• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지특성

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An Analysis on the Interrelationship between Land-use Characteristics and Damages caused by Natural Hazards (토지이용특성과 자연재해 피해액의 상관성 분석)

  • Shim, Jae-Heon;Kim, Ja-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4319-4325
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    • 2012
  • This study examines the effect of diverse land-use characteristics on the total sum of damages caused by natural hazards. The empirical results show that impermeable layer area, industrial land area, bare land area, stream area, and so on have a positive influence on damages, and that the area of levee has a strongly negative relationship with them. Therefore, this study strives to propose some efficient natural hazard mitigation ways in terms of land-use planning, based on our empirical findings.

A Study of the Price Determinants for Public Residential Land Investment - From the Perspective of Land and Market Factors - (택지지구 공동주택용지의 투자가격 결정요인에 관한 연구 - 토지특성 및 시장요인 관점에서 -)

  • Choi, Kiheon;Lee, Sangyoub
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2016
  • The price determinant for land investment depends on the internal information process and subjective decision making by management in general. Accordingly, the systematic frame to determine the feasibility of investment price to the public residential land for multi-housing development by private sector has not been proposed. The purpose of this study is to explore the frame to determine the investment price for public residential land from the perspectives of land attribute and apartment market factor. Multiple regression has been implemented to confirm the eligibility of proposed model. Research findings indicate that the land area, floor area ratio, coverage ratio, location have been identified as the total land cost determinant, and for the determinants for floor area land cost, the ratio of apartment, sale price, rent price, etc, have been identified. This research intends to provide the basis for land providers to predict the land value as a raw material in market and present the indicators for land buyers to review the price adequacy for the investment.

3D Surface Model Reconstruction of Aerial LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) Data Considering Land-cover Type and Topographical Characteristic (토지피복 및 지형특성을 고려한 항공라이다자료의 3차원 표면모형 복원)

  • Song, Chul-Chul;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Jeong, Hoe-Seong;Lee, Kwan-Kyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2008
  • Usually in South Korea, land cover type and topographic undulation are frequently changed even in a narrow area. However, most of researches using aerial LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) data in abroad had been acquired in the study areas to be changed infrequently. This research was performed to explore reconstruction methodologies of 3D surface models considering the distribution of land cover type and topographic undulation. Composed of variously undulatory forests, rocky river beds and man-made land cover such as streets, trees, buildings, parking lots and so on, an area was selected for the research. First of all, the area was divided into three zones based on land cover type and topographic undulation using its aerial ortho-photo. Then, aerial LIDAR data was clipped by each zone and different 3D modeling processes were applied to each clipped data before integration of each models and reconstruction of overall model. These kinds of processes might be effectively applied to landscape management, forest inventory and digital map composition. Besides, they would be useful to resolve less- or over-extracted problems caused by simple rectangle zoning when an usual data processing of aerial LIDAR.

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Relation of Groundwater Quality to Land Use on Ulsan Urban area (토지이용도별 울산지역 지하수의 수질특성)

  • Im, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2005
  • 216 groundwater samples for inorganic constituents and 168 samples for VOCs in the Ulsan urban ares and analyzed to relate groundwater chemistry to four land use zones, residence․commercial, industrial, agricultural, and forestry. In general, Na and Cl concentrations in groundwater were high in residence․commercial zone near Taehwa river due to residual saline. Although NO3 contents is high in agricultural zone and VOCs content is high in industrial zone, it seems difficult to relate groundwater pollution to land use zone. Even though groundwater pollution of the area is still low, continuous monitoring is necessary because the city is expanding.

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Developing Trip Generation Models Considering Land Use Characteristics (토지이용 특성을 반영한 통행발생모형 추정 연구)

  • Song, Jae-In;Na, Seung-Won;Choo, Sang-Ho
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.126-139
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    • 2011
  • In the traditional four-step travel demand models, each step is sequentially conducted following the model estimation at the previous step. The accuracy of the following model is partly dependent on whether the model at the former stage was properly established or not. Therefore, trip generation, which is the first step in this conventional model, has great effects on the modeling process and forecasting results. Linear regression models for trip generation of Seoul Metropolitan Area might increase the forcasting errors, since a variety of land-use characteristics are not considered. Hence, in this study, zonal factors such as socioeconomic and land use variables are included to improve the elaboration of trip generation. Comparing the %RMSE with the existing models, which contain bigger errors in the zones highly based on the secondary and tertiary industries than residence-based, the trip generation models including those variables seem more appropriate overall.

Estimation of Flow Loads for Landcover Using HyGIS-SWAT (HyGIS-SWAT을 이용한 토지피복도에 따른 유출부하 평가)

  • Kim, Joo-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 2011
  • This study estimates the characteristics of flow loads by classification items of the Ministry of Environment and by land cover change using HyGIS-SWAT. The result of analyzing the land cover change using the classification items shows that the urban area and the farmland area in Mishim-cheon and Gap-cheon are expanding while the forest area is decreasing. The result of analyzing the characteristics of classification items shows that peak discharge increases and total yearly discharge decreases in Mushim-cheon. The result of analyzing the characteristics by data-construction period shows that peak discharge decreases but total discharge increases in Gap-cheon. Three land cover change scenarios are applicable to the expansion of urban area and farmland area. According to the result of application, urbanization influences and Farmland area expansion influences increase peak discharge, total yearly discharge and sediment concentration.

