• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Practical Investigation for Internet Airborne Video Map Focused on Vector Shaped Objects (벡터형 공간객체 중심의 인터넷 원격 동영상 지도 서비스에 대한 실증적 고찰)

  • Um, Jung-Sup;Lee, Bo-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.46-64
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    • 2003
  • The vector shaped object is generally very long (hundreds or thousands of kilometers) and very narrow (10-100 meters). Image mapping techniques and tools for these objects should be totally different from the traditional area-based targets. Acknowledging these unique characteristics of the vector shaped object, a motion picture mapping system has been developed by combining internet GIS technology with airborne video. In particular, integration between airborne video and digital maps took advantage of each component, and enabled the landscape structure to be visualized, interacted with and deployed all on the Web. The motion picture maps provided a completely new means for disseminating information for area-wide landscape in a visual and interactive manner to the general public while digital map with location information revealed successfully the major parameters that influence an area-wide spatial structure in the study area. The remote video approach breaks down the usual concept of image mapping in a conventional cartography. As a result, the research findings have established the new concept of 'internet airborne video mapping for vector shaped object', proposed as an initial aim of this paper. It would playa crucial role in improving the quality of public information service if the mapping system is operationally introduced into the Government since the highly user-friendly moving picture provides a completely new means for disseminating spatia) information for vector shaped object.

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Analysis of Soil Erosion Hazard Zone using GIS (GIS를 이용한 토양침식 위험지역 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Yeon, Gyu-Bang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze soil erosion quantity of a basin by using DEM, soil map and landuse map and to find a soil erosion hazard zone in a basin based on this data. In this study, RUSLE was used to analyze soil loss quantity and the research area chosen is Mushim stream which branches off the Geum river. This study used a mean annual precipitation of Cheongju Meteorological Observation was used as a hydrological data and DEM, the detailed soil map(1/25,000), the landuse map collected respectively from Ministry of Environment, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology and Ministry of Construction and Transportation. The subject map was drawn to analyze soil erosion hazard zone by using the above data and maps. According to the results of the analysis, a lot of soil loss shows in a bare area. In case of a forest, a slope has a lot of influence on soil loss. The integration and analysis of the above gave the result that $193,730.3m^2$corresponding to 8.5% of the places of which the slope is over 20 degree in a bare area was found to have a higher chance of soil erosion.

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A Study on the Eco-Environmental Change of Coastal Area by the Sea Level Rise (해수면 상승에 따른 해안지역 생태환경 변화)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2010
  • The global sea level rise has an effect on eco-environmental change by the inundation and erosion in the coastal area. Forecasting model on the change of morpho-ecological environments by the sea level change will give us information for coastal area management by predicting environmental changes of the up-coming future. This research aimed to foresee eco-environmental changes by the sea level rise in coastal area. Prediction model used SLAMM model developed to forecast coastal changes by IPCC scenario. The model predicted centennial environmental changes in the mouth of Han river and Nakdong river, Suncheon and Hampyeung bay as case areas. To sum up the research findings, in the estuary of the Han river, tidal flat was gradually disappeared from the year 2075, scrubmarsh and saltmarsh belts were developed. In the Nakdong River estuary, scrubmarsh was decreased from the year 2025, tidal flat was deposited from the year 2050, and also, the Gimhae plain was partially inundated, and wetlands were formed. In the Hampyeung bay, saltmarsh was deposited in the year 2025, tidal flat expanded until 2050 was partially submerged after that time. Tidal flat of Suncheon bay was disappeared by the inundation after 2025, and saltmarsh was developed in the embayment.

Development of Alignment Information Extraction System on Highway by Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique (지상 레이저 스캐닝 기법에 의한 도로선형정보 추출 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2007
  • A laser scanning technique has been attracting much attention as a new technology to acquire location information. This technique might be applicable to a wide range of areas, most notably in geomatics, due to its high accuracy of location and automation of high-density data acquisition. A alignment information extraction system on highway has been developed in this study by utilizing the advantages of the laser scanning technique. The system can accurately interpret the alignment information of highway and can be applied to actual works. To develop the alignment information extraction system on highway, an algorithm that can automatically separate a horizontal alignment into a straight line, a transition curve, and a circular curve was developed. It can increase its efficiency compared to the conventional methods. In addition, an algorithm that can automatically extract design elements of horizontal and vertical alignments of highway was developed and applied to an object highway. This yielded higher practicality with more accurate values compared to those from previous studies on the extraction of design elements of highway alignment. Furthermore, the extracted design elements were used to perform a virtual driving simulation on the object highway. Through this, data were provided for a visual judgment for judging visually whether the topography and structures were harmonized in a three-dimensional manner or not. The study also presents data that can serve as a basis to determine highway surface freezing sections and to analyze three-dimensional sight distance models. Through the establishment of a systematic database for diverse data on highway and the development of web-based operating programs, an efficient highway maintenance can be ensured and also they can provide important information to be used when estimating a highway safety in the future.

