• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토지특성

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Assessment of Pollutant Loads from Alpine Agricultural Practices in Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 수계 고령지 밭의 비점오염 물질 유출 특성 조사 및 단위 유출량 산정)

  • Joo, Jin-Ho;Yang, Jae-E.;Ok, Yong-Sik;Oh, Sang-Eun;Yoo, Kyung-Yeol;Yang, Su-Chan;Jung, Yeong-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 2007
  • To assess pollutant loads in Nakdong river from highland agriculture in Kyungbuk province we. analyzed water qualities such as BOD, COD, T-N, T-P and SS in year 2005. BOD values in rainy period (June and July) were relatively higher than those in dry period, and those in 4 sites among 17 sites ranged from 10.71-19.25 mg/L which exceeded water criteria (8 mg/L) for agricultural use. COD values showed similar trends like BOD values. These trends might be caused by outflow of nutrients applied in agricultural lands. T-N content ranged from 0.1 to 14 mg/L. Those in lower reaches of stream were greater in those in upper stream. Compared to T-N contents during non-farming season, T-N content in farming season were higher. These phenomenon could be due to continuous input of nutrients from small watercourses. Averaged T-P content in lower stream during farming season was 0.4 mg/L, which was eight times higher than the limiting level for algae occurrence (0.05 mg/L). BOD, T-P, T-N loads from alpine agricultural practices were 12.25 $kg/km^2{\cdot}day$, 0.55 $kg/km^2{\cdot}day$ and 32.35 $kg/km^2{\cdot}day$, respectively. These values were greater than those from forestry. Therefore, Best management Practices (BMP) for alpine agricultural field are needed to reduce pollutant loads in Nakdong river.

Measures to Implements the Landscape Conservation and Management Urban Heritage Utilizing Public Goods: Focused on the Historic Sites of Seoul (공공재를 활용한 도시유산의 경관 보전 및 관리개선방안 - 서울시 사적을 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Young-Suk;Jung, Ki-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.98-114
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    • 2016
  • The this study aimed to expand urban heritage using Public Goods and to suggest the assemblage of urban heritage and urban spaces in order to improve landscape conservation and management scheme of urban heritage exposed to a rapidly changing urban environment. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows: First, in order to improve understanding of the heritage in urban spaces, urban heritage were illustrated on a 1:1000 map with all the public facilities surrounding it using a cultural heritage conservation map listed on the Cultural Heritage Administration's web site, standards for changing present condition, and a topographic map. Second, the status and changes of urban heritage and surroundings were analyzed using the minutes of Historical Cultural Heritage Division Committee for 10 years from 2005 to 2014 to create a status map of urban heritage. Land uses surrounding the urban heritage were investigated the areas of conservation potential and the places that can enhance the to find out values of urban heritage. Also, a profile was created to examine the site characteristics surrounding urban heritage, and photos were taken at important heritage areas and public facilities in order to record the field. Third, analyzed were the relationship of the distance, location, function, and distribution between urban heritage and public facilities surrounding the heritage. using visual features and moving routes in order to identify their impacts on urban heritage and their functions as potential resources. In addition, the role of Public Goods in urban spaces and the plan for revitalizing surrounding areas asset were examined. Fourth, selections were made on Public Goods that have direct or indirect effects on urban heritage. The role of public asset was investigated through visual, areal, and linear elements. The results were summarized to suggest improvement landscape and management mauser on of urban heritage.

A Study on Seasonal Variation of Water Content under Highway Asphalt Pavements Using Neutron Moisture Meter (중성자 수분측정기를 이용한 고속도로 포장의 계절별 함수량 변화 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Song Kwan-Cheol;Lee Sang-Mo;Yoo Sun-Ho;Ryu Kwan-Sik;Park Moo-Eon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.156-166
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to provide the information on seasonal variations of water content under highway asphalt pavements which influence on the dynamic behaviour and durability of pavements, and to assess the correlation between water content and soil or meteorological factors. Total eight sites for water content measurement which included fives sites in Kyungbu, two sites in Honam, and one site in Youngdong Highway were selected considering the variations in geology, topology and meteorology factors over all the country. Water contents under asphalt pavements were measured up to 170 cm depth every two week for total 13 months of August 1992 through September 1993 using neutron moisture meter(CPN-503DR). The range of water content ($\theta$$_{w}$) at the upper soils of above 50 cm depth was 7~12% and was not quite different regardless of sites, except for Iseo site. However, soil water contents below 60 or 70 cm depth were significantly different between the measurement sites, that is, the lowest water content was 5% at Kyungsan site and the highest water content was 20% at Iseo site. For all the sites, seasonal variations in water content during the experimental period were little, their range was within only 1 to 4%. Seasonal variations of water content in original or cutting area, which were 4% more or less, were slightly larger than in bedding areas, which were below 2%. Water contents under asphalt pavements had statistically significant positive correlations with silt and clay content in soil, but there were little correlations between water content and meteorological factors such as precipitation, relative humidity, mean air temperature, and wind velocity.

