• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학교 성적

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A Study on the Variables of Success in the National Dental Hygienist Licence Examination at D College (D대학교 치과위생사 국가시험 합격의 변인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3486-3491
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the variables of success in the national dental hygienist licence examination at D college. The subjects in this study were 120 dental hygiene juniors at D college located in Gangwon Province. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 13.0 and a R2.13.2 program, and $x^2$(Chi-square) test, regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and logistic regression analysis were utilized. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. There was a tendency that the pass rate was higher among the students who were more satisfied with their major, whose academic standing was higher and who scored higher in trial examinations. 2. There was a positive correlation between academic standing and trial exam scores. 3. When their academic standing and satisfaction level with major were the same, an increase of one point in trial exams led to a 1.141-fold rise in the probability of passing the national exam. In this study, trial exam scores were identified as the variable to exert the largest influence on success in the national dental hygienist qualification exam. Therefore more intensive guidance should be provided for students who make a preparation for the national exam yet score low in trial exams.

The Effects of Face-to-face and Non-face-to-face Classes on the Academic Achievement of Chemistry II and Advanced Chemistry in Science High School Students (대면 및 비대면 수업 형태가 과학고 학생들의 화학II 및 고급화학의 학업성취도에 미치는 영향)

  • Dong-Seon Shin;Jong Keun Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2024
  • We studied the effects on their academic achievement of chemistry II and advanced chemistry subjects of science high school students according to the type of class (face-to-face and non-face-to-face). The subjects of this study were 195 first-year students of G Science High School located in Gyeongnam. The average scores of Chemistry II and Advanced Chemistry in non-face-to-face classes in 2020 and face-to-face classes in 2021 were compared and analyzed. As a result of comparing and analyzing the academic achievement according to the class type, students' grades in Chemistry II and Advanced Chemistry were higher in non-face-to-face classes. In the comparison of academic achievement by level according to class type, Chemistry II showed higher average grades in non-face-to-face classes as the lower level were, and in advanced chemistry, the higher the upper grades in non-face-to-face classes. In addition, in terms of the effect of changes in class form on the upper and lower 10% levels of academic achievement of Chemistry II, the upper 10% showed high grades in face-to-face classes and the lower 10% in non-face-to-face classes. On the other hand, in advanced chemistry, the average grade of non-face-to-face classes was higher than that of face-to-face classes in the top 10%, and the average grade of face-to-face classes was higher than that of non-face-to-face classes in the bottom 10%. Through these results, it was found that in the teaching-learning of science high school students, instructors need to design and treat teaching-learning appropriate to the level of academic achievement.

The effect of Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment (마이스터고등학교 학생들의 진로성숙도가 학교 부적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jae-Man;Lee, Byung-Wook
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effect Meister high school students' career maturity with respect to the impact on school maladjustment. Also, this study clarify the relationship. This study purpose is to permanently provide Meister as the basis for the vocational education sector career education needed to faithfully serve as a special purpose high schools. Tools used for the survey is maladaptive measurement tools developed by Leegyumi (2004) and Career maturity measurement tools developed at Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (2012). Using these tools, a reliability test was conducted. Meister students' career maturity was conducted correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyze the impact of school maladjustment. Independent variables are consisted of career maturity and independence, attitude toward the job, planning, self-understanding, rational decision-making, information retrieval, knowledge of the desired job, career exploration and ready for action. Meister high school student's career maturity according to the students' background variables are little girls was higher than boys, but it was not statistically significant. T-test was conducted to ascertain the career maturity and school maladjustment differences of adaptation groups and maladaptive group in meister school students in background variables. A career maturity and school maladjustment between adaptive and maladaptive population groups showed a statistically significant difference in background variables.

비교내신등급 산정의 통계적 연구

  • 이계오;정연수
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 1997
  • 본 연구는 1997학년도 공군사관학교 입시의 특수한 상황적 여건을 반영하여 비교내신 등급 산정을 시도한 하나의 보고서로서 전국고교를 학력차이에 따라 구분하고 수험생이 속한 출신고교의 수준과 내신성적에 따라 전국 고교 비교내신등급을 새롭게 산정한 실증적 연구사례이다.

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Christian Teachers and Citizenship Education Today : Dealing with Tensions (기독 교사와 현대의 시민교육의 중요한 쟁점에 관한 연구)

  • Hanna de Jong-Markus;Jan van Doleweerd
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2023
  • Several tensions are visible in contemporary Dutch society, including those around refugees and sexual diversity, and the place of (strict) religion in society has changed. From both a theoretical and empirical perspective, we examine what this means for Christian education in general and for teachers in conservative Protestant schools in particular when it comes to citizenship education. It is concluded that the role of the school board and management is important in supporting teachers and promoting a shared vision within the school. In thinking about Christian citizenship education, a focus on Christian attitudes instead of morals has become more important, as it is in religious education.

