• Title/Summary/Keyword: 통합정보모델

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A Study on the Accessibility Requirements Analysis Model for the Preventive Safety and Disaster Service Information System - Focusing on the Communication Ability (정보시스템을 통한 생활안전 위험의 예방·대응을 위한 안전약자 요구사항 분석모델 연구 : 의사소통기능을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yong-Jick;Ji, Seok-yeon;Kim, Sang-hwa
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to present an analysis model in developing an inclusive response for safety hazards and disaster preventive information system for vulnerable people to the disaster including persons with disabilities, and those with specific needs. Methods : In this study, the persona analysis method is used to analyze fictitious characters that correspond to various characteristics such as age, disability, environment, occupation, etc. in terms of the scenario of some particular disaster subjects. Based on the user's communication problems derived from the persona analysis, focused group interview and ICF based analysis were implemented to identify needs and arbitration methods. Results : The needs from persona analysis and ICF-based communication items analysis identifies the factors that make each fictitious character difficult in terms of communication in obtaining the benefits consistent with the purpose of the service. The study derives service requirements that can provide arbitration or facilitation methods to increase communication ability of the users. Conclusion : Through the persona analysis method, difficulties that could occur when receiving disaster information using communication devices were identified and analyzed in conjunction with communication problems described in the ICF. In building information services for the prevention of safety hazards and disasters, this study presented a model that uses the persona analysis method and the ICF classification system to derive user requirements for accessible information system.

A Comparison of Single and Multi-matrix Models for Bird Strike Risk Assessment (단일 및 다중 매트릭스 모델의 비교를 통한 항공기-조류 충돌 위험성 평가 모델 분석)

  • Hong, Mi-Jin;Kim, Myun-Sik;Moon, Young-Min;Choi, Jin-Hwan;Lee, Who-Seung;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.624-635
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    • 2019
  • Bird strike accidents, a collision between aircraft and birds, have been increasing annually due to an increasing number of aircraft operating each year to meet heavier demand for air traffic. As such, many airports have conducted studies to assess and manage bird strike risks effectively by identifying and ranking bird species that can damage aircraft based on the bird strike records. This study was intended to investigate the bird species that were likely to threaten aircraft and compare and discuss the risk of each species estimated by the single-matrix and multi-matrix risk assessment models based on the Integrated Flight Information Service (IFIS) data collected in Gimpo, Gimhae and Jeju Airports in South Korea from 2005 to 2013. We found that there was a difference in the assessment results between the two models. The single-matrix model estimated 2 species and 6 taxa in Gimpo and Gimhae Airports and 2 species and 5 taxa in Jeju Airport to have the risk score above "high," whereas the multi-matrix model estimated 3 species and 5 taxa in Gimpo Airport, 4 species and 5 taxa in Gimhae Airport, and 2 species and 3 taxa in Jeju Airport to have the risk score above "very high." Although both models estimated the similar high-risk species in Gimpo and Gimhae Airports, there was a significant difference in Jeju Airport. Gimpo and Gimhae Airports are near the estuary of a river, which is an excellent habitat for large and heavy waterbirds. On the other hand, Jeju Airport is near the coast and the city center, and small and light bird species are mostly observed. Since collisions with such species have little effect on aircraft fuselage, the impact of common variables between the two models was small, and the additional variables caused a significant difference between the estimation by the two models.

