• Title/Summary/Keyword: 풍화속도

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Delineation of the Slip Weak Zone of Land Creeping with Integrated Geophysical Methods and Slope Stability Analysis (복합 지구물리탐사와 사면 안정해석 자료를 이용한 땅밀림 지역의 활동연약대 파악)

  • Lee, Sun-Joong;Kim, Ji-Soo;Kim, Kwan-Soo;Kwon, Il-Ryong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.289-302
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    • 2020
  • To determine the shallow subsurface structure and sliding surface of land creeping in 2016 at Hadong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, geophysical surveys (electric resistivity, and refraction seismic methods, borehole televiewer) and slope stability analysis were conducted. The subsurface structure delineated with borehole lithologies and seismic velocity structures provided the information that the sediment layer on the top of the slope was rather as thick as 20 m and the underlying weathered rock (anorthosite) was thinner than 1 m. Based on the tension cracks observed during the geological mapping, televiewer scanning was performed at the borehole BH-2 and detected the intensive fracture zones at the ground-water level, associated with the slip weak zones mapped in dipole-dipole electrical resistivity section. Downslope sliding and slightly upward pushing at the apex of high resistive bedrock explains the curved slip plane of the land creeping. Such a convex structure might play a role of natural toe abutment for preventing the downward development of slip weak zones. In slope stability analysis, the safety factors of the slip weak zone are calculated with varying the groundwater levels for dry and rainy seasons and the downslope is founded to be unstable with safety factor of 0.89 due to fully saturated material in rainy season.

Application of Residual Statics to Land Seismic Data: traveltime decomposition vs stack-power maximization (육상 탄성파자료에 대한 나머지 정적보정의 효과: 주행시간 분해기법과 겹쌓기제곱 최대화기법)

  • Sa, Jinhyeon;Woo, Juhwan;Rhee, Chulwoo;Kim, Jisoo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2016
  • Two representative residual static methods of traveltime decomposition and stack-power maximization are discussed in terms of application to land seismic data. For the model data with synthetic shot/receiver statics (time shift) applied and random noises added, continuities of reflection event are much improved by stack-power maximization method, resulting the derived time-shifts approximately equal to the synthetic statics. Optimal parameters (maximum allowable shift, correlation window, iteration number) for residual statics are effectively chosen with diagnostic displays of CSP (common shot point) stack and CRP (common receiver point) stack as well as CMP gather. In addition to removal of long-wavelength time shift by refraction statics, prior to residual statics, processing steps of f-k filter, predictive deconvolution and time variant spectral whitening are employed to attenuate noises and thereby to minimize the error during the correlation process. The reflectors including horizontal layer of reservoir are more clearly shown in the variable-density section through repicking the velocities after residual statics and inverse NMO correction.

Analysis of Subsurface Geological Structures and Geohazard Pertinent to Fault-damage in the Busan Metropolitan City (부산시 도심지의 지하 지질구조와 단층손상과 관련된 지질위험도 분석)

  • Son, Moon;Lee, Son-Kap;Kim, Jong-Sun;Kim, In-Soo;Lee, Kun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.1 s.182
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2007
  • A variety of informations obtained from satellite image, digital elevation relief map (DEM), borehole logging, televiewer, geophysical prospecting, etc were synthetically analyzed to investigate subsurface geological and structural characteristics and to evaluate geohazard pertinent to fault-damage in the Busan metropolitan city. It is revealed that the geology is composed of the Cretaceous andesitic$\sim$dacitic volcanics, gabbro, and granitoid and that at least three major faults including the Dongrae fault are developed in the study area. Based on characteristics of topography, fault-fractured zone, and isobath maps of the Quaternary sediments and weathered residuals of the basement, the Dongrae fault is decreased in its width and fracturing intensity of damaged zone from south toward north, and the fault is segmented around the area between the Seomyeon and Yangieong junctions. Meanwhile, we drew a geohazard sectional map using the five major parameters that significantly suggest damage intensity of basement by fault, i.e. distance from fault core, TCR, RQD, uniaxial rock strength, and seismic velocity of S wave. The map is evaluated as a suitable method to express the geological and structural characteristics and fault-damaged intensity of basement in the study area. It is, thus, concluded that the proposed method can contribute to complement and amplify the capability of the present evaluation system of rock mass.

