• Title/Summary/Keyword: 평형구조

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Toxicokinetic and Toxicodynamic Models for Ecological Risk Assessment (생태위해성 평가를 위한 독성동태학 및 독성역학 모델)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyeon
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2009
  • 오염물질에 대한 생태위해성평가(ecological risk assessment)를 위해서는 노출평가(exposure assessment)와 함께 생물영향에 대한 평가(effect assessment)를 수행해야 한다. 노출평가의 경우는 지화학적 과정에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 환경농도를 예측하기 위한 화학평형모델이나 다매체환경거동모델 등 다양한 평가 및 예측모델을 활용해 왔다. 이와 달리 생물영향평가는 실험실 조건에서 제한된 독성자료를 대상으로 외부노출농도에 기반한 농도-반응관계를 통계적 방법을 통해서 추정하는 '경험적 모델(empirical model)'에 주로 의존해 왔다. 최근에 와서 생체 내 잔류량을 기반으로 농도-시간-반응관계를 기술하고 예측하는 독성동태학 및 독성역학 모델(toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model)과 같은 독성작용에 기반한 모델(processbased model)들이 개발되어 활용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 여러 종류의 독성동태학 및 독성역학 모델을 소개하고, 이를 통계적 추론에 기반한 전통적인 독성학 모델과 비교하였다. 서로 다른 종류의 독성동태학 및 독성역학 모델로부터 도출된 노출농도-시간 -반응관계식을 비교하고, 동일 독성기작을 보이는 오염물질 그룹 내에서 미측정 오염물질의 독성을 예측할 수 있게 해주는 구조-활성관계(Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship, QSAR) 모델을 여러 독성동태 및 독성역학모델로부터 유도하였다. 마지막으로 독성동태학 및 독성역학 파라미터를 추정하기 위한 실험계획을 제안하였고, 앞으로 독성동태학 및 독성역학 모델을 생태계 위해성평가에 활용하기 위해서 해결해야 될 연구과제를 검토하였다.

New High Performance and Low Cost Construction of Unified Power System For LCD TV Backlight Driver Circuit (LCD TV를 위한 새로운 구조의 고성능 및 저가형 Backlight 구동 전원 통합 시스템)

  • Jang, Doo-Hee;Lee, Jae-Kwang;Roh, Chung-Wook;Hong, Sung-Soo;Kim, Jin-Wook;Lee, Hyo-Bum;Han, Sang-Kyoo
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.244-246
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문에서는 LCD TV의 인치에 따라 다르게 적용되는 기존의 전원 구동 분리형 시스템과 전원 구동 IP 시스템을 검토하여, 두 시스템의 장점만을 모아 LCD TV 전원 시스템의 표준화가 가능한 새로운 방식의 구동 전원 통합 시스템을 제안한다. 제안 시스템은 가격 및 효율이 우수한 2단 구성으로 이루어져 있고, 안전규격을 만족하기 위하여 EMI측면에 유리한 1:1 Trans.를 사용하였다. 인버터 부의 최적 동작을 위해 인버터 구동신호의 주파수와 시비율을 고정하고 펄스 개수를 제어하는 Pulse Count Modulation(PCM)방식을 채용 하였다. 제안 시스템의 인버터단은 전 부하 범위에서 영전압 스위칭이 가능하여 스위치의 발열이 우수하고, 별도의 전류 평형 Trans.가 필요치 않으므로 Balance Coil의 삭제가 가능하다. 이로 인해 신뢰성이 높은 제품 구성이 가능하고, PCB Size 축소 및 제품 제작 단가가 낮아지는 장점을 갖는다. 최종적으로 제안 시스템을 기존 시스템과 비교 및 실험적 검증을 통하여 제안 시스템의 그 우수성을 확인한다.

