pansori competitions and sponsored creation of Pansori tradition, Boseong Sori (보성소리) and Gangsanje (강산제). Also the aspect of Pansori patronage lies not just in Yangban class, but also in Jung'in class, which is roughly analoguous to European bourgeois in that they were not of Yangban class, but had gained monetary status, and had aesthetics of both Yangban and commoner class. I argue that Heungseon Daewongun's ties to the Jung'in class is reflected in his actions towards Pansori artists. The traditions he had sponsored have important characteristics, including sophisticated lyrics heavily utilizing Classical Chinese poetry, highly artistic musical composition, and conservative Confucian ethics. Those characteristics indicate that the Pansori traditions sponsored by the royal patrons have changed to cater to their artistic taste and philosophy. This paper conducts a textual comparative analysis between Gangsanje Pansori Jeokbyeokga (강산제 판소리 적벽가), Dongpyeonje's Pansori Jeokbyeokga (동편제 판소리 적벽가), and Seopyeonje Pansori Jeokbyeokga, who share the same plot yet offers a stark differences in tone, philosophy, and sense of humor. Daewongun was a primary sponsor of Pansori, which proves that Yangban class and the royal family have played important role as patrons of Pansori.

Analysis of Co- and Post-Seismic Displacement of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake in Youngilman Port and Surrounding Areas Using Sentinel-1 Time-Series SAR Interferometry (Sentinel-1 시계열 SAR 간섭기법을 활용한 영일만항과 주변 지역의 2017 포항 지진 동시성 및 지진 후 변위 분석)

  • Siung Lee;Taewook Kim;Hyangsun Han;Jin-Woo Kim;Yeong-Beom Jeon;Jong-Gun Kim;Seung Chul Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2024
  • Ports are vital social infrastructures that significantly influence both people's lives and a country's economy. In South Korea, the aging of port infrastructure combined with the increased frequency of various natural disasters underscores the necessity of displacement monitoring for safety management of the port. In this study, the time-series displacements of Yeongilman Port and surrounding areas in Pohang, South Korea, were measured by applying Permanent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR) to Sentinel-1 SAR images collected from the satellite's ascending (February 2017-July 2023) and descending (February 2017-December 2021) nodes, and the displacement associated with the 2017 Pohang earthquake in the port was analyzed. The southern (except the southernmost) and central parts of Yeongilman Port showed large displacements attributed to construction activities for about 10 months at the beginning of the observation period, and the coseismic displacement caused by the Pohang earthquake was up to 1.6 cm of the westward horizontal motion and 0.5 cm of subsidence. However, little coseismic displacement was observed in the southernmost part of the port, where reclamation was completed last, and in the northern part of the oldest port. This represents that the weaker the consolidation of the reclaimed soil in the port, the more vulnerable it is to earthquakes, and that if the soil is very weakly consolidated due to ongoing reclamation, it would not be significantly affected by earthquakes. Summer subsidence and winter uplift of about 1 cm have been repeatedly observed every year in the entire area of Yeongilman Port, which is attributed to volume changes in the reclaimed soil due to temperature changes. The ground of the 1st and 2nd General Industrial Complexes adjacent to Yeongilman Port subsided during the observation period, and the rate of subsidence was faster in the 1st Industrial Complex. The 1st Industrial Complex was observed to have a westward horizontal displacement of 3 mm and a subsidence of 6 mm as the coseismic displacement of the Pohang earthquake, while the 2nd Industrial Complex was analyzed to have been little affected by the earthquake. The results of this study allowed us to identify the time-series displacement characteristics of Yeongilman Port and understand the impact of earthquakes on the stability of a port built by coastal reclamation.

