• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한후기

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A Study on the Manufacturing of Soysauce by the Use of Milled Barely (보리를 이용(利用)한 간장제조(製造)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyung-Soo;Kim, Ze-Uook
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 1986
  • The chemical changes and the quality of the soysauce which was Bade by new convenient method using vinyl teat instead of koji room, replacing wheat with milled barley koji were investigated. Protease activity of the koji was higher as tile ratio of soybeans was increased but amylase activity was higher as the ratio of milled barley was increased. The amounts of total nitrogen showed substantial increases until 80 days and afterwards, their rates of increases were lower. The more its content of soybeans, the higher its amount of total nitrogen, The amount of amino nitrogen increased slowly in all samples and the sample which had a large amount of soybeans was higher than those with small amounts of soybeans. The amount of ammonia nitrogen showed increases until 120 days tut decreased after then. The amount of reducing sugar showed increases until 80 days and decreased after then and the greater its source of carton, the higher its amount of reducing sugar. The total acid contort had large increases until 100 days in all samples and afterward they did not show any particular changes. The changes of pH decreased for 100 days and afterwards, they increased a little. In the original soysauce, combined ratio of soybean 3 to milled barley 2 and the sample of those ratio 4 : 1 are better than others and in diluted soysauce combined ratio of soybean 4 to milled barley 1 is better than the others. In original soysauce the use of $20{\sim}40%$ barley koji, which is added to soybeans, is superior and diluted soysauce the use of 20% barley koji is superior.

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The Study on the Effects of the Economical Use of Irrigation Water by Different Irrgation Periods and Its Methods on the Growth, Yield and the Factors of Rice Plants. (절수의 시기 및 방법의 차이가 수도생육 수량과 기타 실용형태질 미치는 영향)

  • 이창구
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1388-1393
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    • 1968
  • Higher yield in rice paddies is greatly dependent on adequately balanced and timely supply of water. A majority of rice paddy in Korea is generally irrigated by rainfall, but in many cases it has to be supplemented by artificial irrigation for optimum rice culture. Although the water requirement of rice plant is far higher than that of other crops, submerged condition of rice paddy is not necessarily required. The moisture requirement of rice plant varies with its growing stages, and it is possible to increase the irrigation efficiency through reduction of water loss due to percolation in rice paddies. An experiment was conducted on the effectiveness of economical use of water by different irrigation period and different method of cultivation. The experimental plots were set up by means of randomized block design with three duplications; (a) Alltime submerged (b) Economically controlled, and (c) Extremely controlled. Three different irrigation periods were (a) Initial stage (b) Inter-stage, and (c) last stage. The topsoil of the three plots were excavated to the depth of 30cm and then compacted with clay of 6 cm thickness. Thereafter, they were piled up with the excavated top soils, leveled and cored with clay of 6cm thickeness arround footpath in order to prevent leakage. The results obtained frome the experiments are as follows; (1) There is no difference among the three experiment plots in terms of physical and chemical contditions, soil properties, and other characteristics. (2) Colulm length and ear length are not affected by different irrigation methdos. (3) There is no difference in the mature rate and grain weight of rice for the three plots. (4) The control plot which was irrigated every three days shows an increased yield over the all the time submerged plot by 17 persent. (5) The clay lined plot whose water holding capacity was held days long, needs only to be irrigated every 7 days. (6) The clay lined plot showes an increased yield over the untreated plot; over all the time submerged plot by 18 percent, extremely controlled plot by 18 percent, and economically controled plot by 33 percent.

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Rice Bran and Charcoal Meal Application on Rice Growth and Bacterial Population in Paddy Soil (쌀겨 및 목탄 시용이 벼 생육과 토양세균의 밀도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Bok;Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Goo;Kim, Jai-Duk;Lee, Deog-Bae;Lee, Kyeong-Bo;Han, Sang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 2001
  • A study was carried out to investigate the effect of rice bran and charcoal meal application on growth in rice and bacterial population in paddy soil. Four different treatments were applied ; at whole layer placement of rice bran 1.8Mg/ha(1.8WR), surface of rice bran 1.8Mg/ha(1.8SR), charcoal meal 3.0Mg/ha(3.00M), and combined rice bran 1.8Mg/ha and charcoal meal 3.0Mg/ha (1.8R+3.0C) through field experiment. $NH_4-N$ and $NO_3-N$ in soil were high in the application of 1.8SR and 1.8R+3.0C until heading stage after rice bran application. Amount of nitrogen absorbed by rice plant were the highest in application of 1.8R+3.0C, and the lowest in application of 3.0CM. Rice yield was no differences among treatments. A number of total aerobic bacteria were the highest in application of 1.8R+3.0C at panicle formation stage of rice. Cellulose decomposers were high in application of 1.8SR at tillering stage and in application of 1.8R+3.0C at harvesting stage. The microorganisms of ammonia-oxidizing and denitrifying bacteria showed higher number in the application of 1.8R+3.0C and 1.8SR at tillering stage than heading stage. Azotobacter had tendency to decreased with the passage of time, but increased when rice bran was added. Athiorhodacea were numerous in the application of 1.8WR, but a few in the application of 3.0CM through growing period of rice plant.

