• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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The Development of Quality Evaluation Index of Vinegar Beverage - Using Delphi Method and Analytical Hierarchical Process(AHP) - (식초 음료의 품질평가지표 개발에 관한 연구 - 델파이 및 AHP 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jihyung;Ko, Jae-Youn;Yoo, Eunyi
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.288-301
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    • 2016
  • This paper employed typology and stratification as key elements to estimate quality evaluation of vinegar drink through Delphi and AHP(analytical hierarchical process) method to contribute the market expansion of the vinegar drink as a health drink. Through literature research and brainstorming with professionals, the first round of Delphi method was conducted with the open-ended questions including five upper concepts, i.e. 'ingredients', 'production method', 'product characteristics', 'functions' and 'packaging design'. Original study had 50 lower concepts as a result of the first round and added 'marketing' as an additional upper concept. The second and third round of Delphi method have been conducted with closed-ended questions based on the 50 lower concepts resulted from the first round. To seek concordant objectivity among the answers from the survey, the study used Kendall's W coefficient of concordance. 11 items were removed while 16 items were removed at the third round leaving 23 items through second round of Delphi method. For the final round, this study utilized the Pairwise Comparison Method to figure out the relative importance of the 23 items for the prioritization. Finally, current study formulated the final items which should be considered as an important factor in the quality evaluation of vinegar drink.

A Study on the Spatial Information and Location Environment of Dead Coniferous Tree in Subalpine Zone in Jirisan National Park -Focus on Korean Fir(Abies koreana) in Banyabong, Yeongsinbong, Cheonwangbong- (지리산국립공원 아고산대 침엽수 고사개체 공간정보 구축 및 입지환경 분석 - 반야봉, 영신봉, 천왕봉 일원 구상나무를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Hong Chul;Moon, Geon Soo;Lee, Ho;Lee, Na Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to analyze the rate of increase and spread patterns of dead trees of the conifer (Abies koreana and others) in subalpine zones by using the high-resolution aerial images in Jirisan National Park around 10 years ago. Furthermore, factors affecting the death of conifer were identified by analyzing the altitude, topographical information, solar radiation, and moisture environment of the site where the dead trees are located. The number of dead trees per unit area increased by two to five times in the Banyabong peak, Yeongsinbong peak, and Cheonwangbong peak in Jirisan National Park over the past decade. The increase was about 2 times in the Banyabong peak, about 3.9 times in the Yeongsinbong peak, and about 5.2 times in the Cheonwangbong peak, indicating the most notable increase in the Cheonwangbong peak. It is estimated that dead trees commonly occurred in the environments where the soil moisture content was low due to the high slope, amount of evaporation was high due to strong solar radiation as the location faced south, and the soil was dry due to strong solar radiation and short rain retention time. In other words, dead conifer trees in subalpine zones were concentrated in dry location environments, and the tendency was the same more than ten years ago.

Verification of Mobile Emission for CMAQ using an Observation-based Approach in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권 지역에서 대기질 측정망 자료를 이용한 광화학모델의 이동오염원 배출량 검증)

  • Lee, Yong-Mi;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Yoo, Chul;Song, Jeong-Hui;Kim, Ji-Young;Hong, Ji-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.369-381
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this study was to simulate surface air pollutants and to examine reliability of mobile emission for CMAQ system using an observation-based approach in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. Accurate assessment of emissions from mobile source is one of the most debatable parts in the entire emissions inventory process. For this study, we evaluated the official emission inventories of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides ($NO_x$) using an observation-based approach. In this paper, we achieved VOCs/CO and $NO_x$/CO ratios derived from ambient measurements taken from June to August of 2005 in early morning (07:00~08:00). And we compared them with those derived from the emission inventory. Based on these ratios and on the assumption that official inventory of CO emissions is reasonably accurate, mobile emissions of $NO_x$ seem to be slightly overestimated and VOCs emissions significantly underestimated. The results of simulations using modified emission of mobile source were in closer agreement with the observation results except NO. Predicted NO values based on revised $NO_x$ emissions were considerably lower than the observed values. Using modified emission inventories brings the modeled values into closer agreement with observed ozone levels in Seoul. Especially in case of CO, $NO_x$ and VOCs emission, the modified values were suitable for simulating ozone levels in Seoul and Gyeonggi. However, ozone values predicted using the modified emissions were higher than the observed and predicted values based on original emissions. According to the 95 percentile ozone concentrations, emission revised by CO, $NO_x$ and VOCs from mobile source was the best for predicting high concentration.