Monitoring of Bathymetry Changes in the Coastal Area of Dokdo, East Sea (동해 독도 연안 해저지형 변동 모니터링 연구)

  • Chang Hwan Kim;Soon Young Choi;Won Hyuck Kim;Hyun Ok Choi;Chan Hong Park;Yun Bae Kim;Jong Dae Do
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.589-601
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    • 2023
  • We compare high-resolution seabed bathymetry data and seafloor backscattering data acquired, using multi-beam, between 2018 and 2021 to understand topographic changes in the coastal area of Dokdo. The study area, conducted within a 500 m × 500 m in the southern coast between the islands where Dongdo Port is located, has been greatly affected by human activities, waves and ocean currents. The depth variations exhibit between 5 - 70 m. Irregular underwater rocks are distributed in areas with a depth of 20 m or less and 30 - 40 m. As a whole, water depth ranges similar in the east-west direction and become flatter and deeper. The bathymetry contour in 2020 tends to move south as a whole compared to 2018 and 2019. The south moving of the contours in the survey area indicates that the water depth is shallower than before. Since the area where the change in the depth occurred is mainly formed of sedimentary layers, the change in the coast of Dokdo were mainly caused by the inflow of sediments, due to the influence of wind and waves caused by these typhoons (Maysak and Haishen) in 2020. In the Talus area, which developed on the shallow coast between Dongdo and Seodo, the bathymetry changed in 2020 due to erosion or sedimentation, compared to the bathymetry in 2019 and 2018. It is inferred that the changes in the seabed environment occur as the coastal area is directly affected by the typhoons. Due to the influence of the typhoons with strong southerly winds, there was a large amount of sediment inflow, and the overall tendency of the changes was to be deposited. The contours in 2021 appears to have shifted mainly northward, compared to 2020, meaning the area has eroded more than 2020. In 2020, sediments were mainly moved northward and deposited on the coast of Dokdo by the successive typhoons. On the contrary, the coast of Dokdo was eroded as these sediments moved south again in 2021. Dokdo has been largely affected by the north wind in winter, so sediments mainly move southward. But it is understood that sediments move northward when affected by strong typhoons. Such continuous coastal change monitoring and analysis results will be used as important data for longterm conservation policies in relation to topographical changes in Dokdo.

Lithium Distribution in Thermal Groundwater: A Study on Li Geochemistry in South Korean Deep Groundwater Environment (온천수 내 리튬 분포: 국내 심부 지하수환경의 리튬 지화학 연구)

  • Hyunsoo Seo;Jeong-Hwan Lee;SunJu Park;Junseop Oh;Jaehoon Choi;Jong-Tae Lee;Seong-Taek Yun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.729-744
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    • 2023
  • The value of lithium has significantly increased due to the rising demand for electric cars and batteries. Lithium is primarily found in pegmatites, hydrothermally altered tuffaceous clays, and continental brines. Globally, groundwater-fed salt lakes and oil field brines are attracting attention as major sources of lithium in continental brines, accounting for about 70% of global lithium production. Recently, deep groundwater, especially geothermal water, is also studied for a potential source of lithium. Lithium concentrations in deep groundwater can increase through substantial water-rock reaction and mixing with brines. For the exploration of lithim in deep groundwater, it is important to understand its origin and behavior. Therefore, based on a nationwide preliminary study on the hydrogeochemical characteristics and evolution of thermal groundwater in South Korea, this study aims to investigate the distribution of lithium in the deep groundwater environment and understand the geochemical factors that affect its concentration. A total of 555 thermal groundwater samples were classified into five hydrochemical types showing distinct hydrogeochemical evolution. To investigate the enrichment mechanism, samples (n = 56) with lithium concentrations exceeding the 90th percentile (0.94 mg/L) were studied in detail. Lithium concentrations varied depending upon the type, with Na(Ca)-Cl type being the highest, followed by Ca(Na)-SO4 type and low-pH Ca(Na)-HCO3 type. In the Ca(Na)-Cl type, lithium enrichment is due to reverse cation exchange due to seawater intrusion. The enrichment of dissolved lithium in the Ca(Na)-SO4 type groundwater occurring in Cretaceous volcanic sedimentary basins is related to the occurrence of hydrothermally altered clay minerals and volcanic activities, while enriched lithium in the low-pH Ca(Na)-HCO3 type groundwater is due to enhanced weathering of basement rocks by ascending deep CO2. This reconnaissance geochemical study provides valuable insights into hydrogeochemical evolution and economic lithium exploration in deep geologic environments.

