• Title/Summary/Keyword: 프로그램교과

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implementation of a free exercises program for elementary physical education (초등체육교과학습을 위한 맨손체조 프로그램 구현)

  • Jang, Yeon-Lan
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.280-285
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    • 2007
  • 체육교과에서 맨손 체조를 구성하는 수업은 기존의 자료 제시 형태의 컴퓨터 활용 수업에서는 일제식 수업이나 학습 목표를 달성하지 못한 흥미 위주의 수업으로 흐르기 쉽다. 그래서 맨손 체조에 관련된 제 7차 교육과정 내의 학습 내용을 살펴보고, 학습자가 자신에게 필요한 맨손 체조를 직접 구성하는 프로그램을 설계하였다. 여러 가지 동작을 익히고, 그 동작의 효과를 학습한 뒤, 적절한 동작을 연결하여 맨손 체조를 구성하는 프로그램으로써 평가를 통해 피드백이 가능하도록 한다. 이 프로그램을 통해 맨손 체조 구성 학습에 대한 학습자의 동기를 유발하는 동시에 학습 목표에 충분히 도달하여 학습자의 자기주도적 능력을 신장시키고자 한다.

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The Analysis of Difficulties of Pre-service Teachers in Process of Instructional Design based on Programming (프로그래밍 기반 수업 설계 과정에서 예비 교사의 어려움 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Won;Lee, Youngjun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2019.07a
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    • pp.209-210
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    • 2019
  • 정보 교과가 아닌 타 교과에서 교육 도구로써 프로그래밍의 교육적 효과가 증명됨에 따라 프로그래밍을 수업에 도입하기 위한 다양한 연구가 진행되었다. 김성원과 이영준(2017)은 TPACK 이론을 도입하여, 테크놀로지 도구로 프로그래밍 언어를 도입하고, 예비 교사의 수업 전문성 향상을 위한 프로그래밍 기반 TPACK 교육 프로그램을 개발하였다. 개발한 교육 프로그램을 수업에 도입하였지만, 예비 교사는 여러 가지 어려움을 느끼고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 프로그래밍 기반 TPACK 교육 프로그램을 개선하기 위하여 예비 교사에게 선행 연구에서 개발한 교육 프로그램을 적용하고, 프로그래밍 기반 수업 설계를 하는 과정에서 예비 교사가 겪는 어려움을 조사하였다. 연구 결과, 예비 교사는 예비 교사는 프로그래밍 학습, 프로그램의 설계 및 구현, 교과 특성에 맞는 프로그램 개발, 프로그래밍 언어의 한계로 프로그래밍 기반 수업 설계에서 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 향후 연구에서는 이러한 어려움을 해결하기 위한 교육 프로그램 개선을 진행하고, 개선한 교육 프로그램을 예비 교사에게 적용하여 효과를 검증하고자 한다.

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A Research on Teachers' Professional Development of Mathematics (수학 교과 전문성 신장에 대한 소고)

  • Oh, Youngyoul
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.389-401
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    • 2012
  • The focus of the present study is on examining a research trend of teachers' professional development in mathematics. In do this, this study investigated the meaning and standards of professional development about mathematics, examining the characteristics of successful mathematics education professional programs, and looking for the processes of teachers' professionalization about mathematics. The findings of this study point out as follows: Teachers' professional development about mathematics implies the improvement of the quality of mathematics instruction following improving the quality of mathematics learning through well-structured mathematics teacher education programs. To do this, teachers need to have shared vision about how to teach mathematics, to have profound knowledge related to the mathematics subject, and to actively participate in teachers' professional development programs in mathematics. The results suggest the common characteristics of successful programs of mathematics teachers' professional development. The results of this study suggest that teachers need to have passion and efforts to improve teachers' professionalization about mathematics, and research on teacher professional development should be based on understanding about teachers. Also, more teacher-researchers to connect educational theories with educational practices are recommended, and a model for teachers' professional development program of mathematics appropriate to the context of Korea needs to be developed.

