• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지 경계설정

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Improvement of Forest Boundary in Landcover Classification Map(Level-II) for Functional Assessment of Ecosystem Services (생태계 서비스 기능평가를 위한 중분류 토지피복지도 산림지역 경계설정 개선 방안)

  • Jeon, Seongwoo;Kim, Jaeuk;Kim, Yuhoon;Jung, Huicheul;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kim, Joon-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2015
  • Interests in ecosystem services have increased and a number of attempts to perform a quantitative valuation on them have been undertaken. To classify the ecosystem types landcover classification maps are generally used. However, some forest types on landcover classification maps have a number of errors. The purpose of this study is to verify the forest types on the landcover map by using a variety of field survey data and to suggest an improved method for forest type classifications. Forest types are compared by overlaying the landcover classification map with the 4th forest type map, and then they are verified by using National Forest Inventory, 3rd National Ecosystem Survey and field survey data. Misclassifications of forest types are found on the forest on the forest type map and farm and other grassland on the landcover map. Some errors of forest types occur at Daegu, Busan and Ulsan metropolitan cities and Gangwon province. The results of accuracy in comprehensive classification show that deciduous forest is 76.1%; coniferous forest is 54.0%; and mixed forest is 22.2%. In order to increase the classification accuracy of forest types a number of remote sensing images during various time periods should be used and the survey period of NFI and the National Forest Inventory and National Ecosystem Survey should be consistent. Also, examining areas with wide forest patch should be prioritized during the field survey in order to decrease any errors.

Emergency Action Plan Index of Saemangeum Lake Using Flood Characteristics (홍수특성을 이용한 새만금호 비상대처계획 지표개발)

  • Kim, Dong Joo;Maeng, Seung Jin;Lee, Seung Wook;Kim, Hyung San
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.422-422
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    • 2018
  • 우리나라의 간척사업은 고려시대 중엽부터 서남해안에 다수 산재되어 있는 천혜적인 간척 적지를 대상으로 지속적으로 추진되어 국토확장 및 식량 자급달성에 기여하여 왔다. 그러나, 최근 들어 쌀 수급 등 농업정책의 변화, 비용에 대한 경제성 평가의 변화, 개발과 보전에 관한 이해당사자간의 대립 등으로 신규 간척사업의 추진이 어려워지고 기존 간척지의 토지이용 목적 변화와 이치수 기능개선을 목적으로 배수갑문을 확장하는 등의 사업이 추진되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 방조제 상류지역 및 지천에서 이상홍수 유입에 따른 방조제 안정성 검토를 실시하였다. 호내로 유입되는 빈도별 홍수량에 따른 각 지점별 수위변화를 이용하여 방조제 비상대처계획에 대한 재난관리 지표로 활용할 수 있는지를 확인한다. 이를 위해 선정된 방조제를 중심으로 빈도별 홍수량을 산정하여 수문학적 안정성을 검토하고, 빈도별 홍수량에 따른 호내의 홍수위 변화를 통하여 비상대처계획 시나리오를 구성하고자 한다. 새만금 유역의 수치모델링에 필요한 범위를 설정하고, 모델 구성 및 자료를 입력한 후 검 보정을 통하여 모델의 신뢰성을 검증한 후 모델운영 조건을 설정하였다. 새만금 종합개발계획(MP)이 완료되었을 경우를 가정하여 통합운영을 실시하였다. 호내 관리수위에 따른 100, 200, 500, PMF 홍수량 유입시에 호내 홍수위 모의를 수행하였다. 또한, 비상단계 중 초기단계인 '관심단계'를 "이상홍수 발생부터 관리수위 EL-1.5m까지"로 설정한다면 방조제 초기 재난대응이 유리해 질 것으로 판단된다. 또한, '주의단계'는 "관리수위 EL-1.5m부터 호내 관리홍수위 EL+1.5m까지"로 '경계단계'를 "호내 관리홍수위 EL+1.5m부터 제당 내측사석보호공 홍수위까지", '심각단계'를 "제당 내측사석보호공(만경유역 EL+4.5m, 동진유역 EL+2.5m) 이상의 홍수위"로 설정한다면 방조제 관리자에게 세부화된 정보 및 지표를 제공해 줄 것이라 판단된다. 방조제 비상상황 단계별 분류에서 이상홍수위 발생후의 시간을 수치모의를 통해 구분하였으며 정성적인 위기상황 판단이 아닌 구체적인 수치로 된 지표들을 방조제 위기상황 재난지표로 활용한다면 상황 관리자의 위기상황 판단과 대처를 위한 의사결정에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

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Evaluation of applicability of linkage modelling using PHABSIM and SWAT (PHABSIM과 SWAT을 이용한 연계모델링 적용성 평가)

