• Title/Summary/Keyword: 통합정보모델

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The Study on the Common Definition of Knowledge and its Development Relation -Focused on the General Information Systems, Knowledge Management, DSS and EIS- (지식의 공통적 정의와 발전적 연관 관계에 관한 연구 -일반적 정보시스템과 지식경영, DSS, EIS를 중심으로-)

  • Roh, Jeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.239-259
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to review the established research practices and managerial methods on the range of Knowledge that have been independently studied from the conventional information system (libraries) and the managerial information system (MIS, DSS and EIS) within the quantitative and the non-quantitative perspective. The information systems were developed through their own purpose since the 1950s and these days the corporate environments have become integrated due to the rapid creation and expansion of information. Therefore, to make fast decisions in this situation it is appropriate that these two systems, Library and the managerial information system, should be dealt within the same category. In other words, not only the quantitative data that become main sources of DSS or EIS, but also the qualitative data such as the text documents, video and audio data, which have been managed in the libraries and information centers and not extracted from the former, can be used as the new knowledge source. Also BSS/EIS can provide the splendid infrastructure for Knowledge Management(KM) while libraries/information centers manage the comprehensive range of explicit and tacit knowledge, which can be a facilitator or main driver for KM.

Integration Application of Node-Link Data Using Open LR Method (Open LR 기법을 이용한 노드-링크 데이터의 통합활용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Tae Ho;Choi, Yun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.78-87
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    • 2021
  • This paper analyzes the range and attributes of the traffic information service between domestic public institutions and private companies, and suggests the possibility of joint application of node-link information for each company and the possibility of joint use of private traffic information. For this purpose, the present condition and attributes of domestic and foreign traffic information node-links (link length, node ID number, U-turn information, lane information, left turn information, right turn information, etc.) were analyzed. The analysis targets, the node-link of the national standard node and the two companies were analyzed. The area of the experiment was selected in Jongno-gu, Seoul, where standard-link information is complex, traffic volume is high, and various standard-links exist. The experiment was conducted by comparing and analyzing the traffic information attributes of three types of node-links and performing node-links overlapping matching (utilizing encoding_decoding method), and the possibility of matching node-links and attributes of different specifications was analyzed using Open LR technique.

Implementation of Saemangeum Coastal Environmental Information System Using GIS (지리정보시스템을 이용한 새만금 해양환경정보시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Kim, Chang-Sik;Park, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 2011
  • To monitor and predict the change of coastal environment according to the construction of Saemangeum sea dyke and the development of land reclamation, we have done real-time and periodic ocean observation and numerical simulation since 2002. Saemangeum coastal environmental data can be largely classified to marine meteorology, ocean physics and circulation, water quality, marine geology and marine ecosystem and each part of data has been generated continuously and accumulated over about 10 years. The collected coastal environmental data are huge amounts of heterogeneous dataset and have some characteristics of multi-dimension, multivariate and spatio-temporal distribution. Thus the implementation of information system possible to data collection, processing, management and service is necessary. In this study, through the implementation of Saemangeum coastal environmental information system using geographic information system, it enables the integral data collection and management and the data querying and analysis of enormous and high-complexity data through the design of intuitive and effective web user interface and scientific data visualization using statistical graphs and thematic cartography. Furthermore, through the quantitative analysis of trend changed over long-term by the geo-spatial analysis with geo- processing, it's being used as a tool for provide a scientific basis for sustainable development and decision support in Saemangeum coast. Moreover, for the effective web-based information service, multi-level map cache, multi-layer architecture and geospatial database were implemented together.

Discovery of Genre Information on the Web (웹 상에서의 특정 장르 문서 발견)

