• 제목/요약/키워드: 파쉬

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.015초

포커스-e기업 - SCHOTT Korea Co., Ltd., '전라남도.한국광기술원.(주)소모홀딩스엔테크놀러지와 적외선 기술 및 투자 협력을 위한 업무협약(MOU)' 체결

  • 한국광학기기협회
    • 광학세계
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    • 통권144호
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    • pp.28-28
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    • 2013
  • 광학 및 특수 유리 전문 기업 쇼트(SChoTT)가 지난 2월 19일 전라남도, 한국광기술원, 소모홀딩스엔테크놀러지와 적외선 기술 및 투자 협력을 위한 업무협약(MoU)을 체결했다. 이날 행사에는 쇼트 어드벤스드 옵틱스 사업부(SChoTT Advanced optics Business Segment)의 마리타 파쉬(Marita Paasch) 사장, 전라남도 박준영 도지사, 소모그룹 신준수 회장, 한국광기술원 김선호 원장 등이 참석해 적외선 광학 사업을 추진하기로 했다.

  • PDF

수학에 대한 은유와 철학적 문제들 (Metaphors for Mathematics and Philosophical Problems)

  • 박창균
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2017
  • The goal of this essay is to examine metaphors for mathematics and to discuss philosophical problems related to them. Two metaphors for mathematics are well known. One is a tree and the other is a building. The former was proposed by Pasch, and the latter by Hilbert. The difference between these metaphors comes from different philosophies. Pasch's philosophy is a combination of empiricism and deductivism, and Hilbert's is formalism whose final task is to prove the consistency of mathematics. In this essay, I try to combine two metaphors from the standpoint that 'mathematics is a part of the ecosystem of science', because each of them is not good enough to reflect the holistic mathematics. In order to understand mathematics holistically, I suggest the criteria of the desirable philosophy of mathematics. The criteria consists of three categories: philosophy, history, and practice. According to the criteria, I argue that it is necessary to pay attention to Pasch's philosophy of mathematics as having more explanatory power than Hilbert's, though formalism is the dominant paradigm of modern mathematics. The reason why Pasch's philosophy is more explanatory is that it contains empirical nature. Modern philosophy of mathematics also tends to emphasize the empirical nature, and the synthesis of forms with contents agrees with the ecological analogy for mathematics.