  • Kim, Yongwon;Woo, Soyoung;Kim, Sehoon;Son, Moobeen;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.51-51
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    • 2021
  • 환경생태유량은 수생태 건강성 유지를 위한 최소한의 유량으로 K-water에서는 유량증분방법론 기반의 1차원 물리적 서식처 모형인 PHABSIM(Physical habitat simulation system)을 이용해 고시지점에 대해 환경생태유량을 산정하여 제시하고 있으나, PHABSIM을 이용하여 환경생태유량을 산정하기 위해서는 지형, 수문 및 어류조사와 같은 현장조사를 지속적으로 실시해야한다는 한계점이 존재한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 안동댐 하류유역(4,565.7 km2)을 대상으로 SWAT(Soil and water assessment tool)과 PHABSIM을 연계하여 수문모형을 이용한 유량 모의에 따른 대상 어종의 환경생태유량을 산정하고자 한다. SWAT 구축을 위해 DEM과 토양도 및 토지이용자료와 유역 내 위치한 7개의 기상관측소에 대한 40년(1980~2019)의 기상자료를 수집하여 적용하였으며, SWAT의 검보정을 위해 유역내 위치한 2개의 다목적 댐(안동댐, 임하댐)의 실측 운영자료와 1개의 수위관측소의 유량자료를 수집하였다. PHABSIM의 경우, 안동댐 하류유역에 대한 하천정비기본계획 보고서에 기반하여 지형자료를 입력하였으며 문헌조사를 통해 대상어종의 서식적합도지수를 수집하여 적용하였다. 3개 지점에 대한 SWAT 검보정결과, 평균 R2, NSE 및 RMSE는 각각 0.51~0.76, 0.47~0.74, 0.61~1.84 mm/day로 나타났다. PHABSIM과의 연계를 위해 검보정된 SWAT의 하천유량에 대해 유황분석을 실시하였고, 산정한 Q10과 Q355를 유량의 최대·최소 범위로 설정하여 PHABSIM의 유량 경계조건으로 활용하였다. 이를 이용하여 SWAT과 PHABSIM의 연계모델링 적용성을 평가하고 대상어종의 환경생태유량을 산정할 예정이다.

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Evaluation of Ecological quality and establishment of ecological restoration guideline in landscape level of Mt. Moodeung National Park (무등산국립공원의 생태적 질 평가 및 복원 가이드라인 수립)

  • Lim, Chi Hong;Park, Yong Su;An, Ji Hong;Jung, Song Hie;Nam, Kyeong Bae;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.296-307
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    • 2016
  • Ecological restoration is an eco-technology, which heals the nature damaged by human activity by imitating organization and function of the integrate nature and thereby provide an inhabitable space for diverse organisms. Such an ecological restoration has to be carried out by applying restoration plan prepared based on the results of diagnostic evaluation discussed in the diversified respects. This study aims to prepare an ecological restoration plan of the damaged forest ecosystem in Mt. Moodeung National Park. To arrive at the goal, first of all, we diagnosed quality of forest landscape established in Mt. Moodeung National Park based on natural (topography, climate, and distribution of vegetation) and artificial (land use, linear landscape element) factors. In addition, we evaluated the integrity of each zone divided by linear landscape element quantitatively based on geometric property and land use intensity. As the result of analysis, topography of Mt. Moodeung National Park tended to be depended on weathering property of parent rock and vegetation zones were divided to three vegetation zones. Based on land use pattern, deciduous broad-leaved forest, evergreen needle-leaved forest, and mixed forest occupied about 90% of Mt. Moodeung National Park. Mean score of forest landscape quality was shown in $69.86{\pm}11.41$. As a result, forest landscape elements in Mt. Moodeung National Park were influenced greatly by human activity and the degree was depended on topographic condition. This study suggested the synthetic restoration plan to improve ecological quality of Mt. Moodeung National Park based on the results of diagnostic evaluation.

Establishment of Optimal Management Plans on Agricultural Groundwater Resources of the Yeosu County (여수시 농어촌지역 지하수자원 적정 관리방안)

