• Title/Summary/Keyword: 핵심구

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Development of 3D Printed Snack-dish for the Elderly with Dementia (3D 프린팅 기술을 활용한 치매노인 전용 영양(수분)보충 식품섭취용기 개발)

  • Lee, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Kim, Kug-Weon;Lee, Kyong-Ae;Koh, Kwangoh;Kim, Hee-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to create a 3D printable snack dish model for the elderly with low food or fluid intake along with barriers towards eating. Methods: The decision was made by the hybrid-brainstorming method for creating the 3D model. Experts were assigned based on their professional areas such as clinical nutrition, food hygiene and chemical safety for the creation process. After serial feedback processes, the grape shape was suggested as the final model. After various concept sketching and making clay models, 3D-printing technology was applied to produce a prototype. Results: 3D design modeling process was conducted by SolidWorks program. After considering Dietary reference intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) and other survey data, appropriate supplementary water serving volume was decided as 285 mL which meets 30% of Adequate intake. To consider printing output conditions, this model has six grapes in one bunch with a safety lid. The FDM printer and PLA filaments were used for food hygiene and safety. To stimulate cognitive functions and interests of eating, numbers one to six was engraved on the lid of the final 3D model. Conclusions: The newly-developed 3D model was designed to increase intakes of nutrients and water in the elderly with dementia during snack time. Since dementia patients often forget to eat, engraving numbers on the grapes was conducted to stimulate cognitive function related to the swallowing and chewing process. We suggest that investigations on the types of foods or fluids are needed in the developed 3D model snack dish for future studies.

Exploring the contextual factors of episodic memory: dissociating distinct social, behavioral, and intentional episodic encoding from spatio-temporal contexts based on medial temporal lobe-cortical networks (일화기억을 구성하는 맥락 요소에 대한 탐구: 시공간적 맥락과 구분되는 사회적, 행동적, 의도적 맥락의 내측두엽-대뇌피질 네트워크 특징을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jonghyun;Nah, Yoonjin;Yu, Sumin;Lee, Seung-Koo;Han, Sanghoon
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.109-133
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    • 2022
  • Episodic memory consists of a core event and the associated contexts. Although the role of the hippocampus and its neighboring regions in contextual representations during encoding has become increasingly evident, it remains unclear how these regions handle various context-specific information other than spatio-temporal contexts. Using high-resolution functional MRI, we explored the patterns of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and cortical regions' involvement during the encoding of various types of contextual information (i.e., journalism principle 5W1H): "Who did it?," "Why did it happen?," "What happened?," "When did it happen?," "Where did it happen?," and "How did it happen?" Participants answered six different contextual questions while looking at simple experimental events consisting of two faces with one object on the screen. The MTL was divided to sub-regions by hierarchical clustering from resting-state data. General linear model analyses revealed a stronger activation of MTL sub-regions, the prefrontal lobe (PFC), and the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) during social (Who), behavioral (How), and intentional (Why) contextual processing when compared with spatio-temporal (Where/When) contextual processing. To further investigate the functional networks involved in contextual encoding dissociation, a multivariate pattern analysis was conducted with features selected as the task-based connectivity links between the hippocampal subfields and PFC/IPL. Each social, behavioral, and intentional contextual processing was individually and successfully classified from spatio-temporal contextual processing, respectively. Thus, specific contexts in episodic memory, namely social, behavior, and intention, involve distinct functional connectivity patterns that are distinct from those for spatio-temporal contextual memory.

Wonhyo's Philosophy of Mind (원효의 마음의 철학 - 마음의 생성과 소멸 -)

