• Title/Summary/Keyword: 프로그램교과

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A Study on the Selection Criteria of Media for the Textbook: Based on the Review of domestic and foreign Media Rating Systems (교과용도서 내 영상물 선정 기준 연구: 국내외 영상물 등급 제도를 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoo-shin;Rhee, Gyu-jeong;Sohn, Ji-hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.295-333
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    • 2017
  • This study is a basic study to prepare policies related to selecting media to be included in textbooks. Researchers looked at previous studies focusing on how media affect children's and adolescent's emotions according to their developmental stages. Researchers also wanted to identify how the media is related to student emotions, health, and educational effectiveness. The researchers then examined a wide range of domestic media review and rating criteria, and argued that it is necessary to institutionalize the rating system of media at national level policy level. Based on the previous discussion, the researchers made seven suggestions. First, it is necessary to specify media selection criteria in the guidelines for issuing textbooks at the national level. Second, guidelines are needed to help review the political neutrality and human rights aspects of the media for inclusion in textbooks. Third, media selection guidelines in textbooks should be detailed with reference to categories and age based criteria of domestic and foreign media rating system. Fourth, the media rating system should be applied flexibly if there is a clear educational purpose. Fifth, institutional support is needed for setting guidelines for media collection of textbooks. Sixth, media experts should participate in the whole process of textbook development. Seventh, educational programs should be implemented to support teachers to use self directed learning by using educational media in classroom instruction.

A Study on the Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development Model to Systemize Entrepreneurship Education in Entrepreneurial Graduate School (AHP를 활용한 창업대학원 교과목 선호도 평가요인별 중요도에 관한 연구: 창업대학원 재학생을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Il han;Kim, Hyun sook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2016
  • Since global circumstances have become competitive, entrepreneurship has been regarded as the most important factors in economic revitalization not only in korea but also internationally. According to these changes, public entrepreneurship education has been started from the year of 2004 establishing Entrepreneurial Graduate School as a part of governmental plan. Although entrepreneurship education history is not long enough in korea, but the need for entrepreneurship education in social is now going ahead of the public education systems such as universities and graduate schools. Therefore, this study is conducted for the purpose of drawing the subject frame for systematized integration curriculum of entrepreneurship education through evaluating the importance of the subjects by Analytic Hierarchy Process analysis after being composed of 6 modularity in the Entrepreneurship subjects. This was structured based on studying the current status for entrepreneurship education in domestic universities and graduate schools. The research findings under the condition of Judgement consistency ratio 0.1 are as follows. The most important factors are in order as following; "Entrepreneurial Issues for Fund"(.242), "Entrepreneurship Plan"(.195), "Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurship mindset"(.161), "Entrepreneurial Issues for Growth & Development"(.160), "Management Skill & Strategy"(.150), and "Special Entrepreneurship"(.093). Then, these findings also represent subfactors as well. The results of this study provide the practical guidelines where the curriculums needed for the entrepreneurship education at graduate schools by suggesting consistency for the systematic and comprehensive curriculum design. It was reflected the survey result from the graduate students taking the entrepreneurship subjects. Therefore, it will contribute the foundation of the present curriculum of Entrepreneurial Graduate School.

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Improvement Schemes of STS Contents and Structure of the High School Chemistry Ⅰ Textbooks to be developed by the 7th Curriculum (고등학교 화학 Ⅰ교과서의 STS 교육 내용 및 구성 방식 개선 방안)

  • Hong, Mi Young
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.491-499
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to examine for high school chemistry I textbooks published by the 6th curriculum and some foreign STS programs such as Chemistry in the Community, Science and Technology in Society, Chemistry: The Salter's Approach by analyzing STS contents, students' activity, overall structure of the books and space devoted to STS, and to provide improvement schemes for developing high school chemistry I textbooks to be developed by the 7th curriculum in future. It was found that STS topics in the high school chemistry I textbooks were related only to 'social problems and issues', 'applications of science', 'multiple dimensions of science', and STS contents were presented mostly by narration. Students' activities were limited to discussion and survey, and none of the topics were related to 'career awareness', and 'cooperative work on real problems' in high school chemistry I textbooks. On the contrary, a variety of STS topics and activities such as case study related to local and community, practicing decision-making strategies, role play, practical work career awareness were included in foreign STS programs. Desirable directions for the improvement of STS contents and structure of present high school chemistry I textbooks were proposed in this paper.

