• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Comparison and Analysis of Matching DEM Using KOMPSAT-3 In/Cross-track Stereo Pair (KOMPSAT-3 In/Cross-track 입체영상을 이용한 매칭 DEM 비교 분석)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Jeong, Eui-Cheon;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Kim, Youn-Soo;Lee, Won-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1445-1456
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the quality and characteristics of matching DEMs by using KOMPSAT-3 stereo pair capture in in-track and cross-track. For this purpose, two stereo pairs of KOMPSAT-3 were collected that were taken in the same area. The two stereo pairs have similar stereo geometry elements such as B/H, convergence angle. Sensor modeling for DEM production was performed with RFM affine calibration using multiple GCPs. The GCPs used in the study were extracted from the 0.25 m ortho-image and 5 meter DEM provided by NGII. In addition, matching DEMs were produced at the same resolution as the reference DEMs for a comparison analysis. As a result of the experiment, the horizontal and vertical errors at the CPs indicated an accuracy of 1 to 3 pixels. In addition, the shapes and accuracy of two DEMs produced in areas where the effects of natural or artificial surface land were low were almost similar.

Mechanism of Wetland Formation according to Interaction of River Bed Fluctuation and Plant Success in the Hangang River Estuary (한강하구에서 하도변화와 식물천이의 상호작용에 따른 습지형성 기작)

  • Lee, Samhee;Youn, Sukzun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.320-330
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    • 2022
  • The Hangang river estuary, which is a natural estuary without structures such as estuary barrage, is an ecological pathway connecting the sea and rivers. Accordingly, Hangang river estuary has various species, and there is very valuable. Sediment classification in Hangang river estuary is three-dimensionally and diversely is distributed. Sediment classification in Hangang river estuary is also sensitively changed according to various factors such as climate change and river development. It is typically cause to landform and to develop a compound cross section. In Janghang wetland, the plant success is remarkable according to the morphological change at river bed. The purpose of this study is to identify the mechanism of wetland formation based on the observation on-site. As a result of the observation, Janghang wetland where was artificially created, has been grown according to the river bed change based on the flow rate and the plant success. The viscous surface layer material(fine grains of wash rod properties), which is not the main material(sand) of the river bed, but sub-materials of river bed, jas been settled on the pioneer plants(bolboschoenus planiculmis, etc.). It is an important role in the growth of a compound cross section and a wetland. After the wetland developed to the compound cross section, it is observed that the pioneer plants are transferred to other plant species.

Analysis of Paleo Sedimentary Environment of Gochang Coast Using Grain Size Distribution Characteristics (입도분포 특성을 기반으로 한 고창 연안의 과거 퇴적환경 분석)

  • Han, Min;Yang, Dong-Yoon;Park, Chanhyeok
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to identify different sedimentary environments of Gochang coast according to geomorphic conditions of each bore hole. To achieve the aim, this study utilized the classification of sedimentary environmental conditions of surface sediment, which was based on grain size distribution characteristics.In other words, three sedimentary environmental conditions ofsandy flat + sand beach, coastal sand dune and weathered bedrock soil, which were distinguished based on grain size distribution characteristics of mean-sorting for surface sediments, were applied to the sediments of bore holes. Four sedimentary environments could be identified in Gochang coast. First, the lake sedimentary environment originated from terrestrial sediments seems to have been dominated by weathered bedrock soil that the surface flow has deposited in a coastal wetland or a boundary, which is affected by the sea. Second, the lake sedimentary environment that is little affected by coastal sand dunes is located at the center of a valley, which is connected to the land, and the dune slack of Saban-ri. The surface flow of weather bedrock soil is the main source of deposits. However, there seems to have been a temporary influence of the sea. Third, the lake sedimentary environment that is strongly affected by coastal sand dunes is located at the dune slack of Yeongjeong-ri. This environment shows traces of a change from a coastal sand dune into the dune slack. Finally, the coastalsand dune sedimentary environment, which wasinvestigated by boring the current coastal sand dune, shows a temporary influence of the land but seems to have maintained the overall stability. Consequently, this study demonstrated that the grain size distribution characteristics of the present surface sediments could be effectively applied to identify the sedimentary environments of the paleo bore hole sediments. In addition, the paleo change of sedimentary environment could also be identified in many places of Gochang coast. If the results of this study are combined with the age dating and geochemical analysis in future works, the paleo environmental change in Gochang coast will be restored more precisely.