  • Ryu, Sung-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.27
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    • pp.39-61
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    • 2009
  • Numerous Researches on the Buddhist perspective of Wonhyo agree that the Mind is the core principle of Wonhyo's Buddihist perspective. Based on prior research, this paper identifies the philosophy of Mind-only(vijñaptimātratā) in the broader perspective, that is, "Mind is the first principle of the existence", as the core thought of Wonhyo. The objective of this paper is to reorganize the systematic theories of consciousness, one of the principle sectors of Wonhyo's philosophy of vijñaptimātratā. One can find most systematic texts of consciousness of Wonhyo in 『GiSilRonSo』 and 『GiSilRonByeolGi』. Although 『GeumGang SamMaeGyeongRon』 includes some interpretations of consciousness, it is difficult to formulate a consistent structure based on it. Beside tā.JangEui』, which discusses the meaning of vijñaptimātratā centering around affliction, Wonhyo's opinion about important issues of vijñaptimātratā philosophy such as ālayavijñāna, permeation, bījadharma, and aspects of perception appears in fragments. Thus, this paper focuses on 『GiSilRonSo』 and 『GiSilRon ByeolGi』, Wonhyo's interpretation of 『Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith』(大乘起信論), as well as 『IJangEui』, 『PanBiRyangRon』 and 『Geum GangSamMaeGyeongRon』. The researcher examines how one-mind, tathāgatagarbha, and ālayavijñāna become the principles of 'neither arising nor ceasing'(不生滅) and 'arising and ceasing'(生滅) of all beings. The process of how one-mind develops mind in terms of the Absolute(心眞如門) and mind in terms of Phenomena(心生滅門) and its ontological structure are also investigated. In addition, the philosophical significance of Wonhyo's interpretation of tathāgatagarbha and ālayavijñāna analyzed. Besides, the method how various theories about vijñāna from Tathāgatagarbha's and Yogācāra's philosophy can be synthesized is examined based on Wonhyo's arguments. The four aspects of existence(caturākāra 四相) -arising(生), abiding(住), changing(異), and ceasing(滅)- which is transformed according to stages and dimensions of 'arising and ceasing', and phases of mind such as delusion of three fine states(三細) and six rough states(六麤), five consciousness(五意), and six defiled states(六染) are interpreted based on Tathāgatagarbha's and Yogācāra's philosophical system.

Peirce and the Problem of Symbols (퍼스와 상징의 문제)

  • Noh, Yang-jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.152
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    • pp.59-79
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    • 2019
  • The main purpose of this paper is to critically examine the intractable problems of Peirce's notion of 'symbol' as a higher and perfect mode of sign, and present a more appropriate account of the higher status of symbol from an experientialist perspective. Peirce distinguished between icon, index, and symbol, and suggested symbol to be a higher mode of sign, in that it additionally requires "interpretation." Within Peirce's picture, the matter of interpretation is to be explained in terms of "interpretant," while icon or index are not. However, Peirce's conception of "interpretant" itself remains fraught with intractable opacities, thereby leaving the nature of symbol in a misty conundrum. Drawing largely on the experientialist account of the nature and structure of symbolic experience, I try to explicate the complexity of symbol in terms of "the symbolic mapping." According to experientialism, our experience consists of two levels, i.e., physical and symbolic. Physical experience can be extended to symbolic level largely by means of "symbolic mapping," and yet is strongly constrained by physical experience. Symbolic mapping is the way in which we map part of certain physical experience onto some other area, thereby understanding the other area in terms of the mapped part of the physical experience. According to this account, all the signs, icon, index, and symbol a la Peirce, are constructed by way of symbolic mapping. While icon and index are constructed by mapping physical level experience onto some signifier(i.e. Peirce's "representamen"), symbol is constructed by mapping abstract level experience onto some signifier. Considering the experientialist account that abstract level of experience is constructed by way of symbolic mapping of physical level of experience, the symbolic mapping of abstract level of experience onto some other area is a secondary one. Thus, symbol, being constructed by way of secondary or more times mapping, becomes a higher level sign. This analysis is based on the idea that explaining the nature of sign is a matter of explaining that symbolic experience, leaving behind Peirce's realist conception of sign as a matter of an event or state of affairs out there. In conclusion, I suggest that this analysis will open up new possibilities for a more appropriate account of the nature of signs, beyond Peirce's complicated riddles.

Research on Immune Responses Induced by Salmonella Typhimurium Infectionin CRIP1-Deficient Condition (CRIP1결손조건 하에서 Salmonella Typhimurium 감염에 의해 유도되는 면역반응에 관한 연구)