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A Study on Evaluation Analysis of Wind Formation Function using KLAM_21 -The Case of Daegu City- (KLAM_21을 활용한 바람생성기능 평가분석 연구 -대구시를 대상으로-)

  • Ryu, Ji-Won;Jung, Eung-Ho;Kim, Dae-Wuk;Cha, Jae-Gyu;Son, Kyung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2008
  • This study, the one concerning the evaluation analysis of the function of the wind generation using KLAM_21, has examined closely how the wind really flows on the space of the city, working with the object of case location. In the first place, the cold air formed at upper stream of Sincheon river, a ravine of whole area of Gachang gully and an inclined plane of neighboring mountainous district, flows to the north and expands itself along the upper stream of the Sincheon river, and as the time passes, it is tending upwards in the change of the volume and height as well as of the velocity and direction, of the cold air. It was learned that this phenomenon has made it clear that the spatial features of this area give rise to very good condition in generating and flowing the cold air. Meanwhile, it has been shown that in the area of park in the Ap-mountain, the generation and flow of the cold air are much interrupted because of the overpass traversing the whole area of the park of Ap-mountain, the congested area of large-scaled apartments and the urban development activities constructing the building in the park, and the volume and height of the cold air has been grown very small. In conclusion, It has been learned that for maximization of the spatial effect of the wind corridor, the areas where the cold air is generated, flowed, accumulated, and maintained, have to be connected spatially, and this spatial connection has a close relation with spatial features of the area.

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Large-Scale Slope Stability Analysis Using Climate Change Scenario (1): Methodologies (기후변화 시나리오를 이용한 광역 사면안정 해석(1): 방법론)

  • Choi, Byoung-Seub;Oh, Sung-Ryul;Lee, Kun-Hyuk;Lee, Gi-Ha;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.193-210
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to assess the slope stability variation of Jeollabuk-do drainage areas by RCM model outputs based on A1B climate change scenario and infinite slope stability model based on the specific catchment area concept. For this objective, we downscaled RCM data in time and space: from watershed scale to rain gauge scale in space and from monthly data to daily data in time and also developed the GIS-based infinite slope stability model based on the concept of specific catchment area to calculate spatially-distributed wetness index. For model parameterization, topographic, geologic, forestry digital map were used and model parameters were set up in format of grid cells($90m{\times}90m$). Finally, we applied the future daily rainfall data to the infinite slope stability model and then assess slope stability variation under the climate change scenario. This research consists of two papers: the first paper focuses on the methodologies of climate change scenario preparation and infinite slope stability model development.

Generation of the KOMPSAT-2 Ortho Mosaic Imagery on the Korean Peninsula (아리랑위성 2호 한반도 정사모자이크영상 제작)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Yyn, Hee-Cheon;Kim, Youn-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we established the ortho mosaic imagery on the Korean Peninsula using KOMPSAT-2 images and conducted an accuracy assessment. Rational Polynomial Coefficient(RPC) modeling results were mostly less than 2 pixels except for mountainous regions which was difficult to select a Ground Control Point(GCP). Digital Elevation Model(DEM) which was made using the digital topographic map on the scale of 1:5,000 was used for generating an ortho image. In the case of inaccessible area, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) DEM was used. Meanwhile, the ortho mosaic image of the Korean Peninsula was produced by each ortho image aggregation and color adjustment. An accuracy analysis for the mosaic image was conducted about a 1m color fusion image. In order to verify a geolocation accuracy, 813 check points which were acquired by field survey in South Korea were used. We found that the maximum error was not to exceed 5m(Root Mean Square Error : RMSE). On the other hand, in the case of inaccessible area, the extracted check points from a reference image were used for accuracy analysis. Approximately 69% of the image has a positional accuracy of less than 3m(RMSE). We found that the seam-line accuracy among neighboring image was very high through visual inspection. However, there were a discrepancy with 1 to 2 pixels at some mountainous regions.

