• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Locational Characteristic of Byeolseo in Gyeongsangnamdo.Jeollado by Cluster Analysis (군집분석을 통한 경상남도.전라도 별서의 입지적 특성)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Eun;Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2012
  • Byeolseo was located in various places with beautiful natural scenery to avoid the mundane world and for country life in seclusion. In this study, to classify locational type and characteristics of Byeolseo in Gyeongsangnamdo and Jeollado areas, complex locational types and characteristics of total 96 Byeolseo (52 in Gyeongsangnamdo and 44 in Jeollado) were researched and cluster analysis was executed to group locational characteristics to several clusters with similar characteristics in order to classify locational types of Byeolseo. As the result, locational type for Gyeongangnam-do and Jeolla-do were classified to 5 types each. Unique locational types Gyeongsangnamdo were 'valley type' and 'cliff type' and unique ones for Jeollado were 'flatland type' and 'riverside.hill type'. 'Hill type', 'curvy river type' and 'riverside other type' were shown in both areas. In Gyeongangnamdo, 30.8% was cliff type and 15.4% was valley type 46.2% of the total was locatedon 'cliff near river' or 'valley'. These were the most popular locational characteristics of Gyeongangnamdo. Unlike Gyeongangnamdo, 18.2% was flatland type, 18.2% is riverside.hill type, and 39.6% was hill type in Jeollado 75.0% of the total was locatedon 'flatland', 'on hill near river' or 'on hils'. These were the most popular locational characteristics of Jeollado. Such locational characteristics showed that Byeolseo was located using nearby scenery considering topographic characteristics of the located area.

Analysis on the Characteristics of the Landslide - With a Special Reference on Geo-Topographical Characteristics - (땅밀림 산사태의 발생특성에 관한 분석 - 지형 및 지질특성을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.4
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    • pp.588-597
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to identify the reasons of the landslide by land creeping in South Korea in order to provide basic information for establishing the management plan for prevention. Total 29 sites of landslide areas caused by land creeping were observed in South Korea. Among them, the soil-composition of most frequent landslide areas occurred by land creeping was colluvium landslide as 75.9% (22 sites), followed by clay soil landslide as 10.3% (3 sites), bedrock landslide as 6.9% (2 sites), and weathered rock landslide as 6.9% (2 sites). According to the types of parental rocks, the investigated landslide areas were divided into 3 types: 1) metamorphic rocks including schist, phylite, migmatitic gneiss, quartz schist, pophyroblastic gneiss, leucocratic granite, mica schst, banded gneiss and granitic gneiss, 2) sedimentary rocks including limestone, sandstone or shale and mudstone, 3) igneous rocks such as granite, andesite, rhyolite and masanite. As a result, it was noticed that the landslides occurred mostly at the metamorphic rocks areas (13 sites; 44.8%), followed by sedimentary rock areas (12 sites; 41.4%), and igneous rock areas (4 sites; 13.8%). Looking at the direct causes of the landslide, the anthropological activities (71%) such as cut slopes for quarrying, construction of country house, plant, and road, farming of mountain top, and reservoir construction were the biggest causes of the landslides, followed by the land creeping landslides (22%) caused by geological or naturally occurred (22%), and cliff erosions (7%) by caving of rivers and valleys.

Trail Deterioration and Managerial Strategy on the Ridge of the Baekdudaegan : A Case of the Trail between Namdeogyusan and Sosagogae (백두대간 마루금 등산로의 훼손실태와 관리방향 :남덕유산-소사고개 구간을 대상으로)

  • 권태호;이준우;김동욱
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2004
  • They are raising the necessity to prepare the conservational management strategy for the trail on the ridge of the Baekdudaegan where deterioration of natural environment along the trail as the rapid increase of visitors to the Baekdudaegan. The purpose of this study, followed after the Kwon and Lee(2003), is to research the deterioration condition of the trail between Namdeogyusan and Sosagogae on the Baekdudaegan. To accomplish the purpose, not only trail condition such as altitude, entire width, bare width, maximum depth and slope of trail, but also deterioration types of trail were surveyed at the total 182 points for 32.3km in length. Furthermore, impact rating class, which could be effective means to check the step and extent of deterioration process, was judged on each points of trail. Results informs us that the deterioration condition of the trail between Namdeogyusan and Sosagogae is not reached the level of grave concern yet, but some points and sections of trail are in urgent need of the integrated and organized maintenance. And some managerial strategies of trail were proposed in connection with the maintenance for trail on the Baekdudaegan ridge.