Analysis on the Sedimentary Environment Change Induced by Typhoon in the Sacheoncheon, Gangneung using Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Data (태풍 루사에 의한 강릉 사천천 주변 퇴적 환경 변화: 다중 시기 원격탐사 자료를 이용한 정보 분석)

  • Park, No-Wook;Jang, Dong-Ho;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this paper is to extract and analyze the sediment environment change information in the Sachencheon, Gangneung, Korea that was seriously damaged as a result of typhoon Rusa aftermath early in September, 2002 using multi-temporal remote sensing data. For the extraction of change information, an unsupervised approach based on the automatic determination of thresholding values was applied. As the change detection results, turbidity changes right after typhoon Rusa, the decrease of wetlands, the increase of dry sand and channel width and changes of relative level in the stream due to seasonal variation were observed. Sedimentation in the cultivated areas and restoration works also affected the change near the Sacheoncheon. In addition to the change detection analysis, several environmental thematic maps including microtopographic map, distributions of estimated amount of flood deposits and flood hazard landform classification map were generated by using remote sensing and field survey data. In conclusion, multi-temporal remote sensing data can be effectively used for natural hazard analysis and damage information extraction and specific data processing techniques for high-resolution remote sensing data should also be developed.

Sedimentologic Characteristics of the Erosional Coast in the Tide-dominated Environment (대조차환경 침식연안의 퇴적학적 특성)

  • Kum, Byung-Chul;Oh, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.565-574
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    • 2002
  • Based on previous investigations of aerial photographs and topographical surveys, this study focuses on the sedimentologic features of the Daebudo area including sedimentation processes, sedimentary facies and hydrologic conditions of the erosional coast. A total of 137 surface sediments and one core (by hand auger) sediment were obtained to interpret the depositional environment of the erosional coast in the macro-tidal coast. Surface sediments are distributed from sandy gravel (sG) to silt (Z). Textural parameters are characterized not only by coarse, poorly sorted, positive skewed and multi-modal distribution in the supra-tidal flat, but also finer, relatively well-sorted, symmetric distribution in the intertidal flat. According to the C/M diagram, sediment transport modes of study area are characterized by the mixed mode of suspension and bedload in the upper-, middle-tidal flat and by uniform suspension in the lower-tidal flat due to tidal effect. Vertical sediment distribution of the core, collected near shoreline, shows coarsening-upward, poorly sorted pattern by the input of detritus resulting from coastal erosion. Considering the sedimentological features of the study area, it appears to be composed of a coastal zone changed by not only artificial reclamation, but also by natural processes such as strong wave action due to typhoons and storms during high water level and long/short-term sea level rising. As a result, tide-dominated erosional coasts show that the shore is affected by local, temporal and hydrological conditions near high tide level and that the intertidal flat is represented by a general tide-dominated sedimentary environment.

Geochemistry of the Heunghae, Pohang Geothermal Fields, Korea (포항 흥해지역 지열대의 지화학)

  • Yun Uk;Cho Byong-Wook
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2005
  • The geothermal research has been carried out on the Heunghae, Pohang geothermal area know as having geo-heat-flow area in the Korean peninsula. This study results so far indicate that geothermal water in the area is in peripheral waters of hydrothermal area and is not in equilibrium with the reservoir rock. The average oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope values are as follows: deep groundwater $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-10.1\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-65.8\%_{\circ})$, intermediate groundwater (average: $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-8.9\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-59.6\%_{\circ})$, shallow groundwater $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-8.0\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-53.6\%_{\circ})$, surface water $(average:\;{\delta}^{18}O=-7.9\%_{\circ},\;{\delta}D=-53.3\%_{\circ})$ respectively. Deep groundwaters was originated from a local meteoric water recharged from distant, topographically high mountain region and not affected by the sea water. High temperature zone inferred from water geothermometers is around D-1, D-5, D-6, 1-04 well zones. The estimated enthalpy from Silica-enthalpy mixing model is near 410 kJ/kg, which corresponds to the temperature of $98^{\circ}C$, and in consistent with the result of Na-K and K-Mg geothermometer.

Vegetation at Sea Cliffs of Uninhabited Islets off Ganghwa-gun, Korea (강화군 무인도서 해식애의 식생)

  • Song, Hong-Seon;Cho, Woo;Ahn, Young-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.453-460
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    • 2008
  • This study conducted an analysis of plant species composition and vegetation at sea cliffs of the uninhabited islets off Ganghwa-gun by applying discontinuous classification method & continuous ordination method of species composition table by correlation. The analysis results are as follows: First, the plant showing the highest appearance frequency was Parthenocissus tricuspidata Planch.(58.3%), followed by Carpinus coreana Nak., Viburnum carlesii Hemsl. and Kalopanax septemlobus Koidz.(37.5%,respectively). As for a plant community, it was found that it consisted of Quercus mongolica community, Tilia mandshurica community, Carpinus coreana community, Sorbus alnifolia community and Pinus thunbergii community; as for the community distribution classified by individual islet, it was revealed that Quercus mongolica community appeared at Sosongdo and Bunjido; Tilia mandshurica community at Sosongdo and Daesongdo; Carpinus coreana community appeared at Woodo, Suribong and Bido; Sorbus alnifolia community at Susido, Sosongdo and Daesongdo, and Pinus thunbergii community at Seokdo and Woodo, respectively. The plant similarity classified by uninhabited islet was found to be the highest at Sosongdo and Daesongdo. This research judged the reason why the typical grassland community of coastal cliffs did not join these islets to be environmental conditions of rock landform where there exists almost no surface soil at most sea cliffs; thus, more detailed study on this was required.

