• 제목/요약/키워드: 평가 대상

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The Enhancement Strategy on National Cyber Capability Using Hybrid Methodology of AHP and TOPSIS (AHP와 TOPSIS 융합 방법론을 이용한 국가 사이버 역량 강화 방안)

  • Bae, Sunha;Park, SangDon;Kim, So Jeong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2015
  • The effective cyber capability assessment methodology does not exist, it's difficult to check the current state of the our country's cyber capabilities and to establish cyber capability enhancement plan based on the result of assessment. The cyber capability assessment is necessary in order to determine the current level of the country, establish policy directions and provide the basis for effective budgeting. But assessment of national cyber capability is multi-criteria decision makink problem. In this paper develops an assessment model based on the AHP and TOPSIS. AHP is used to determine weight of the criteria and TOPSIS method is used to obtain final ranking. We also introduce the result of four major nations cyber capability assessment using the proposed methodology. The experiment used the virtual experimental data. And the result show that the proposed methodology can expand the number of criteria and alternatives for assessment and provide more sophisticated mathematical base for objective assessment comparing methodology using AHP only.

Study on the Ways to Improve Cultural Impact Assessment System (문화영향평가제도 개선 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Ki-Chang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2016
  • Cultural impact assessment system is a program to improve the quality of people's life by minimizing the negative effects and maximizing the positive effects on the cultural environment when a central government or local governments implement policies or plans. It was introduced in 2013 by Framework Act on the Promotion of Cultural Industries. Now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is promoting a pilot project for cultural impact assessment system to reduce trial and error and settle it as a successful system. This study examined previous studies, international case studies, and various cultural impact assessment systems in oder to successfully seated cultural impact assessment systems and proposed ways to improve evaluations regarding objects, index, process, scale of objects, and evaluation agency. For the system to run smoothly in the future, additional researches are needed on the scale of evaluation objects, setting up detailed evaluation index, the composition of evaluation committee and its operation, and the introduction of cultural impact evaluators.

The Method of Hierarchical Emotion Evaluation using Intuitive Categorization (직감적 범주화를 이용한 계층적 감성평가방법)

  • Kim, Don-Han
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2009
  • Categorization in a vital means for dealing with the multitudes of entities in the world surrounding people. Among others, the perceptual and the evaluative similarities factors strongly affect categorization. The conventional SD-type procedure are insufficient in this regard, since it requires an individual subject to make isolated judgments about each stimulus to identify categorization in terms of a group tendency. It disregards the individual categorization in which the similarities are of great importance. Thus in this study the phased emotional evaluation method is suggested based on the intuitive categorization of stimuli and on the similarity judgement of representative/ non-representative case in each category. To verify the effectiveness of the suggested evaluation method the scanned jewelry images are selected as test stimuli for emotional evaluation experiment. As a result of the evaluation experiment, the conventional SD-type procedure is complemented by the emotional evaluation method in phases of the task of intuitive categorization, the selection of the representative images and the setup of the evaluation score of the representative images to internally supplied anchors of evaluating non-representative images.

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Effectiveness Analysis of NCAP(New Car Assessment Program) on Traffic Safety (자동차 안전도평가제도의 정량적 효과분석)

  • Cho, Han-Seon;Shim, Jae-Ick;Sung, Nak-Moon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2008
  • New Car Assessment Program(NCAP) provides consumers with vehicle safety information, primarily front and side crash rating results, and more recently rollover ratings, to aid consumers in their vehicle purchase decisions. NCAP is a system to improve driver and passenger safety by providing market incentives for vehicle manufacturers to voluntarily design their vehicles to better protect drivers and passengers in a crash and be less susceptible to rollover, rather than by regulatory directives. NCAP have been performed since 1999 in Korea by the government in order to reduce fatalities and injuries caused by traffic accidents. Although as the number of vehicles models increases, more vehicle models are required to be test and NCAP is evaluated as a valuable system for vehicle safety, the expansion of the system is slow. It looks like that the benefit of NCAP quantitatively was not verified. In this study, based on the idea that the benefit of the NCAP is defined as the decrease of traffic accident severity by improving vehicle safety, a methodology to analyze the effectiveness of NCAP quantitatively in terms of traffic safety was developed. According to the developed methodology, the reduced numbers of fatalities and injuries were 1.51 and 466 in 2005.