Environmental Ecological Status of Suncheon Bay and Its Application to the Criteria of UNESCO World Nature Heritage (순천만 연안의 환경생태현황 및 세계자연유산 등재기준 적용 분석)

  • Kim, Kyungwon;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.625-641
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    • 2013
  • This study is analyzed the environmental ecological status of Suncheon Bay and its applicable possibility to the selection criteria of UNESCO World Natural Heritage (hereafter Criteria). The study shows that the formation process of the tidal-flats in Suncheon bay could apply to the Criteria VIII, "to be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history." The landscape pattern of Suncheon Bay is deduced various patterns based on 5 biotope types: tidal-flat, rice-paddy, field area, coniferous natural forest, and broadleaf natural forest. Its landscape characteristic is a harmonized composition of various landscape including mountains, rivers, fields, and tidal-flats. It is judged that the unique landscape of Suncheon Bay falls under the criteria VII, "areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance." In addition, Suncheon Bay, the habitat of the Hooded Crane as internationally endangered species, comes under the criteria X, "the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of threatened species." The study shows, however, that any other designation for protected area including national park or biosphere reserve is a prerequisite for designation of World Nature Heritage. In particular, it could evaluate whether it is qualified of the Criteria after the integrated conservation and management to the Sucheon bay as well as the southwestern tidal-flat is preceded.

Estimation of Danger Zone by Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model in Gyeongju National Park (RUSLE 모형을 이용한 경주국립공원의 토양침식 위험지역 추정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;You, Ju-Han;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.614-624
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to offer the raw data for establishing the plan of disaster prevention and the continuous conservation of soil ecosystem by grasping the potential soil loss and the danger of erosion using RUSLE method on whole districts in Gyeongju National Park, Korea. In the results of the average amount of soil erosion for the year, the average of all districts was 5.7 ton/ha in annual, and Namsan district was the highest in 7.6 ton/ha in annual and Seoak district was the lowest in 2.1 ton/ha in annual. The dangerous district due to the soil erosion was analyzed as under 1%, and Gumisan and Hwarange district was not serious. But Namsan district was higher than others, especially, there was intensive in all over Geumohbong. Therefore, to protect the all over Geumohbong, we will establish the valid of restoration and management. The types of land cover in Gyeongju National Park mostly showed forest, and as the average amount of soil erosion in forest was 3.7 ton/ha in annual, there was good condition. In the results of the amount of soil erosion due to landform, the deep canyon showed as 7.3 ton/ha in annual per unit area, secondly, the U-shaped valley was analyzed as 6.1 ton/ha in annual. The plain and high ridge were predicted that there occurred the small amount of soil erosion. In future, if we will analyze the amount of soil erosion in Korean National Parks, we will offer the help to establishing the plan of conservation and restoration on soil ecosystem in whole National Parks.

Study on Television Reality Game Show A Text/Context Analysis of the Set and Characters of (텔레비전 리얼리티 게임쇼의 게임성과 실재성 <더 지니어스>의 공간 배치와 캐릭터에 나타난 게임적 리얼리티를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Bo-ra;Gong, Da-som;Yoon, Tae-Jin
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.72
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    • pp.92-120
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to find out how reality game shows, the relatively new television genre, produce a sense of reality and what differences we can find from the reality they produce in compared to that of traditional reality television shows. The researchers anaylized , aired in 2013and 2014 by tvN, with focus on the show's studio setting and characters in the show. During this process, the 'game elements' and 'reality factor' were considered to be the key words. Finally, the reality produces was examined from two aspects: the production and reception. As a result, we found that the reality it produces is more than just a imitation of the real world. It shuttles between the game world and real world, and encourages audiences to recognize the plural realities in our postmodern society. We hope this study stimulates further researches on reality game show genre, which had rarely gained academic attention.

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Generation of the Ortho-Rectified Photo Map and Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Image Using the PKNU 2 Imagery (PKNU2호 영상을 이용한 정사영상 지도 제작 및 3차원 입체 분석)

  • Lee, Chang Hun;Choi, Chul Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2004
  • It is important for hydrographers to extract the accurate cross section of a river for the hydrographical analysis of the topography. Aerial photographs were used to extract the cross section of a river for the advantages of the accuracy and economical efficiency in this study, while the direct measurement has been used in existing studies. An ortho-rectified photo map using imageries taken by the PKNU 2 (High-resolution, multi-spectral, aerial photographic system developed by our laboratory) was generated using the surveyed data and a digital map. The cross section of a river that was obtained from the ortho-rectified by the surveyed Kinematic data of GPS was compared with the result using ImageStation stereo-plotter of corp. Z/I Imaging. As a result of this study, the RMSE in the ortho-rect process using the surveyed GPS data was lowered as from 5.5788 pixels (about 2m) to 2.84 (about 1m) in comparison with it in the process using a digital map. The surveyed kinematic GPS in extraction of the cross section of a river was excellent as 6.6cm of the planimetric and precision in the confidence level of 95%. The correlation coefficient between the result from the using stereo-plotter and the extraction of cross section of a river using aerial photos was 0.8 hydrographical acquisition of it using PKNU 2 imagery will be possible.

