• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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A Simulation Study to Investigate Climatic Controls on Net Primary Production (NPP) of a Rugged Forested Landscape in the Mid-Western Korean Peninsula (기복이 심한 한반도 중서부 산림경관에서 기후가 순일차생산(NPP)에 미치는 영향에 대한 모사연구)

  • Eum Sungwon;Kang Sinkyu;Lee Dowon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2005
  • We have investigated microclimatic controls on the spatiotemporal variations of net primary production (NPP) of a rugged forested watershed using the process-based biogeochemical model (BIOME-BGC). To validate the model simulation of water and carbon cycles at the plot scale, we have conducted field survey over deciduous broadleaf forest (DBF) and evergreen needleleaf forest (ENF) since 2000. The modeled values of soil temperature, soil moisture and soil respiration showed high correlation with those from the field measurements. The modeled seasonal changes of NPP showed high correlation with air temperature but no significant correlation with water related parameters. The precipitation frequency turned out to be the best climatic factor to explain the annual variation of NPP. Furthermore, NPP of ENF was more sensitive to precipitation frequency than that of DBF. With changes in vegetation cover and topography, the spatial distribution of NPP was of great heterogeneity, which was negatively correlated with the magnitude of NPP. Despite the annual precipitation of 1,400mm, NPP at the study site was constrained by the amount of water available for the vegetation. Such a modeling result should be verified by the field measurements.


  • CHANG Sun-duck;LEE Jong-Sub;HAN Kyeong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 1980
  • To clarify the dispersion of pollutants introduced in the coastal region, a series of current measurements, the drogue and drift bottle experiments as well as the dye diffusion experiments were carried out in Onsan Bay and in the coastal waters of Ubong-ri near Ulsan. In the southeastern coastal region of Korean peninsula, that is, in the outside of Onsan Bay, the flood tidal current flows south-south-westward, and the ebb current flows north-north-eastward at a maximum speed of 1.0-1.1 knots at spring tide. In an inlet south of Cape Ubong, an anticyclonic eddy of 1 km in diameter is usually formed during both flood and ebb flows. The tidal current predominates in Onsan Bay at around spring tide. The maximum speed around spring tide was observed to be approximately 0.14 knot, while it was slower than 0.1 knot and variable at neap tide when the wind drift current played an important role. The flood tidal current flows westward while the ebb flow flows eastward in the northern region of the bay. The flood tidal current in the southern region of the bay flows west-north-westward, while the ebb current east-north-eastward. Wind drift currents in the coastal region of southern Korea are generally deduced to be southward in winter, the monthly mean speed being approximately 0.1 knot. Dye solution released at the northwestern corner in Onsan Bay was transported by eastward ebb tidal current toward the mouth of the bay dispersing by the wind. The apparent diffusion coefficient at 150 minutes after release in the bay was calculated to be $4.4\times10^4\;cm^2.sec^{-1}$, whereas that in the anticyclonic eddy was more or less smaller.

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Depositional Environments of the Continental Shelf Sediments between Geoje and Namhae Islands (거제-남해간 해저퇴적물의 퇴적환경에 관한 연구)

  • KIM Dae-Choul;SONG Si-Tae;YOO Byeong-Jo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 1987
  • Distribution, bathymetry and textural parameters of the bottom sediment deposited between Geoje and Namhae Islands were studied to understand the depositional environment of the area. The study area is divided into three different provinces. Except for the Gwangyang Bay and Changseon Channel, mud dominates in the western part whereas sandy mud and muddy sand prevail in the southeastern part including the eastern area of the Yogji Island. The relict sediment is located in the eastern part of the area. Generally, the Holocene sediment, located in the northern part of the area, is considered to be transported and deposited by a pelagic suspension mode. Influence of strong tidal currents results in some depressions in the vicinity of Changseon Island and the eastern part of the Yogji Island, The Tsushima Warm Current is supposed to affect the southern part of the area. The two parallels sand ridges lying in the southeastern part of the area are covered with very thin Holocene mud. This seems to be caused by the winnowing effect of the current. The similarity between the two directions of the current and the ridges encourages this idea. The boundary between the Holocene and relict sediment, however, lies further south the ridges.