  • Dongju Seo;Se-Hui Lee;Sun Park;Hyeyun Kim;Jin-Young Yang
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2024
  • Salmonella is a common food-borne intracellular bacterial pathogen that has triggered significant public health concerns. Salmonella hosts' genetic factors play a pivotal role in determining their susceptibility to the pathogen. Cysteine-rich intestinal protein 1 (CRIP1), a member of LIM/double zinc finger protein family, is widely expressed in humans, such as in the lungs, spleen, and especially the gut. Recently, CRIP1 has been reported as a key marker of several immune disorders; however, the effect of CRIP1 on bacterial infection remains unknown. We aimed to elucidate the relationship between Salmonella infection and CRIP1 gene deficiency, as Salmonella spp. is known to invade the Peyer's patches of the small intestine, where CRIP1 is highly expressed. We found that CRIP1-deficient conditions could not alter the characteristics of bone marrow-derived myeloid cells in terms of phagocytosis on macrophages and the activation of costimulatory molecules on dendritic cells using ex vivo differentiation. Moreover, flow cytometry data showed comparable levels of MHCII+CD11b+CD11c+ dendritic cells and MHCII+F4/80+CD11b+ macrophages between WT and CRIP1 knockout (KO) mice. Interestingly, the basal population of monocytes in the spleen and neutrophils in MLNs is more abundant in a steady state of CRIP1 KO mice than WT mice. Here, we demonstrated that the CRIP1 genetic factor plays dispensable roles in host susceptibility to Salmonella Typhimurium infections and the activation of myeloid cells. In addition, differential immune cell populations without antigen exposure in CRIP1 KO mice suggest that the regulation of CRIP1 expression may be a novel immunotherapeutic approach to various infectious diseases.

Use of ChatGPT in college mathematics education (대학수학교육에서의 챗GPT 활용과 사례)

  • Sang-Gu Lee;Doyoung Park;Jae Yoon Lee;Dong Sun Lim;Jae Hwa Lee
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2024
  • This study described the utilization of ChatGPT in teaching and students' learning processes for the course "Introductory Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence (Math4AI)" at 'S' University. We developed a customized ChatGPT and presented a learning model in which students supplement their knowledge of the topic at hand by utilizing this model. More specifically, first, students learn the concepts and questions of the course textbook by themselves. Then, for any question they are unsure of, students may submit any questions (keywords or open problem numbers from the textbook) to our own ChatGPT at https://math4ai.solgitmath.com/ to get help. Notably, we optimized ChatGPT and minimized inaccurate information by fully utilizing various types of data related to the subject, such as textbooks, labs, discussion records, and codes at http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/Math4AI-ChatGPT/. In this model, when students have questions while studying the textbook by themselves, they can ask mathematical concepts, keywords, theorems, examples, and problems in natural language through the ChatGPT interface. Our customized ChatGPT then provides the relevant terms, concepts, and sample answers based on previous students' discussions and/or samples of Python or R code that have been used in the discussion. Furthermore, by providing students with real-time, optimized advice based on their level, we can provide personalized education not only for the Math4AI course, but also for any other courses in college math education. The present study, which incorporates our ChatGPT model into the teaching and learning process in the course, shows promising applicability of AI technology to other college math courses (for instance, calculus, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, engineering mathematics, and basic statistics) and in K-12 math education as well as the Lifespan Learning and Continuing Education.

The type of narrative and Faction historical meaning of Song-gubong legend (구봉 송익필 전설의 서사유형과 설화적 의미)

  • 이정훈
    • Korean Language and Literature
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    • v.67 no.67
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    • pp.45-71
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    • 2018
  • Songgubong is a person in the mid-Choseon Dynasty, but he is a person who is exalted as a teacher of four generations. However, the life of Songbong was a series of trials of 'returning' due to the environment and political changes born in prestige. There was also a political upheaval in the era where he lived, such as a Sinsamuok, Kichukoksa the beginning of Parts. Songgubong also shared his friendship with YulGon, Sounhorn in his life. This paper examines the narrative style of the Songgwon legend, who was a real person of the Choseon Dynasty, and examines the historical meaning of the Gubong legend. In this paper, 40 pieces of Songbong were analyzed. So I made 20 pixels and 5 narrative types. The basic form of the Songgwangbong legend is 'the exchange between the man and the gongbong - the complaints of the surrounding men - Songbongbang face to face and overwhelming'. This basic type is expanded to an anger that strengthens Songbong's greatness, an anecdote that worsens Songbong's desire, and an anger that emphasizes the misery of Songbongbong. Following the basic type and the extended type, the comprehensive type is combined with the active play. Actually, Songbong was in exile and could not participate in the war. However, the legendary Songbong is short enough to shorten the duration of the imprisonment, or to give the Turtle Ship to Yi Soon Shin. The story of the ending of the Imran in a few months if it has been used properly has been handed down on the Internet. Song Hyung-bong, who is a politically talented person, plays an active role as a novi in the story. Songbong is a "hero" who escapes from the constraint of "novi" and interacts with them in a similar way, controlling them with "eyes" and charisma. Song Jung - bong 's performance succumbs to Lee Yong Song and controls Yulgok and Yi Soon Shin. In addition, the legend of Jinan, which can be said to be the scene of Ogasaki, is still handed down to the dignity of Songbong. The evaluation of the Songbong who made a stroke of the company is interpreted as a political sacrifice in narrative. Compared to the spiritual virtue of the person who interacted with him, the marriage, and Jungchol, Songbong was the one who was able to withstand the years of vigor due to the occasional ox. The meaning of the Songgwon legend in the Conflict is that, apart from the partisan lessons that had to be taken from the existing records, the people are worshiping him as the epitome of the great weak which is excluded from real power. I hope that this legend will make it possible to look at the existing evaluation from a new angle.