A Study on Flow Characteristics of the Inlet Shape for the S-Duct (S-Duct 입구 형상에 따른 유동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jihyeong;Choi, Hyunmin;Ryu, Minhyoung;Cho, Jinsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2015
  • Aircraft needs an inlet duct to supply the airflow to engine face. A fighter aircraft that requires low radar observability has to hide the engine face in the fuselage to reduce the Radar Cross Section(RCS). Therefore, the flow path of the inlet duct is changed into S-shape. The performance of the aircraft engine is known to be influenced by the shape and the centerline curvature of the S-Duct. In this study, CFD analysis of the RAE M 2129 S-Duct has been performed to investigate the influence of aspect ratio of inlet geometry. The performance of the S-Duct is evaluated in terms of the distortion coefficient. To simulate the flow under adverse pressure gradient better, $k-{\omega}SST$ turbulence model is employed. The computational results are validated with the ARA experimental data. The secondary flow and the flow separation are observed for all computational cases, while the semi-circular geometry has been found to produce the best results.

The Analysis of the Plant Distributional Pattern in Yugu Stream (Gongju, Chungnam) (유구천(충남, 공주)의 식물 분포 현황분석)

  • Moon, Ae-Ra;Lee, Youl-Kyong;Park, Jeong-Mi;Jang, Chang-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to illiminate the diversity of vascular plants by making list of rheophyte and hydorphyte plants at Yugu stream. This study was conducted from Aug., 2009 to Sept. 2010 at 7 points. Based on the voucher specimens, vascular plants from investigated areas were 88 families 229 genera 290 species 3 subspecies 30 varieties 5 forms, totally 328 taxa. Korean endemic plants were 3 species such as Forsythia koreana (Rehder) Nakai (planted) and Paulownia coreana Uyeki (planted), and Weigela subsessilis (Nakai) L.H. Bailey. The rare and endangered plants were designated by Korea Forest Service were 4 taxa, such as Penthorum chinense Pursh, Acorus calamus L., Lilium callosum Siebold & Zucc. and Iris ensata var. spontanea (Makino) Nakai. Floristic special plants were totally 26 taxa, which were grade V of 2 taxa, grade IV of 2 taxa and grade III of 9 taxa. Naturalized plants were 27 taxa, that was 8.3% of whole discovered vascular plants in this area. Even naturalized plants has not influence on the vegetation of Yugu stream. Since village was composed along the stream and the roads and banks were linked, naturalized plants were flowed continuously into this region. So, strategy of the conservation for this region should be designed. Based on flora, 3 types of group were discriminated such as main stream type (4 points), branch stream type (2 points) and reservior type (1 point). Each group has difference in composition of plants.

Geomagnetic Field Properties and Magnetic Interpretation in the Southern Part of the Ulleung Basin (鬱陵盆地 남단해역의 地磁場 特性 및 磁氣異常 解析)

  • 박찬홍;석봉출
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 1991
  • Marine total magnetic intensity over the southern part of the Ulleung Basin and geomagnetic data measured at a land base station are analyzed. Fourteen days observation of geomagnetic field at a fixed on-land base station showed how the geomagnetic field around the study area behaves. geomagnetic data at the base station can also be used as correction data for a diurnal variation. Magnetic anomalies in the study area do not reflect an effect of sea bottom topography but mainly subsurface basement. The southern part of the Ulleung Basin can be devided into two zones according to a different anomaly pattern; along the coastal shelves the isolated anomalies with a short wave and a strong amplitude are dominant, and toward the open sea the anomalies become much more subdued. The high anomaly zone adjoined to land is interpreted to be caused by granitic intrusives or volcanic rocks, and the weak anomaly zone to the outer sea to be arisen from an existence of deep basement. A spectrum analysis is applied to estimate magnetic basement depths from three anomaly profiles with a long period and a weak amplitude toward the outer sea. The calculated depths are 7.0km, 5.0km, and 2.6km respectively from outer profile. The basement might be correlated with the mixed layer of tuff, basalt, and sediment, which had been defined as L-2 layer in the Yamato basin and the Japan Basin.

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