  • Joo, Won-Kyun;Myaeng, Sung-Hyon
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1999.10e
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 1999
  • 정보공유를 목적으로 제안된 웹의 활성화와 함께 유용한 정보들이 웹상에 기하급수적으로 등장함에 따라 정보공간의 확장으로 인한 검색 신뢰도의 저하 문제에 직면하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 대용량 웹 환경하에서 사용자의 정보발견을 돕기 위해 텍스트이외의 새로운 요소들을 사용하여 특정장르문서를 발견하는 개념을 도입하였다. 먼저 사용자가 발견하고자 하는 장르의 모습을 텍스트, URL정보, 링크 정보. 문서구조 정보 등의 장르 식별요소 값을 이용해 표현한 후, 후보 문서들의 장르관련도를 측정함으로써 특정장르 문서를 검색한다. 각 장르식별요소값은 나름대로의 방법에 의해 계산되는데 $0{\sim}1$사이의 값을 가지며, 종합적인 장르관련도는 각 장르식별요소값의 증거통합 방법에 의해 구한다. 본 논문에서는 각 장르식별요소들의 역할과 장르식별요소가 장르발견에 미치는 영향을 알아보며, 최종적으로 특정 장르 문서발견에 있어서의 검색 신뢰도 향상을 보이기 위해 실험모델을 설계/구현하였다. 본 실험은 웹 문서를 대상으로 하는데, 아직까지 URL, 링크 정보를 모두 갖춘 테스트컬렉션이 없기 때문에 실험을 위해 일반적인 웹 문서로 직접 구성한 컬렉션을 사용하였다. 발견하고자 하는 장르는 "컴퓨터 분야의 컨퍼런스 홈페이지"로 정하였으며 30개의 컴퓨터 분야를 선정하였다. 비교대상으로는 일반 웹 검색 엔진인 알타비스타와 메타검색 엔진인 메타크롤러를 선택하였고. 각 질의에 대해 상위 30개의 결과를 대상으로 정확도를 평가하였다. 결과로서 각 장르식별요소들은 모두 검색 신뢰도의 향상에 기여를 하며, 제안하는 방법은 알타비스타와 메타크롤러에 비해 각각 평균적으로 67.34%, 71.78%의 검색 신뢰도 향상을 보임을 입증하였다.적응에 문제점을 가지기도 하였다. 본 연구에서는 그 동안 계속되어 온 한글과 한잔의 사용에 관한 논쟁을 언어심리학적인 연구 방법을 통해 조사하였다. 즉, 글을 읽는 속도, 글의 의미를 얼마나 정확하게 이해했는지, 어느 것이 더 기억에 오래 남는지를 측정하여 어느 쪽의 입장이 옮은 지를 판단하는 것이다. 실험 결과는 문장을 읽는 시간에서는 한글 전용문인 경우에 월등히 빨랐다. 그러나. 내용에 대한 기억 검사에서는 국한 혼용 조건에서 더 우수하였다. 반면에, 이해력 검사에서는 천장 효과(Ceiling effect)로 두 조건간에 차이가 없었다. 따라서, 본 실험 결과에 따르면, 글의 읽기 속도가 중요한 문서에서는 한글 전용이 좋은 반면에 글의 내용 기억이 강조되는 경우에는 한자를 혼용하는 것이 더 효율적이다.이 높은 활성을 보였다. 7. 이상을 종합하여 볼 때 고구마 끝순에는 페놀화합물이 다량 함유되어 있어 높은 항산화 활성을 가지며, 아질산염소거능 및 ACE저해활성과 같은 생리적 효과도 높아 기능성 채소로 이용하기에 충분한 가치가 있다고 판단된다.등의 관련 질환의 예방, 치료용 의약품 개발과 기능성 식품에 효과적으로 이용될 수 있음을 시사한다.tall fescue 23%, Kentucky bluegrass 6%, perennial ryegrass 8%) 및 white clover 23%를 유지하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합할 때, 초종과 파종비율에 따른 혼파초지의 건물수량과 사료가치의 차이를 확인할 수 있었으며, 레드 클로버 + 혼파 초지가 건물수량과 사료가치를 높이는데 효과적이었다.\ell}$ 이었으며 , yeast extract 첨가(添加)하여 배양시(培養時)는 yeast extract 농도(濃度)가 증가(增加)함

  • PDF

Research on successful model application of Indonesian Cultural Content "Batik" to E-biz/local Informatization "Green Smart Village" (인도네시아 문화콘텐츠 "바��"을 통한 e-비즈/지역정보화 "그린스마트빌리지" 성공모델 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Ryoung;Kim, Kio-Chung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2011
  • In developing countries, economically under-privileged are mostly consisted of women, therefore supporting those women signify supporting the local society and the family. Advancement of women's economic status not only contributes to her family but also to the local society, nation, and to the global world as a whole. This paper is a research on local informatization and successful model in e-business for Indonesia, which established interactive research model networking with Korea-Indonesia Research Institution and policy-makers for two years and susggested practical research model through visiting Pekalongan. Through activated interaction between women enterprises and policy makers from Korea and Indonesia, the research paper seeks to create research based network and provide opportunities of information access and business matching to local informatized and e-business enterprises. In research adopted regions, city development project has been accomplished in human, business and environmental field since 2005, and have selected Pekalongan region where infra is settled to certain extent. With the information about Indonesia's city development project, investigation on Pekalongan's current geographical, humanistic status quo, the paper aims to and create Indonesian female e-business professionals, e-business user, e-business producers and provide successful model on Pekalongan's local informatization and e-business.