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High-Quality Bondwire Integrated Transformer (고품질 본드와이어 집적형 트랜스포머)

  • Song, Byeong-Uk;Lee, Hae-Yeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a high-quality integrated transformer using bondwires is proposed and fabricated. The bondwire transformer inherently has low conductor loss due to wide cross-section and small parasitic capacitance because the vertical placement of the bondwire loop separates from substrate and effectively reduces the substrate effects. It can be fabricated easily by used of the modern automatic wirebonding technology. The electrical characteristics of the fabricated transformers are compared with those of the spiral transformer It is expected that the bondwire transformer can improve the performance for RFIC and MMIC applied to a variety of application, for example, Mixer, Balanced Amplifier, VCO, and LNA.

A Slot Concession Scheme for Fairness Control of DQDB in Web Environment (웹 환경에서 분산-큐 이중-버스의 공정성 제어를 위한 슬롯양보 방식)

  • 김재수;김정홍;황하응
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2002
  • Distributed-queue Dual-Bus (DQDB) shows an unfair behavior in bandwidth allocation due to the nature of unidirectional bus architecture. The study on fairness control method for DQDB has been performed under specific load types such as equal Probability load. symmetric load and asymmetric load type. A client-server load type is more practical traffic pattern than specific load type in Web environments. In this paper, we propose an effective fairness control method to distribute DQDB network bandwidth fairly to all stations under Web environments. The proposed method directly calculates an access limit from the bandwidth demand pattern. Based on an access limit, it controls the allocation of bandwidth by yielding empty slots in clients to servers. And we were certain that it outperforms other mechanisms from simulation results.

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Moment Redistribution for Moment-Resisting Frames using Secant Stiffness Analysis Method (할선강성해석법을 이용한 모멘트저항골조의 모멘트 재분배)

  • Park, Hong-Gun;Kim, Chang-Soo;Eom, Tae-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.221-224
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    • 2008
  • A secant stiffness linear analysis method was developed for moment redistribution of moment-resisting frames. In the proposed method, rotational spring models are used for plastic hinges of the members whose flexural moments are needed to be redistributed. At the plastic hinges, secant stiffness is used to address the effect of the flexural stiffness reduced by inelastic deformation. Linear analysis is repeated with adjusted secant stiffness until the flexural equilibrium is satisfied in the structure and members. By using the secant stiffness analysis, the effect of the inelastic deformation on the moment redistribution can be considered. Further, the safety of plastic hinges can be evaluated by comparing the inelastic rotation resulting from the secant stiffness analysis with the rotational capacity of the plastic hinges. For verification, the proposed method was applied to a continuous beam tested in previous study. A application example for a multiple story moment-resisting frame was presented.

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Study on a Novel Feeding Method for Broadband Yagi Antenna for DTV (DTV용 광대역 야기 안테나 새로운 급전방법 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ig;Park, Jin-Taek;Yeo, Junho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.475-476
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce a novel feeding method for a broadband planar quasi-Yagi antenna (QYA) for terrestrial digital television (DTV) receiving. The balun between the balanced coplanar strip (CPS) line feeding the driver dipole and the unblanaced microstrip line is a rectangular patch inserted into the CPS line along the center of the CPS. The end of the balun is connected to the CPS line through a shorting pin. The effects of various geometrical parameters and balun on the antenna characteristics are examined. An antenna, as an design example for the proposed antenna, is designed for the operation in the frequency band of 470-806 MHz for terrestrial DTV.

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Coupling loss factor evaluation using loss factor based on the SEA (SEA에 기초를 둔 손실계수를 이용한 결합계수의 평가)

  • 안병하;황선웅;김영종
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.568-571
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    • 1997
  • The overall aim of this paper is to determine coupling loss factor using loss factor and structural loss factor. For this purpose, two kinds of loss factor were adopted. One is loss factor of each sub structure, another is structural loss factor based on the complex welded or assembled structure. Using these two parameters, it is possible to derive the coupling loss factor which represent characteristic condition of SEA theory. Coupling loss factor of conjunction in complex structure was expressed as power balance equation. The derived equation for a coupling loss factor has been simplified on the assumption of one directional power flow between two sub structures. Using these conditions, it is possible to find the coupling loss factor equation. The comparison between theory of power transmission on conjunction and above equation, show a good agreement in simple beam structure. To check the effectiveness of above equation, it was adopted rotary compressor. Rotary compressor has three main conjunctions between shell and internal vibration part. This equation was applied to find out the optimum welding point with respect to reduce the noise propagation. It shows the effective tool to evaluate the coupling loss factor in complex structure.

