• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국지리정보학회

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Analysis of Spatial Distribution and Regional Factors of Cancer Mortality: Focusing on Lung, Liver, and Colorectal Cancers (2010-2020) (암 사망률의 공간적 분포 및 지역 요인 분석: 폐암, 간암, 대장암을 중심으로(2010-2020))

  • Han-Sol Jang;Young-Joo Won;Min-su Choi;Ha-Nul Choi;Kwang-Soo Lee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.412-425
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study aimed to examine the spatial distribution of age-standardized mortality rates for lung, liver, and colorectal cancers from 2010 to 2020 across 229 regions in South Korea, and to analyze regional factors affecting cancer mortality rates. Methods: This study utilized maps provided by Statistical Geographic Information Service, data from the Korean Statistical Information Service and the Community Health Survey from 2010 to 2020. The dependent variables were age-standardized mortality rates (per 100,000 population) for lung, liver, and colorectal cancers by gender. Independent variables, covering key domains such as individual behavioral, social, and environmental factors, were selected based on the Social Determinants of Health model. Results: Mortality rates for all three cancers declined from 2010 to 2020. Spatial analysis showed lung cancer hot-spot in Gyeongsangbuk-do and liver cancer hot-spot in Jeollanam-do, while colorectal cancer did not show a distinct spatial pattern. Panel analysis provided that smoking rates and weight control attempts were significant regional factors affecting cancer mortality. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that cancer management policies need to be tailored to regional characteristics, considering the spatial distribution of cancer mortality and the regional factors influencing it.

Distribution Patterns and Ecological Characters of Paulownia coreana and P. tomentosa in Busan Metropolitan City Using MaxEnt Model (MaxEnt 모형을 활용한 부산광역시 내 오동나무 및 참오동나무의 분포 경향과 생태적 특성)

  • Lee, Chang-Woo;Lee, Cheol-Ho;Choi, Byoung-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2017
  • Paulownia species has long been recognized in Korean traditional culture and the values of the species have been researched in various focuses. However, studies on distribution and ecological characteristics of the species are still needed. This study aimed to identify distribution trends and ecological characteristics of two Paulownia species in Busan metropolitan city using the MaxEnt model. The MaxEnt model was established based on the environmental factors such as positioning information of the Paulownia species, topography, climate and degree of anthropogenic disturbance potentiality (ADP), which was collected in the on-site research. The study verified that the accuracy of the model was appropriate as the AUC value of Paulownia coreana and P. tomentosa was 0.809, respectively. In terms of the distribution trends of the two Paulownia species in the research area depending on the distribution model, they were both mainly distributed in downtown where built-up area and bare ground were densely concentrated. The potential distribution area of the two species was identified as $137.4km^2$ for P. coreana and $135.0km^2$ for P. tomentosa. The distribution probability was high in Jung-gu, Dongrae-gu, Busanjin-gu and Yeonje-gu. As a result of the analysis on contribution of the environmental factors, it was turned out that the degree of anthropogenic disturbance potentiality (ADP) contributed to distribution of P. coreana and P. tomentosa by about 50%, and the contribution of the environmental factors had a positive correlation with the degree of ADP. The elevation had a negative correlation with both the two species, which was considered because the species must compete more with native species in natural habitats as the altitude above sea level rises. The research findings demonstrated numerically that the distribution of P.coreana and P. tomentosa depended on artificial activities, and indicated the relevance with the Korean traditional landscape. These findings are expected to provide meaningful information in using, preserving and restoring Paulownia species.