An analysis of trends in wetland function assessments and further suggestions (습지 기능 평가의 동향 분석 및 제언)

  • Hong, Mun Gi;Kim, Jae Geun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2017
  • Wetland function assessment is not only a basic step to understand wetland ecosystems in detail but also an important process as a base of the term, ecosystem service to recognize wetland ecosystems as valuable and useful resources and goods for human being. WET (wetland evaluation technique), EMAP (environmental monitoring assessment program)-wetlands, and HGM (hydrogeomorphic method) were developed as pioneer wetland function assessments in U.S. at the end of $20^{th}$-century. RAMs (rapid assessment methods) became a major function assessment tool which is relatively simpler and easier assessment tool at the beginning of $21^{th}$-century. After that, the hierarchy of three levels of assessment (landscape assessment, rapid assessment, and intensive assesment) has been prepared and strategically utilized according to the objectives and purposes of function assessments. In South Korea, RAM and HGM were used to assess wetland functions with reforming a couple of items and contents at 2001. And, modified and reformed function assessments have been developed to complement and improve upon the existing RAMs and HGMs. Via the trend analysis on wetland function assessments, some needs which require supplements in terms of function assessment are pointed out: 1) wetland function assessments using useful indicators such as birds are needed with considering our environmental characteristics. 2) optimized wetland function assessments for coastal wetlands are also needed. 3) the network construction and further expansion to lead communications and co-operations between researchers and policy makers is needed in the field of wetland function assessment.

Preliminary Study on the Simulation for Urban Railway Facility Performance Assessment (도시철도시설 성능평가 시뮬레이션 구현을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Kang, Goune;Jung, Insu;Kim, Jung-yeol;Seo, MyoungBae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2020
  • For domestic urban railways, which have a 19.7% aging rate, a performance evaluation is necessary to establish capital improvement investment plans. The performance evaluation, which was recently enacted in the relevant law, points out the excessive time and effort for acquiring data and evaluation. This study developed a performance evaluation simulation prototype using a virtual reality (VR) method to use as training contents for railway performance evaluations. The practical use of the VR technique to reduce the working time under poor environment conditions was confirmed through a literature review. A survey and consultation were conducted for urban railway experts to determine the weight of the performance evaluation items and the facility breakdown structure. This information was utilized to develop performance evaluation sheets for simulation. Based on the evaluation sheet, a training content prototype that evaluates the performance of platform safety doors was developed using VR techniques with HTC VIVE equipment. VR simulation tests were conducted for six players, and the prototype was sufficiently advantageous for a visual confirmation of the facility information. The result is expected to be useful for engineers to understand the performance evaluation process efficiently before an actual performance evaluation of urban railway facilities.

The Usability Evaluation Indicators for Services Design Platform (서비스디자인 플랫폼을 위한 사용성 평가지표 연구)

  • Jung, Hoe Jun;Kim, Kwang Myung;Jo, Sun;Ko, Young Jun
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.20
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    • pp.409-419
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    • 2015
  • Service Design Platform which has been developing under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy is aimed at facilitating service design consultancy to carry out service design projects smoothly online. In the development process in order to verify and improve the usability of the platform, heuristic evaluations by usability experts along with usability test done by user participation are required. This study was conducted for the purpose of deriving appropriate evaluation areas and detailed evaluation indices prior to carrying out the heuristic evaluation. For the study, first, the concept of the service design platform was identified and the features of its component were analyzed. Second, based on literature study of standards which are related to usability evaluation indices, usability evaluation areas and indices were analyzed. Third, in order to establish and verify evaluation areas and indices which are appropriate for the evaluation, Delphi survey was conducted and its validity was verified. Through this study, evaluation indices with 4 evaluation areas and 45 detailed items were derived. Derived evaluation indices was made in the form of checklist and will be utilized for heuristic evaluation by usability experts.

A Study on Improvement of Site Selecting Indicators for Safe Pedestrian Environment (안전한 보행환경 사업 대상지 선정지표 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jong Nam;Heo, Joon;Cho, Won Cheol;Lee, Tae Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2013
  • As car-oriented road policies have been made forward so far, relatively pedestrians' walking conditions are so in poor environments that more than two thousand pedestrians die from car accidents every year. Pedestrians' walking right has been severely invaded like that. Pedestrians' walking right is a right that people are able to walk safely and comfortably in pleasant surroundings as long as they don't threaten the public safety, order maintenance, and welfare. The government has an obligation to provide safe, comfortable, and pleasant environments to pedestrians. Recently interests in pedestrians' safety are increasing, government-driven supports have been made to make safe, pleasant, and healthy walking surroundings. As poor walking condition improvement projects cost high, they should be progressed to accomplish maximal effects using finite finances efficiently, and post feasibility evaluations of the projects should be severely estimated. However site selecting indicators which satisfy with the goal for composing safe working surroundings have not been decided yet, though currently it has a legal basis to specify walking condition improvement sites by the Law for Pedestrians' safety and Comfort Increasement. Therefore this study focuses on suggesting improved ways for selecting sites where pedestrians' safe environment project by reviewing previous research. When project sites are selected, evaluation indicators related to awareness survey of residents and history should be excluded, and disaster safety assessments for walking safety facilities, latent human hazards and natural disasters like a strong wind are proposed besides evaluations on pedestrians' safety and walking environment for matching with the purpose of the project to make safe working surroundings.