Seniority Based Pay System and the Relational basis of Workplace Inequality (연공성임금을 매개로 한 조직내 관계적 불평등: 내부자-외부자 격차에 대한 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyunji;Ham, Sunyu
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2017
  • This study aims at explaining organizational mechanisms of inequality that has been rising rapidly alongside the proliferation of irregular employment in the post-crisis Korean labor market. It argues that inequality is not sufficiently explained by individual gap in human capital or widespread marketization as such. Social categories into which each individual worker falls seems more important as a source of labor market inequality. Employment types that are composed of regular and irregular employment do not simply indicate the different economic meanings of employment contracts but have rather been institutionalized as a social category of status in the context of inequality over the past two decades. They are also often matched with other social categories such as gender that have created and reproduced greater labor market inequality. We pay attention to the organizational practice of dominant incumbents who make claims for advantages of return based on their exclusive accessibility to limited organizational resources and explain how that particular practice plays a role to increase relational inequality between those insiders who achieve advantageous returns and outsiders mostly irregular workers who are excluded from those resources because of the social categories that they belong to. In this study, we identify seniority based pay as the key organizational practice that justifies categorical differences within the workplace and examine how that particular practice contributes to organizational level segmentation and income ineqaulity.

Study of Riverline Change around Sannam Wetland in the Hangang River Estuaty using LANDSAT Image Processing (LANDSAT 위성사진을 활용한 한강하구 산남습지 인근 하안선 변화 연구)

  • Youn, Sukzun;Lee, Samhee;Jang, Changhwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 2021
  • The naturally opened Han river estuary is a place where the flows of the Han river, Imjin river, Yaesung river meet with West Sea of Korea, so the hydrodynamic mechanism(Impact-Response) structure of Han river estuary is complex. Continuous observation and measurement due to the morphological characteristics at the estuary are required to maintain the estuary environment and river management facilities. However, the Sannam wetland(the study area) is in the military operation area. Therefore, Sannam wetland has the limited access under the control from military office. In 2020, there had a natural disaster due to flooding in August and COVID-19, and it made a survey hard. The noncontact survey technique, the analysis of LANDSAT images at Sannam wetland, was applied to analyze riverbed fluctuation and morphological transformation around Sannam wetland. LANDSAT images obtained from EarthExplorer, USGS and analyzed by QGIS. The analysis was performed based on the area and the distance near Sannam wetland. As a result, an erosion was happened on the downstream of the study area, and the upstream of the study area did not have any serious sediment transport. Considering the resolution of LANDSAT images, this noncontect survey technique is applicable to manage the study area. From the analysis of LANDSAT images, it is assumed that the tidal effect is greater than the inflow from the upstream. The pattern change of tidal response causes the damage of the river facilities near the Hangang river estuary.

Evaluating Physical Characteristics of Raindrop in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province (강우입자의 물리적 특성평가: 경기도 안성시 지역을 사례로)

  • KIM, Jin Kwan;YANG, Dong Yoon;KIM, Min Seok
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2010
  • To evaluate physical characteristics of open rainfall in Korea, terminal velocity of raindrop and drop size distributions (DSD) were continuously measured using by laser-optical disdrometer around Gosam reservoir, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do during three rainfall events from 2008 to 2009. The relationships between kinetic energies (KE, Jm-2mm-1; KER, Jm-2h-1) and rainfall intensity were obtained, respectively. Moreover, we compared the rainfall intensity from a disdrometer with the rainfall intensity from a tipping bucket raingauge to transform the kinetic energy of rainfall using the data from a tipping bucket raingauge. Therefore, the established relationships between kinetic energies (KE and KER) and rainfall intensity could be a useful model to consider the kinetic energy of raindrop using the rainfall intensity below 40mmh-1 of max 5-min rainfall intensity in the middle of South Korea. However, to better examine the relationship between kinetic energy and rainfall intensity, further measurement will be required.