자동차 분야의 CALS/EC 구축 방향

  • 김관영
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.585-594
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    • 1998
  • 이미 전자상거래(EC)가 시간적ㆍ공간적 제약을 극복하고 국경을 초월한 새로운 교역시장 (Cyber Market)으로 등장하고 있으며 세계 자동차 산업은 표준부품의 공동개발 및 조달을 통해 중복투자 방지, 신차개발기간 단축 등 전략적 제휴를 통한 공조ㆍ공생체계 구축을 경쟁적으로 추진하고 있으나 국내 자동차업계는 제품개발, 부품조달, 판매 및 A/S 등 모든 부문을 독자적으로 해결함으로써 경쟁력 제고에 역행하는 경향이 있다. 또한 자동차 선진국과는 달리 국제 경쟁력 강화를 위한 CALS/EC 정보 기반 기술의 실질적인 활용이 미흡한 실정이다. 이러한 현실을 개선하기 위해 최근에 자동차공업협회(KAMA)와 현대, 대우, 기아 자동차 3사는 자동차 산업 CALS 추진 모델(Autopia)의 구축을 추진하고 있다. 추진 내용은 자동차 산업의 전체 Life-Cycle인 제품기획 단계부터 설계, 생산, 구매/조달, 고객지원 단계등 전 분야를 3개 부문(신차개발 프로세스, 구매조달 프로세스, 고객지원 서비스)으로 구분되어 있다. 신차개발 프로세스 부문은 차세대 PDM을 통하여 제품개발 사이클 단축을 추구하며 STEP을 통한 범용적 설계정보 교환 체계 구현이 기반이 된다. 또한 업무 흐름의 불투명성으로 인한 업무의 불균형 현상 타파와 설계 변경의 효율적 대응을 위하여 Workflow Management가 동시공학에 바탕을 두고 도입 적용되어야 한다. CAD 데이터를 비롯한 방대한 데이터의 효율적 관리를 위해서는 각 프로세스별로 독립된 정보를 체계적으로 관리할 수 있는 통합 환경(Integrated Data Environment)을 구성하여 각 프로세스에 걸쳐 데이터의 처리효율을 증대하여야 한다. 신차개발 부문의 핵심 기술이면서도 현업 적용이 초기 단계인 Digital Mockup과 Virtual Reality의 적용을 위해서는 3D 모델링이 기본 설계 방법으로 적용되어야 하며 이를 통한 어셈블리 및 부품구조의 관리가 이루어져야 한다. 구매조달 프로세스 부문은 자동차 업계의 공통 EDI/EC 네트워크 구축을 통한 경제적인 인프라 구조와 함께 부품 조달 체계의 간소화를 추구함으로써 자동차 산업의 대외 경쟁력 강화가 이루어 질 수 있다. 공개구매 시스템의 구축을 통하여 완성차별로 전속 계열화된 수직적인 부품조달 체계와 업체간 정보공유의 폐쇄성을 제거할 수 있고 완전 경쟁에 의한 우량 협력업체 발굴 기회의 확대가 용이하다. 이를 통하여 궁극적으로는 Global Vendor망의 구축이 실현될 것이다. 종합물류 시스템이 구현되면 판매는 경쟁체제, 물류는 공동화가 됨으로써 국가적으로 물류 비용의 절감이 엄청날 것으로 예상된다. 전국에 산재되어 있는 1,000여개의 대리점과 7,000여개의 정비업소를 대상으로 한 정비부품 EDI/EC 시스템이 구축되면 고객 서비스의 효율 향상과 함께 정비업소의 물류 및 재고 비용의 감소, 조달 속도의 향상, 조달 업무의 간소화 등의 효과를 보게 될 것이다. 고객지원 서비스는 정비정보 시스템, 산업정보 시스템, 쇼핑몰 시스템, 등록대행 시스템등을 통하여 일반 국민들이 피부로 느낄 수 있는 시스템으로 구축 되어야 할 것이다.

