• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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The Monitoring of Sediment on the Basin Using LiDAR Data (LiDAR 자료를 이용한 유역의 퇴적물 모니터링)

  • Kang Joon-Mook;Kang Young-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2006
  • Most of domestic multipurpose dams were basin area to be large, therefore, soil loss were occurred by downpour in the rainy season, They have caused to accumulate sediments on the river and dam reservoir that brought the decrease of storage volume and difficulties of the quality management of water. Until now, the measurement cycle of sediments surveying was long and it was designed to use surveying the degree of sediments, Thus there were many difficult things to secure accuracy. In this study, it was intended to analyze the origin position tracing of sediments and the movement route, for this purpose, aerial LiDAR technology was applied to precise sediments surveying. The amount and location of soil loss were evaluated by classified properties of soil, land-cover, and topographical conditions in detail. Therefore, the reliance could be maintained in analyzing the route of soil loss by extracting the flow within a watercourse and using the advanced accurate DEM.

A Study of Influence Factors for Immobilizing Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil (중금속으로 오염된 토양의 고정화 영향인자에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, An-Na;Na, Seung-Min;Khim, Jee-Hyeong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2007
  • Soil contamination by heavy metals was environmental concern due to its effect on human. In this study, monopotassium phosphate $(KH_2PO_4)$ used as phosphate source to remediate the contaminated soil with heavy metals and factors such as reaction time, initial concentration and pH of phosphate solution, species of heavy metal (lead, cadmium, zinc) and particle size were controlled. Heavy metals were removed in the order Pb > Zn > Cd and the maximum effectiveness was achieved for Pb. The removal efficiency of lead was from 95% to 100% and occurred rapidly occurred during 10 minutes. Mechanism of lead immobilization is dissolution of phosphate and the forming of a new mineral with phosphate having extremely low solubility.

The Basic Research of Road Design Simulation Using Digital Aerial Photos (수치항공사진을 이용한 도로설계시뮬레이션의 기초적 연구)

  • Oh, Il-Oh;Kang, Ho-Yun;Choi, Hyun;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2007
  • This research is about applying aerial photos to three-dimensional simulation of road design. Instead of existing road design approach using digital map, which inexactly represent some part of topography and landmarks, digital aerial photos are applied to three-dimensional road design to address such inexactness of the map. First of all, ortho-photos are made using aerial photos, and a digital elevation model is created by extracting DEM. Then, by applying the coordinates practically using in planar design to three-dimensional approach, this model will be much helpful in the analyses of road route and viewscape. In addition, through the use of Virtual GIS, many evaluation factors such as urban design, flora, soil, water channel or road shape, flood plan are used for examination, and the effectiveness of applying three-dimensional simulation based on such route design standard is to be reviewed. In this paper, a basic research about three-dimensional design of structures is performed, and through the three-dimensional design, some effective determination to decision-making was carried out. Hereafter, it appears some research regarding environment-friendly construction and design should be followed.

A Study on the Technique Develop for Perspective Image Generation and 3 Dimension Simulation in Jecheon (제천시 영상 조감도 생성 및 3차원 시뮬레이션 기술개발에 관한 연구)

  • 연상호;홍일화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2003
  • Stereo bird's-eyes-view was prepared for 3-dimensional view of various forms of Jecheon city, and 3-dimensional simulation was applied to it so as to show it in moving pictures in spatial. In manufacturing stereo bird's-eyes-view, perspective technology was used in image-making technology, and the basic material images are prepared as fellows: used EOC Images from Arirang-1 satellite, created DEM whose error was optionally geometric corrected after drawn from the contour line of the map on a scale of l/5,000 manufactured by national geography institute as a national standard map, and classified road lines which were manufactured as a road layer vector file of a map on a scale of l/l,000 and then overlay it over the three dimensional image of target area. Especially for the connectivity with address system to be used in new address, an arterial road map on a scale of l/l,000 that had been manufactured to grant new address was used in maximum in road network structure data of city area in this study.

A study on the Development of 3D web-map using VRML and java (Web-Map 개발을 위한 VRML과 Java의 적용)

  • 양인태;김동문;박형근
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2003
  • It is very difficult assignment that grasp three-dimensional real life in Web base network environment. But, the recent simulation tools embody third dimension elements within 2 dimensions screen that is limited through third dimension implementation technology. Many GIS tools are offering excellent functions for third dimension data creation. But, research about design of third dimension GIS that use virtual reality technique in Web environment is status that is unprepared. So, in this research embodied third dimension topography map using virtual reality modelling language to produce active third dimension VR map that can supply visual information for direction, visual point that want in World Wide Web without support of expensive Map exclusive use program. And these 3D Web-Map is thought that possibility is enough as next generation map medium.

