• 제목/요약/키워드: 통합설계프로세스

검색결과 389건 처리시간 0.025초

Approach to improve construction management using Information Technology (IT) (정보기술(IT) 기반을 통한 시공관리 선진화 방안)

  • Lee Woo-Bang;Moon Jin-Yeong;Moon Byeong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 한국건설관리학회 2002년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2002
  • There is various points that should be improved in Fairness such as our contract practice to propose construction projects, project managing and the stakeholders' way of thinking and culture. We consider that the revision of construction related provisions and systems is required but even more, an overall change in business management through the implementation of Integrated Construction Information Management System that will enable the owner, which drives the project, and contractor sharing construction information is required. To mange construction related information in an integrated manner, designing information should be smoothly transferred to purchasing information, and changes are required in order to move ahead to process-oriented work system. Finally information created from various construction organizations should be delivered in an aligned and standardized manner as well. The domestic Nuclear Power Plant Construction has been accepting various technology transfers from U.S, France, Canada and UK, which enabled us to self-support technology and recently even proceeded to the phase exporting our technology to others. However, continuous effort is required to improve internal business efficiency and to respond to external environmental change such aselectricity market deregulation. Recently, in accordance with the result in number of CEO's intention to make progress in IT and improve business efficiency, the number of enterprises introducing Enterprise Resource Planning is increasing. ERP is an innovative tool which changes the way of performing work from organization and department orientation to process-orientation in order to optimize the resources, such as human and material resources, through out the Enterprise by performing BPR which will maximize overall business efficiency of the enterprise, such includes not only construction management, but also business management. KHNP continued to performing large scaled construction projects such as nuclear power plant construction for past 30 years and took the initiatives of large scale project management and Quality management ability in domestic industry by having independent capability of over all construction planning, purchasing and, construction and start up management etc. To maintain our leading position of improving construction management technology based on our accumulated project management experience and technology, KHNP included construction into our ERP project in purpose of innovating construction business. We would like to discuss the characteristics of nuclear construction business, project management system, information system infrastructure and information sharing system among construction related entities, and implementation practices for information system, and consider how to resolve our practice that should be improved in this thesis.

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Game Planning and Development IDE based on Script (스크립트 기반의 게임 기획 및 개발을 위한 통합 개발 환경)

  • Lee Don-Yang;Park Wee-Joon;Choi Han-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2005
  • It is important matter to develop game that language should consider improving game development environment. It is hardly any language that is designed to develop a game. Most developer used general purpose programming language in these situations, and directly modeling with engine. For this reasons, developers cannot easily develop games and must programming on engine level. It is hard to develop a game in this environment that was not able to understand an engine well. Moreover, developer and planner want to use an abstracted high-level language on planner phase and are going to easily develop a game. It was not have communication tool between developer and planner. Therefore, we defined a script language for modeling based on abstract engine level. In addition, we did build IDE to develop game using abstracted high-level language. It was able to develop a game on high-speed development environment. Therefore, developer does not must develop with engine phase but can develop a game with planners. In addition, game planner and developer can use a communication tool because it is able to develop skeleton game.

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Requirements Engineering & Management by the Object Oriented Methodology in the Weapon system (객체 지향적 방법론을 활용한 무기체계 요구사항 관리)

  • Choi, Sung Kyu;Choi, Eun Ha
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2013
  • System engineering is critical in today's industry and requirements engineering is an important stage of overall process. Requirements Engineering is the initial step of system development activity in which the requirements from the customer are elicited and documented. This activity is very much vital for the success of the project because all of activities depends upon requirements engineering such as designing, implementation, testing, operation and maintenance. The development process begins by clarifying the need and then articulating the need as a high level solution. In order to minimize the poor requirements and to sure successful projects, Object-Oriented requirements engineering was proposed. Object-Oriented requirements engineering is an approach to encapsulating information about the process and product, as well as functionality in to a requirements object. This paper proposes using the concept of an Operations Concept Harbinger(OCH) that is the prototype of Object-Oriented requirements engineering to develop the requirements with consolidating simultaneously the opinions of various stakeholder in the customer level and trace accurately the transition from User needs to requirements. Then the customer can secure the accurate requirements to meet their needs and traceability from user needs to requirements.