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A Feasibility Study for Mapping Using The KOMPSAT-2 Stereo Imagery (아리랑위성 2호 입체영상을 이용한 지도제작 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Kim, Youn-Soo;Seo, Hyun-Duck
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.197-210
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    • 2012
  • The KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT)-2 has a capability to provide a cross-track stereo imagery using two different orbits for generating various spatial information. However, in order to fully realize the potential of the KOMPSAT-2 stereo imagery in terms of mapping, various tests are necessary. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of mapping using the KOMPSAT-2 stereo imagery. For this, digital plotting was conducted based on the stereoscopic images. Also the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and an ortho-image were generated using digital plotting results. An accuracy of digital plotting, DEM, and ortho-image were evaluated by comparing with the existing data. Consequently, we found that horizontal and vertical error of the modeling results based on the Rational Polynomial Coefficient(RPC) was less than 1.5 meters compared with the Global Positioning System(GPS) survey results. The maximum difference of vertical direction between the plotted results in this study and the existing digital map on the scale of 1/5,000 was more than 5 meters according as the topographical characteristics. Although there were some irregular parallax on the images, we realized that it was possible to interpret and plot at least seventy percent of the layer which was required the digital map on the scale of 1/5,000. Also an accuracy of DEM, which was generated based on the digital plotting, was compared with the existing LiDAR DEM. We found that the ortho-images, which were generated using the extracted DEM in this study, sufficiently satisfied with the requirement of the geometric accuracy for an ortho-image map on the scale of 1/5,000.

Development of a River Maintenance Management Technology Related with National River Management Data (국가하천관리자료와 연계한 하천유지관리 기술개발)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Jun;Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.159-171
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    • 2012
  • This study has developed a technology for river basin including the management of the data related with riverbed and the analysis of the riverbed maintenance based on the high-resolution imagery data and LiDAR (Light Detection and Raging) in order to enhance the utilization of river management by using RIMGIS(River Information Management GIS) and to acquire the advanced operation for river management. Using the detailed river topographical map specially designed in the form of LiDAR or high-resolution images, riverbed data and river bank channel information that are dynamically changed were informationized and established in the RIMGIS DB. At this stage, a monitoring techniques that is established in the river management system associated with RIMGIS and minimized the impact of riverbed maintenance (fluctuations) has been studied. In addition, functions and data structure of RIMGIS containing the information of geography and management of the river have been supplemented to make an improvement of the real-time management of the river. Furthermore, a technology that is capable of supplementing RIMGIS has been developed, making it feasible to maintain the river in use of structural method including an structural scheme of cross-section of the river by providing the information of riverbed and cross-section of the river. This is considered to solve an issue of insufficient data on accuracy and based on a lack of information of the river based on the two-dimensional lines, making it feasible to (steadily) improve the function of RIMGIS and to operate management tasks. Therefore, it is highly expected to enhance aforementioned technology of the river information management as a great foundation that maximizes the utilization of the river management to support RIMGIS for the development of national river management data.

Landslide Risk Assessment Using HyGIS-Landslide (HyGIS-Landslide를 이용한 산사태 발생 위험도 평가)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2012
  • Recently, forest soil sediment disasters resulting from locally concentrated heavy rainfall have been occurring frequently in steep slope areas. The importance of landslide hazard map is emerging to analyze landslide vulnerable areas. This study was carried out to develop HyGIS-Landslide based on Hydro Geographic Information System in order to analyze forest soil sediment disaster in the mountainous river basin. HyGIS-Landslide is one of HyGIS components designed by considering the landslide hazard criteria of Korea Forest Service. It could show the distribution of landslide hazard areas after calculating the spatial data. In this system, the user could reset the weight of hazard criteria to reflect the regional characteristics of the landslide area. This component provided user interface that could make the latest spatial data available in the area of interest. HyGIS-Landslide could be applied to the surveyor's compensation score and it was possible to reflect the landslide risk exactly through it. Also, it could be used in topographic analysis techniques providing spatial analysis and making topographical parameters in HyGIS. Finally the accuracy could be acquired by calculating the landslide hazard grade map and landslide mapping data. This study applied HyGIS-Landslide at the Gangwon-do province sample site. As a result, HyGIS-Landslide could be applied to a decision support system searching for mountainous disaster risk region; it could be classified more effectively by re-weighting the landslide hazard criteria.