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Developing Framework of Tobacco Curriculum Integrating Related Subjects From Elementary Through High School

  • Song, Myung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.17-34
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    • 2009
  • 연구배경: 최근 청소년 흡연의 저연령화 문제가 심화되고 있어 청소년 흡연 대책마련이 절실히 요구되고 있다. 그 중에서도 흡연예방교육은 근본적인 문제를 해결할 수 있는데, 우리나라의 교육여건상 흡연예방교육을 위하여 할애할 수 있는 시간과 독립성, 교육내용상의 질을 한꺼번에 개선하기는 매우 힘들다. 이과 같은 문제를 해결하기 위하여 본 연구는 기존의 교과 과정의 구조에 체계적인 연계성 이론을 적용하여 통합적인 흡연예방 프로그램을 구상하게 되었다. 연구방법: 수직적/수평적인 연계성 이론에서 통합성, 접합성, 연결성의 3가지 영역을 적용하기 위한 방법은 다음과 같다. 1) 지식, 태도, 기술, 행동에 따른 일반적 가이드 라인을 재조성하였다. 2) 효과적인 흡연예방을 위한 사회/심리적인 요인을 기존 교과와 같이 보완할 수 있도록 개발하였다. 3) 기존 교과서의 내용을 분석하여 흡연예방과 관련된 효과와 단원을 파악하여 2)과 3)을 접합하였다. 4) 연결성은 거시적인 관점에서 지금까지 개발된 모든 요소들이 관련되어 있음을 보여 주어야 하므로, 본 연구는 가이드라인, 강화내용, 각 교과 단원이 모두 연결되어 있음을 보여주는 표 제시로 완성하고자 하였다. 이 연구를 위하여 각 교과를 대표하는 교과서 총 111권이 검토되었다. 연구결과: 청소년 흡연예방에 효과적이라고 알려진 사회/심리적인 모든 요인들은 사회, 윤리, 도덕 등의 교과에서 충분히 다루고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나, 흡연과 직접적으로 관련되어 있지 않기 때문에 흡연예방교육과 상관이 없다고 여겨질 수 있다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위하여 각 관련 교과와 단원, 흡연예방관련지도를 제안하는 교사용 보완 지도자료 지침서가 개발되었다. 흡연예방교육에 필요한 모든 교육적인 요소들이 수직적(초중고등학교), 수평적(각 교과간)으로 연계되어 있음을 보여 주었다. 연구결론: 독립적인 흡연예방 프로그램을 개발하기 보다는 이와 같이 기존의 커리큘럼에 구조적으로 통합할 수 있는 흡연예방 프로그램이 비용-효율적일 수 있다.

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Development of a Career Education Program Linked to Home Economics in Middle School to Cultivate Entrepreneurship (창업가정신 함양을 위한 중학교 가정교과연계 진로교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Park, Ye-Ra;Shim, Huen-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.13-31
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a career education program linked to home economics in middle school to improve adolescents' ability to respond to the rapidly changing future society. The research procedure was conducted in four steps: Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation. In the analysis step, related prior studies were analyzed to identify the units and contents that linked home economics and career education. In the design step, learning topics and contents according to the design thinking process were selected and the overall program process was designed to cultivate entrepreneurship based on the textbook analysis results. In the development step, the goals and achievement standards of school career education linked to home economics were set for each class, and a total of eight teaching and learning plans, twenty-three types of teaching and learning materials, and expert validity verification questionnaires were developed. In the evaluation step, the validity of the developed program was verified by nine experts. The developed program was verified for overall programs, and the validity of the program was 0.94. It is expected that the career education program linked to home economics will contribute to foster the adolescents' entrepreneurship so they can design their future on their own and allow them to manage their life proactively.

A Study of Development of Brand Up Program in Engineering Education (공학교육의 브랜드제고 프로그램 개발연구)

  • Baik, Ran
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문은 창의성교육 프로그램 개발 방향으로 창업교육에 대한 실행방안을 연구 및 기획한 논문이다. 창업의 현황과 문제점을 토대로 교육프로그램 개발하고 공학교육의 창의적 능력 및 정보기획과 분석력 개발교육을 통해 공학교육의 질 제고를 위한 새로운 모델을 제시하고 있다. 본연구의 기초는 공학인증프로그램의 설계교과과정의 내실화가 기본바탕을 이루고 있으며, 교육과정에 추가되는 softskill의 활용도 아울러 요구되고 있다. 특히 설계교과과정의 정점을 이루고 있는 캡스톤디자인(종합설계교과목) 교육성과의 활용도를 적극 활용할 수 있는 기회를 제공하고 있다.