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Effect of Soil Water on the Movement of Ca, Mg and K in the Soil (토양수분(土壤水分) 조건(條件)에 따른 Ca, Mg 과 K 의 이동(移動))

  • Ryu, Kwan-Shig;Yoo, Sun-Ho;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 1994
  • Field microplot(D 20cm, L 85cm) experiment filled with Bonryang sandy loam soil(Typic Udifluvents) was conducted to obtain quantitative information on the movement of applied nutrients under different soil moisture regimes and ladino clover cultivation. The slaked lime was detected as an exchangeable Ca in the layer applied. The released Ca into the soil water proceeded rapid downward movement. Ca content in the soil was lowest at 20~30cm and tended to increase with soil depth. Downward movement of Mg in the slaked lime was similar to the movement of Ca to a greater extent. Plant uptake of Mg and leaching loss out of the microplot increased with lowering soil moisture tension. Downward movement of K was rapid in comparision with Ca and Mg. Lowering soil moisture tension enhanced both plant uptake and leaching loss of applied K. Irrigation at 0.2bar soil miosture condition increased plant uptake of Ca, Mg and K by 55, 71 and 76 % to compare to the plant uptake of Ca:0.49g, Mg:0.21g and K:1.90g/microplot at the nonirrigated condition respectively. Distribution of each of these elements seemed to be greatly affected by the downward movement of Ca with soil moisture, plant uptake of Mg(69%), and plant uptake and downward movement of K.

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Effects of Fly Ash and Zeolite Application on Amount of Irrigation Water in Dry Seeded Rice (벼 건답직파(乾畓直播) 재배시(栽培時) 석탄회(石炭灰) 및 제오라이트 시용(施用)이 관개수량(灌漑水量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kang, Hang-Won;Ko, Ji-Yeon;Park, Hyang-Mee;Kang, Ui-Gum;Lim, Dong-Kyu;Park, Kyeong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted in the sandy loam soil to find out the effects of fly ash and zeolite applications on saving of irrigation water which was required great quantities during the cultivation days of dry seeded rice. Total water loss was reduced so rapidly in the early growth stage that n was the least in the 18th day after irrigation. After that day it was increasd due to the growth development and the rising temperature. In the daily mean of decreasing water level during the whole irrigation days, control was 47.7mm but the treatments of fly ash and zeolite were 31.8mm and 35.8mm respectively Amounts of the presumed irrigation water of fly ash and zeolite treatments were lower about 29.1% and 20.9%. respectively than that of control during the whole irrigation days These gaps between control and amendment treatments were greater in the early growth stage than in the late stage Hardness, bulk density and the ratio of solid phase in the soil after experiment were the highest in the fly ash treatment and those of control and zeolite treatments were showed the same trends each other. Amounts of water percoration of control and zeolite treatments in the soil were increased 8.2% and 2.6% respectively in comparision with those in the soil after amendment application, but that of fly ash treatment was decreased 42.5%, In contrast to the water percoration of control in the soil after experiment, those of fly ash and zeolite treatments were decreased 76% and 32%.

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Changes of Biomass, Net Primary Productivity and P/B Ratio during Abandoned Field Succession after Shifting Cultivation in Korea (화전 후 묵밭의 식생 천이에 따른 식물량, 순 일차 생산성 및 P/B 비의 변화)

  • Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2006
  • Changes of the biomass, net primary productivity and P/B ratio during abandoned field succession after shifting cultivation were investigated in Pyoungchang, Gangwon-Do, Korea. Aboveground standing biomass of herb species showed the maximum value (3.8 ton/ha) in the 5 year old-field, and decreased thereafter. Litter dry weight was depicted as a parabola form showing the gradual increment during the first 50 years and slight decrease thereafter. Basal area tended to increase logarithmically during abandoned field succession. Tree density showed the gradual increment during the first 15 years and decreased thereafter by the self-thinning process. In the later successional stage (80 years old-field), the shoot density distribution of the tree species by DBH class showed the reverse J shaped curve and Quercus mongolica dominated. Total standing biomass increased slowly in the earlier successional stages and later successional stages, and increased rapidly during the mid-successional stages ($10{\sim}50$ years old-field). Total standing biomass in the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 80 years old-fields were estimated 5, 14, 75, 251 and 373 ton/ha, respectively. Annual net primary productivity were depicted as a parabola form showing the gradual increment during the first 35 years and declined thereafter. The increment rates of the annual net primary productivity in the earlier successional stages showed the higher value than mid-successional stages. The annual net primary productivities in the 5, 10, 20, 35, 50 and 80 years old-field were estimated 8.6, 9.3, 12.9, 15.1, 13.7 and 3.6 ton/ha/yr, respectively. The estimated P/B ratio tended to decrease exponentially during abandoned field succession. The estimated P/B ratio in the 5, 10, 20, 50 and 80 years old-field were 0.60, 0.39, 0.19, 0.06 and 0.01, respectively. These results were fairly in accordance with the bioenergetics model during the forest succession projected by Odum(1969).

Relationship between the Aboveground Vegetation Structure and Fine Roots of the Topsoil in the Burnt Forest Areas, Korea (산화적지에서 지상부 식생구조와 표토에 분포하는 세근의 관계)

  • Lee, Kyu-Song;Park, Sang-Deog
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between the aboveground vegetation structure and fine roots of the topsoil (<15m), and thereafter to obtain the regression models for the estimation of the fine roots of the topsoil using the aboveground vegetation values in the burned forest areas, Korea. The FRT (fine roots of the top soil) as well as the aboveground vegetation structure showed spatial variation in the earlier successional stages after forest fire. The fine roots (<2 mm) of the topsoil in the earlier successional stages than the first 3 year after forest fire showed the range from 3 to 166 g $DM/m^2$. The FRT in the naturally regenerated sites and planted sites after forest fire was closely correlated with the vegetation indices, especially lvc, representing the development status of the aboveground vegetation. The FRT in the terrace seeding work sites after forest fire was closely correlated with year elapsed after terrace seeding work. The FRT in the terrace seeding work sites showed the much higher values because of the vigorous growth of grass species than the other sites. In the naturally regenerated sites, the FRT showed the parabola form according to the increment of aboveground vegetation value (Ivc). Although the aboveground vegetation value (Ivc) showed a tendency to increase logarithmically during the secondary succession after forest fire, the estimated fine roots of the topsoil was depicted the parabola form showing the gradual increment until the first 15 years and slight decrease thereafter. Decrease of FRT in the later successional stage showing the high vegetation value may be caused by increment of the woody species contribution to the vegetation value (Ivc). Our results represented that the aboveground vegetation value (Ivc) can be used to the estimation of the fine roots of the topsoil in burned forest areas.

Palaeomagnetism of the Cretaceous Yuchon Group in Kosong Area, Southern Kyongsang Basin (경상분지 남단 고성지역의 백악기 유천층군에 대한 고자기 연구)

  • Kang, Hee-Cheol;Kim, In-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.663-674
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    • 2000
  • A total of 165 independently oriented core samples were collected from 19 Cretaceous Yuchon Group sites in Kosong area, the southernmost part of the Miryang subbasin of the Kyongsang Basin in southern Korea. Stepwise AF and thermal cleaning revealed antipodal ChRM from 95 samples from 14 sites. Mean ChRM direction is d=26.0$^{\circ}$, i=49.4$^{\circ}$ (${\alpha}_{95}$=8.2$^{\circ}$, k=24.5, n= 14) before bedding correction and d=28.1$^{\circ}$, i=54.2$^{\circ}$ (${\alpha}_{95}$=4.8$^{\circ}$, k=70.6, n= 14) after bedding correction. A 2.88-fold increase of the precession parameter k by bedding correction indicates pre-folding age of the ChRM with 99% confidence level. Palaeomagnetic pole position calculated from the mean ChRM is 67.0$^{\circ}$N, 210.6$^{\circ}$E (dp=4.7$^{\circ}$, dm=6.7$^{\circ}$), which is significantly different neither from the poles of other part of the Kyongsang Basin nor those of Eurasia including SCB and NCB. This suggests stable relative position of the study area with regard to other parts of the Kyongsang Basin as well as to Eurasia continent since Cretaceous. Three ploarity reversals in the Kosong Formation in addition to the coexistence of normal and reversed polarities in the overlying Andesites and Welded Tuff suggest, in reference to the worldwide geomagnetic polarity time scale, an Albian to Maastrichtian (polarity chron 32r-31r) age of the Yuchon Group of the study area. An alleged hypothesis of stratigraphical correspondence between the Kosong Formation in the study area and the Tadaepo Formation in Pusan area is, however, not tenable: Not only because the latter shows a short reverse polarity only in its lowest part of the sequence but also because the Andesites overlying it is wholly normally magnetized, in contrast to the frequent reverals in the case of both the Kosong Formation and Andesites above it.