Dual Path Model in Store Loyalty of Discount Store (대형마트 충성도의 이중경로모형)

  • Ji, Seong-Goo;Lee, Ihn-Goo
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2010
  • I. Introduction The industry of domestic discount store was reorganized with 2 bigs and 1 middle, and then Home Plus took over Home Ever in 2008. In present, Oct, 2008, E-Mart has 118 outlets, Home Plus 112 outlets, and Lotte Mart 60 stores. With total number of 403 outlets, they are getting closer to a saturation point. We know that the industry of discount store has been getting through the mature stage in retail life cycle. There are many efforts to maintain existing customers rather than to get new customers. These competitions in this industry lead firms to acknowledge 'store loyalty' to be the first strategic tool for their sustainable competitiveness. In other words, the strategic goal of discount store is to boost up the repurchase rate of customers throughout increasing store loyalty. If owners of retail shops can figure out main factors for store loyalty, they can easily make more efficient and effective retail strategies which bring about more sales and profits. In this practical sense, there are many papers which are focusing on the antecedents of store loyalty. Many researchers have been inspecting causal relationships between antecedents and store loyalty; store characteristics, store image, atmosphere in store, sales promotion in store, service quality, customer characteristics, crowding, switching cost, trust, satisfaction, commitment, etc., In recent times, many academic researchers and practitioners have been interested in 'dual path model for service loyalty'. There are two paths in store loyalty. First path has an emphasis on symbolic and emotional dimension of service brand, and second path focuses on quality of product and service. We will call the former an extrinsic path and call the latter an intrinsic path. This means that consumers' cognitive path for store loyalty is not single but dual. Existing studies for dual path model are as follows; First, in extrinsic path, some papers in domestic settings show that there is 'store personality-identification-loyalty' path. Second, service quality has an effect on loyalty, which is a behavioral variable, in the mediation of customer satisfaction. But, it's very difficult to find out an empirical paper applied to domestic discount store based on this mediating model. The domestic research for store loyalty concentrates on not only intrinsic path but also extrinsic path. Relatively, an attention for intrinsic path is scarce. And then, we acknowledge that there should be a need for integrating extrinsic and intrinsic path. Also, in terms of retail industry, this study is meaningful because retailers want to achieve their competitiveness by using store loyalty. And so, the purpose of this paper is to integrate and complement two existing paths into one specific model, dual path model. This model includes both intrinsic and extrinsic path for store loyalty. With this research, we would expect to understand the full process of forming customers' store loyalty which had not been clearly explained. In other words, we propose the dual path model for discount store loyalty which has been originated from store personality and service quality. This model is composed of extrinsic path, discount store personality$\rightarrow$store identification$\rightarrow$store loyalty, and intrinsic path, service quality of discount store$\rightarrow$customer satisfaction$\rightarrow$store loyalty. II. Research Model Dual path model integrates intrinsic path and extrinsic path into one specific model. Intrinsic path put an emphasis on quality characteristics and extrinsic path focuses on brand characteristics. Intrinsic path is based on information processing perspective, and extrinsic path emphasizes symbolic and emotional dimension of brand. This model is composed of extrinsic path, discount store personality$\rightarrow$store identification$\rightarrow$store loyalty, and intrinsic path, service quality of discount store$\rightarrow$customer satisfaction$\rightarrow$store loyalty. Hypotheses are as follows; Hypothesis 1: Service quality perceived by customers in discount store has an positive effect on customer satisfaction Hypothesis 2: Store personality perceived by customers in discount store has an positive effect on store identification Hypothesis 3: Customer satisfaction in discount store has an positive effect on store loyalty. Hypothesis 4: Store identification has an positive effect on store loyalty. III. Results and Implications We examined consumers who patronize discount stores for samples of this study. With the structural equation model(SEM) analysis, we empirically tested the validity and fitness of the dual path model for store loyalty in discount stores. As results, the fitness indices of this model were well fitted to data obtained. In an intrinsic path, service quality(SQ) is positively related to customer satisfaction(CS), customer satisfaction(CS) has very significantly positive effect on store loyalty(SL). Also, in an extrinsic path, the store personality(SP) is positively related to store identification(SI), it shows significant effect on store loyalty. Table 1 shows the results as follows; There are some theoretical and practical implications. First, Many studies on discount store loyalty have been executed from various perspectives. But there has been no integrative view on this issue. And so, this research was theoretically designed to integrate various and controversial arguments into one systematic model. We empirically tested dual path model forming store loyalty, and brought up a systematic and integrative framework for future studies. We want to expect creative and aggressive research activities. Second, a few established papers are focused on the relationship between antecedents and store loyalty; store characteristics, atmosphere, sales promotion in store, service quality, trust, commitment, etc., There has been some limits in understanding thoroughly the formation process of store loyalty with a singular path, intrinsic or extrinsic. Beyond these limits in single path, we could propose the new path for store loyalty. This is meaningful. Third, discount store firms make and execute marketing strategies for increasing store loyalty. This research provides real practitioners with reference framework needed for actual strategy formation. Because this paper shows integrated and systematic path for store loyalty. A special feature of this study is to represent 6 sub dimensions of service quality in intrinsic path and 4 sub dimensions of store personality in extrinsic path. Marketers can make more analytic marketing planning with concrete sub dimensions of service quality and store personality. When marketers of discount stores make strategic planning like MPR, Ads, campaign, sales promotion, they can use many items which are more competitive than competitors.