An Analysis of Accessibility to Hydrogen Charging Stations in Seoul Based on Location-Allocation Models (입지배분모형 기반의 서울시 수소충전소 접근성 분석)

  • Sang-Gyoon Kim;Jong-Seok Won;Yong-Beom Pyeon;Min-Kyung Cho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.339-350
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study analyzes accessibility of 10 hydrogen charging stations in Seoul and identifies areas that were difficult to access. The purpose is to re-analyze accessibility by adding a new location in terms of equity and safety of location placement, and then draw implications by comparing the improvement effects. Method: By applying the location-allocation model and the service area model based on network analysis of the ArcGIS program, areas with weak access were identified. The location selection method applied the 'Minimize Facilities' method in consideration of the need for rapid arrival to insufficient hydrogen charging stations. The limit distance for arrival within a specific time was analyzed by applying the average vehicle traffic speed(23.1km/h, Seoul Open Data Square) in 2022 to three categories: 3,850m(10minutes), 5,775m(15minutes), 7,700m(20minutes). In order to minimize conflicts over the installation of hydrogen charging stations, special standards of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy applied to derive candidate sites for additional installation of hydrogen charging stations among existing gas stations and LPG/CNG charging stations. Result: As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that accessibility was significantly improved by installing 5 new hydrogen charging stations at relatively safe gas stations and LPG/CNG charging stations in areas where access to the existing 10 hydrogen charging stations is weak within 20 minutes. Nevertheless, it was found that there are still areas where access remains difficult. Conclusion: The location allocation model is used to identify areas where access to hydrogen charging stations is difficult and prioritize installation, decision-making to select locations for hydrogen charging stations based on scientific evidence can be supported.

Adaptive Row Major Order: a Performance Optimization Method of the Transform-space View Join (적응형 행 기준 순서: 변환공간 뷰 조인의 성능 최적화 방법)

  • Lee Min-Jae;Han Wook-Shin;Whang Kyu-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.345-361
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    • 2005
  • A transform-space index indexes objects represented as points in the transform space An advantage of a transform-space index is that optimization of join algorithms using these indexes becomes relatively simple. However, the disadvantage is that these algorithms cannot be applied to original-space indexes such as the R-tree. As a way of overcoming this disadvantages, the authors earlier proposed the transform-space view join algorithm that joins two original- space indexes in the transform space through the notion of the transform-space view. A transform-space view is a virtual transform-space index that allows us to perform join in the transform space using original-space indexes. In a transform-space view join algorithm, the order of accessing disk pages -for which various space filling curves could be used -makes a significant impact on the performance of joins. In this paper, we Propose a new space filling curve called the adaptive row major order (ARM order). The ARM order adaptively controls the order of accessing pages and significantly reduces the one-pass buffer size (the minimum buffer size required for guaranteeing one disk access per page) and the number of disk accesses for a given buffer size. Through analysis and experiments, we verify the excellence of the ARM order when used with the transform-space view join. The transform-space view join with the ARM order always outperforms existing ones in terms of both measures used: the one-pass buffer size and the number of disk accesses for a given buffer size. Compared to other conventional space filling curves used with the transform-space view join, it reduces the one-pass buffer size by up to 21.3 times and the number of disk accesses by up to $74.6\%$. In addition, compared to existing spatial join algorithms that use R-trees in the original space, it reduces the one-pass buffer size by up to 15.7 times and the number of disk accesses by up to $65.3\%$.

Spatio-temporal Analysis of Population Distribution in Seoul via Integrating Transportation and Land Use Information, Based on Four-Dimensional Visualization Methods (교통과 토지이용 정보를 결합한 서울 인구분포의 시공간적 분석: 4차원 시각화 방법을 토대로)