Modeling and Analysis of Cooperative Engagements with Manned-Unmanned Ground Combat Systems (무인 지상 전투 체계의 협동 교전 모델링 및 분석)

  • Han, Sang Woo;Pyun, Jai Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2020
  • Analysis of combat effectiveness is required to consider the concept of tactical cooperative engagement between manned-unmanned weapon systems, in order to predict the required operational capabilities of future weapon systems that meets the concept of 'effect-based synchronized operations.' However, analytical methods such as mathematical and statistical models make it difficult to analyze the effects of complex systems under nonlinear warfare. In this paper, we propose a combat simulation model that can simulate the concept of cooperative engagement between manned-unmanned combat entities based on wireless communications. First, we model unmanned combat entities, e.g., unmanned ground vehicles and drones, and manned combat entities, e.g., combatants and artillery, considering the capabilities required by the future ground system. We also simulate tactical behavior in which all entities perform their mission while sharing battlefield situation information through wireless communications. Finally we explore the feasibility of the proposed model by analyzing combat effectiveness such as target acquisition rate, remote control success rate, reconnaissance lead time, survival rate, and enemy's loss rate under a small-unit armor reconnaissance scenario. The proposed model is expected to be used in war-game combat experiments as well as analysis of the effects of manned-unmanned ground weapons.

Comparison of Methods Predicting VS30 from Shallow VS Profiles and Suggestion of Optimized Coefficients (얕은 심도 VS주상도를 활용한 VS30 예측 방법론 비교 및 최적 계수 제시)

  • Choi, Inhyeok;Kwak, Dongyoup
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2020
  • Ground motion models predicting intensity measures on surface use a time-averaged shear wave velocity, VS30, as a key variable simulating site effect. The VS30 can be directly estimated from VS profiles if the profile depth (z) is greater than or equal to 30 m. However, some sites have VS profiles with z < 30 m. In this case VS30 can be predicted using extension models. This study proposes new coefficient sets for existing prediction equations using 297 Korea VS profiles. We have collected VS profiles from KMA and Geoinfo database. Fitting six existing methods to data, we suggest new coefficients for each method and evaluate their performance. It turns out that if z ≥ 15 m, the standard deviation (σ) of residual in log10 is 0.061, which indicates that the estimated VS30 is nearly accurate. If z < 15 m, the σ keeps increasing up to 0.1 for z = 5 m, so we caution the use of models at very low z. Nonetheless, we recommend investigating up to 30 m depth for VS30 calculation if possible.

Prototype-based Cost Estimating Model for Building Interior Construction in Design Development Stage (프로토타입기반 기본설계단계 건축마감공사비 산정 모델)

  • Kim, Hae-Gon;Park, Sung-Chul;Hong, Tae-Hoon;Hyun, Chang-Taek;Koo, Kyo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2007
  • For deciding the owner's budget of the building construction in the predesign stage, the probabilistic methodologies for estimating the cost are often studied, however these parameter-based conceptual estimating methodology has limitation of applying it to the practical business because it hardly can link the design decision-making and the cost estimating and control. Besides if the result of detail estimating after detail design is over the budget, locally and arbitrarily control the level of interior design and fix the design. This research proposed the prototype-based cost estimating model for building interior construction which leads to estimate the interior cost easily linking with design decision-making and supports to evaluate the design alternatives in the schematic design and the design development stage for office buildings. The model divides the building on the design process by Element Breakdown Structure and presents the design alternative by selecting the elements of each room from the database accumulated the historical office buildings' prototypes and estimates the cost. The 2 case studies presented to validate the effectiveness of as the linking tool integrating the design and construction data and applicability to the practical design on the presented prototype-based model.

Providing the combined models for groundwater changes using common indicators in GIS (GIS 공통 지표를 활용한 지하수 변화 통합 모델 제공)

  • Samaneh, Hamta;Seo, You Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2022
  • Evaluating the qualitative the qualitative process of water resources by using various indicators, as one of the most prevalent methods for optimal managing of water bodies, is necessary for having one regular plan for protection of water quality. In this study, zoning maps were developed on a yearly basis by collecting and reviewing the process, validating, and performing statistical tests on qualitative parameters҆ data of the Iranian aquifers from 1995 to 2020 using Geographic Information System (GIS), and based on Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Radial Basic Function (RBF), and Global Polynomial Interpolation (GPI) methods and Kriging and Co-Kriging techniques in three types including simple, ordinary, and universal. Then, minimum uncertainty and zoning error in addition to proximity for ASE and RMSE amount, was selected as the optimum model. Afterwards, the selected model was zoned by using Scholar and Wilcox. General evaluation of groundwater situation of Iran, revealed that 59.70 and 39.86% of the resources are classified into the class of unsuitable for agricultural and drinking purposes, respectively indicating the crisis of groundwater quality in Iran. Finally, for validating the extracted results, spatial changes in water quality were evaluated using the Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI), indicating high sensitivity of aquifers to small quantitative changes in water level in addition to severe shortage of groundwater reserves in Iran.