Customer Value Factors Influencing the Continuous Use Intention of Department Store Mobile Apps : Focusing on the Customer of Sinsegae Department Store (백화점 모바일 앱 지속 이용 의도에 영향을 미치는 고객 가치 요인 : 신세계 백화점 이용 고객을 중심으로 )

  • Kim, So-hyun;Choi, Chang-bum
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2023
  • This study examines the customer value factors affecting the intention to continue using the mobile app of department stores, which are traditional offline retailers, in the retail industry that is rapidly digitalizing and becoming mobile. This study clarifies multidimensional customer value in three dimensions; functional, convenience, and social. Functional value refers to the integrated channel, and consistent customer experience provided between channels in the omnichannel retail environment, while convenience value is the convenience of saving time and effort save while customers use a mobile app. Social value refers to the improvement of social approval or social self-concept occurring due to the use of products or services related to green marketing within the mobile app of the department store. The influence of each on the dependent variable, the mobile app's continuous use intention, was analyzed by using the three dimensions of customer value as independent variables. Data was collected from customers who have a history of using the mobile app of Shinsegae Department Store in Korea, and a confirmatory analysis was conducted using Smart PLS 4.0. The analysis results showed that all three dimensions of customer value; functional value, convenience value, and social value, had a positive (+) influence on customers' intention to continue using the mobile app, and the influence of functional value had the greatest impact. As functional value appears to be the most important influencing factor due to the omnichannel retail trend by advancement of technology, it suggests that it is important for department stores, and offline retailers, to provide integrated channels. This provides insights into the direction of customer-centered strategy formulation for activating department store mobile apps and suggests basic analytical data for customized services and marketing activities that department stores can effectively meet the changing expectations and demands of customers through new mobile channels rather than existing offline channels.

The Effect of Mentoring on the Mentor's Job Satisfaction: Mediating Effects of Personal Learning and Self-efficacy (멘토링이 멘토의 직무만족도에 미치는 영향: 개인학습 및 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Lee, In Hong;Dong, Hak Lim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2023
  • The recent Fourth Industrial Revolution is accelerating changes due to digital transformation. According to this trend, the existing start-up paradigm is changing, and new business models based on new technologies and creative ideas are emerging. In addition, the diversity of mentoring relationships and environments such as online mentoring, reverse mentoring, group mentoring, and multiple mentoring is also increasing. However, most mentors in their 50s and 60s, who are mainly active in the start-up field, have been able to help mentees a lot based on their own experience and expertise, but they are having difficulty responding to the changing environment due to a lack of understanding and experience of new technologies and environments. To cope with these changes well, mentors must constantly study, acquire and apply the latest technologies to improve their understanding of new technologies and the environment. In addition, it is necessary to have an understanding and respect for the diversity of mentoring relationships and environments, and to maximize the effectiveness of mentoring by actively utilizing them. Therefore, mentors should recognize that they directly affect the growth and development of mentees, constantly acquire new knowledge and skills to maintain and develop expertise, and actively deliver their knowledge and experiences to mentees. Therefore, in this study, was tried to empirically analyze the relationship between mentoring's influence on mentor's job satisfaction through mentor's personal learning and self-efficacy. The results of the empirical analysis were as follows. Among the functions of mentoring, career function and role modeling were found to have a positive effect on both personal learning and self-efficacy, which are parameters, and job satisfaction, which is a dependent variable. On the other hand, psychological and social functions have a positive effect on personal learning, but they do not have an effect on self-efficacy and job satisfaction. In addition, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect, all mediating effects were confirmed for career functions, and only the mediating effect of self-efficacy was confirmed for role modeling. Through this study, mentoring is an important factor in promoting job satisfaction, personal learning and self-efficacy, and this study can be said to be academically and practically meaningful in that it confirmed personal learning and self-efficacy as factors that increase mentor's job satisfaction, and the focus of mentoring research was shifted from mentee to mentor to study the impact of mentoring on mentors.

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