• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Analysis of the Difference of Flow Duration Curve according to the Cumulative Variation of the Daily Average Flow in Unit Watershed for TPLCs (총량관리 단위유역 일평균유량의 시계열 누적 변화에 따른 유량지속곡선 차이 분석)

  • Hwang, Ha-sun;Rhee, Han-pil;Seo, Ji-yeon;Choi, Yu-jin;Park, Ji- hyung;Shin, Dong-seok;Lee, Sung-jun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2018
  • The LDC (Load Duration Curve) method can analyze river water quality changes according to flow rate and seasonal conditions. It is also possible to visually recognize whether the target water quality is exceeded or the size of the reduction load. For this reason, it is used for the optimal reduction of TPLCs and analysis of the cause of water pollution. At this time, the flow duration curve should be representative of the water body hydrologic curve, but if not, the uncertainty of the interpretation becomes big because the damaged flow condition is changed. The purpose of this study is to estimate the daily mean flow of the unit watershed using the HSPF model and to analyze the difference of the flow duration curves according to the cumulative daily mean flow rate using the NSE technique. The results show that it is desirable to construct the flow duration curve by using the daily average flow rate of at least 5 years although there is a difference by unit watershed. However, this is the result of the water bodies at the end of Han River basin watershed, so further study on various water bodies will be necessary in the future.

Effect of Artificial Structures on the Long-Term Topographic Changes at Daehang-ri Intertidal Flat, the West Coast of Korea (인공구조물에 의한 대항리 갯벌의 장기 지형변화)

  • Choi, Tae-Jin;Jeong, Eui-Young;Yang, Young Jin;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2020
  • The Daehang-ri intertidal flat located the just outside of the Saemangeum dike has been reported to show new-developing flats. Based on the topographic surveys of 21 times from 2000 to 2016 by a leveling method every year, this site clearly shows variation of deposition/erosion in time and space. Deposition has consistently occurred at the rate of +3.75 cm per year at the area along the dike (Zone 1), and this tidal flat is expanding and prograding seaward. In the area of far from the dike (Zone 2), on the other hand, erosion prevails at the rate of -2.38 cm per year, and this zone tends to retreat landward. However, the erosional trend of Zone 2 has slightly slowed down since 2014. As a whole from 2000 to 2016, net deposition is recorded over 3.0 m at the upper beach and the area adjacent to the dike (Zone 1), while erosion up to 1.0 m in Zone 2. In conclusion, the results at the Daehang-ri intertidal flat clearly revealed that its topographic changes were induced by the artificial structures and water masses through its sluice gate. Counter-clockwise gyre newly created after the sea dikes construction probably results in relocating of sediment outside the dike 1 by transportation of materials eroded from the south to the north along the coast.

Air Temperature Variation Affected by Site Elevation in Hilly Orchards (구릉지 과원의 고도에 따른 기온변이)

  • 정유란;서희철;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2003
  • Air temperature was continuously measured in hilly pear orchards at 4 sites with elevations of 10, 49, 104 and 253 m above sea level. The mean air temperature, averaged over the 10-month period from August 2001 to June 2002, decreased as the site elevation increased by 0.2$^{\circ}C$ per 100 m. This weak lapse condition was amplified during daytime by sun-slope geometry. But on most days an inversion condition began by sunset and persisted until the next sunrise. During the observation period, daily minimum temperature at the valley bottom was lower than that of the hilltop on 67% of the days, and the average temperature difference was 1.4$^{\circ}C$. Inversion of daily minimum temperature under clear sky conditions was stronger in spring and autumn than in winter with a maximum of 6$^{\circ}C$. Lapse condition was predominant in daily minimum temperature on rainy days, and the lapse rate was strongest in winter.

Modeling of Water Circulation and Suspended Sediment Transport in Lake Daecheong (대청호내 흐름 및 유입 부유사 확산 모델링)

  • Jung Tae Sung;Hwang Jung Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2003
  • A 2-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been applied to understand water circulation pattern in Lake Deacheong. The simulation results have been used in sediment transport modeling. A sediment transport model using a particle tracking method has been developed to simulate sediment transport in the ocean, river and reservoir. The model was applied to estimate transport track of particulate pollutants in the lake. The hydrodynamic model was verified for water level variations and showed good agreements. Through the results we found out that water velocity is less than 5 cnysec for mean yearly flow and more than 120 cnysec at some points for the simulated flood flow. The incoming sediment particles in flood season reached into the Daecheong Dam. But the incoming sediment particles in the mean flow were settled down at riverbed and didn't move into the dam. These results can be used in setting up water quality management plan in the lake.

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Growth Characteristic of Warm-season Turfgrass in Saemangeum Reclaimed Land (새만금간척지에서 난지형 잔디의 생육 특성)

  • Bae, Eun-Ji;Han, Jeong-Ji;Lee, Kwang-Soo;Park, Yong-Bae;Choi, Su-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the growth characteristics of warm-season turfgrasses and to find out suitable turfgrass species on Saemangeum reclaimed land. Twenty native zoysiagrass(Zoysia sinica, Z. matrella, Z. japonica, Medium-leaf type zoysiagrass(hybrid zoysiagrass)) and bermudagrass(Cynodon dactylon) collected from Korea were used in this study. Total stolon length and the number of stolon per square meter, relative growth rate of shoot and stolon, and coverage rate were analyzed for 2 year. C. dactylon showed not only the most growth response with high relative growth rate of shoot and stolon, which were 19.9% and 66.3%, but also resulted in higher level of turf visual quality compared to others. Whereas Z. japonica showed the least growth response with low relative growth rate of shoot and stolon, which were 2.4% and 0.7%. Although all warm-season turfgrasses took root and grew up well, there were different growth rates between the interspecies. Z. sinica 'Z2034', Z. matrella 'Z4091', Z. japonica 'Z1064', Medium-leaf type zoysiagrass 'ZN6019' and C. dactylon 'BN7014' were the greatest growth rate of shoot and stolon. These results will be useful for selecting salt tolerant breeding lines and also used to develop a turfgrass cultivar with strong salinity tolerance through continuous monitoring.