  • Seo, Hyo Kyoung;Shin, Hyung Jin;Lee, Byung Sun;Lee, Gyu Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.282-282
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 여수시 농어촌지역에 대하여 지하수 함양특성, 개발가능량 산정 및 오염부하량 등의 조사를 통해서 체계적인 지하수자원의 보전관리(안)을 수립하기 위해 수행되었다. 연구지역은 여수시 화양면, 소라면 2개 면을 포함하는 농어촌 용수구역(여소지구)으로, 여소지구의 총면적은 130.68 ㎢이며, 이 중 임야면적은 81.57 ㎢, 경지면적은 32.98 ㎢ 이고, 경지면적은 논 15.37 ㎢, 밭 17.42 ㎢, 시설재배 0.19 ㎢로 구성되어 있다. 여소지구의 30년 강수평균은 1,454.08 mm/년이며, 지하수 함양량은 국가지하수관리 기본계획(국토교통부, 2019) 및 전라남도 지하수관리계획(전라남도, 2009) 보고서를 참고하여 평균값인 11.28%로 산정한 결과, 21,279 천㎥/년으로 분석되었다. 또한, 지하수연보(국토교통부, 2018)의 세부용도별 이용량을 활용하여 지하수 이용량을 산정한 결과, 2,638.35 천㎥/년이었으며, 강수량, 함양률 및 면적 값을 고려하여 지하수 개발가능량을 산정한 결과, 16,387.57 천㎥/년, 개발가능량 대비 이용량은 16.11%로 확인되었다. 여소지구의 질산성질소 항목은 총 181개소(경지면적 0.2 ㎢당 1점)에 대해 분석한 결과, 전체 평균값은 6.67 mg/L이었으며, 농업용수 수질기준(20 mg/L)을 초과한 관정은 8개소(6%)로 확인되었다. DRASTIC을 이용한 오염취약성 지수는 평균값이 119.57점으로 나타나 오염취약성이 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 신고·허가된 축사 시설을 기준으로 점오염원 조사결과, 단위면적당 시설수(오염원밀도)는 3.12 개소/㎢로 조사되었으며, 인구, 가축 및 토지이용 등 인자별을 고려하여 오염부하량을 산출한 결과, 단위면적당 오염부하량은 75.30 kg/day/㎢로 확인되었다. 행정구역별로 7가지 지표를 반영하여 관심, 주의, 경계 및 심각 4단계로 기준을 설정하여 지하수관리 필요지역을 선정하였다. 수량 측면은 개발가능량 대비 이용량, 단위면적당 이용량 및 관정밀 3가지 지표를 적용하였고, 수질 측면은 질산성질소 평균, 오염취약성 지수, 오염원밀도 및 단위면적당 오염부하량 4가지 지표를 적용하여 선정하였다. 지하수관리 필요지역을 분석한 결과, 전체 18개 리 중에서 14개 리에서 수량관리 12개리에서 수질관리 필요지역이 나타났다. 수량관리 필요지역은 지하수 취수량 조정 및 관리 확충 등의 대책방안이 마련되어야 하며, 수질관리 필요지역은 주변 오염원관리 및 수질검사 강화 등의 대책방안이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

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A Study on the Problem Analysis of Designation and Management of the Zone of Urban Nature Park (도시자연공원구역 지정 및 관리상의 문제점 분석)

  • Lee, Jeoung-Suk;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed with the purpose of providing basic data for the improvement of zoning regulations of urban nature park by analyzing the present problem which occurred during last 6 years from the year of 2005 when the program was introduced for the first time. The study was processed first by the analysis of the cases of problems evoked by citizens, second the other problems was delineated by interviews of officials, at last the validity of all of the problems was verified by a group of professionals through delphi method. The results can be summarized as follows. 1. In relation to the designation and management of urban national park areas, designation criteria, designation process, maintenance, laws and regulations and 20 other items were found to be problematic. After Delphi method, 5 items were removed and 2 added. The results showed that there were 17 problematic items in total. 2. Regarding the problem of criteria for designation, which are, lack of priority(weights), lack of objectivity due to the difficulty to use quantitative evaluation method, incompatibility for contaminated land environmental impact assessment, incompatibility of land suitability assessment, lack of detailed field survey standards, lack of national park area standards, and 6 other items. 3. Regarding the problem of designation process, which are, the occurrence of civil appeals for designating a new national park, the needs of feasibility study on the urban national park areas constructed before urban national park guidelines came out, lack of a comprehensive review of the boundaries set when determining national park area management plan, poor temporal and financial conditions for an accurate field survey, and 4 other items. 4. Regarding the problem of maintenance management, which are, lack of management system in each space, lack of effectiveness of Urban Nature Park Area Management Plan among master plans for park and green areas, the occurrence of dual managers due to dual natures such as purpose area and city park, lack of professional manpower to manage park areas, and 4 other items. 5. Regarding the problems of regulation guidelines, which are, lack of separate urban park area management plan, incompatibility of the permitted facilities in the park to the park area standards, lack of feasibility study on urban park areas, and 3 other items.