A Study on the Influence of 8rand Image Consistency towards Brand Extension (상표이미지 일치가 상표확장 태도에 미치는 영향 연구 -인지도가 높은 여성의류상표를 중심으로-)

  • 임숙자;이지형
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.959-969
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    • 1997
  • This research is intended to help the development of new products and marketing strategies studying consumers' knowledge level and attitude towards original brand and the extension attitude related to the brand image. The detailed purposes of this study are as follow: First, it is to measure consumers' knowledge and attitude towards original brand. Second, it is to clarify the dimensions of the image about the original brand and extended brand product which is perceived by the consumer. Third, it is to meassure image consistency and product similarity between the original brand and extended product. The sample group consisted of female college students 393 in Seoul. Stratified sampling, based on major and grade of sturients and the structure of the college they were attending was used as sampling method. Questionnaires, which were selected from literature and proceeding researches published in Korea and abroad, were modified for this study, SAS Package was used for data analysis. The results observed in this study were as follow: 1. Consumers' knowledge level about original brand showed high among students majoring in clothing-related subjects and their general attitude proved to be positive. 2. Image factors of original brand were classified to dignity factor, personality/modernity factor, femininity factor, and ornamentation factor. Lipstick is considered to have high image consistency and product similarity. 3. Comparing the attitude before and after extension, extension to lipstick which showed high image consistency and product similarity received more positive reactions than one to bed cover sheet. 4. It was founded that although knowledge and attitude towards original brand with image consistency had no influence on the extension attitude, knowledge and attitude without image consistency influence the extension attitude.

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In-Situ Stress Determinations by Hydraulic Fracturing in Deep Inclined Boreholes for the Design of Underground Oil Storages (유류비축기지 설계를 위한 대심도 경사공에서의 수압파쇄 초기응력 해석)

  • Choi, Sung-Oong;Shin, Hee-Soon;Park, Chan;Syun, Joong-Ho;Bae, Jeong-Sik;Lee, Hyeong-Won;Park, Jong-In;Jeon, Han-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 1999
  • Hydraulic fracturing tests were performed in two inclined boreholes for the design of underground oil storages in Korea. Extensions of their application limits were expected through a precise comparison between the interpretation techniques for the vertical and the inclined boreholes. Especially, it was verified that the magnitude of in-situ stress can be varied even in the same rock mass with a variety of geographic/geotechnical characteristics. It was also demonstrated that its orientation can be changed even in the same borehole with the existence of explicit discontinuities.

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Propagation Environments of a Suburban Area (교외지역 전파환경을 위한 예측모델 제안)

  • Kim, Jae-Sub;Park, Chang-Kyun
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 1997
  • In mobile communications, it is very important that we predict the propagation environments of radiation pattern, in order to decide the service area, select the best location of the best station, design the cell etc. Therefore, by analyzing the propagation prediction model that is varied according to the kind of antenna, the beam angle, the terrain and obstacles, we expect that the economic operating of communication networks, the calling quality and the service of subscriber will be enhanced. In this paper, we select the around of Seji base station in Naju-city Chonnam for modern suburban area and measure the field strength to propose the optimal propagation prediction model for suburban areas. We propose the propagation prediction model that, it is not found in the other models until now, consists of the correction coefficient with the relative differences of antenna effective height of the base station and mobile station for minimizing errors. Finally, comparing the results of the field test with the computer simulation(PPGIS : Propagation Prediction Geographic Information System) results for the Hata model, the Egri model, the Carey model and the propose model, we confirm the property of the proposed model.

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Calibration and Validation of SWAT for the Neponset River Watershed in Boston (보스턴 넷폰셋강의 수질체계에 대한 스왓모델의 교정과 유효성 검증)

  • Lee, Ja-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • A validation study has been performed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model with data collected for the Neponset River watershed, which includes roughly 130 square miles of land located southwest of Boston. All of this land drains into the Neponset River, and ultimately into Boston Harbor. This paper presents the methodology of a SWAT model. The calculated contribution of the baseflow to the streamflow is far too high whereas the interflow is strongly underestimated. Alternatively, the modified and calibrated model yields far better results for the catchment. The modification allows hydrological processes to be modeled while not restraining the applicability of the model to catchments with other characteristics. For this study, the SWAT 2005 model is used with ArcGIS 9.1 as an interlace, and sensitivity analysis is performed to provide rough estimated values before adjusting sensitive input parameters during calibration period.

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Regional Differentiation of Agrarian Practices in the Late Choson Period as Reflected in Wu Ha-Young's Cheonilrok ("천일록(千一錄)"을 통해 본 조선후기 농업의 지역적 특성)

  • Jung, Chi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2003
  • This paper analyzes Wu Ha-Youngs Cheonilrok in order to reconstruct the regional characteristics of farming in the late 18th-century Korean countryside. The projected objective is approached through the examination of various indices drawn from the volume such as environment, distribution of arable lands, major crops, agricultural techniques, and productivity. The main finding of this research is that unlike todays homogenous picture of agriculture, quite significant differences of agrarian practices existed across the country in the past. The regional differentiation was attributable foremost to natural environment. To elaborate, landform, climate and soil influenced the distribution and use of land plots, the kinds of main crops produced, and the agricultural productivity. The region-specific agricultural techniques result from the cumulative processes of trial and error against the given environment. Other social and economic conditions which include population, skill of the peasants, size of landownership, and irrigation facilities sustained the regional differentiation of agriculture.

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