• Title/Summary/Keyword: 핵심구

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Development of 10,000N linear motor LCD Stocker system with CPTS (비접촉 전원장치를 적용한 LCD stocker용 10,000N급 선형전동기 응용시스템 기술개발)

  • Kim, T.J.;Rim, G.H.;Kang, D.H.;Cho, J.G.;Cho, S.J.;Cho, S.I.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07d
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    • pp.2057-2058
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    • 2006
  • 선형 전동기는 일반 회전기를 펼친 상태로 유도기, 전동기, 직류기 및 기타 특수 전동기로 분류하며 그 원리는 회전형 전동기와 같다. 직선 운동을 필요로 하는 시스템에서 기계적 변환 기구를 사용하지 않고 직접 직선 운동을 얻을 수 있으므로 향후 자동화 기기, 교통수단, 산업용 기기 등에 많은 수요를 창출할 수 있는 전동기이다. 또한 선형 전동기는 일반 회전형 전동기에 비해 스크류, 체인, 기어 시스템 등의 기계적인 변환장치가 없이 선형 구동력을 직접 발생시키므로 청정을 필요로 하는 환경에서 회전형에 비해 절대적으로 우세하다. 그러나 이상과 같은 장점을 지닌 선형 전동기를 실제 시스템에 적용하기 위해서는 속도의 저하에 따른 저 출력, 저 효율 및 고 가격과 같은 문제들을 우선적으로 해결해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 이 선형 전동기 기술이 적용되는 차세대 LCD 공정 자동화설비인 10,000N급 Stocker System에 적용되는 핵심기술과 기술개발 동향에 대한 소개를 하고자 한다.

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Determination of photo- and electroluminescence quantum efficiency of semiconducting polymers (전기발광고분자의 양자효율 측정)

  • 이광희;박성흠;김진영;진영읍;서홍석
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 2002
  • In a recent effort to develop polymer light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as promising flat panel display components, measurements of reliable absolute photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) efficiency for polymer materials are required. In this work, we performed the measurement of PL and EL efficiency of luminescent polymers using an integrating sphere technique. The external PL efficiency of MEH-PPV was estimated to be 8 ($\pm$2)% together with the value of 0.02 1m/W for the external EL efficiency. This PL efficiency is in good agreement with published values, indicating that our PL efficiency measurements are somewhat legitimate. We believe this study might contribute to the research and development of organic materials for optoelectronic devices.

New Convergence Business Models by Applying Cloud Service to Medical Industry (클라우드 서비스의 의료산업 적용을 통한 새로운 융합 비즈니스 모델)

  • Jeon, Hangoo;Kim, Jongchul;Seo, Kwang-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.467-472
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the value of ICT-based medical devices, equipments, software and service development are is increased according to strengthening the convergence among ICT, medical technologies and services. This paper presents the new convergence business models by applying cloud service to medical industry. In order to develop the new convergence business models, we checked the validity and feasibility through analyzing the medical market environments such as medical data backup, medical regulation etc. and present the new convergence business models and the direction of commercial business models for customer acquisition, market expansion and competitiveness improvement. This study is to provide the guidelines for establishing the core capacity strengthening strategy and partnership cooperation strategy when we design a new convergence business models in various industrial fields.

Students' Conceptions and the Historical Change of the Concept: Free-fall Motion (학생의 개념과 개념의 역사적 변천: 자유낙하 운동)

  • Song, Jin-Woong;Jang, Kyoung-Ae;Pak, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 1996
  • 본연구는 자유낙하 운동에 대학 학생의 개념을 이 개념의 역사적 변천 과정과 비교하여 분석하였다. 네 연령층(ll세,13세, 15세, 17세)으로부터 총 737명이 설문조사에 참여하였으며,설문에서 주어전 문항들은 자유낙하 운동과 관련하여 과거의 과학자(예를 들어, 아리스토텔레스, 임페루스 이론가, 갈릴레오)들이 고민하였던 핵심 문제를 반영하는 것이었다. 설문에는 세 문항이 포함되었으며,각 문항은 자유낙하 운동에 관한 세 가지 측면(즉,운동의 원인,낙하높이와 낙하속력의 관계,낙하 체의 무게와 낙하속력의 관계)에 각각 관련된 것이었다. 낙하운동의 원인에 대혜서, 전체 학생의 4.3%, 25.5%. 62.7%가 아리스토텔레스,임페루스스,갈릴레오적 관점을 각각 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 낙하높이와 낙하속력의 관계에 대혜서는,20.0% 와 29.0%의 학생들이 각각 아리스토텔레스와 갈릴레오적 관점을 지닌 것으로 냐타났다. 그리고 낙하체와 무게와 낙하속력의 관계에 대혜서는,19.0%,34.8%,42.2%의 학생들이 아리스토텔레스,임페루스,갈리레오적 관점을 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 개별 문항에서 부분적으로 임페루스적 관점으로부터 갈릴레오적 관점으로의 변화가 나타났으나,전체적으로 연령이 증가함에 따라 학생의 개념이 현대적 관점으로 변화한다고 판단 하기는 어려웠다. 그리고 본 연구로부터 학생의 개념과 그 개념의 역사적 변천 과정에 사이에 상당한 유사성과 함께 차이점이 존제함을 알 수 있었다.