An Application of Satellite Image Analysis to Visualize the Effects of Urban Green Areas on Temperature (위성영상을 이용한 도시녹지의 기온저감 효과 분석)

  • Yoon, Min-Ho;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2009
  • Urbanization brings several changes to the natural environment. Its consequences can have a direct effect on climatic features, as in the Urban Heat Island Effect. One factor that directly affects the urban climate is the green area. In urban areas, vegetation is suppressed in order to accommodate manmade buildings and streets. In this paper we analyze the effect of green areas on the urban temperature in Seoul. The period selected for analysis was July 30th, 2007. The ground temperature was measured using Landsat TM satellite imagery. Land cover was calculated in terms of city area, water, bare soil, wet lands, grass lands, forest, and farmland. We extracted the surface temperature using the Linear Regression Model. Then, we did a regression analysis between air temperature at the Automatic Weather Station and surface temperature. Finally, we calculated the temperature decrease area and the population benefits from the green areas. Consequently, we determined that a green area with a radius of 500m will have a temperature reduction area of $67.33km^2$, in terms of urban area. This is 11.12% of Seoul's metropolitan area and 18.09% of the Seoul urban area. We can assume that about 1,892,000 people would be affected by this green area's temperature reduction. Also, we randomly chose 50 places to analysis a cross section of temperature reduction area. Temperature differences between the boundaries of green and urban areas are an average of $0.78^{\circ}C$. The highest temperature difference is $1.7^{\circ}C$, and the lowest temperature difference is $0.3^{\circ}C$. This study has demonstrated that we can understand how green areas truly affect air temperature.

A Study on the Historical Values of the Changes of Forest and the Major Old Big Trees in Gyeongbokgung Palace's Back Garden (경복궁 후원 수림의 변화과정 및 주요 노거수군의 역사적 가치규명)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2022
  • This paper examined the history and development of Gyeongbokgung Palace's back garden based on historical materials and drawings such as Joseon Ilgi(Diaries of Joseon Dynasty), Joseon Wangjo Sillok(the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), Doseongdaejido(the Great Map of Seoul), Bukgwoldohyeong(Drawing Plan of the Northern Palace), the Bukgung Palace Restoration Plan, Restoration Planning of Gyeongbokgung Palace and the following results were derived. First, it was confirmed that the Back Garden of Gyeongbokgung Palace was famous for its great location since the Goryeo Dynasty, and that it was named Namkyeong at that time and was a place where a shrine was built, and that castles and palaces were already built during the Goryeo Dynasty under the influence of Fengshui-Docham(風水圖讖) and Zhouli·Kaogongji(周禮考工記). Although the back garden of Gyeongbokgung Palace in the early Joseon Dynasty stayed out of the limelight as a back garden for the palace, it has a place value as a living space for the head of the state from King Gojong to the present. Second, in order to clearly identify the boundaries of back garden, through literature such as map of Doseongdo (Map of the Capital), La Coree, Gyeongmudae Area, Japanese Geography Custom Compendium, Korean Photo Album, JoseonGeonchukdoJip(The Illustration Book of Joseon Construction), Urban Planning Survey of Gyeongseong, it was confirmed that the current Blue House area outside Sinmumun Gate was built outside the precincts of Gyeongbokgung Palace. It was found that the area devastated through the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, was used as a space where public corporations were combined through the process of reconstruction during the King Gojong period. In Japanese colonial era, the place value as a back garden of the primary palace was damaged, as the palace buildings of the back garden was relocated or destroyed, but after liberation, it was used as the presidential residence and restored the place value of the ruler. Third, in the back garden of Gyeongbokgung Palace, spatial changes proceeded through the Japanese Invasion and Japanese colonial era. The place with the greatest geographical change was Gyeongnongjae area, where the residence of the Japanese Government-General of Korea was built, and there were frequent changes in the use of the land. On the other hand, the current Gyeongmudae area, the forests next to the small garden, and the forests of Baekak were preserved in the form of traditional forests. To clarify this, 1:1200 floor plan of inner Gyeongmudae residence and satellite images were overlapped based on Sinmumun Gate, and as a result, it was confirmed that the water path originating from Baekak still exists today and the forest area did not change. Fourth, in the areas where the traditional forest landscape was inherited, the functional changes in the topography were little, and major old-age colonies are maintained. The old trees identified in this area were indicator tree species with historical value. Representatively, Pinus densiflora for. multicaulis Uyeki, located in Nokjiwon Garden, is presumed to have been preserved as one of Pinus densiflora for. multicaulis Uyeki planted next to Yongmundang, and has a historicality that has been used as a photo zone at dinners for heads of state and important guests. Lastly, in order to continuously preserve and manage the value of Gyeongbokgung Palace in Blue House, it is urgent to clarify the space value through excavation of historical materials in Japanese colonial era and establish a hierarchy of garden archaeology by era. In addition, the basis for preserving the historical landscape from the Joseon Dynasty to the modern era from Gyeongbokgung Palace should not damage the area of the old giant trees, which has been perpetuated since the past, and a follow-up study is needed to investigate all the forests in Blue House.