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Case Study of Civil-BIM & 3D Geographical Information (3차원 지형자료와 토목 BIM의 사례적용 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Sun;Pyeon, Mu-Wook;Jo, Jun-Ho;Lee, Gun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.569-576
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    • 2011
  • Recently the establishment of high accuracy 3D spatial information has been largely stimulated according to the increase in need of such 3D spatial information. In the fields of constructions and civil works, studies on increasing the productivity in these fields through converging them with other fields using the established 3D spatial information have been conducted. In such a tendency, BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies have been rapidly applied to the fields of constructions and civil works. In particular, in the fields of constructions and civil works that represent a life span of plan-design-construction-maintenance, some BIM application methods and plans for the characteristics in each step have been proposed. Thus, the objective of this study is to simulate a project that is reasonable and can be optimized in connection with 3D spatial information and BIM technologies escaped from the conventional civil construction process that is based on empirical, statistical DB, and 2D information. For achieving this objective, 3D terrain data for the subject area engaged in this study using aerial photographs and airborne LiDAR was established. Also, a counter plan for the issues, which cannot be solved in the conventional methods for managing civil work projects, is applied through implementing bridge-based civil structure BIM by combining them with objective information.

The Trend of Integrated Solution Service Based on VoIP and Voice Recognition (VoIP와 음석인식에 기반한 통합솔루션 서비스 동향)

  • Oh, Jae-Sam;Yoon, Young-Keun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2002
  • We are looking at the two different kinds of IT on this paper. One is VoIP and the other is VR (voice recognition). We are more interesting at the evolving techniques and services produced by combining the two techniques mentioned above. Recently, there are so many services and products appeared in the market using voice recognition technique. Now the technique has progressed on the level that can even replace the user interfaces using the QUI or general DTMF. Therefore, we are expecting so many various new services showed UP In the market which is combination of the VoIP and VR. Up until now, three models are available in the field which are wired telephone, wireless telephone, and wireless internet. We know the effectiveness of the VoIP is maximized more when this technique is combined with others rather than used alone without other techniques.

Analysis of the Impact of Surface Reflectance Error Retrieved from 6SV for KOMPSAT-3A according to MODIS AOD Expected Error (MODIS AOD 기대 오차에 따른 6SV 기반 KOMPSAT-3A 채널별 지표반사도 오차 영향 분석)

  • Daeseong Jung;Suyoung Sim;Jongho Woo;Nayeon Kim;Sungwoo Park;Honghee Kim;Kyung-Soo Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1517-1522
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    • 2023
  • This study evaluates the impact of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth (AOD) expected error (EE) on the accuracy of surface reflectance (SR) derived from the KOMPSAT-3A satellite, utilizing the Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum Vector radiative transfer model. By considering a range of ground-based AOD and the resultant MODIS AOD EE, the research identifies significant influences on SR accuracy, particularly under high solar zenith angles(SZA) and shorter wavelengths. The study's simulations reveal that SR errors increase with shorter wavelengths and higher SZAs, highlighting the necessity for further research to improve atmospheric correction algorithms by incorporating wavelength and SZA considerations. Additionally, the study provides foundational data for better understanding the use of AOD data from other satellites in atmospheric correction processes and contributes to advancing atmospheric correction technologies.

Pre/Post processor for structural analysis simulation integration with open source solver (Calculix, Code_Aster) (오픈소스 솔버(Calculix, Code_Aster)를 통합한 구조해석 시뮬레이션 전·후처리기 개발)

  • Seo, Dong-Woo;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Myung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.425-435
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    • 2017
  • Structural analysis is used not only for large enterprises, but also for small and medium sized ones, as a necessary procedure for strengthening the certification process for product delivery and shortening the time in the process from concept design to detailed design. Open-source solvers that can be used atlow cost differ from commercial solvers. If there is a problem with the input data, such as with the grid, errors or failures can occur in the calculation step. In this paper, we propose a pre- and post-processor that can be easily applied to the analysis of mechanical structural problems by using the existing structural analysis open source solver (Caculix, Code_Aster). In particular, we propose algorithms for analyzing different types of data using open source solvers in order to extract and generate accurate information,such as 3D models, grids and simulation conditions, and develop and apply information analysis. In addition, to improve the accuracy of open source solvers and to prevent errors, we created a grid that matches the solver characteristics and developed an automatic healing function for the grid model. Finally, to verify the accuracy of the system, the verification and utilization results are compared with the software used.