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Stratigraphical Research of the Quaternary Deposits in the Korean Peninsula (韓半島 第四紀 地層의 層序的 考察)

  • Lee, Dong-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-20
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    • 1987
  • With regard to the Quaternary formations in the Korean Peninsula, very few studies have been done specially from a stratigraphic viewpoint. The alluvial sediments filling in the valleys have often been considered as the only formation of Quaternary age (more precisely of the Holocone) and so the Pleistocene was regarded as an erosional or nondepositional episode. This is apparently evident from a quick look at the general geological maps of the Peninsula, which show a lithological sequence of Mesozoic or Paleozoic substrata immediately overlain by Holocene alluvium. Likewise, the Pleistocene period was described in terms of unconformity in most local or regional stratigraphical successions of the Peninsula. Recently several different types of Quaternary formation, besides the so-called Holocene alluvium in the valley plain have been found around the Peninsula. They consist of coastal deposits, marine or fluviatile terrace deposits, ancient valley fill deposits or slope deposits. Some parts of the volcanic sediments in Jeju Is. are also known as the Quaternary sequence. Thus the Quaternary deposits in the Peninsula are far more developed than previously known to gelolgists. Moreover the importance of Quaternary research became recently apparent in Korea due to the shortage of raw materials and to the policy of an optimum land-use. Advanced constructions and land reclamation have required more precise engineering parameters of loose materials and an estimation of land stability. This does not imply only the engineering, or the structural properties of the loose material, but at the same time the basic study of the sediments from the stratigraphical and environmental viewpoints has been necessary. In this connection, Quaternary outcrops specially along the coastal fringe of the Peninsula have been mapped, profiled and sampled for sedimentological, clay-mineralogical and palaeomagnetic studies. All these results are compiled for the core of the Quaternary stratigraphy of the Peninsula.

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Analysis of the Change in Density of Development And Environmental Restrictions Conflict Prediction in Pyeongchang (개발 밀도의 변화 분석과 환경규제 갈등 예측 -평창을 사례로-)

  • Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.282-291
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    • 2009
  • This research predicts the spatial discord which relates with a restriction using 1915 and 2005 spatial data. In this research, difference of relative spatial density is measured and predicted the discord which relates with an environmental restriction in Pyeongchang. First, research area Pyeonchang's relative crowding degree of the building was strengthened from 1915 to 2005. When classifies a change type, formed the strong hold with new regulation and grew types and at the strong hold where contiguous concentration is progress types, general the influence weakening types and the change almost nil types. The next is the result which analyzes the long and short terms discord for the environmental restriction which is forecast from the research area. That is forecast with the fact that the discord between of development and preservation will be big with long and short terms in Jinbu-Myeon, Pyeongchang-Eup city center angles and 31 national road circumferences. And in Daegwanryeong-Myeon the discord is big short-term but with the fact that the discord will be weakened long-term. Bangrim-Myeon, now the discord is weak but the discord will be strengthened long-term. This result could be applied with fundamental data for weakening the spatial discord of the area.

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Comparison of MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Inland Water Temperature (내륙 수온과 MODIS 지표 온도 데이터의 비교 평가)

  • Na, Yu-Gyung;Kim, Juwon;Lim, Eunha;Park, Woo Jung;Kim, Min Jun;Choi, Jinmu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.352-361
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to analyze the root mean square errors of MODIS LST data and inland water temperature measurement data in order to use MODIS LST data as an input of numerical weather prediction model. MODIS LST data from July 2011 to June 2012 were compared to water temperature measurement data in the automated water quality measurement network. MODIS data have two composites: day-time and night-time. Monthly errors of day-time and night-time LST range $2{\sim}8^{\circ}C$ and $3{\sim}12^{\circ}C$, respectively. Temporally, monthly errors of day-time LST are less in fall and those of night-time LST are less in summer. Spatially, on the four major rivers including the Han, Nakdong, Geum, and Yeongsan rivers, the errors of Yeongsan river were the smallest, which location is the south-most among them. In this study, the errors of MODIS LST as an input of numerical weather prediction model were analyzed and the results can be used as an error level of MODIS LST data for inaccessible areas such as North Korea.

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Estimating PM Emission Factor from Coal-Fired Power Plants in Korea (화력발전소에서의 국내 배출계수 산정 방안 연구 -먼지를 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Kee-Won;Kim, Hyoung-Chun;Lee, Yong-Mi;Song, Deok-Jong;Jung, No-El;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Hong, Ji-Hyung;Lee, Suk-Jo;Han, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.485-493
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, PM (Particulate Matter) emissions caused by coal-fired power plants are measured by a system, so called Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS), which uses foreign emission factors. However, the system fails to reflect the characteristics of domestic power plants. In this regard, this study aims to develop local, accurate domestic emission factors. The study measured the amount of TSP (Total Suspended Particulates), PM10 and PM2.5 by collecting samples from the latter parts of pollution control devices which were installed at 3 bituminous-fired power plants and 3 anthracite-fired power plants. The results showed that the average concentrations of TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 measured at bituminous-fired power plants were 4.63 mg/$Sm^3$, 2.96 mg/$Sm^3$ and 3.07 mg/$Sm^3$ respectively, much higher than those from anthracite-fired power plants (2.96 mg/$Sm^3$, 2.47 mg/$Sm^3$ and 1.37 mg/$Sm^3$, respectively). In addition, bituminous-fired power plants showed higher ratios of PM10/TSP and PM2.5/TSP with 0.66 and 0.92, respectively, compared to 0.82 and 0.46, the ratios of PM10/TSP and PM2.5/TSP measured in anthracite-fired power plants. Emission factors based-on concentration measurements were also higher for bituminous-fired power plants, and PM with smaller particles tended to have bigger difference in emission factors between the two fuels. This study calculated the amount of PM emissions by using the estimated emission factors. When it comes to the PM emissions, it was less than that of CAPSS while similar to that of CleanSYS in its amount. It is expected that the emission factors developed by this study will be used in Korea replacing foreign emission factors currently used in Korea by ensuring the objectivity and reliability as domestic emission factors.