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Study on the Selecting of Suitable Sites for Integrated Riparian Eco-belts Connecting Dam Floodplains and Riparian Zone - Case Study of Daecheong Reservoir in Geum-river Basin - (댐 홍수터와 수변구역을 연계한 통합형 수변생태벨트 적지 선정방안 연구 - 금강 수계 대청호 사례 연구 -)

  • Bahn, Gwonsoo;Cho, Myeonghyeon;Kang, Jeonkyeong;Kim, Leehyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.327-341
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    • 2021
  • The riparian eco-belt is an efficient technique that can reduce non-point pollution sources in the basin and improve ecological connectivity and health. In Korea, a legal system for the construction and management of riparian eco-belts is in operation. However, it is currently excluded that rivers and floodplains in dam reservoir that are advantageous for buffer functions such as control of non-point pollutants and ecological habitats. Accordingly, this study presented and analyzed a plan to select a site for an integrated riparian ecol-belt that comprehensively evaluates the water quality and ecosystem characteristics of each dam floodplain and riparian zone for the Daecheong Dam basin in Geum River watershed. First, the Daecheong Dam basin was divided into 138 sub-basin with GIS, and the riparian zone adjacent to the dam floodplain was analyzed. Sixteen evaluation factors related to the ecosystem and water quality impact that affect the selection of integrated riparian eco-belt were decided, and weights for the importance of each factor were set through AHP analysis. The priority of site suitability was derived by conducting an integrated evaluation by applying weights to sub-basin by floodplains and riparian zone factors. In order to determine whether the sites derived through GIS site analysis are sutiable for actual implementation, five sites were inspected according to three factors: land use, pollution sources, and ecological connectivity. As a result, it was confirmed that all sites were appropriate to apply integrated riparian ecol-belt. It is judged that the riparian eco-belt site analysis technique proposed through this study can be applied as a useful tool when establishing an integrated riparian zone management policy in the future. However, it might be necessary to experiment various evaluation factors and weights for each item according to the characteristics and issues of each dam. Additional research need to be conducted on elaborated conservation and restoration strategies considering the Green-Blue Network aspect, evaluation of ecosystem services, and interconnection between related laws and policy and its improvements.

Management Guidelines and the Structure of Vegetation in Natural Monuments Koelreuteria Paniculata Community (천연기념물 모감주나무군락의 식생구조와 관리제언)

  • Shin, Byung Chul;Lee, Won Ho;Kim, Hyo Jeong;Hong, Jeum Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.100-117
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed vegetation structure of natural monuments Koelreuteria paniculata community in search of a conservation and management plan. Plant sociological analysis of Koelreuteria paniculata community indicates that it can be classified into Achyranthes japonica subcommunity and Rhodotypos scandens subcommunity and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium subcommunity. While Koelreuteria paniculata community of Ahnmyeondo is composed of sub tree layer and herb layer, those of Pohang and Wando are composed of tree layer, Sub tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer. The results of tree vitality analysis showed that those in Ahnmyeondo appeared to be relatively low when compared to those in Pohang and Wando-gun. This can be understood in two different aspects: disease and insects vulnerability due to a relatively simple structure and lack of competitive species, and decreased vitality / natural branch losses due to crown competition arising from high density. The result of soil characteristics analysis showed that soil texture, soil pH, organic matter, $p_2O_5$, exchange positive ion were sufficient for tree growth while total nitrogen was not, so that discretion would be needed for fertilizer application. As there were damages of disease and inscet, but only for 10~15% of the entire area; it still requires consistent preconsideration. The study suggests the management methods for preservation of Koelreuteria paniculata community. First, securing designated areas is necessary in order to minimize environment deterioration due to surrounding development. Especially, for sections with decreased areas, expansion of designated areas through land purchase should also be considered. Second, artificial interference may affect the livestock. Therefore, monitoring of artificial interference is necessary, based on which protection projects must be conducted. Third, from analysis of young plants which influence the maintenance mechanisms of Koelreuteria paniculata community, a decrease compared to the prior year was observed; investigation is needed. Therefore, an active management policy through status examination of livestock such as germination and young plants is necessary.

