• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한후기

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Analysis on the Korea's Treasure No.840, a Stone-carved Horizontal Sundial

  • Mihn, Byeong-Hee;Lee, Yong Sam;Kim, Sang Hyuk;Choi, Won-Ho;Ham, Seon Young;Choi, Go-eun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.48.2-48.2
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    • 2017
  • 우리는 문화재청에서 제공한 보물 840호의 3D 스캔 자료를 이용하여 이 해시계의 위도와, 영침의 길이와 형태, 그 위치에 대해 분석하였다. 국립고궁박물관에는 조선후기 돌널판에 제작된 지평일구가 남아있다. 보물로 지정된 두 유물 중 840호에 새겨진 신법지평일구라는 명문에 의거하여 이 해시계 명칭이 사용되었다. 서양의 구면천문학을 적용하여 제작된 이 지평일구는 단지 시각선과 절기선이 새겨져 있고, 그 밖에 핀 모양의 홈과 깊은 구멍 하나가 흔적으로 남아 있다. 우리는 지평일구의 시각선이 수렴하는 점을 직교좌표의 원점으로 삼았다. 3D 스캔 자료에서 시각선의 연장선은 한 점이 아닌 원점 근처에서 수 mm 이내에서 분산되었다. 각 시각선마다의 원점을 설정하여 계산한 해시계의 위도는 평균 $37^{\circ}\;15^{\prime}{\pm}26^{\prime}$을 보였고, 이는 보물 840호 명문의 37도 39분과 24'의 차이를 나타내었다. 우리의 분석에 따르면 시반의 구멍은 영표가 서있는 위치였으며, 영표의 길이는 $43.7{\pm}0.7mm$로 핀 모양 홈의 길이인 43.1 mm에 근접하였다. 이를 통해 이지평일구는 북극을 지시하는 삼각영표가 아닌 수직의 핀 모양의 영침이 설치된 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

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K-Ar biotite ages of pelitic schists in the Jeungpyeong-Deokpyeong area, central Ogcheon metamorphic belt, Korea (증평-덕평 지역 중부 옥천변성대에 분포하는 이질 편암의 K-Ar 흑운모 연대)

  • 조문섭;김인준;김현철;민경원;안중호;장미경개
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 1995
  • The K-Ar ages of biotites, obtained from thirteen pelitic schists in the Jeungpyeong-Deokpyeong area, central Ogcheon metamorphic belt, range from 89 Ma to 213 Ma except for one specimen. These K-Ar ages systematically decrease as the distance between the analyzed specimen and the Jurassic or Creataceous granite decreases. The K-Ar ages of b~otites adjacent to the Jurassic and Cretaceous granites are 166 Ma and 89 Ma, respectively. Thus, the biotite ages are interpreted to result from the partial or complete resetting by thermal activities in association with the intrusion of Mesozoic granites, following the regional-thermal metamorphism at Late Triassic to Early Jurassic times.

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Online Reviews Analysis for Prediction of Product Ratings based on Topic Modeling (토픽 모델링에 기반한 온라인 상품 평점 예측을 위한 온라인 사용 후기 분석)

  • Park, Sang Hyun;Moon, Hyun Sil;Kim, Jae Kyeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2017
  • Customers have been affected by others' opinions when they make a purchase. Thanks to the development of technologies, people are sharing their experiences such as reviews or ratings through online or social network services, However, although ratings are intuitive information for others, many reviews include only texts without ratings. Also, because of huge amount of reviews, customers and companies can't read all of them so they are hard to evaluate to a product without ratings. Therefore, in this study, we propose a methodology to predict ratings based on reviews for a product. In a methodology, we first estimate the topic-review matrix using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation technic which is widely used in topic modeling. Next, we predict ratings based on the topic-review matrix using the artificial neural network model which is based on the backpropagation algorithm. Through experiments with actual reviews, we find that our methodology can predict ratings based on customers' reviews. And our methodology performs better with reviews which include certain opinions. As a result, our study can be used for customers and companies that want to know exactly a product with ratings. Moreover, we hope that our study leads to the implementation of future studies that combine machine learning and topic modeling.

Changes in Protein Patterns During Oogenesis and Development of Drosophila melanogaster (노랑초파리의 난자형성 및 발생과정중의 단백질 양상의 변화)

  • 이양림;문영화;정숙연
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 1981
  • Protein patterns at various stages of pre-and post-fertilization in Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Ovaries at various times after hatching, embryos, larvae and pupae were collected and used for protein analysis. The protein patterns were found to vary qualitatively and quantitatively during oogenesis as well as during embryogenesis and metamorphosis. Yolk proteins, which were found to be synthesized in fat body and transferred into the oocytes, appeared in three bands in the gel in the early stages, but these proteins seemded to be converged into a single band in the late stage of oogenesis. The protein patterns in the post fertilization stages seemed to be abruptly changed at two different stages; between embryonic and larval stages and between the second and third instar stages. The pattern in the pupal stages was not very much different from that of the third instar.