Application Experiments of Consolidation Treatment for Pelitic Sedimentary Rocks: Bird Track Fossils in Haman Formation (점토질 퇴적암의 강화처리 적용실험 연구: 함안층 새발자국 화석지)

  • Lee, Gyu Hye;Lee, Chan Hee;Yang, Hye Ri
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2020
  • The bird track fossil site in Haman Formation is divided into seven sedimental layers by the sedimentary structures, lithofacies and sequences. The bird tracks top on the highest layer, which includes ripple marks and suncracks. The layer has lithofacies with reddish grey siltstone and dark grey mudstone, alternately. As an analysis for the same rocks of the fossil site, physical properties show on mean values for 0.62% of absorption rate, 1.64% of porosity and 2.63 of specific gravity. Rock-forming minerals composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, calcite, chlorite and mica. Meanwhile, we executed an experiments based on the petrography and weatherings to find a proper consolidants. In the experiments, the OH 100 reagent proved stable aspect and the lowest transition rate in terms of weight and chromaticity. Also, it showed the highest increase in ultrasonic velocity, improving the physical properties of the rocks. In the case of applying the OH 100 with antihygro, an swelling inhibitors on the sedimentary rocks, the chromaticity indicated an stable transition aspect. When it comes to the physical properties, the antihygro also decreases the porosity effectively. Thus, the most proper method for the fossil site of Haman Formation is to apply antihygro and OH 100 reagents since the rocks includes clay minerals that show swelling characteristics. However, this result is deduced from an indoor application experiments, leaving the necessity of verification how these reagents would affect the bird tracks site under the field condition.

Development of penetration rate model and optimum operational conditions of shield TBM for electricity transmission tunnels (터널식 전력구를 위한 순굴진율 모델 개발 및 이를 활용한 쉴드TBM 최적운전 조건 제안)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ju;Ryu, Hui-Hwan;Kim, Gyeong-Yeol;Hong, Seong-Yeon;Jeong, Ju-Hwan;Bae, Du-San
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.623-641
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    • 2020
  • About 5 km length of tunnels were constructed by mechanized tunnelling method using closed type shield TBM. In order to avoid construction delay problems for ensuring timely electricity transmission, it is necessary to increase the prediction accuracy of the excavation process involving machines according to rock mass types. This is important to corroborate the project duration and optimum operation for various considerations involved in the machine. So, full-scale tunnelling tests were performed for developing the advance rate model to be appropriately used for 3.6 m diameter shield TBM. About 100 test cases were established and performed using various operational parameters such as thrust force and rotational speed of cuttterhead in representative uniaxial compressive strengths. Accordingly, relationships between normal force and penetration depth and, between UCS and torque were suggested which consider UCS and thrust force conditions according to weathered, soft, hard rocks. Capacity analysis of cutterhead was performed and optimum operational conditions were also suggested based on the developed model. Based on this study, it can be expected that the project construction duration can be reduced and users can benefit from the provision of earlier service.

A study on applicability of volumetric water content to predict shallow failure (표층붕괴 예측을 위한 체적함수비 적용성 연구)

  • Suk, Jae-Wook;Song, Hyo-Sung;Kang, Hyo-Sub;Kim, Ho-Jong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.737-746
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    • 2019
  • Most landslides in the country are shallow failures triggered by intense rainfall. Many researchers have revealed the possibility of predicting shallow failure through the volumetric water content (VWC). This study examined how to determine shallow failure using the gradient characteristics of the volumetric water content. For this, flume experiments were conducted using weathered granite soil. To confirm the saturation state of the surface layer under a rainfall intensity of 30 and 50mm/hr, VWC sensors were installed at depths of 10 and 20 cm on the upper, middle and lower slope. The test results showed that a shallow failure determination using VWC could be applied limitedly according to the slope degree. In addition, the effective cumulative rainfall due to the rainfall infiltration velocity is considered the main factor for the failure time. The failure prediction using the gradient of the VWC depends on the installation location and depth of the sensor. According to the experimental data, the measured value at 20 cm below the slope was most effective. Therefore, an analysis method of VWC and the method of selecting the installation location confirmed through this study can provide important data for presenting the measurement criteria using VWC in the future.

Engineering Characteristics of Mudeungsan Tuff and Ipseok-dae Columnar Joints (무등산응회암과 입석대 주상절리대의 공학적 특성)

  • Noh, Jeongdu;Jang, Heewon;Lim, Chaehun;Hwang, Namhyun;Kang, Seong-Seung
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.161-173
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    • 2020
  • This study is to examine the engineering characteristics of colunmar joints in Mudeugsan National Park, a global geopark. For these purposes, physical and mechanical properties of Mudeungsan Tuff, evaluation for the weathering degree of columnar joints, and crack behavior monitoring in columnar joints were conducted. The physical properties of Mudeungsan tuff were 1.02% for the average porosity, 0.38% for the average absorption, 2.69 g/㎤ for the average specific gravity, and 4,948 m/s for the average elastic wave velocity. Its mechanical properties were 337 MPa for the average uniaxial compressive strength, 68 GPa for the average elastic modulus, 0.29 for the average Poisson's ratio, 41.3 MPa for the average cohesion strength, and 62.8° for the average friction angle. the average rebound Q-value of the silver Schmidt hammer for the three columnar joint blocks at the Ipseok-dae was shown as 49.3. when this value is converted into uniaxial compressive strength, it becomes 70.5 MPa, which is about 21% of the uniaxial compression strength of Mudeungsan tuff. In addition, according to the results of crack monitoring measurements for the three columnar joint blocks at the Ipseok-dae, the crack behavior is less than 1 mm, so it is believed that its behavior in Ipseak-dae columnar joints has hardly occured to date.