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Motion Search Region Prediction using Neural Network Vector Quantization (신경 회로망 벡터 양자화를 이용한 움직임 탐색 영역의 예측)

  • Ryu, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.33B no.1
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a new search region prediction method using vector quantization for the motion estimation. We find motion vectors using the full search BMA from two successive frame images first. Then the motion vectors are used for training a codebook. The trained codebook is the predicted search region. We used the unsupervised neural network for VQ encoding and codebook design. A major advantage of formulating VQ as neural networks is that the large number of adaptive training algorithm that are used for neural networks can be applied to VQ. The proposed method reduces the computation and reduce the bits required to represent the motion vectors because of the smaller search points. The computer simulation results show the increased PSNR as compared with the other block matching algorithms.

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A Study on the Development of the Console with LCD Panel for Exterior Advertizing (LCD 패널을 탑재한 옥외 광고용 콘솔 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kab-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2010
  • The development of the console for exterior advertizing LCD Panel(LCD Console) is the purpose of this study with regard to importance of display industry. In this study, the most important point is to develop the cooling system for LCD Console. It is developed by using systematic application techniques and statistical tests and analysis to integrate commercial components, cooling fan, heat sink, thermo electronic modules etc, of it. This study, at first, shows design/manufacturing process of the cooling system and the setting process of control factors to control through experimentation. Next, after constructing the complete console, 46 inch LCD Panel and the cooling system are built in, the performance test of it is shown through experimentation.

Iterative Algorithms for Interference Alignment in Cellular Network (셀룰러 네트워크상의 간섭정렬을 위한 반복 알고리즘)

  • Yeo, Jeong Ho;Cho, Joon Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37B no.10
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    • pp.947-955
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose iterative algorithms to obtain the transmit and the receive vectors for interference alignment in cellular network. Although the conventional interference alignment algorithms for interference channels can be applied to cellular network, the number of iterations required to achieve a high sum rate is very large. The key idea in the proposed algorithms is to ignore intra-cell interference in updating the transmit vector for uplink and the receive vector for downlink. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithms achieve higher sum rates than the conventional algorithms for given iteration numbers when multiple antennas and a single carrier are used for interference alignment. It is also shown that the proposed algorithms outperform the conventional algorithms when a single antenna and multiple subcarriers are used for interference alignment.

A Study on the Teaching of Long Division Algorithm in Elementary Mathematics Education (초등수학교육에서 장제법 지도에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Heung Kyu
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.371-391
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    • 2016
  • Long division was one of the major issues in math war II started from 1990's in US. In this paper, we investigated this concretely and examined present teaching condition of long division in Korea. Firstly, Long division is not only a mechanical way to get the answer but also a realization of core conception in elementary mathematics. Futhermore it is a connecting link between elementary and middle mathematics education. Secondly, it is needed to use the term 'long division' to provide the concrete teaching guidelines. Thirdly, a minor algorithm, like an 'partial quotient method', is necessary to introduce in order to help understanding long division.

Dynamic Interactions between the Reactor Vessel and the CEDM of the Pressurized Water Reactor (가압경수로 원자로용기와 제어봉 구동장치의 동적 상호작용)

  • Jin, Choon-Eon
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.837-845
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    • 1997
  • The dynamic interactions between the reactor vessel and the control element drive mechanisms (CEDMs) of a pressurized water reactor are studied with the simplified mathematical model. The CEDMs are modeled as multiple substructures having different masses and the reactor vessel as a single degree of freedom system. The explicit equation for the frequency responses of the multiple substructure system are presented for the case of harmonic base excitations. The optimum dynamic characteristics of the CEDMs are presented to reduce the dynamic responses of the reactor vessel. The mathematical model and its response equations are verified by finite element analysis for the detailed model of the reactor vessel and the CEDMs for the harmonic base excitations. It is finally shown that the optimal dynamic characteristics of the CEDM presented can be applicable for the aseismic design.

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An Improved Object Detection Method using Hausdorff Distance based on Elastic Deformation Energy (탄성변형 에너지 기반 Hausdorff 거리를 이용한 개선된 객체검출)

  • Won, Bo-Whan;Koo, Ja-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.2 s.46
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2007
  • Object detection process which makes decision on the existence of meaningful objects in a given image is a crucial part of image recognition in computer vision system. Hausdorff distance metric has been used in object detection and shows good results in applications such as face recognition. It defines the dissimilarity between two sets of points and is used to find the object that is most similar to the given model. This paper proposes a Hausdorff distance based detection method that uses directional information of points to improve detection accuracy when the sets of points are derived from edge extraction as is in usual cases. In this method, elastic energy needed to make two directional points coincident is used as a measure of similarity.

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