• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한후기

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Analysis of the Level of Cognitive Demands about Concepts of Elements, the Periodic Table, and Atoms on Science 2 Textbooks in Junior High School (I) (중학교 과학2 교과서에 서술된 원소, 주기율표, 원자 내용이 요구하는 인지 수준 분석(제I보))

  • Kang, Soon-Hee;Bang, Da-Mi;Kim, Sun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.518-529
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the cognitive demands level of the description about 'element', 'periodic table', and 'atom' on the 'science 2' textbooks by the 2007 revised curriculum. The three types of CAT (Curriculum Analysis Taxonomy) have been used to analyze the cognitive demands level of those contents on the 6 kinds of 'science 2' textbooks. The cognitive demands level about 'elements' on many textbooks is a late concrete operational stage, because the descriptions of 'element' are pure substances or no more split into anything simpler substances. That cognitive demands level about one textbook is a early formal operational stage, because the descriptions 'element' are a substance of one kind of atom. The cognitive demands level of 'periodic table' on many textbooks is a late concrete operational stage, because the descriptions about 'periodic table' are the hierarchical classification for the categorizing reality. And the cognitive demands level of 'periodic table' is a early formal operational stage, because the descriptions about 'periodic table' are a collection of 'families' or two-way gradation of elements. That cognitive demands level about one textbook is a late formal operational stage, because the descriptions of 'periodic table' are a complex classificatory structure linking atomic structure. The cognitive demands level about 'atom' is a early formal operational stage because of the descriptions as "atoms have structure, some atoms are the same, or others are different".

Age-Crime Curve in Korea (한국의 연령-범죄곡선)

  • 박철현
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.149-177
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    • 2001
  • This is a study on age-crime curve in Korea. Three data was used in this study as following: First is the crime statistics as aggregated data. Second is the police record(N=3.541 offences) of the male ex-offenders(N=988) who have been released in eleven prisons in 1987 as individual data. Third is the self-reported group-interview data(N=10.198 offences) administered to the male prisoners(N=979) in ten correctional facilities including eight adult prisons, one juvenile prison and one juvenile training center as another individual data. Generally, the right-skewness of age-crime curve has been explained through the difference of crime rate between early starters and late starters. Moffitt explains that this is because of the higher participation rate of the juvenile period of adolescence-limited offenders, but Godttfredson and Hirschi explain that this is because of a similar distribution in the crime rate of both early starters and late starters. the analysis of this study shows that Godttfredson and Hirschi’s explanation on the generality of age-crime-curve distribution is correct, but this can be modified by various factors like a economic crisis. And the peak age of juvenile period is consistent with the Moffitt’s hypothesis that the peak age is contributed to the increase of crime rate of late starters, not with Godttfredson and Hirschi’s one.

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Osteological Development of the Larvae and Juveniles of Sebasticus tertius (Barsukov et Chen) in Korea (한국산 붉은쏨뱅이 Sebasticus tertius (Barsukov et Chen) 자치어(仔稚漁)의 골격발달)

  • Han, Kyeong-Ho;Lim, Sang-Ku;Kim, Kwang-Su;Kim, Chul-Won;Yoo, Dong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2001
  • The skeletal development of the larvae and juvenile of red marbled rockfish, Sebasticus tertius (Barsukov et Chen) was studied based on individuals that were discharged and reared in the laboratory from April to May 1997. In 8 days after bearing, the postlarvae attained 4.42 mm in total length (TL), and its parasphenoid, premaxillary, maxillary, and clavicle were ossified for the first time at this stage. In 15 days after bearing, the postlarvae attained 5.23 mm in TL, and its pterotic, basioccipital, exoccipital, opercle, and preopercle were ossified, with one spine on the each cranium and preopercle. In 27 days after bearing, the postlarvae attained 8.81 mm in TL, its vertebra were posteriorly ossified to the 15th centrum, and five spines were formed on the preopercle. In 39 days after bearing, the juveniles attained 14.21 mm in TL, and the all bones were almost completed at this stage.

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Morphological Description of Flying Fish, Cypselurus hiraii Larvae (Pisces: Exocoetidae) (제비날치(Cypselurus hiraii) 자어의 형태기재)

  • Park, Jae Min;Park, Jong Youn;Cho, Jae Kwon;Kim, Na Ri;Han, Kyeong Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.110-115
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted in order to investigate the growth and morphological development of Cypselurus hiraii larvae and to obtain basic data for taxonomic research. Specimens for this study were collected using a scoop net (aperture Ø60 cm) at the Geomun Island in Yeosu-si, Jollanam-do in July and August of 2013, and the mean water temperature was $20.6{\pm}1.84^{\circ}C$ and the mean salinity was $32.1{\pm}0.46$‰ during the collection. In post-larvae of total length 9.58~9.69 mm (average $9.63{\pm}0.04mm$, n=5), the mouth was opened, and the maxilla was shorter than the mandible. The length of the dorsal fin did not exceed that of the ventral fin, and the dorsal fin was on the same line as that of the ventral fin. In post-larvae of total length 18.0~18.5 mm (average $18.2{\pm}0.22mm$, n=5), with the growth accelerated, the pectoral fin was developed broadly and their caudal fin was differentiated into the heterocercal tail. These characteristics suggest the development of swimming ability and resultant active feeding activities. In post-larvae of total length 22.4~23.0 mm (average $22.7{\pm}0.21mm$, n=5), striped melanophores deposited in the pectoral fin, and small spot-like melanophores expanded in the processes formed on the mandible. The dorsal and anal fins were on the same line, and the anal fin was situated behind the dorsal fin.