Difference in Mathematics Anxiety of Middle and high school students per Factor according to Background Variables (중.고등학생의 배경 변인에 따른 요인별 수학 불안의 차이)

  • Ko, Ho-Kyoung;Yi, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.487-509
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    • 2012
  • This study, in order to contribute to improvement of the affective domain for mathematics which is one of the largest issues of mathematics education, examined the background variables influencing mathematics anxiety of middle/high school students. As the result, the middle school students showed a greater level of anxiety than the high school students did, and especially the anxiety level according to environment factor and learning strategy factor was high. Also, male students showed overall a greater mathematics anxiety than female students did, and both group of students showed a higher anxiety level according to environment factor and learning strategy factor. Besides, the greater the time spent on private education was, the higher the mathematics anxiety level, and in test/performance factor, the group with low self-initiated learning time showed a higher level of mathematics anxiety compared to other two groups. Among four subfactors of mathematics anxiety test, the students overall scored lowest in anxiety for test/performance factor, and highest in environment factor.

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A Grading Method for Student′s Achievements Based on the Clustering Technique (클러스터링에 기반한 학업성적의 등급화 방법)

  • Park, Eun-Jin;Chung, Hong;Jang, Duk-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2002
  • There are two methods in evaluation student s achievement. The two evaluation methods are absolute evaluation and relative evaluation. They have much advantages respectively, but also have some limitations such as being too stereotyped or causing overcompetition among learners. This paper suggests a new evaluation method which evaluates student s achievements by considering the score distribution and the frequency The proposed method classifies the scores into several clusters considering the goodness. This approach calculates the goodness by applying the RE(relaxation error), and grades the achievement scores based on the goodness. The suggested method can avoid the problem of grading caused by the narrow gap of scores because it sets a standard for grading by the calculated goodness considering the score distribution and frequency of occurrence. The method can differentiate achievements of a school from those of others, and that it is useful for selecting advanced students and dull ones, and for evaluation of classes based on student s achievement.

A Case Study on Grouping in Peer Tutoring Discourse (또래교수 담론에서의 집단 구성에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Ga-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.281-309
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is provides an implication of further teaching learning process by analyze the common and difference and characteristic of mathematical self-efficiency between three peer tutoring groups discourse in the mathematical teaching leaning process that use peer tutoring. To achieve this goal, three groups formed that consist of one peer tutor who received a first grade of mathematic achievement and one peer student. Peer student of each group is divided into high grade, middle grade, low grade of mathematic achievement. Then analyze the discourse in the exponential function problem solving process. Based on the results of study, this paper provides a concrete example of merit of peer tutoring on the peer tutor. Result of study also provides a practical help to make a peer tutoring group by considering a difference of grades between peer tutor and peer student. Because there is a possibility of mutual discourse on the tutoring group that consist of similar grades.

The Effect of Private Tutoring Expenditures on Academic Performance: Evidence from Middle School Students in South Korea ('학교교육 수준 및 실태 분석 연구: 중학교' 자료를 이용한 사교육비 지출의 성적 향상효과 분석)

  • Kang, Changhui
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.139-171
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    • 2012
  • This paper examines the effect of private tutoring expenditures on academic performance of middle school students in South Korea, using data from "Analysis of the Level of School Education and Its Actual condition: Middle School". In the face of endogeneity of private tutoring expenditures, the paper employs an instrumental variable (IV) method and a nonparametric bounding method. Using both methods we show that the true effect of private tutoring on middle school students remains at most modest in Korea. The IV results suggest that a 10 percent increase in tutoring expenditure for Korean, English and math raises a student's test score of the subject at the largest by 1.24, 1.28, and 0.75 percent, respectively. The bounding results also fail to show evidence that an increase in tutoring expenditure leads to economically and statistically significant improvements in test score.

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Middle school students' achievement perceptions regarding to objectives of Home Economics education (중학교 학생들의 가정교과 교육목표 성취도 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Myoung Sook;Choi, Kyoung Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the level of middle school students' achievement perceptions of the objectives of Home Economics education. A survey was conducted using a convenient sample from 360 middle school students, and 332 subjects were used in the final analysis. First, the level of achievement perceptions of objectives of Home Economics education showed a score of 3.46(SD = 0.80), which was slightly higher than the median. Second, the achievement perceptions of objectives of Home Economics education showed significant differences in gender, the grade level, school type, and the level of school records. Third, according to a hierarchical regression analysis, male students' middle school, coeducational middle school, grade, gender, and school record level had significant effects on their achievement perceptions of objectives of Home Economics education, and the explanatory power of these independent variables was 30%.

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