Scientific Investigation for Conservation Methodology of Bracket Mural Paintings of Daeungjeon Hall in Jikjisa Temple (직지사 대웅전 포벽화 보존방안을 위한 과학적 조사)

  • Lee, Hwa Soo;Kim, Seol Hui;Han, Kyeong Soon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2018
  • This report does studied for making the method of conserving bracket murals in Daeungjeon of Jikjisa Temple, through the scientific way. Results of evaluated the conservation status at the braket mural paintings, most serious damage is structural damage like cracks, breakage, and delamination. After optical investigation, a characteristic point wasn't found such as underdrawing or traces of a coat of paint. The ultrasonic examination speed by each wall painting was measured from about 195.8 m/s to 392.7 m/s, according to the location of the surface, and it was able to compare the surface properties according to the location. In Infrared-thermal image measurement shows that wall layer separation and paint layer delamination are closely detected, therefore it was able to judge of damage on the objective way. Material analysis revealed that the walls were made by sand and weathering soil. The wall layer combined sand with less than fine sand size by nearly 5:5, and the finishing layer was found to have mixed medium sand and fine sand at approximately 6:4 rates. However, In case of finishing layer, mixing ratios of sizes less than very fine sand were found to be significantly lower than wall. Therefore, it is estimated that the plysical damage such as the separation between the layers of the walls created in the braket mural paintings, is continuously caused by changes in the internal stresses and volume ratio caused by the density differences between the wall and the finishing layers.


  • Seo,Man-Cheol;Choe,Hui-Su;Lee,Chan-Hui;O,Jin-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2003
  • Twin stone pagodas of the ruins of Kamunsa temple at Kyongju city, Kyungsangbukdo were believed to be built in 682 during the Unified Shilla Kingdom. The 13.4-m-high granodiolite pagodas with the base of 6.78 m x 4.4 m are the largest three-story stone pagoda in Korea. The western pagoda which was re-organized in 1959 is observed to be on the process of severe weathering. Also, some stone contacts are represented by the shape of sharp chevron, which is probably caused by the uneven loading due to the structural unbalance. For the structure-safety diagnosis of the western pagoda, it is necessary to understand its site characteristics and surrounding subsurface environment. Combined geophysical survey such as seismic and resistivity methods was carried out around the western pagoda. The range of 55∼350 Ωm is shown around the pagoda from the electrical resistivity mapping by the Wenner method. The higher resistivities occur the southwestern area, while the lower (<100 Ωm) values indicating the weaker subsurface appear to be on the northeastern area. This result coincides with the measurement of a leaning angle of the pagoda. Along 6 seismic lines, about 3-m-thick uppermost section around the pagoda shows the P-wave velocity of 200∼700 m/s from the refraction survey. Based on the integrated geophysical survey, the foundation of the pagoda is estimated to be in the form of 11-m-side square down to the depth of 3 m.

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Interpretation and Analysis of Seismic Crosshole Data: Case History (탄성파 토모그래피 단면측정 데이터 분석 및 해석: 현장응용 사례)

  • Kim Jung-Yul;Kim Yoo-Sung;Hyun Hye-Ja
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 1998
  • Recently crosshole seismic tomography has come to be widely used especially for the civil engineering, because it can provide more detail information than any other surface method, although the resolution of tomogram will be inevitably deteriorated to some extent due to the limited wavefield aperture on the nonuniqueness of traveltime inversion. In addition, our field sites often consist of a high-velocity bed rock overlain by low-velocity rock, sometimes with a contrast of more than 45 percent, and furthermore the bed rock is folded. The first arriving waves can be then the refracted ones that travel along the bed rock surface for some source/receiver distances. Thus, the desirable first arrivals can be easily misread that cause severe distortion of the resulting tomogram, if it is concerned with (straight ray) traveltime inversion procedure. In this case, comparision with synthetic data (forward modeling) is a valuable tool in the interpretation process. Besides, abundant information is contained in the crosshole data. For instance, examination of tube waves can be devoted to detecting discontinuities within the borehole such as breakouts, faults, fractures or shear zones as well as the end of the borehole. Specific frequency characteristics of marine silty mud will help discriminate from other soft rocks. The aim of this paper is to present several strategies to analyze and interpret the crosshole data in order to improve the ability at first to determine the spatial dimensions of interwell anomalies and furthermore to understand the underground structures. To this end, our field data are demonstrated. Possibility of misreading the first arrivals was illustrated. Tube waves were investigated in conjunction with the televiewer images. Use of shot- and receiver gathers was examined to benefit the detectabilities of discontinuities within the borehole.

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