Late Quaternary Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Western Nakdong River delta (낙동강 삼각주 서부지역의 제4기 후기 고환경 변화)

  • Ryu, Choon-Kil;Kang, Sora;Chung, Sung-Gyo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.443-458
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    • 2005
  • Late Quaternary deposits of the core in the western area of the Nakdong River delta consist of four sedimentary units: Unit I, II, III and IV, in ascending order, controlled by the sea-level change since the last interglacial period. Unit I unconformable overlying Cretaceous basement rocks is composed of sandy gravel and sand deposited in a fluvial channel before the first marine transgression. Unit II composed of stiff massive mud is interpreted as a shallow marine deposits formed during the last interglacial period (probably MIS 5). The development of the fissures coated with oxidized materials in the upper part of Unit II is a feature of subaerial exposure, which indicates erosional contact with the upper Unit III. Unit III is made up of soft massive mud and soft shelly massive mud deposited in a tidal flat and a inner shelf, respectively, since the Holocene transgression (about 9,000 yr BP). Unit Ⅳ consisted of soft shell bedded mud and yellowish sandy mud was deposited in the delta environments during the regression (after about 5,000 yr BP). The lower shell bedded mud was deposited in a tidal flat and the upper sandy mud was deposited in the floodplain corresponding to present site of the Nakdong River delta.

Magnetite and Scheelite-Bearing Skarns in Ulsan Mine, Korea (울산 광산의 철-텅그스텐 스카른화작용)

  • Choi, Seon-Gyu;Imai, Naoya
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 1993
  • The Ulsan Fe-W deposit, which can be classified as a calcareous skarn deposit, is represented by ore pipe consisting principally of magnetite and lesser amounts of scheelite with minor sulphides, sulphosaits, arsenides, sulpharsenides, etc. At Ulsan mine, metasomatic processes of skarn growth may be divided broadly into two stages based on the paragenetic sequence of calc-silicate minerals and their chemical composition; early and late skarn stages. Early stage has started with the formation of highly calcic assemblages of wollastonite, diopsidic clinopyroxene and nearly pure grossular, which are followed by the formation of clinopyroxenes with salite to ferrosalite composition and grandite garnets with intermediate composition. Based on these calc-silicate assemblages, the temperatures of early skarn formations have been in the ranges of $550^{\circ}$ to $450^{\circ}$. The calc-silicate assemblages formed during the earlier half period of late skarn stage show the enrichment of notable iron and slight manganese, and the depletion of magnesium; clinopyroxenes are hedenbergitic, and grandite garnets are andraditic. The formation temperatures during this skarn stage are inferred to have been in the range of $430^{\circ}$ to $470^{\circ}C$ at low $X_{CO_2}$ by data from fluid inclusions of late andraditic garnets. The later half period of late skarn stage is characterized by the hydrous alteration of pre-existing minerals and the formation of hydrous silicates. The main iron-tungsten mineralization representing prominent deposition of magnetite immediately followed by minor scheelite impregnation has taken place at the middle of early skarn stage, while complex polymetallic mineralization has proceeded during and after the late skarn stage. Various metals and semimetals of Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Pb and Bi have been in various states such as native metal, sulphides, arsenides, sulphosaits, sulpharsenides and tellurides.

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The enjoyment of way on Si-jo and Ga-sa in Joseon Dynasty (시조와 가사의 향유방식과 그 관련양상)

  • Ryoo, Hae-Choon
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.44
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    • pp.165-195
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    • 2016
  • This paper is compare to the enjoyment of way on Si-jo and Ga-sa in Lyric poetry. Si-jo and Ga-sa were created in Joseon Dynasty. Si-jo and Ga-sa is the Lyric poetry in traditional genre, representing Korea. These forms include the lyric genre but have a difference between the fixed verse and the long-poem in Joseon Dynasty. However, the two genres are the two genres had opened the possibility of communication from the very beginning in terms of gentry layer is the main writers. Joseon Dynasty those who enjoy the fixed verse and the long-poem, the literature of singing songs and reciting literature, in terms of the principle of metaphor and metonymy rhetoric will reflect the era of awareness and enjoyment of contemporary perception of reality characters. It can be said that performing Si-jo and Ga-sa of enjoyment fashion and work to compare with realistic about the versification principles but check ahead a lot of data, and add to the task of finding a logic that can explain clearly remain. This paper will have to complement the many points made in an attempt to unravel the complex issues in an integrated and comprehensive on-pronged approach and enjoyment of the fixed verse and long-poem Si-jo and Ga-sa and similar expressions are writing and testing the various parties of the enjoyment of culture in today's era of change in the 21st century can be the compass to navigate a new world culture.