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A Study on the Artistic Development of Rogert Smithson as Means of Investigating His Conceptualization of a Modern Landscape Aesthetics (로버트 스미슨의 작품에 나타난 근대 경관미학의 개념화에 관한 연구)

  • 김도경
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 1996
  • 본 연구는 환경예술운동의 선구자격이며 가장 대표적인 작가로 평가되는 로버트 스미슨의 작품에 대한 연구를 통해 그의 경관미학의 개념화에 대하여 고찰해 보고자 하였으며 궁극적으로 본 연구가 환경예술운동이 현대 조경설계에 미친 영향에 대한 기초 연구라는데 본 논문의 의의를 찾고자 한다. 스미슨의 작품이 조경에서 다루는 경관의 여러 가지 관점을 다루었으며, la국을 중심으로 조경설계에서 공간의 시각적 표현을 시도한 몇몇 조경설계가의 작품배경 또한 환경예술로 불리어지는 일련의 작품군과 작가의 주장에 많은 영향을 받았음에도 불구하고 그의 작품이 조경분야에서 연구의 대상으로 활발하게 다루어지지 못한 것도 사실이다. 본 연구에서는 스미슨의 경관미학의 개념화를 그의 작품을 통해 살펴보았으며, 스미슨의 작품과 조경설계와의 연관성, 그리고 현대 조경설계에 미친 스미슨의 공헌등을 조명해 보았다. 스미슨의 초기작품들은 개발로 인한 환경 및 경관의 남용 혹은 황폐화에 대한 비평적인 관점을 예술적 형태로 묘사한 반면, 후기 작품들에서는 환경 및 경관에 대한 예술적인 조작에 긍정적인 가치를 부여하고자 한 것이었다. 스미슨의 작품이 현대 조경에 미친 가장 큰 공헌은 무엇보다도 경관 및 환경의 변화에 영향을 미치는 수단으로서 예술을 활용했다는 것일 것이다. 환경예술가들의 주장과 그들의 작품이 현대 조경설계에 구체적으로 어떻게 형상화되었는지에 대한 연구는 앞으로 규명되어야 할 부분이라고 판단된다.

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Maturationof Hamster's Follicular Ova in Culture (Hamster 의 노포난자의 배양에 의한 성렬)

  • 조완규
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1967
  • 본 실험은 4 일간의 성주기가 뚜렷한 성체인 golden hamster로부터 미성숙인 난자를 적출하여 화학적배양액내에서 그의 성숙을 유도시키고 성주기에 따른 미성숙 난자의 성렬율을 관찰하는 것을 주요 목적으로 하여 행하여졌다. 한 개의 난소로부터 5-6개의 미성숙 난자를 적출하여 5% bovine serum albumin이 섞인 TC Medium 199에 넣어서$CO_2$-incubator를 이용하여 6 시간내지 24시간 동안 37$^{\circ}C$를 유지해가며, 배양액이 직접 공기와접촉하는 것을 막기 위해 유동성인 paraffin oil로 배양액을 덮고서 배양을 완수했다. 실험의 결과를 다음과 같이 완수했다. 1. Hamster의 난자의 성숙분렬을 유발시키는데 가장 적합한 배양액은 BMOC, Eagle's Medium , Waymouth's Medium 그리고 TC Medium 199의 네가지 가운데 TC Medium199이었다. 즉 이 배양액을 이용했을 때 난자가 높은 성렬도를 보여주었다. 2. 5% bovine serum alumn을 TC Medium 199에 섞어주었을 때 미성숙 난자가 성순분렬을 유기하는 율이 가장 높았다. 3. 발정기에 있는 난소로부터 얻은 난자가 가장 현저하게 높은 율로 성숙분렬을 보여주었다. 반대로 발정후기의 난자는 배양 시작 후 단시간 내에 대부분이 퇴화하였으며 발정기에 가까워 갈수록 퇴화율이 줄어들었다. 이것은 노포가 성숙분렬을 억제하는 물질을 생성하리라고 여겨지고 있긴 \ulcorner만, 동시에 이 노포는 또 한편 난자의 배란뒤에까지도 생명력을 유지할수 있는 능력을 발정기에 이르기까지의 기간동안 난자에게 부여하며, 난자는 이 능력을 배란전까지 축적하게 되며 이 때문에 노포로부터 유리되어 나온 난자가 장기간 그 생명력을 유지해나가는 것이라고 추정된다. 4. Paraffin oil 로 공기를 차단하여서 배양한 난자나 혹은 watch glass를 이용하여 공기와 접촉시킨 난자에서나 모든 비슷한 율로 성숙분렬을 보여주었다. 이로 보아 조작이 까다로운 paraffin oil을 이용하는 방법보다는 손쉽게 배양할 수 있는 watch glass 의 방법이 오히려 유용하다고 할 수 있다.