Phytophthora Diseases of Apple in Korea: II. Occurrence of an Unusual Fruit Rot Caused by P. cactorum and P. cambivora (사과의 역병: II. Phytophthora cactorum과 P. cambivora에 의한 사과 과실역병의 발생)

  • Jee, Hyeong-Jin;Cho, Weon-Dae;Kim, Wan-Gyu
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 1997
  • An unusual young fruit rot of apple caused by two species of Phytophthora was epidemic from late May to early July of 1996 in Andong, Uisung and Chungwon areas of Korea. The disease spread to over 30 apple orchards in the areas and percent of the infected tree and fruit was ca. 10~90% and 1`15%, respectively. Water soaking lesions or spots on leaves and shoot blight were also developed by the pathogen. Among 39 isolates collected, 25 were identified as P. cactorum and the others were as zp. cambivora on the basis of their distinctive morphological characters. While the former fungus was homothallic, all isolates of the latter were A1 mating types. Koch's postulate was fulfilled. Both fungi showed strong pathogenicity not only to young fruits, leaves and shoots of apple but also to those of pear and peach. Several vegetables tested did not show symptoms even by wound inoculation. An Occurrence of young fruit rot of apple caused by Phytophthora has not been reported in Korea, especially, P. cambivora has not been recorded previously as the causal agent of the disease in the world.

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A Visual Methods Approach to the Formation of Class Identity and Practices of Everyday Life -A Case Study on Youths of 'Gangbuk' ('강북' 청소년들의 일상생활 문화와 계급 정체성 형성에 대한 영상방법론적 연구)

  • Lee, Sangkyu;Hong, Seok-Kyeong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.68
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    • pp.87-129
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    • 2014
  • This paper addresses questions on the marginalized position of youths of 'Gangbuk' and elucidates how they construct their own identities in the individual trajectories of everyday life. Three years of research, including participatory observation and in-depth interviews, was conducted on nine students from Northeastern district of Seoul. The research also adopted reflexive photography interview method in order to encourage the informants to actively participate in the research. The result illustrates the diversity of the everyday life experiences. More 'marginalized' youths from middle to lower class background had to endure the burdens of their daily lives without programs. Still, they were elaborating their own cultural taste and positive self-narratives at the periphery of the mainstream culture, by practicing music, online community activities and bodily performances. They had to negotiate the crucial turn of life after their graduation, when they entered into the harsh social competition with limited resources. We observed how they gradually assimilate the identity of the 'working youth', some of them developing a positive valorization of their experiences labor. Findings underline the active role of the cultural practices in the making of class identity of the youth and the necessity of researches situating the making of class identity and the reproduction of the class for the youth in the larger geography of class culture in the contemporary Korean society. Lastly, it is argued that these youths should not be considered as determined subjects, who reproduce already established class identities, but as active agents of their lives who deserve more respects and attentions from the society.

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Application of Hydro-Cartographic Generalization on Buildings for 2-Dimensional Inundation Analysis (2차원 침수해석을 위한 수리학적 건물 일반화 기법의 적용)

  • PARK, In-Hyeok;JIN, Gi-Ho;JEON, Ka-Young;HA, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2015
  • Urban flooding threatens human beings and facilities with chemical and physical hazards since the beginning of human civilization. Recent studies have emphasized the integration of data and models for effective urban flood inundation modeling. However, the model set-up process is tend to be time consuming and to require a high level of data processing skill. Furthermore, in spite of the use of high resolution grid data, inundation depth and velocity are varied with building treatment methods in 2-D inundation model, because undesirable grids are generated and resulted in the reliability decline of the simulation results. Thus, it requires building generalization process or enhancing building orthogonality to minimize the distortion of building before converting building footprint into grid data. This study aims to develop building generalization method for 2-dimensional inundation analysis to enhance the model reliability, and to investigate the effect of building generalization method on urban inundation in terms of geographical engineering and hydraulic engineering. As a result to improve the reliability of 2-dimensional inundation analysis, the building generalization method developed in this study should be adapted using Digital Building Model(DBM) before model implementation in urban area. The proposed building generalization sequence was aggregation-simplification, and the threshold of the each method should be determined by considering spatial characteristics, which should not exceed the summation of building gap average and standard deviation.