  • Lee, Keumsook;Kim, Ho Sung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.20-33
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    • 2018
  • Population distribution in urban space varies with transportation flow changing along time of day. Transportation flow is directly affected by the activities of urbanites and the distribution of related facilities, since the flow is the result of moving to the point where the facilities associated with their activities are located. It is thus necessary to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics of the urban population distribution by integrating the distribution of activity spaces related to the daily life of urbanites and the flow of transportation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the population distribution in urban space with daily and weekly time bases using the building database and T-card database in the city of Seoul, which is rich in information on land use and transportation flow. For a time-based analysis that is difficult to grasp by general statistical techniques, a four-dimensional visualization method combining time and space using a Java program is devised. Dynamic visualization in the four-dimensional space and time allows intuitive analysis and makes it possible to understand more effectively the spatio-temporal characteristics of population distribution. For this purpose, buildings are classified into three activity groups: residential, working, and commercial according to their purpose, and the number of passengers traveling to and from each stop site of bus and subway networks in the T-card database for one week is calculated in one-minute increments, Visualizing these and integrating transportation and land use, we analyze spatio-temporal characteristics of the population distribution in Seoul. As a result, it is found that the population distribution of Seoul displays distinct spatio-temporal characteristics according to land use. In particular, there is a clear difference in the population distribution pattern along the time axis according to the mixed aspects of working, commercial, and residential activities. The results of this study can be very useful for transportation and location planning of city facilities.

High Definition Road Map Object usability Verification for High Definition Road Map improvement (정밀도로지도 개선을 위한 정밀도로지도 객체 활용성 검증)

  • Oh, Jong Min;Song, Yong Hyun;Hong, Song Pyo;Shin, Young Min;Ko, Young Chin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2020
  • As the 4th Industrial Revolution era in worldwide, interest in autonomous vehicles is increasing. but due to recent safety issues such as pedestrian accidents and car accidents, as a technical model for this, the demand for 3D HD maps (High Definition maps) is increasing in including lanes, road markings, road information, traffic lights and traffic signs etc. However, since some complementary points have been continuously raised according to demand, It is necessary to collect the opinions of institutions and companies utilizing HD maps and to improve HD maps. This study was conducted by utilizing the results of the contest for usability verification of HD Maps hosted by the National Geographic Information Institute and organized by the Spatial Information Industry Promotion Institute. For this study, we researched HD maps' layers and codes for HD maps object usability to improve HD maps, constructed HD maps object usability items accordingly, and contested usability verification of HD maps according to the items The contestants conducted verification and analyzed the results. As a result, the most frequently used code for each layer was the flat intersection, and the code showing the highest usage rate was a safety sign. In addition, the use rate of the sub-section and height obstacles was 16.67% and 8.88%, respectively, showing a low ratio. In order to utilize HD maps in the future, this study is expected to require research to continuously collect opinions from customers and improve data objects and data models that are actually needed by customers.

The Suitable Region and Site for 'Fuji' Apple Under the Projected Climate in South Korea (미래 시나리오 기후조건하에서의 사과 '후지' 품종 재배적지 탐색)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Chung, U-Ran;Kim, Seung-Heui;Choi, In-Myung;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.162-173
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    • 2009
  • Information on the expected geographical shift of suitable zones for growing crops under future climate is a starting point of adaptation planning in agriculture and is attracting much concern from policy makers as well as researchers. Few practical schemes have been developed, however, because of the difficulty in implementing the site-selection concept at an analytical level. In this study, we suggest site-selection criteria for quality Fuji apple production and integrate geospatial data and information available in public domains (e.g., digital elevation model, digital soil maps, digital climate maps, and predictive models for agroclimate and fruit quality) to implement this concept on a GIS platform. Primary criterion for selecting sites suitable for Fuji apple production includes land cover, topography, and soil texture. When the primary criterion is satisfied, climatic conditions such as the length of frost free season, freezing risk during the overwintering period, and the late frost risk in spring are tested as the secondary criterion. Finally, the third criterion checks for fruit quality such as color and shape. Land attributes related to these factors in each criterion were implemented in ArcGIS environment as relevant raster layers for spatial analysis, and retrieval procedures were automated by writing programs compatible with ArcGIS. This scheme was applied to the A1B projected climates for South Korea in the future normal years (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) as well as the current climate condition observed in 1971-2000 for selecting the sites suitable for quality Fuji apple production in each period. Results showed that this scheme can figure out the geographical shift of suitable zones at landscape scales as well as the latitudinal shift of northern limit for cultivation at national or regional scales.