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A Study on the Characteristics and Management Plan of Old Big Trees in the Sacred Natural Sites of Handan City, China (중국 한단시 자연성지 내 노거수의 특성과 관리방안)

  • Xi, Su-Ting;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • First, The spatial distribution characteristics of old big trees were analyzed using ArcGIS figures by combining basic information such as species and ages of old big trees in Handan City, which were compiled by the local bureau of landscaping. The types of species, distribution by ages of trees, ownership status, growth status, and diversity status were comprehensively analyzed. Statistically, Styphnolobium, Acacia, Gleditsia, and Albizia of Fabaceae accounted for the majority, of which Sophora japonica accounted for the highest proportion. Sophora japonica is widely and intensively distributed to each prefecture and district in Handan city. According to the age and distribution, the old big trees over 1000 years old were mainly Sophora japonica, Zelkova serrata, Juniperus chinensis, Morus australis Koidz., Dalbergia hupeana Hance, Ceratonia siliqua L., and Pistacia chinensis, and Platycladus orientalis. Second, as found in each type of old big tree status, various types of old big tree status were investigated, the protection management system, protection management process, and protection management benefits were studied, and the protection of old big tree was closely related to the growth environment. Currently, the main driving force behind the protection of old big trees is the worship of old big trees. By depositing its sacredness to the old big tree and sublimating the natural character that nature gave to the old big tree into a guiding consciousness of social activities, nature's "beauty" and personality's "goodness" are well combined. The protection state of the old big tree is closely related to the degree of interaction with the surrounding environment and the participation of various cultures and subjects. In the process of continuously interacting with the surrounding environment during the long-term growth of old big trees, it seems that a natural sanctuary was formed around old big trees in the process of voluntarily establishing a "natural-cultural-scape" system involving bottom-up and top-down cross-regions, multicultural and multi-subjects. Third, China focused on protecting and recovering old big trees, but the protection management system is poor due to a lack of comprehensive consideration of historical and cultural values, plant diversity significance, and social values of old big trees in the management process. Three indicators of space's regional characteristics, property and protection characteristics, and value characteristics can be found in the evaluation of the natural characteristics of old giant trees, which are highly valuable in terms of traditional consciousness management, resource protection practice, faith system construction, and realization of life community values. A systematic management system should be supported as to whether they can be protected and developed for a long time. Fourth, as the perception of protected areas is not yet mature in China, "natural sanctuary" should be treated as an important research content in the process of establishing a nature reserve system. The form of natural sanctuary management, which focuses on bottom-up community participation, is a strong supplement to the current type of top-down nature reserve management in China. Based on this, the protection of old giant trees should be included in the form of a nature reserve called a natural monument in the nature reserve system. In addition, residents of the area around the nature reserve should be one of the main agents of biodiversity conservation.