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Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics Moderates the Effect of Mathematical Attitude on Mathematics Teaching Efficacy (영유아교사의 수학적 태도와 수학교수효능감의 관계에서 수학교과교육학지식의 조절효과)

  • Yoo, Seung Hee;Kim, Ji Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to investigate the effect of early childhood teachers' mathematical attitude on their mathematics teaching efficacy and to prove the moderating role of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in mathematics, which we selected based upon previous literatures. To explore the effect of early childhood teachers' mathematical attitude on their mathematics teaching efficacy and the moderating role of PCK in mathematics between them, This study randomly sampled 500 early childhood teachers who work at child care centers and kindergartens in Seoul, Kyunggi province and Kangwon province and collected their responses by questionnaires. Mathematics teaching efficacy was measured with mathematics teaching efficacy scale for early childhood teachers developed by Luo (2000) and translated by Jung (2001a). Mathematical attitude was measured with Smith (2000)'s scale which we translated for this study. To measure the pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics, we revised Hong(2012)'s scale to be applicable for early childhood teachers. Direct effect of mathematical attitude on mathematics teaching efficacy and the moderating effect of PCK in mathematics were analyzed by multiple regression analysis using IBM SPSS 21.0. Study results demonstrated the significant direct effect of mathematical attitude on mathematics teaching efficacy. Also, the moderating effect of PCK in mathematics was also proved to be significant. That is, if the teacher has high level of pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics, the positive effect of mathematical attitude on mathematics teaching efficacy was even more enhanced. This results supports the current finding where PCK in mathematics functions as a moderating variable between mathematical attitude and mathematics teaching efficacy. Thus, our study is expected to provide relevant contents that should be covered during teacher education, which aims to improve early childhood teachers' mathematics teaching efficacy.

A Study on the Improvement Scheme of University's Software Education

  • Lee, Won Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose an effective software education scheme for universities. The key idea of this software education scheme is to analyze software curriculum of QS world university rankings Top 10, SW-oriented university, and regional main national university. And based on the results, we propose five improvements for the effective SW education method of universities. The first is to enhance the adaptability of the industry by developing courses based on the SW developer's job analysis in the curriculum development process. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the curriculum of the 4th industrial revolution core technologies(cloud computing, big data, virtual/augmented reality, Internet of things, etc.) and integrate them with various fields such as medical, bio, sensor, human, and cognitive science. Third, programming language education should be included in software convergence course after basic syntax education to implement projects in various fields. In addition, the curriculum for developing system programming developers and back-end developers should be strengthened rather than application program developers. Fourth, it offers opportunities to participate in industrial projects by reinforcing courses such as capstone design and comprehensive design, which enables product-based self-directed learning. Fifth, it is necessary to develop university-specific curriculum based on local industry by reinforcing internship or industry-academic program that can acquire skills in local industry field.

Development of Robot Contents for STEAM education (STEAM 교육을 위한 로봇 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Nam, Yun Jeong;Kim, Hee Sun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2015
  • Educational learning methods that take advantage of a robot provide opportunities for students to develop high dimensional thinking, a creative expression and discovery learning opportunity. It is also perceived as a suitable tool for STEAM systems which can be used in a variety of school curriculums. Therefore we designed and developed STEAM educational contents using robots in this study. This study analyze elementary text books and design the convergence contents from various subjects such as math, science, engineering and art through a robot. This study has developed educational materials by making a robot based on the designed contents. They have been applied to after school materials and then evaluated for comprehension, interest and participation. The results of this study have shown very encouraging evaluations from participating students. Accordingly, this study has shown that STEAM contents that take advantage of a robot have improved student participation, interests, and comprehension in the curriculums. Additionally, integrating STEAM educational content has proved more effective in contrast to being separated.