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Modeling of the gasifier section for IGCC plant (IGCC 플랜트에 적용할 가스화기부의 모델링)

  • Park, Jin-Hoo;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Go, Young-Gun;Choi, Sang-Min
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.445-448
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    • 2007
  • 석탄가스화 복합발전(IGCC)에서 석탄 가스화 기술이 전 공정의 성능에 큰 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소이다. 연료 및 산화제의 공급방식, 가스화기의 기본 구조, 벽면의 구성 방식, 용융 슬랙 및 생산되는 합성가스 배출 방식 등에 따라 가스화의 성능이 영향을 받는다. IGCC plant의 정확한 성능 해석을 위해서는 석탄가스화기 공정 모델의 정밀도를 높일 필요성이 있다. 기존의 열병합 발전 사이클 해석에서 적용되었던 열 및 물질정산과 평형계산 방식을 통하여 석탄가스화기 공정을 해석하는 방법을 확인, 정리하고 이를 개선하기 위한 절차 및 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 가스화기 내부 공정을 크게 탈휘발과 가스화의 단계로 구분하여 가스화기 출구조건을 예측하였으며, ASPEN PLUS를 이용한 공정해석을 실시하였다. 가스화기 출구에서의 합성가스는 주생성가스인 CO, $H_2$를 위주로 하여 조성을 얻을 수 있고, 그 결과들을 선행연구들과의 비교를 통하여 가스화기 모델의 분석을 실시한다. 그리고 가스화기 해석의 정밀도를 높이기 위한 향후 고려될 가스화기 모델에 관하여 논의한다.

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  • Yoon, Seok Ho;Han, Sung Cheon;Chang, Suk Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2001
  • In this paper the analysis of laminate composite folded plates with arbitrary angle connection like box girder is studied by finite strip method Total stiffness of laminated plate is obtained by integration of the stiffness in each layer or lamina through laminate thickness and total stiffness in each layer or lamina through laminate thickness and total tiffness matrix is obtained by substitutionto equilibrium equation derived from the minimum total potential energy theorem. The assumed displacement functions for a finite strip method in plate or box girder analysis are combinations of one-way polynomial functions in the transverse direction and harmonic functions in the span-wise direction. Finite strip method with the merits of the simplification in modeling and the reduction of analytical time is accurate in the analysis of laminate composite folded plates shaped like box firders.

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Design of the 10MHz and 10W Power Source for Short Distance Wireless Power Transmission (근거리 무선 전력 전송을 위한 평형 증폭기 구조의 10MHz 10W급 전력원 설계)

  • Park, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Gui-Sung;Lim, Eun-Cheon;Park, Hye-Mi;Lee, Moon-Que
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.437-441
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we have designed and manufactured 10MHz power source for the application of short distance wireless power transmission. The designed power source consists of a DDS(direct digital synthesizer) signal generator, a buffer driver and a balanced power amplifier. Short range wireless power transmission is usually carried out by near-field inductive coupling between source and load. The distance variation between source and load gives rise to the change of load impedance of power amplifier, which has effect on the operation of power amplifier. To overcome this problem due to load variation of power amplifier, we have adopted the balanced power amplifier using the quadrature hybrid implemented by lumped capacitors and a mutually coupled coil. The experiment results show the above 40dBm output power, frequency range of 9 to 11MHz, and total DC power consumption of 36W.