SOA-based Video Service Platform Model Design for Military e-Learning Service (군 원격교육체계를 위한 SOA기반 동영상서비스 플랫폼모델 설계)

  • Kim, Kyung-Rog;Moon, Nam-Mee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2011
  • According to accelerate the convergence of defense and information technology, there is a need for innovative change in Military e-Learning service system. In other words, It has increased the need for system integration based on standards and interoperability to develop into a network-centric information and knowledge. In this study, It would like to introduce an integrated direction Military e-Learning service system on the SOA-based video content services in the operating system for the operating model. SOA is taking advantage in integration and expansion of the unit with a process. Using it, define of video services platform architecture and define of business model based on the Imprimatur model. Based on this, it define the role of actors for video content service in each step of the operating model, that is Production model, Brokerage model and consumption model. In the operating system, it define the functions and data to control and handle the needed functionality for video content services based on the operational model.

A Data Mining System for Supporting of Business Intelligence in e-Business (e-Business에서의 BI지원 데이타마이닝 시스템)

  • Lee, Jun-Wook;Baek, Ok-Hyun;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.489-500
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    • 2002
  • As the interest in business interest is increased, data mining is increasingly used in BI as the core technique. To support Business Intelligence in e-business environment, the integrated data mining system which included in various mining operations should be able to flexibly integrate with database system and also it must provide the easy and efficient interface to implement the marketing process in various business applications. In this paper, we have implemented the EC-DaMiner system to support business intelligence in e-business area. The implemented system can be integrated with the conventional database system with the standard interface. Business applications can use MQL mining query language to discover the rules and mining result is modeled in marketing database, and the EC-DaMiner system make the implementation of business marketing process more easy.

Software Product Line Test Cases Derivation Using Combinatorial Test Design (조합 시험 설계를 이용한 소프트웨어 제품라인 시험항목 생성 방법)

  • Haeun, Baek;Sungwon, Kang;Jihyun, Lee
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • 제41권7호
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2014
  • Software Product Line (SPL) is a software development paradigm that guarantees high productivity, reduced cost, and shorter time-to-market by systematically planning and reusing commonality and variability. In order to maximize the benefits of SPL engineering, testing should be integrated into the SPL engineering lifecycle processes that consist of domain engineering and application engineering and should be performed with as little test efforts as possible. This paper proposes a systematic software product line test cases derivation method using combinatorial test design. By applying combinatorial test design to product line test cases derivation and exploiting commonality between products at the same time, the number of generated test cases is dramatically reduced with the result that they can be effectively reused by the products of the given product line. Case studies conducted in this paper show the efficacy of our method compared with other methods that use only commonality or combinatorial design or neither of them in terms of the number of derived test cases.

Data Conversion Automation Tool based on Repository and Processes (레파지토리 및 프로세스 기반의 데이터 전환 자동화 도구)

  • Heo, Min Seok;Kim, Dong Soo;Kim, Hee Wan
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2020
  • This study was performed to derive a modern service management model reflecting the philosophy of the new business administration. Service management as the modern business administration should be faithful to the spirit of modernity. In addition, service management must be faithful to the essence of service in service economy era. And since modern management is to manage organizations those are the central organizations of human society, it must be managed according to the common principles of the world. Management that satisfies these three management philosophy conditions is defined as modern service management. In this study, we analyzed that the existing service management framework does not meet these standards of modern management and derived an improved modern service management model. The modern service management model must be a management model that reflects the essence of intangible goods called service, it must be a management framework that reflects the modern spirit, and it must be a management model that reflects the common principles of the world required by the central organization of the modern economic society. Therefore, this study analyzed the modern spirit in addition to the service essence and the common principle of the world analyzed in the previous study, and presented a modern service management model with these three requirements. Also, examples of modern service management were presented. This study is a conceptual model, and analytical research is needed to demonstrate that this management model can consistently produce excellent management performance by strengthening empirical studies in the future.