Effects of Multicultural understanding subject on the Empathy and Multicultural Attitude of Nursing Student (간호대학생의 다문화이해 교과목이 공감능력과 다문화태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Hwang, Hyw-Young;Chyn, Yeol-Eo;Hur, Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.106-115
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the effectiveness according to multicultural attitude and emphatic ability of nursing students learning the multi-culture-understanding subject. A 13-week program aimed at understanding multi-cultural aspects was given to 110 freshmen, who were taking the subject and agreed to participate in the research. Analysis by a paired t-test using ANOVA of SPSS 18.0 and posteriori tests by Scheffe were performed. Through this subject, the nursing students showed improved attitude and emphatic ability. The increase in emphatic ability showed a slight difference according to age (lower) and the existence of foreign friends, while the attitude had small distinction in areas, such as activeness and openness. The multi-culture-understanding subject has a positive effect in attitude and emphatic ability. In the future, there must be verification and qualification of the program because it improves the multicultural capability.

A Study on the Effectiveness for Information Literacy Instruction in School Library (학교도서관과 정보활용교육의 효용성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Yeoun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2007
  • The types of information literacy in school library is classified into usage instruction of school library, reading education, instructional development o4 courseware with school library and integrated instruction of collaboration with school librarian and teacher. A measure of scholastic achievement on information literacy varies in each school. The cause is rely on the absence of librarians who teach information literacy and lack of understanding on the role of school library in information literacy. Nevertheless, we know that the program based on subject teacher is successful in terms of the effectiveness of the program. It demonstrate that if information literacy will be considered as important course in the curriculum for school librarian, the effectiveness of information literacy can be enhanced dramatically. For the purpose some strategies are required. In this paper, propose three strategies, which are integration of information literacy into curriculum of schools, analysis of the curriculums and a practical method for training school librarian.

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Designing Content Elements of the Programming Curriculum as a Instrumental Subject for Gifted Science High School (과학영재 고등학교 도구교과로서의 프로그래밍 교육과정 내용요소 설계)

  • Kim, JongHye
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2014
  • In this study, contents of programming curriculum were designed as instrumental subjects for scientifically gifted students, not for IT gifted ones. Firstly, the programming curriculum consisted of 3 sections; Programming Understanding, Object-Oriented Programming, and Simulation Programming as a result of two semesters. Then, the lectures including project-based and problem-solving tasks were given to scientifically gifted students in a high school during one semester to verify whether they could apply the contents to studies and researches in math or science or not. As a result of this study, the students could improve numerical analysis and simulation program development capabilities in math or science as well as the problem-solving ability based on computational thinking. Moreover, it was proved that the students changed their perception about programing learning. They started to think that programing learning was necessary to studies and researches in math or science. The results of this study propose guideline to design programming curriculum as instrumental subjects for scientifically gifted students.

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A Study on the Information Subject Curriculum Considering ICT Using Education - Based on the Analysis of the England's ICT Curriculum (ICT 활용 교육 활성화에 따른 정보교과 교육과정 고찰 - 영국의 ICT 교육과정 분석을 기초로)

  • Hong, Ji-Young;Han, Byoung-Rae;Kim, Hong-Rae;Song, Ki-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2001
  • As it is shown that the Ministry of Education has asked teacher to use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at least 10% of class time in core subjects of the 7th national curriculum, the ICT using education is being facilitated. In this point of view, current information subject curriculum can be criticized due to the lack of series and redundancy, less connectivity with ICT utilization in other subjects, limitation of training students to adapt rapidly changing world environment. Therefore, we analyze the England's ICT curriculum and derive the concrete objects for competence of students according to their ability, systematic connection with other subjects, class teaching methods based on activities. We insist on that information subject curriculum should focus on the development of learners' concrete competencies rather than learning of tools' functions.

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