A tTheoretical Study on the Investment Strategies of Venture Capitalists and Governemental Venture Investments (사적 창업투자회사와 정부의 벤처정책투자의 전략에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • 이주헌
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.608-611
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    • 2003
  • 선진국입을 목전에 둔 한국경제의 발전을 위해서 지식과 기술을 기반으로 한 벤처기업의 생성과 발전은 매우 중요한 요소라 할 수 있다. 민과 관의 적절한 벤처 투자는 미래의 기업가들에게 신지식 창조의 동기를 부여하고 성장, 발전단계에 있는 기업들에게 자본을 공급함으로써 미래의 산업을 창조하는 매우 중요한 활동이다. 국내외적으로 벤처 투자자본에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되어 왔으나 재무론을 바탕으로 한 벤처투자에 관한 연구와 다양한 벤처투자자본들의 유형과 투자행태 등을 설문지를 통해 밝혀내는 탐색적 연구들에 국한되어 연구, 발표되고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 벤처자본시장의 대표적 투자자본인 사적 창업투자회사와 정부 벤처정책투자 간의 전략적 상호작용을 가격모델을 통해 고찰하였다. Bertrand paradox의 가정에서 기술한 바와 같이 정부 벤처정책투자간 민간 창업투자회사들과 같은 투자전략을 구사하면 민간 창업투자회사들은 시장에서 살아남기 어렵고 결과적으로 정부는 벤처기업의 생성 및 발전지원이라는 목적에 부합되지 않은 투자를 한 것이 된다. Hotelling(1929)의 위치차별모델이 역설하는 바와 같이 정부 벤처정책투자는 사적 창업투자회사가 지향하는 투자와는 다른 투자정책을 구사할 때만 벤처기업 육성이라는 목표를 효율적으로 수행할 수가 있을 것이다. 이 연구 논문에서는 다양한 투자변수에 대한 Nash Equibrium이 존재함을 증명함으로써 사적 창업투자회사와 정부의 벤처정책투자가 벤처기업의 육성이라는 목적에 맞는 효율적 투자를 하기 위해 취해야 할 투자 전략들을 밝혀내었다.가 있는 것 같다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 웹기반 쇼핑시스템의 확산에 관련된 균형된 분석을 수행하기 위하여 경영(management)과 기술 (technology)을 조화롭게 고려한 관점에서 연구를 수행하고자 한다. 즉, 본 논문에서는 기술적 측면(technical aspect)과 경영적 측면(management aspect)을 동시에 고려하여 웹기반 쇼핑시스템의 주요만 특성을 살펴보고, 향후 정보통신 기술(ICT)의 확산에 관한 연구에서 두 가지 관점의 통합적 중요성에 대하여 강조하고자 한다. 그에 덧붙여 웹기반 쇼핑시스템과 다른 정보시스템을 비교하여 전자상거래 환경에서 웹기반 쇼핑시스템의 주요만 특성들이 두가지 연구관점에서 어떻게 개념화 될 수 있는지를 고찰하고자 한다. 이러만 분석에 기반하여 본 연구에서는 기술적 측면과 경영적인 측면을 동시에 고려한 웹기반 쇼핑시스템의 특성을 제시하고자 한다. 결론적으로 본 연구의 목적은 본 논문에서 적용한 기술(technical)과 경영(management)의 조화로운 연구관점이 향후 정보통신 기술이나 시스템, 그리고 전자상거래에 관련된 일련의 연구에 적응되어 보다 균형잡힌 논의와 분석이 이루어 질 수 있는 시발점이 되길 기대한다.생된 $CH_{4}$를 회수하여 이용하면 대체에너지원으로 활용 가치가 높은 것으로 판단된다./207), $99.2\%$(238/240), $98.5\%$(133/135) 및 $100\%$ (313)였다. 각각 두 개의 요골동맥과 우내흉동맥에서 부

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