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Proinflammatory Effects of High Mobility Group B1 (HMGB1) Versus LPS and the Mechanism of IL-8 Promoter Stimulation by HMGB1 (High mobility group B1(HMGB1)과 LPS의 염증유발효과 차이의 비교 및 HMGB1에 의한 IL-8 promoter 자극 기전의 규명)

  • Jeon, Eun Ju;Kwak, Hee Won;Song, Ju Han;Lee, Young Woo;Chung, Jae Woo;Choi, Jae Chul;Shin, Jong Wook;Park, In Won;Choi, Byoung Whui;Kim, Jae Yeol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.299-307
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    • 2007
  • Background: High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is a novel, late mediator of inflammation. This study compared the pro-inflammatory effects of LPS and HMGB1. The transcriptional factors that play an important role in mediating the HMGB1-induced stimulation of IL-8 were also evaluated. Methods: RAW264.7 cells were stimulated with either LPS (100 ng/ml) or HMGB1 (500 ng/ml). The $TNF-{\alpha}$, MIP-2 and $IL-1{\beta}$ levels in the supernatant were evaluated by ELISA at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24h after stimulation. An acute lung injury was induced by an injection of LPS (5 mg/kg) or HMGB1 (2.5 mg/kg) into the peritoneum of the Balb/c mice. The lung cytokines and MPO activity were measured at 4h (for LPS) or 24h (for HMGB1) after the injection. The transcriptional factor binding sites for NF-IL6, $NF-{\kappa}B$ and AP-1 in the IL-8 promoter region were artificially mutated. Each mutant was ligated with pIL-6luc and transfected into the RAW264.7 cells. One hour after stimulation with HMGB1 (500 ng/ml), the cell lysate was analyzed for the luciferase activity. Results: The expression of MIP-2, which peaked at 8h with LPS stimulation, increased sequentially until 24h after HMGB1 stimulation. An intraperitoneal injection of HMGB1, which induced a minimal increased in $IL-1{\beta}$ expression, provoked the accumulation of neutrophils the lung. A mutation of AP-1 as well as $NF-{\kappa}B$ in the IL-8 promoter region resulted in a lower luciferase activity after HMGB1 stimulation. Conclusion: The proinflammatory effects of HMGB1, particularly on IL-8, are mediated by both $NF-{\kappa}B$ and AP-1.

Effects of Feeding Induced Molting on the Performance, Egg Quality, and Visceral Organs in Laying Hens (산란계에서 급이환우가 산란계의 생산성과 계란의 품질 및 주요 장기에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, E.C.;Na, J.C.;You, D.C.;Jang, B.G.;Kim, H.K.;Choi, Y.H.;Park, H.D.;HwangBo, J.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to compare the effect of feeding molting and fasting molting on the performance, egg quality, and visceral organs in laying hens for animal welfare. Eighty one 62-wk-old White Leghorn hens that egg production was over 80% and average weight was $1.6{\pm}0.3\;kg$ were used in this study. Treatments were control (non-molt treatment), feeding molt treatment, and fasting molt treatment. The three treatments were administered to three replicate group of nine hens wherein each group. All treatment groups were fed the basal diet (CP 15%, ME 2,700 kal/kg) for two weeks as the adaptation period. Induced molt diets contains low CP (6.7%) and low energy (2,200 kal/kg). Test periods were 14 days for feeding molting and 10 days for fasting molting. Egg production decreased to be 0% at 10 days of feeding molting treatment, but at 2 or 3 days of fasting molting treatment. Egg production restarted after 19 days ending molt at feeding molting treatment, while after 24 days at fasting molting treatment. On the egg quality was improved at molting treatments (p<0.05) except egg yolk. Egg shell tissue was crowded at molting treatment to compare to control. Liver weights, heart weight, and oviduct weight of laying hens decreased at molting treatments (p<0.05). Finally, feeding molting might could be replaced fasting molting on the welfare and further studies were needed about molting program.