Potential Habitat Area Based on Natural Environment Survey Time Series Data for Conservation of Otter (Lutra lutra) - Case Study for Gangwon-do - (수달의 보전을 위한 전국자연환경조사 시계열 자료 기반 잠재 서식적합지역 분석 - 강원도를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Ho Gul;Mo, Yongwon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.24-36
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    • 2021
  • Countries around the world, including the Republic of Korea, are participating in efforts to preserve biodiversity. Concerning species, in particular, studies that aim to find potential habitats and establish conservation plans by conducting habitat suitability analysis for specific species are actively ongoing. However, few studies on mid- to long-term changes in suitable habitat areas are based on accumulated information. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the time-series changes in the habitat suitable area and examine the otters' changing pattern (Lutra lutra) designated as Level 1 endangered wildlife in Gangwon-do. The time-series change analysis used the data on otter species' presence points from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th national natural environment surveys conducted for about 20 years. Moreover, it utilized the land cover map consistent with the survey period to create environmental variables to reflect each survey period's habitat environment. The suitable habitat area analysis used the MaxEnt model that can run based only on the species presence information, and it has been proven to be reliable by previous studies. The study derived the habitat suitability map for otters in each survey period, and it showed a tendency that habitats were distributed around rivers. Comparing the response curves of the environmental variables derived from the modeling identified the characteristics of the habitat favored by otters. The examination of habitats' change by survey period showed that the habitats based on the 2nd National Natural Environment Survey had the widest distribution. The habitats of the 3rd and 4th surveys showed a tendency of decrease in area. Moreover, the study aggregated the analysis results of the three survey periods and analyzed and categorized the habitat's changing pattern. The type of change proposed different conservation plans, such as field surveys, monitoring, protected area establishment, and restoration plan. This study is significant because it produced a comprehensive analysis map that showed the time-series changes of the location and area of the otter habitat and proposed a conservation plan that is necessary according to the type of habitat change by region. We believe that the method proposed in this study and its results can be used as reference data for establishing a habitat conservation and management plan in the future.

A study on spatial onset characteristics of flash drought based on GLDAS evaporative stress in the Korean Peninsula (GLDAS 증발 스트레스 기반 한반도 돌발가뭄의 공간적 발생 특성 연구)

  • Kang, Minsun;Jeong, Jaehwan;Lee, Seulchan;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.10
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    • pp.631-639
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    • 2023
  • Flash drought (FD), characterized by the rapid onset and intensification, can significantly impact ecosystems and induce immediate water stress. A more comprehensive understanding of the causes and characteristics of FD events is required to enhance drought monitoring. Therefore, we investigated the FD events took place over the Korean peninsula using Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data from 2012 to 2022. We first detected FD events using the stress-based method (Standardized Evaporative Stress Ratio, SESR), and analyzed the frequency and duration of FDs. The FD events were classified into three cases based on the variations in Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) and potential Evapotranspiration (PET), and spatially analyzed. Results revealed that there are regional disparities in frequency and duration of FDs, with a mean frequency of 6.4 and duration of 31 days. When classified into Case 1 (normal condition), Case 2 (AET-driven), and Case 3 (PET-driven), we found that Case 2 FDs emerged approximately 1.5 times more frequently than those driven by PET (Case 3) across the Korean peninsula. Case 2 FDs were found to be induced under water-limited conditions, and led both AET and PET to be decreased. Conversely, Case 3 FDs occurred under energy-limited conditions, with increase in both. Case 2 FDs predominantly affected the northwestern and central-southern agricultural regions, while Case 3 occurred in the eastern region, characterized by forested land cover. These findings offers insights into our understanding of FDs over the Korean peninsula, considering climate factors, land cover, and water availability.

Changes of Physical Properties of Soils by Organic Material application (유기성 물질 시용에 따른 농경지 토양물리성 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Lee-Yul;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Han, Kyung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.304-314
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organic materials (compost, straw, green manure, pig manure, seed production oil cake, and industrial by products including municipal sewage sludge, industrial sewage sludge, leather processing sludge, and alcohol fermentation processing sludge) on physical properties of soils in seven paddy and four upland fields with differential soil textures, sandy loam, loam, or clay loam, etc. The investigated physical parameters were bulk density (BD), air permeability (AP), macroporosity, hardness, shear resistance, frictional resistance, water stability aggregate (WSA), and Middleton's dispersion ratio. Except for coarse sandy loam field with weak structure, a decrease in BD and shear resistance, and an increase in macroporosity and AP in plots with applying organic materials compared to plots without applying organic materials appeared. In upland fields, the positive effect of organic materials on WSA, BD, and air permeability was higher than in paddy fields. The combined plot of NPK and compost had lower BD, hardness, and shear resistance, and higher macroporosity and WSA than plot with compost. Green manure had higher positive effect on physical properties of soils compared to other organic materials and the extent of positive effect had no significant correlation with soil organic matter content. Of industrial byproducts applied in coarse sandy loam soil under upland condition, municipal sewage sludge and pig manure compost had higher effect on increase of WSA than leather processing sludge and alcohol fermentation processing sludge. Unlike WSA, there were no significant differences between industrial byproduct types in other physical properties. in silty clay loam soil under the upland condition, straw had more positive effect on soil physical parameters than hairy vetch and pig manure. Therefore, different organic materials had differently active effect on physical parameters depending on types of soil and land use. Especially, it could be thought that well-decomposed organic materials have the advantage of an increase in organic matter content, while coarse organic materials of an increase in WSA.