Application of Hydro-Cartographic Generalization on Buildings for 2-Dimensional Inundation Analysis (2차원 침수해석을 위한 수리학적 건물 일반화 기법의 적용)

  • PARK, In-Hyeok;JIN, Gi-Ho;JEON, Ka-Young;HA, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2015
  • Urban flooding threatens human beings and facilities with chemical and physical hazards since the beginning of human civilization. Recent studies have emphasized the integration of data and models for effective urban flood inundation modeling. However, the model set-up process is tend to be time consuming and to require a high level of data processing skill. Furthermore, in spite of the use of high resolution grid data, inundation depth and velocity are varied with building treatment methods in 2-D inundation model, because undesirable grids are generated and resulted in the reliability decline of the simulation results. Thus, it requires building generalization process or enhancing building orthogonality to minimize the distortion of building before converting building footprint into grid data. This study aims to develop building generalization method for 2-dimensional inundation analysis to enhance the model reliability, and to investigate the effect of building generalization method on urban inundation in terms of geographical engineering and hydraulic engineering. As a result to improve the reliability of 2-dimensional inundation analysis, the building generalization method developed in this study should be adapted using Digital Building Model(DBM) before model implementation in urban area. The proposed building generalization sequence was aggregation-simplification, and the threshold of the each method should be determined by considering spatial characteristics, which should not exceed the summation of building gap average and standard deviation.

Extraction of Classes and Hierarchy from Procedural Software (절차지향 소프트웨어로부터 클래스와 상속성 추출)

  • Choi, Jeong-Ran;Park, Sung-Og;Lee, Moon-Kun
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.612-628
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a methodology to extract classes and inheritance relations from procedural software. The methodology is based on the idea of generating all groups of class candidates, based on the combinatorial groups of object candidates, and their inheritance with all possible combinations and selecting a group of object candidates, and their inheritance with all possible combinations and selecting a group with the best or optimal combination of candidates with respect to the degree of relativity and similarity between class candidates in the group and classes in a domain model. The methodology has innovative features in class candidates in the group and classes in a domain model. The methodology has innovative features in class and inheritance extraction: a clustering method based on both static (attribute) and dynamic (method) clustering, the combinatorial cases of grouping class candidate cases based on abstraction, a signature similarity measurement for inheritance relations among n class candidates or m classes, two-dimensional similarity measurement for inheritance relations among n class candidates or m classes, two-dimensional similarity measurement, that is, the horizontal measurement for overall group similarity between n class candidates and m classes, and the vertical measurement for specific similarity between a set of classes in a group of class candidates and a set of classes with the same class hierarchy in a domain model, etc. This methodology provides reengineering experts with a comprehensive and integrated environment to select the best or optimal group of class candidates.

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A Combined Hough Transform based Edge Detection and Region Growing Method for Region Extraction (영역 추출을 위한 Hough 변환 기반 에지 검출과 영역 확장을 통합한 방법)

  • N.T.B., Nguyen;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Chung, Chin-Wan;Lee, Seok-Lyong;Kim, Deok-Hwan
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.263-279
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    • 2009
  • Shape features in a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system are divided into two classes: contour-based and region-based. Contour-based shape features are simple but they are not as efficient as region-based shape features. Most systems using the region-based shape feature have to extract the region firs t. The prior works on region-based systems still have shortcomings. They are complex to implement, particularly with respect to region extraction, and do not sufficiently use the spatial relationship between regions in the distance model In this paper, a region extraction method that is the combination of an edge-based method and a region growing method is proposed to accurately extract regions inside an object. Edges inside an object are accurately detected based on the Canny edge detector and the Hough transform. And the modified Integrated Region Matching (IRM) scheme which includes the adjacency relationship of regions is also proposed. It is used to compute the distance between images for the similarity search using shape features. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our region extraction method as well as the modified IRM. In comparison with other works, it is shown that the new region extraction method outperforms others.