Effect of Characteristics of Sand/Gravel and Rock Materials on Behavior of Dam during Construction and Impounding (사력재와 석산재의 특성이 축조와 담수시 댐체 거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Min-Woo;Cho, Sung-Eun;Shin, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2008
  • CFRD (Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam) has been world-widely constructed due to a lot of advantages which it has compared with rockfill dam and recently, sand/gravel materials, Instead of crushed rock materials, are also utilized as a main rockfill material to overcome geological and environmental problems. In Korea, two dams using sand/gravel materials as a main fill material were designed and are being constructed. In this research, the strength and deformation characteristics of the rockfill and sand/gravel materials taken from 2 dam sites were tested by using a laboratory large triaxial testing equipment for a total of 7 cases. From the results of large triaxial and compaction tests, it was observed that two kinds of materials show a little different compaction, shear strenght and deformation characteristics. It could be expected that the shear strength of sand/gravel material was not disadvantageous compared with that of rockfill materials, however, there was some difference between two materials with respect to behavior characteristics. On the other hand, smaller displacements were observed from numerical analysis based on the data from a large triaxial test when the sand/gravel is used as a main fill material compared with the case when the crushed rock material is used as a main fill material. Finally, in spite of a little different shear strength and behavior characteristic between two materials, it was concluded that it will not lead to a significant problem when the sand/gravel material is used as a main rockfill material.

Unmanned AerialVehicles Images Based Tidal Flat Surface Sedimentary Facies Mapping Using Regression Kriging (회귀 크리깅을 이용한 무인기 영상 기반의 갯벌 표층 퇴적상 분포도 작성)

  • Geun-Ho Kwak;Keunyong Kim;Jingyo Lee;Joo-Hyung Ryu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.537-549
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    • 2023
  • The distribution characteristics of tidal flat sediment components are used as an essential data for coastal environment analysis and environmental impact assessment. Therefore, a reliable classification map of surface sedimentary facies is essential. This study evaluated the applicability of regression kriging to generate a classification map of the sedimentary facies of tidal flats. For this aim, various factors such as the number of field survey data and remote sensing-based auxiliary data, the effect of regression models on regression kriging, and the comparison with other prediction methods (univariate kriging and regression analysis) on surface sedimentary facies classification were investigated. To evaluate the applicability of regression kriging, a case study using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data was conducted on the Hwang-do tidal flat located at Anmyeon-do, Taean-gun, Korea. As a result of the case study, it was most important to secure an appropriate amount of field survey data and to use topographic elevation and channel density as auxiliary data to produce a reliable tidal flat surface sediment facies classification map. In addition, regression kriging, which can consider detailed characteristics of the sediment distributions using ultra-high resolution UAV data, had the best prediction performance compared to other prediction methods. It is expected that this result can be used as a guideline to produce the tidal flat surface sedimentary facies classification map.