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A Study on Typography Style by Deconstructionism (해체주의(Deconstructionism) 경향의 타이포그래피 스타일에 관한 연구)

  • 신청우
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 1999
  • It has been known that deconstruction has affected various fields as literature, architecture, an, film, industrial design, and so on. Especially, deconstruction has applied into a wide scope of the design related fields through diverse ways and the results also show that there is a great potentiality in the ways of it's expression with different styles. Deconstruction design has been approached in connection with post-modernism, deconstruction theory of J. Derrida and pluralistic post industrial society. In particular, it is obvious that deconstruction philosophy has deeply affected the fields of visual design and typography which are mostly communicated with symbols and texts. This study intends to examine how the deconstruction theory has been practically applied into the typography by analyzing the change of deconstruction typographic styles and exploring the distinctiveness of the change.

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Late Blink Reflex Abnormality in a Patient with Dysgeusia: A Case Report (미각 이상 환자에서의 후기 눈깜박 반사 검사 이상소견: 증례보고)

  • Park, Hong Bum;Han, A Reum;Kim, Ki Hoon;Park, Byung Kyu;Kim, Dong Hwee
    • Journal of Electrodiagnosis and Neuromuscular Diseases
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.144-147
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    • 2018
  • Although dysgeusia can occur as a consequence of stroke attacks, many physicians and patients tend to overlook it. A 50-year old woman complained of a 2-week history of abnormal sense of taste on the anterior two-thirds of right tongue. Blink reflex test demonstrated prolonged ipsilateral and contralateral R2 responses with the right supraorbital nerve stimulations, which suggest the lesion on the descending pathway. Brainstem magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated abnormal findings in the right lower dorsal pons, anterior to 4th ventricle, lateral to inferior colliculus, and at the level of the pontomedullary junction, which was compatible with solitary tract nucleus and spinal trigeminal nucleus. Brainstem infarction should be considered in patients who have abnormal sense of taste. Additionally, blink reflex test may be helpful for the detection of central origin dysgeusia.

Design of cultural products for the promotion of Korean cultural image - Focuseed on application by traditional Korean patterns - (한국적 문화이미지 고양.확대를 위한 문화상품 개발 - 전통문양의 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • 박현택
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 1998
  • The forthcoming twenty-first century is at the mercy of information and culture. A quality of humanlife is under the control of a cultural level. A nation's creative culture and a cultural level represent all things about the nation; and a national image, as a whole result of culture, is enormously influential. This new era of culturalism gives us a significant responsibility for getting ready for the late industrial society by practically harmonizing rationality of modem culture with conception of traditional culture. Industrializing culture and culturalizing industry will be the most important strategy for existence in these days of borderless international competitiveness. Cultural products which is containing a nation's own culture can not only enhance the national image, but also become high value-added industry. While general products are developed for the purpose of convenient and practical use, cultural products are created with the intention of informing international society about a nation or a region. In order to confront with a global market system and a change of cultural environment, it is necessary to create a proper design with cultural inheritance for modem likes and senses, to produce the design on a commercial scale, and to strengthen its competitiveness on international markets. In order that a commodity is born, distributed throughout markets, and delivered to a final consumer, it is essential to understand complicated process such as development, distribution and marketing of products and to systematize each part. Although we should not neglect any part, a political and systemical plan or a distributional and marketing idea will be beside the point in this article. This article presents importance of traditional patterns as a Korean cultural image, and it shows the process of designing and developing products in order for traditional patterns to be utilized for products effectively. I expect that concrete activation and systematization for those works can be carried out successively.

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Effect of Sulfur-containing Pesticides on the Arylsulfatase Activity in Soil (함유황(含硫黃) 농약(農藥)이 토양중(土壤中) Arylsulfatase의 활성(活性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Sang Pal;Kim, Jang Eok;Hong, Jong Uck
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.8
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 1990
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of sulfur containing pesticides, captan, edifenphos, EPN, acephate, asulam, bentazone on arylsulfatase activity in soil incubated at $30^{\circ}C$ for 42 days with or without urea addition. The results obtained were as follows: When pesticides, captan, edifenphos, EPN, acephate, asulam, bentazone were treated in urea added and unadded soil, the activity of arylsulfatase was the highest at 7 days of incubation. The arylsulfatase activity in urea added soil was kept higher as compared with that of the urea unadded soil. When pesticides, captan, edifenphos, acephate, asulam, bentazone, were treated in urea added and unadded soil, the activity of arylsulfatase was inhibited at the entire experimental period. By the treatment of EPN in urea added and unadded soil, the arylsulfatase activity was decreased at the early stage of treatment, but increased after 28 days of incubation.

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