A Study on the Current Rotation System of Hunting Ground (현행(現行) 순환수렵장(循環狩獵場) 제도(制度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Byun, Woo Hyuk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.74 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 1986
  • During the past 4 years, I have made a careful analysis of the present rotating system of hunting areas, on the one hand, by asking a group of hunters to fill out a questionnaire, and on the other hand, by referring to the written documents on the subject. And, as a result, it is concluded that this system, by varying the hunting grounds each year, contains in itself several problems as follows. 1. The hunters find it quite inconvenient to use a different hunting ground year after year and they also complain that the present hunting ground charge is more than it is worth. Therefore, it is expected that the number of hunters will explosively increase in the future with the betterment of hunting conditions. 2. The hunters have almost no information about game and they are, as a whole, lacking in the ethics of hunting. 3. The allotment of time in hunting training courses is not so sufficient that it is next to impossible to improve the quality of hunters. 4. As a rule, the population density of wildlife is so sparse that it falls short of the proper standard of it. 5. The present hunting system does not seem to contribute to the advancement of tourism. 6. It is absolutely necessary to make a general survey of the situation of wildlife for the legal protection of it. Besides, the interests of hunters are so closely tied up with those of farmers and foresters that dreastic measures should be taken to settle their conflicting differences. For the purpose of solving the above-mentioned problems and at the same time, of developing sound hunting practices in the long run, I hereby make two suggestions. 1. The Establishment of the Hunting License Test System It is desirable to issue a license to a prospective hunter after he has met a special qualification and then passed a test so that he may have bits of information needed for his hunting activities. 2. The Introduction of The Revier System The fundamental concept of this system is based on the assumption that the private landowner should reserve a right to the pursuit of game and take responsibility for wildlife management.

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A Study on the Road Safety Analysis Model: Focused on National Highway Areas in Cheonbuk Province (도로 안전성 분석 모형에 관한 연구: 전라북도 국도 권역을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Joonbeom;Kim, Joon-Ki;Lee, Soobeom;Kim, Hyunjin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.583-595
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    • 2014
  • Currently, Korean transportation policies are aiming for increase of safety and environment-friendly and efficient operation, by avoiding construction and expansion of roads, and upgrading road alignments and facilities. This is revealed by that there have been 22 road expansion projects (30%) and 50 road improvement projects (70%) under the 3rd Five-Year Plan for National Highways ('11~'15), while there were 53 road expansion projects (71%) and 22 road improvement projects (29%) under the 2nd Five-Year Plan for National Highways. For more effective road improvement projects, there is a need of choosing projects after an objective and scientific safety assessment of each road, and assessing safety improvement depending on projects. This study is intended to develop a model for this road safety analysis and assessment. The major objective of this study is creating a road safety analysis and assessment model appropriate for Korean society, based on the HSM (Highway Safety Manual) of the U.S. In order to build up data for model development, the sections thought to have identical geometrical structure factors in 5 lines, Cheonbuk province, were divided as homogeneous sections, and representative values of geometric structures, facilities, traffic volume, climate conditions and land usage were collected from the 1,452 sections divided. In order to build up data for model development, the sections thought to have identical geometrical structure factors in 5 lines, Cheonbuk province, were divided as homogeneous sections, and representative values of geometric structures, facilities, traffic volume, climate conditions and land usage were collected from the 1,452 sections divided. The collected data was processed correlation analysis of each road element was implemented to see which factor had a big effect on traffic accidents. On the basis of these results, then, an accident model was established as a negative binomial regression model.Using the developed model, an Crash Modification Factor (CMF) which determines accident frequency changes depending on safety performance function (SPF) predicting the number of accident occurrence through traffic volume and road section expansion, road geometric structure and traffic properties, was extracted.