A Study of Strategic Approach for Course and Program Outcomes Assessment (교과목 및 프로그램 학습성과 평가의 전략적 접근)

  • Kim, Cheong-Sig
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest directions to improve engineering education and the assessment system of our country. For this object, the present situation of engineering education and assessment system in Korea have been reviewed and next, for those of study, the research papers and publications about the environment of college education are analyzed. Finally, an improved assessment system is suggested. It has already passed out for 6 years since execute the accreditation for engineering education in our country now, but essential point for step in accreditation for engineering education is how the evaluator can make the outcomes of studying. This is not a new terminology that is deformed according to special quality of college of engineering which prefer out-come based of study than process based of study to mean accomplishment in engineering education. The evaluation that estimate program is a skill, but an assessment method is not the meaning of individual student accomplishment also, it is the measure of validity estimation that should be estimate ability of students who complete program by proper authority. However, a new evaluation strategy that assess student outcome by person who consider the objectivity and validity, reliability should be develop for decision making of ABEEK. It is an original, private discussion for assessment strategy about the method for student learning outcomes assessment.

A Study on Current Status and a New Direction for Archival Education (기록 전문직 양성 프로그램의 현황과 개선방향에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Yeon-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study are to find core domains of archival knowledge based upon two guidelines from foreign countries, and to analyze current status of archival education programs and curriculums in Korea and other countries. Based upon the analysis, several new directions for archival education in Korea are suggested as follows: strengthening the archival graduate programs for archival profession, developing and expanding interdisciplinary courses based upon participation and trial of various related disciplines, increment of graduate credits, hiring of the Ph. D. full-time faculty in archival studies, strengthening internship and research courses, developing a standard curriculum for archival education, and active participations and partnerships among archival graduate schools, professional archival societies, and archival related institutions.

A Study on the Educational Necessity and Activation Plan of Image Making Program for Life Care (라이프케어를 위한 이미지메이킹 프로그램 교육의 필요성과 활성화 방안)

  • Yoon, Hee
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.429-437
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    • 2020
  • This study is aimed at exploring the current state, necessity and activation of curriculum related to image making program in domestic colleges. To achieve this, an empirical survey was carried out to college students to provide basic data for the development of image making education program in the college curriculum as a measure to guide job interviews with them and improve interpersonal skills of employees-to-be. To achieve this, a survey was carried out to 400 college students in Gwangju and Jeonnam areas. The analysis was conducted to verify the collected data using SPSS v. 21.0 through the process of data coding and data cleaning. The results are as follows. First, the necessity of image making program curriculum showed that they needed the image making program in the college curriculum, the image making program curriculum to get a job and manage an image of employees-to-be after graduation, and other people's help to figure out the images objectively. Second, the educational importance of image making program showed that attitude (behavior) was the highest, followed by manners & greeting, look, speech, relationship, clothes, hairstyle, and makeup. In terms of the important educational factors of image making program, look was the highest, followed by makeup, hairstyle, attitude (behavior), relationship, speech, clothes, and manners & greeting, which look was the most important. Third, the educational influence of image making program showed that the influence on employment was the highest, followed by the influence on relationship, and the influence on life. Fourth, the educational activation of image making program showed that the appropriate educational time for image making program they want was from the second year. Education hours they want were once a week for one semester. And the curriculum they want was liberal arts or an optional course of liberal arts. In terms of image making program-related curriculum contents, manner & greeting was the highest, followed by makeup & coordination, job fair, education to acquire a skill qualification, and training for domestic companies, which their biggest wish was manner & greeting. And image making program leaders they want were major professors. In terms of image making program-related education, speech or voice was the highest, followed by education to analyze communication, education to analyze and practice matching hairstyles and makeup, Education on corporate interviews, and education on walking or posture correction, which their biggest wish was speech or voice and education to analyze communication.

Development and Implementation the Program Outcomes Assessment System based on Web-based Course Embedded Assessment(CEA) (교과기반(CEA) 프로그램학습성과 평가를 위한 전산시스템(Web-based) 개발 및 적용)

  • LEE, Sang Ju;JO, Chae Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the effectiveness of Course Embedded Assessment(CEA) program through the development and application of the Program Outcomes Assessment System. This is a methodological study which is developing the Program Outcomes Assessment System based on Web-based CEA and applying it to assess the achievements of students by professors teaching them The Web-based CEA system has been developed by implementing a software development life cycle. First, a demanded survey was conducted for the system development, and the results were applied for developing the Web-based CEA. The CEA was used for assessing the achievement of students by professors charging them. Finally, another survey was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CEA in professors who experimented it. By implementing the Program Outcomes Assessment System, it is possible to monitor the achievement of the program outcomes and CQI of individual students at the time of graduation. Also It makes it possible to check the unaccomplished achievements of students, analyze the causes regarding uncompleted works, and find ways to enhance students to improve their ability.