Field Performance Evaluation of Candidate Samplers for National Reference Method for PM2.5 (PM2.5 국가기준측정장비 선정을 위한 비교 측정 연구)

  • Lee, Yong Hwan;Park, Jin Su;Oh, Jun;Choi, Jin Soo;Kim, Hyun Jae;Ahn, Joon Young;Hong, You Deog;Hong, Ji Hyung;Han, Jin Seok;Lee, Gangwoong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2015
  • To establish National Reference Method (NRM) for $PM_{2.5}$, operational performance of 5 different commercial gravimetric-based $PM_{2.5}$ measuring instruments was assessed at Bulkwang monitoring station from January 23, 2014 to February 28, 2014. First, physical properties, design, and functional performance of the instruments were assessed. Evaluation was carried out to determine whether operating method for the instruments and levels of QA/QC activities meet the data quality objectives (DQOs). To verify whether DQOs were satisfied, reproducibility of QA/QC procedures, accuracy, relative sensitivity, limit of detection, margin of error, and coefficient of determination of the instruments were also evaluated. Results of flow rate measurement of 15 candidate instruments indicated that all the instruments met performance criteria with accuracy deviation of 4.0% and reproducibility of 0.6%. Comparison of final $PM_{2.5}$ mass concentrations showed that the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) values were greater than or equal to 0.9995, and concentration gradient ranged from 0.97 to 1.03. All the instruments satisfied criteria for NRM with the estimated precision of 1.47~2.60%, accuracy of -1.90~3.00%, and absolute accuracy of 1.02~3.12%. This study found that one particular type of measuring instrument was proved to be excellent, with overall evaluation criteria satisfied.

Analysis on Field Applicability of SWAN Nested Model (SWAN Nested model의 현장 적용성 분석)

  • Kim, Kang-Min;Dae, Nam-Ki;Lee, Joong-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2011
  • The recent trend for numerical experiment requires more higher resolution and accuracy. Generally, in the wave field calculation, it starts with a large region formulation first and follows by a separated detailed region formulation by more denser grids for the main interest area considering the geographical and bathymetrical variation. The wave fields resulted from the large region calculation is being introduced into the detail region calculation as the incident waves. In this process there exists a problem of continuity. In order to get over such problem, method of variable gridding system or spectrum sampling, etc., is being used. However, it seems not enough to examine and analyze the related numerical errors. Therefore, it is investigated in this study the field applicability of the most pervasive use of wave model, the nested SWAN model. For this purpose, we made model experiment for two coastal harbours with different tidal environment, and compared and analyzed the result. From the analysis, it was found that both the extracted values, near the boundaries of the large and detail region and the nested formulation of SWAN model, show almost the same and no different between those with different tidal environment conditions. However it is necessary for reducing the numerical errors to set the boundaries for the detailed region outside of the rapid bathymetric change and deeper region.

Calculation of the Wave Height Distribution in the Vicinity of Ulsan waters using the Observed Date of Typhoon Maemi (태풍 ‘매미’ 내습시 관측자료를 이용한 울산 해역의 파고 분포 산출)

  • Kim, Kang-Min;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Ryu, Ha-Sang;Jeong, Weon-Mu
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.479-484
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    • 2007
  • For calculation of wave field for design of coastal and port structures, generally the wind fields from inland observation record or the predicted waves from deep water wave transformation model are being used. However, for the first case, as we should revise the wave data adopting correcting parameters depending on the distance from the coast and location, it is difficult to extract water waves from wind field. Furthermore, for the second case, because of the calculation which executed under very large grid sizes in the wide domain, the simulation(wave transformation) implied uncertainty in the near shore area and shallow region. So it's difficult to obtain exact data from the simulation. Thus, in this study the calculation of wave field on shallow water is accomplished using the observed data of typhoon 'Maemi' in the Korea Eastern South sea. Moreover, for the accuracy of the calculated wave field, we compared and studied the observed data of wave height and direction on the vicinity of the Ulsan waters. It is proved that the results of this study is more accurate than the existing method with showing ${\pm}1.3%$ difference between observed and calculated wave height distribution in Ulsan waters