Simulation Study on Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) System using Dual Refrigeration Cycles and Thermal Oil Circulation (냉매사이클과 열매체유 순환을 활용한 액화공기에너지저장 시스템 공정모사 연구)

  • Jang, Soonnam;Park, Jongpo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2018
  • Innovative technical process for Energy Storage System (ESS), Liquid Air Energy Storage system (LAES) is mature technologies based on the gas liquefaction process. In spite of many advantages such as high energy density, no geographical constraints, low investment costs and long useful life, the system has not yet widely commercialized due to low round trip efficiency. To improve RTE and acquire high yield of liquid air, various configurations of LAES process have been considered. In this research, dual refrigerants cycle (R-600a and methanol) for air liquefaction and thermal oil circulation for power generation via liquid air gasification have been applied to improve cycle performance significantly using Aspen HYSYS simulator.

Three Dimensional Analysis of the Whole Interior-Surface of Structures by Multiple Close-Range Photogrammetry (다중근접사진측량에 의한 구조물 내부전면의 3차원 해석)

  • 이진덕;강준묵
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 1993
  • In analyzing whole surface of non-topographic objects, the design of multi-station photogrammetric network must involve a number of questions such as geometric configuration of exposure stations, imaging geometry, control point configuration or weight allowance of adjustments. Above all, the surveying of the interior of narrow longitudinal structures needs the design of special photogrammetric network. The main objective of this paper is to suggest the schemes for solving difficult problems attendant upon whole inside-surface analysis of structure and to improve the accuracy and reliability of final measurements. For it, the multi-station exposure network suitable to shape and size of the inside of the structure was designed. Then three dimensional data were acquired by bundle adjustments derived from multi-station photos and the effects of network design factors on accuracy of measurements were contemplated. Also, the algorithm for detection of blunders was developed here is expected to lead to improvement of the reliability of photogrammetric solutions.

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A Study on the Evaluation of Urban Land Use by Urban Land Use Information System (도시토지이용정보체계에 의한 도시토지이용평가에 관한 연구)

  • 고준환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the urban land used by the Urban Land Use Information System (ULIS) which can supply the micro-level land usc information for the understanding of micro-level urban spatial structure and district-level planning and managements(such as urban design, redevelopment planning and district-level transportation planning, etc.). The study evaluates the current situation of urban land use database and suggests the prototype of urban land use database using GIS. The planning and management of post-modern city which has characterized by diversity and the mixture of land use, need more detail and quantitative information about land use. Recent redevelopment and reconstruction of existing physical condition are increasing the density of activity. It raises urban problems such as the shortage of infrastructure and traffic congestion, etc. In this process we need to construct information system which monitors current land use situation.

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Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Satellite Image Classification Error Using Index of Spatial Distribution (공간분포지표를 이용한 위성영상 분류오차의 공간적 분포 평가)

  • 이병길;김용일;어양담
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1999
  • The quality of image classification results is not always uniform over entire image. Thus, this study proposes the concept of ISDd (Index of Spatial Distribution by distance) and ISDs (ISD by scatteredness) for the evaluation of unevenness of result quality, and spatial distribution of satellite image classification errors. The ISDd is indexed mean distance of misclassified pixels and the ISDs is statistical indicator of scatteredness of misclassified pixels. In this study, the ISDd and the ISDs are calculated and evaluated for some satellite images, then misclassified area is extracted and the reasons of misclassification are examined. As the result of this study, using both the ISDd and the ISDs, the basis of decision on adoption/rejection of classification results is offered at sub-image level by evaluation of the local aggregation of misclassified pixels. Using Index of Spatial Distribution. as well as overall classification accuracy, users can understand the spatial distribution of misclassified pixels, and can have the additional criterion of the judgement on suitability and reliability of classification results.

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A Study on the Management of Subway Structure as an Underground Facility (지하 시설물로서의 지하철 구조물 관리 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 김충평;김감래
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1997
  • Since beginning of subway construction in 1974, for supplying the demand for increasing urban traffic and solving the traffic jam due to expansion of society and elevation of an individual income, the $1^{st}\;and\;2^{nd}$ construction have been almost done and $3^{rd}$ has been driving forward. However, according to an increment of com-mon usage with the passage of time, structures are superannuated and the amount of improvement and repairs keeps on increasing continuous. And many problems are taking place at underground space because of new constructions for underground facilities such as urban gas, electric power, waterworks, and sewerage. In consequence. The consideration of a counterplan for safety is required deeply This study analyzed problems on maintenance of structure about $1^{st}$ class subway, and will present means that a manage civil structures scientifically and systematically by using GSIS concept that imported into several organizations for facility management recently as making digital graphic elements and historic data into a database rather than using an old method - documents and paper drawings.

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