Development of GIS based Water Quality Simulation System for Han River and Kyeonggi Bay Area (한강과 경기만 지역 GIS 기반 통합수질모의 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Chol-Young;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2008
  • There has been growing demands to manage the water quality of west coastal region due to the large scale urbanization along the coastal zone, the possibility of application of TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Loadings) to Han river, and the natural disaster such as oil spill incident in Taean, Chungnam. However, no system has been developed for such purposes. In this background, the demand of GIS based effective water quality management has been increased to monitor water quality environment and propose best management alternatives for Han river and Kyeonggi bay. This study mainly focused on the development of integrated water quality management system for Han river bas in and its estuary are a connected to Kyeonggi bay to support integrated water quality management and its plan. Integration was made based on GIS by spatial linking between water quality attributes and location information. A GIS DB was built to estimate the amount of generated and discharged water pollutants according to TMDL technical guide and it included input data to use two different water quality models--W ASP7 for Han river and EFDC for coastal area--to forecast water quality and to suggest BMP(Best management Practices). The results of BOD, TN, and TP from WASP7 were used as the input to run EFDC. Based on the study results, some critical areas which have relatively higher pollutant loadings were identified, and it was also identified that the locations discharging water pollutant loadings to river and seasonal factor affected water quality. And the relationship of water quality between river and its estuary area was quantitatively verified. The results showed that GIS based integrated system could be used as a tool for estimating status-quo of water quality and proposing economically effective BMPs to mitigate water pollution. Further studies need to be made for improving system's capabilities such as adding decision making function as well as cost-benefit analysis, etc. Also, the concrete methodology for water quality management using the system need to be developed.

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The Tendency of the Written Test Questions for the History of Korean Landscape Architecture in National Qualification Test of a Landscape Engineer (조경기사 필기시험 중 한국조경사 문제의 출제 경향)

  • So, Hyun-Su;Lim, Eui-Je
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2015
  • This study contemplates the tendency of the examination questions for History of Korean Landscape Architecture. The study targets the questions of 'Landscape Architecture History' which has been set in the written test for National Qualification Test of a landscape engineer for recent 10 years from 2005 to 2014 and derives analyzable items based on the guidelines of question-setting presented by Human Resources Development Service of Korea. The results of the study are drawn as follows. First, among 5 areas composing Landscape History, the proportion of Korean Landscape questions is getting increased while that of Western ones is decreasing. Second, about 30 traditional trees and 11 types of traditional landscape elements including traditional facilities were shown in Korean Landscape questions. Besides, history, geographic, practical science, horticulture, anthology books and the 25 tradition landscape-related historic documents categorized as the garden painting data were found. And the kings from ancient era to Choseon Dynasty who were associated with the time of palace garden building, the builders or owners of the villas, the authors of the document and Chinese scholars also appeared. Third, there were no the questions of prehistoric times and Balhae Kingdom, whereas those of Choseon Dynasty were dominantly focused. Among the traditional sites of Choseon Dynasty, Byeolseo(villas) were set most, followed by Dosung or Gung-gweol(castle towns or palaces), houses, Nu Jeong Dea(pavilions) and Seowon(local schools) in order. Nak-an eupseong and Yong-ju sa were the only cases for a castle town and a temple each. Fourth, being associated with tradition spaces, the questions asked for understanding the detailed contents of time of sites' construction, builders, location features, building structures, ground plan types and the components s of garden. In addition, as a result of checking whether traditional landscape sites were shown in the set questions in 9 Korean Landscape textbooks, Dongchundang, Pungamjeonsa, Simgogseowon did not appeared. As a result of reviewing the tendency of the examination questions for History of Korean Landscape Architecture, the questions which ask minor facts without generality and which include difficult information and site uncomprehended in the textbook should be reconsidered.