Multi-dimensional Development Type and Plan for Railway Facility Site - Focus on the Gyeongbu Line Railway Multi-Dimensional Project in Busan (철도시설 부지 입체개발 유형 및 개발 방안 - 경부선 철도 입체화 사업을 대상으로 -)

  • Keum, Yun Jeon ;Kim, Jong Gu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2023
  • Due to the topographical characteristics of Busan, which has many mountainous areas, there is a shortage of available land, and even the Gyeongbu Line railroad crosses the city center, hindering the disconnection of living areas and urban development. Accordingly, the need for multi-dimensional development has been raised to secure land, and recently, interest has been increasing in connecting cities divided by the undergroundization of the Gyeongbu Line railway and making efficient use of land. In this study, the development type was analyzed through the case of multi-dimensional development of land, and the development direction for each three-dimensional development type was set based on the results of the multi-dimensional development of four areas (Sasang Station, Gupo Station, Gaya Station, and Busanjin Station). In addition, reflecting the regional characteristics of the target area and the ongoing urban regeneration project, we will propose a design plan for horizontal and vertical space utilization of the railway site through multi-dimensional development through the efficient land use.

Relationship Analysis of Urban land Cover with Temperature Distribution using remotely Sensed Data (원격탐사자료를 이용한 도시지역 토지피복과 열 분포 상관성 분석)

  • 조명희;이광재;김운수;전병운
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2001
  • 오늘날 원격탐사와 GIS를 이용한 시·공간적 분석은 인간활동에서부터 자연환경에 이르기까지 다양한 정보를 추출하기 위한 기법으로 자주 사용되고 있다. 본 연구는 위성원격 탐사자료와 GIS를 활용하여 시기별 도시지역에서의 열 분포 특성을 추출하여 토지피복과의 상관관계를 시·공간적으로 해석하였다. 이를 위하여 세 시기간 도시 열 분포의 특성을 도시성장과 함께 해석함과 동시에 보다 명확 하게 규명하기 위하여 Landsat TM band 6의 DN value를 이용한 지표온도 추출에 있어서 NASA 모델을 활용하여 대구시 주변지역 8개 지점의 AWS 실측 값과 서로 상관 분석한 결 과 평균 0.85의 상관정도를 얻었다. 또한 토지피복분류를 통하여 도시성장에 따른 열 분포 및 식생지수의 변화를 시·공간적으로 해석하기 위하여 1,000지점에서 sample 자료를 추출 하여 지형특성별 열 분포의 패턴을 분석하였다. 이와 같은 결과는 향후 도시환경 특성을 고 려한 환경 친화적인 도시계획수립에 있어서 중요한 인자로 작용할 것으로 사료된다.

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Land Use Changes around Urban Railway Stations in Integrated Urban-Rural Cities: A Case Study of the Gyeonggang Line Stations in Gwangju City, Gyeonggi Province (도농복합도시 도시철도 역세권의 토지이용 변화특성에 관한 연구: 경기도 광주시 경강선 역세권을 중심으로)

  • Jong-Bum Shin;Chan-Ho Kim;Chang-Soo Lee
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of land use changes around urban railway stations in peri-urban mixed-use cities. The research focused on four station areas along the Gyeonggang Line in Gwangju City, Gyeonggi Province, categorized into three phases based on their opening dates to analyze land use changes. The analysis method utilized building permit registry data from 2012 to 2020 within a 1 km radius of each station, at 250-meter intervals, examining temporal, spatial, and functional distributions. Statistical analysis employed SPSS for weighted cross-tabulation to explore differences in building permits and concentration levels among various building types. The findings revealed: firstly, peri-urban mixed-use city station areas exhibited the highest number of building permits at the time of opening; secondly, significant land use changes were observed within the 500-meter radius from the station; thirdly, residential buildings dominated, reflecting a trend towards housing supply-oriented land use changes; fourthly, cross-tabulation indicated significant differences in building permits across time, distance, and type (p < 0.01). Lastly, the concentration analysis revealed that residential buildings were distributed most evenly, while buildings for educational, social, and agricultural and fisheries purposes were distributed unevenly.

Evaluation of Landscape Ecology Indices of Gap Stream Basin on Impervious Cover Changes (갑천 유역의 불투수율 변화에 따른 경관 생태학적 지표의 평가)

  • Choi, Jin-Young;Kang, Moon-Seong;Bae, Seung-Jong;Chung, Se-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.1263-1268
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    • 2010
  • 불투수면 비율은 유역의 건전성을 나타내는 중요한 지표로서 도시화에 따른 도시유출의 특성을 추적하는 모델에서 널리 이용되어 왔고, 기존의 많은 연구를 통해서 수환경과의 밀접한 관계가 검증되었다. 불투수율은 비교적 쉽고 빠르게 측정할 수 있으며 유역계획에서 여러 가지 대안 적용이 가능하다는 점에서 유용한 지표로 이용되고 있다. 오늘날 토지이용변화로 인해 발생하는 유역생태계 변화 분석 등은 시, 공간적 제약으로 인해 명확하게 이루어지지 못하고 있어 인간활동에 의한 토지이용의 파편화(Fragmentation)가 어느 정도 발생하고 있는가를 파악하고, 이를 토대로 파편화에 따른 영향을 최소화하거나 사전에 예방하는 것이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 경관분석 프로그램인 FRAGSTATS의 적용을 위한 경관요소로서 토지피복을 선정하여, 불투수면을 나타내는 시가화지역과 투수면을 나타내는 산림지역을 대상으로 1) 갑천 유역의 토지피복 변화에 따른 경관구조, 변화 양상을 분석하고, 2) 갑천 유역 내 6개 단위유역별로도 경관 생태학적 지표를 선정하여 이를 평가하였다.

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