A Study on the Visions of Zechariah in the Old Testament from a Perspective of Analytical Psychology (구약성서 '스가랴'서의 환상에 대한 분석심리학적 연구)

  • Sang Ick Han
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2014
  • Mystic experience such as seeing an vision could be explained as experiencing elusive and mysterious unique existence in religious way. In depth psychology, which is based on unconsciousness like analytical psychology, this could be explained as a something that gives a meaning of life and purpose through discovering health and healing. The importance of primodial experience in depth psychology is that it can possibly discover the base of present acts. In Christian theology, symbolic mystery and truth of religious experience that appear in Christian tradition have interest on human situation. These two fields' approach methods are different, but both show common interest on unique experience which can be said properly as raw experience. Various visions appear in many parts of the Bible. Among many visions, the book of Zechariah, one of the 12 Prophets, describes rich and diverse 8 visions through chapter 1 to chapter 8. However, due to the Genre of revelation, it lacks historicity, and because of vagueness and symbolic meanings, its visions are hard to understand and interpret. Theologically, visions of Zechariah show communality of Israelites by reconstructing kingdom of Judah and church in a way of historical circumstances. Though, these visions could deliver the meaning of an ethnical aspect as reporting continuous conversation between the God and humans. Furthermore, it could mean a personal aspect of the Prophet Zechariah as reaching for a opportunity of new change. Moreover, those who read these visions could try to interpret the meanings of various images which represent meeting mysterious existences. Therefore, the Author would concentrate on the fact that 8 visions in the book of Zechariah, which has not been received much attention to neither Christians nor non-believers, develop in chiastic structure (stylistic contrast), so that tries to interpret the first, second, seventh, and the eighth visions in analytic psychology way. In visions of Zechariah, excepting the 4th vision which probably was inserted later, rest of 7 visions each shows the stage of the hours of darkness. 1st to 3rd visions represent evening, 5th vision represents deep in the night, and 6th to 8th visions represent dawn to morning. Moreover, since structure of visions arranged in chiastic way, horse appears in 1st and 8th vision, measuring rope and measure tools are used as main motif in 2nd and 7th vision. However, same motifs could have different symbolic meanings and roles as visions are formed in different situations and conditions. In the first vision, angels who ride horses look around the world and report it is calm and peaceful. Concerning the political situation back in the day, the world being calm and peaceful in the beginning of evening means that it is not ready to change to a whole new world. Psychologically, if there is no readiness to adopt new world, it means being hopeless. It is sending you a message to get out of those kinds of situation. Moreover, appearance of four angels who rode red, brown, and white horses to a myrtus tree in the valley means that it is time for individuation and it is right and good timing for changing. In second vision, you will be able to see that Israelites had long years being caught in the shadows by foreign country, and long years succumbed by the strength of four horns, which shows the progress of renewing strength and being oneness with oneself from overwhelmed situation by paternity. In seventh vision, meaning of two women bringing the godness of the sky, who were locked up in a rice basket, back to the temple in Babylon is going towards in a level of Self-actualization by separating one's ego captured excessively by matherhood and putting back to a place where it was before. In eighth vision, chariots pulled by horses are scattered far and wide, and horses which went to north had rest in the land of North. After horses and chariots are seen between two mountains of bronze with the image of Self and anima/animus. These images can be explained as the changing progress are almost completed and the God and human, in other words Self and ego are being united and is now time for rest. All of 8 visions contains the conversation between angel and Zechariah who willing to know the meaning of visions. Zechariah asks the angel actively about the meaning of visions because of his wish for Israelites to return home and rebuild church. Conversation among the God, Zechariah, who asks questions until he knows everything, an Angel, who gives answer to given questions, is conversation between ego and anima/animus. Eventually, it is a conversation between Self and ego.