Environmental Interpretation on soil mass movement spot and disaster dangerous site for precautionary measures -in Peong Chang Area- (산사태발생지(山沙汰發生地)와 피해위험지(被害危險地)의 환경학적(環境學的) 해석(解析)과 예방대책(豫防對策) -평창지구(平昌地區)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 1979
  • There was much mass movement at many different mountain side of Peong Chang area in Kwangwon province by the influence of heavy rainfall through August/4 5, 1979. This study have done with the fact observed through the field survey and the information of the former researchers. The results are as follows; 1. Heavy rainfall area with more than 200mm per day and more than 60mm per hour as maximum rainfall during past 6 years, are distributed in the western side of the connecting line through Hoeng Seong, Weonju, Yeongdong, Muju, Namweon and Suncheon, and of the southern sea side of KeongsangNam-do. The heavy rain fan reason in the above area seems to be influenced by the mouktam range and moving direction of depression. 2. Peak point of heavy rainfall distribution always happen during the night time and seems to cause directly mass movement and serious damage. 3. Soil mass movement in Peongchang break out from the course sandy loam soil of granite group and the clay soil of lime stone and shale. Earth have moved along the surface of both bedrock or also the hardpan in case of the lime stone area. 4. Infiltration seems to be rapid on the both bedrock soil, the former is by the soil texture and the latter is by the crumb structure, high humus content and dense root system in surface soil. 5. Topographic pattern of mass movement spot is mostly the concave slope at the valley head or at the upper part of middle slope which run-off can easily come together from the surrounding slope. Soil profile of mass movement spot has wet soil in the lime stone area and loose or deep soil in the granite area. 6. Dominant slope degree of the soil mass movement site has steep slope, mostly, more than 25 degree and slope position that start mass movement is mostly in the range of the middle slope line to ridge line. 7. Vegetation status of soil mass movement area are mostly fire field agriculture area, it's abandoned grass land, young plantation made on the fire field poor forest of the erosion control site and non forest land composed mainly grass and shrubs. Very rare earth sliding can be found in the big tree stands but mostly from the thin soil site on the un-weatherd bed rock. 8. Dangerous condition of soil mass movement and land sliding seems to be estimated by the several environmental factors, namely, vegetation cover, slope degree, slope shape and position, bed rock and soil profile characteristics etc. 9. House break down are mostly happen on the following site, namely, colluvial cone and fan, talus, foot area of concave slope and small terrace or colluvial soil between valley and at the small river side Dangerous house from mass movement could be interpreted by the aerial photo with reference of the surrounding site condition of house and village in the mountain area 10. As a counter plan for the prevention of mass movement damage the technics of it's risk diagnosis and the field survey should be done, and the mass movement control of prevention should be started with the goverment support as soon as possible. The precautionary measures of house and village protection from mass movement damage should be made and executed and considered the protecting forest making around the house and village. 11. Dangerous or safety of house and village from mass movement and flood damage will be indentified and informed to the village people of mountain area through the forest extension work. 12. Clear cutting activity on the steep granite site, fire field making on the steep slope, house or village construction on the dangerous site and fuel collection in the eroded forest or the steep forest land should be surely prohibited When making the management plan the mass movement, soil erosion and flood problem will be concidered and also included the prevention method of disaster.

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Tabletop Collaborative Game Design based on Inclusive Education Methodology (통합 교육 방법론에 기반한 테이블탑 협업 게임 디자인)

  • Im, Seunghyen;Kim, Hyoungnyoun;Park, Ji-Hyung
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2014
  • Tabletop games have been applied to improve the ability of social collaboration based on the characteristics that more than two people simultaneously interact on the tabletop. Especially, the tabletop games can be used as an educational tool for children with autism when it is implemented by considering educational and psychological models for children's behavioral characteristics. However, the previous collaborative games were designed for only disabled children so that it is hard to reflect cognitive and humanistic effects in inclusive education, where disabled children and non-disabled children interact in a same spatiotemporal environment. In this paper, therefore, we design a collaborative game on a multi-touch tabletop to enable spontaneous communication between disabled children and non-disabled children. Through user study, we evaluate the improvement in terms of the positive interaction and the degree of attention by comparing with a conventional collaborative game(e.g., a board game). We found that negative interaction including disabled children's abnormal behavior decreased and positive interaction such as body gestures and verbal communications increased. In addition, the tabletop game supported high immersiveness to all children by deriving equal level of attention time including individual and joint attention. We anticipate that the proposed game design can be utilized to develop collaborative contents for people with differences on sociality and cognitive ability.