A Study on the Conceptual Design of Integrated Management System for Public SW Project Information (공공 소프트웨어(SW) 사업정보 통합 관리체계의 개념적 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kitae;Park, Chankwon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.199-216
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    • 2019
  • The public SW market is 3 trillion won, which is less than 10% of the total SW market. However, due to the nature of the domestic market, it is an important market with a relatively large impact on small and medium-sized software companies. In this market, government is operating the Public SW Project Demand Forecasting System in order to support the marketing activities of small and medium sized SW companies and establish a fair market order. The current system has limitations such as lack of user convenience, insufficient analysis capability and less business connection. This study was conducted to identify the problems of these systems and to propose a new system for improving the convenience of users and expanding the information utilization of SMEs. To this end, we analyzed the requirements of each stakeholder. We proposed the 2-phased forecasting cycle, the management cycle, and the system life cycle of public SW projects and created a unified identifier (UID) so that the information of those projects can be identified and linked among them. As a result, an integrated reference model of project information management based on system life cycle was developed, which can explain the demand forecasting and project information, and the improved processes was also designed to implement them. Through the result of this study, it is expected that integrated management of public SW projects will be possible.

A Study on the Design of DICOM Integration Engine in the Ubiquitous Computing Environments (유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경에서의 DICOM 설계에 대한 연구)

  • Im, In-Chul;Ha, An-Rye;Kim, Chang-Soo;Hwang, In-Chul;Ok, Chi-Sang
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2005
  • In the ubiquitous computing environments, ICT industries of current society are developed in enormous growth. Medicine or patients with mobile devices can access at any time, any place. The medical procedures at the patient bedside are out of the scope of current systems, which means that patient record and image data access during the medical visit or the execution, recording and confirmation of the medicine prescriptions, still do not enjoy computerized support. Today, the exchange of medical images and clinical information is well defined by DICOM and HL7 standards. The DICOM independent terminal equipment image access system was developed in which a DICOM Engine acts as the gateway between a PACS DB and user's terminal. Implementation system is compatible with most currently available Integration system models. This paper presents a software technology where the medical and nursing staff will be equipped with any device connected by wire and wireless to a central server that provides access to the electronic patient records and that will actively inform about tasks pending distribution. The prototype described in this article implements a medical images and structured reports server that makes the search and recovery of data stored in the DICOM standard possible.

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Design and Implementation of Database Broker system for Integrated Data Environment of Virtual Enterprises (가상 기업의 통합 데이터 환경을 위한 데이터베이스 브로커 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yun, Seon-Hui;Jeong, Jin-Uk
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.425-438
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    • 1999
  • In recent days network computing technologies have bee developed rapidly and the extended use of Internet applications for enterprises such as internet/extarnet in and between enterprises has been increased enormously. Therefore the business in the future will be executed by virtual enterprise. Virtual enterprises which is based on information sharing between enterprises are composed of work processes related to information exchange between virtual enterprises, the team members who are representatives of the organizations that are participated in the actual business of virtual enterprises, and members who are representatives of the organizations that are participated in the actual business of virtual enterprises, and environment that are provided by supporting CALS(continuous Acquisition and Life cycle Support or commerce At light Speed). Supporting system of IDE(Integrated Data Environment)for CALS implementation that is provided as an environment of virtual enterprises has to ensure the autonomies of local data and to provide the accessibility of heterogeneous database of enterprises on network transparently for giving user a single global view of data. This paper introduce the design and implementation of the database broker system that can be accessed data transparently by the suers of participated enterprises in the integrated data environment supporting virtual enterprises. The system uses java/CORBA technology in Web environment and Object Query language (OQL) to process the queries of relational database system, object-oriented database system, and file information.

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