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The Characteristic of Mun Il-pyeong's Modern History, Joseonhak Campaign (문일평(文一平) 근대사학(近代史學)의 본령(本領), 조선학운동(朝鮮學運動))

  • Park, Sung-soon
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.50
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    • pp.29-54
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    • 2013
  • Mun Il-pyeong(1888-1939) is famous for a nationalist historian led history into popular style to enlighten the public. This paper aims to overview the characteristic of Mun Il-pyeong's history based on prior studies on Mun Il-pyeong's works. The characteristic of Mun Il-pyeong's history shows us people centric trend based on a struggle of classes. For the people, he insisted that description of history should be easy and scientific for the people who are host of history. And Mun Il-pyeong insisted the harmony of nationalist history and positive history. This was a progressive attitude in writing history at that time. Another characteristic of Mun Il-pyeong's history is that he considered cultural history as important. Mun Il-pyoeng wanted to overcome the ashamed political history by cultural history. In this intention, Korean history was again born proudful by him. Mun Il-pyoeng pursued open nationalism, not ultra-nationalism by connecting with other world. This paper focused on the essential part of Mun Il-pyoeng's history. Many scholars think Mun Il-pyeong focused on Korean modern history or history of foreign relation. But I think Mun Il-pyeong attached importance to Practical Learning, Sirhak in late Joseon dynasty. Because Sirhak contained Mun Il-pyeong's academic intention, Modernism and Culturism dreamed from his youth age. Therefore he led so-called Joseonhak Undong meaning study of Sirhak. Studying Sirhak made Mun Il-pyeong open a new direction Korean modern history have to go.

Wayu during the late Chosun Period and Gyeongsan Lee Han Jin's (조선 후기의 산수(山水) 와유(臥遊)와 경산(京山) 이한진(李漢鎭)의 <속어부사(續漁父詞)>)

  • Jo, Eun-byeol
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.185-210
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    • 2018
  • This thesis investigates wrote by Lee Han Jin who edited "Chung Ku Young Un(靑丘永言)" with supposition that was affected by Lee Han Jin's literary activity and poetic direction, and Wayu(臥遊) was enjoyed by Sajok(士族) in the late Chosun Period. Lee Han Jin kept company with The Yeonam Faction and their friendship was based on Lee Han Jin's blood-relationship. Lee Han Jin's musical sense and poetic direction are verified by records about their poetic activity. In his old age, Lee Han Jin retired in the Yeongpyeong of Gyeonggido and edited "Chung Ku Young Un", Lee Han Jin's poetic direction is also verified by Sijo's theme which was included in "Chung Ku Young Un" and Lee Han Jin's Sijo. Meanwhile, Kyunghwasajok(京華士族) in the late Chosun Period wanted to overcome their situation that they could not leave city by imagination about landscape. That activity was Wayu. They didn't consider whether they see landscape, and they made good use of many genre of literature for effective Wayu. Lee Han Jin and his group's literary activity was formed by that cultural air. Lee Han Jin wrote though his retirement in mountain. It was also for effective imagination about landscape that he didn't see. So unworldly landscape was appeared in compared to other fishermen motif poems. The tension between Situation that he couldn't see real landscape and desire for effective Wayu get solved by form named that have distinct characteristic as a Jipgusi(集句詩).

Morphological of Development Eggs, Larvae and Juveniles Gymnogobius urotaenia in Hwangbocheon, Korea (황보천에 서식하는 꾹저구 Gymnogobius urotaenia의 난발생 및 자치어 형태발달)

  • Jae-Min Park;Kyeong-Ho Han
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2023
  • This study compared the results of observing the early life history of Gymnogobius urotaenia, which lives in Hwangbocheon Stream, an inflow stream on the east coast, with the differences between fish of the same Gobiidae fishes. In May 2022 and 2023, fertilized eggs and brood stork scattered under rocks were captured twice in Hwangbocheon Stream. The spawning amount was 827~1,540 and the orchid was a elliptical in shape with a size of 3.21×1.07 mm. The stage of ovulation observed in the laboratory was 16 cells, and hatching began after 193 hours. The breeding water temperature range was 18.8~19.3℃. Newly after hatching larvae, the yolk sac with a total length of 3.84~4.33 (average 4.10±0.17, n=30) mm, and the anus was not open. 6 days after hatching of incubation, the total length was 5.32~6.11 (average 5.67±0.25, n=30) mm, absorbing all egg yolk and transitioning to the preflexion larvae, ingesting food, and developing a keynote on the tail fin. 15 days after hatching, the end of the urostyle end was completely bent at 45° with a total length of 7.33~8.52 (average 7.81±0.46, n=30) mm and transitioned to postflexion larvae, and melanophore developed throughout the body. 38 days after hatching, the total length is 22.1~26.1 (23.8±1.36, n=30) mm and the number of fins (6 first dorsal fins, 11 second dorsal fins, and 11 anal fins, 12 ventral fins) is all the number of fin base became integer and transferred to the juvenile. As a result of the study, it was possible to distinguish the melanophore of postflexion larvae of G. urotaenia from other postflexion larvae Gobiidae fish in that they were distributed throughout the body of half the body and tail.