• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탄수화물(炭水化物)

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Quality characteristics of seasoning/mix using salted-fermented shrimp powder (새우젓 분말을 이용한 seasoning/mix의 품질특성)

  • Shin, Seung-Mee;Kim, Ae-Jung;Joung, Kyung-Hee;Cho, Jae-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.907-910
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    • 2011
  • 현대인의 식생활에서 편리성, 기능성, 다양성을 부여할 수 있는 신제품 개발로 기능성 소재를 첨가한 새우젓 분말 seasoning/mix를 제조하였다. 일반성분 중 조단백과 조지방 함량은 새우젓분말이 높게 나타났고, 탄수화물은 SFM-3이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 무기질 중 칼슘, 철분, 인의 함량은 다른 첨가군에 비해 새우젓분말이 높은 것으로 분석되었으며, 나트륨 함량은 새우젓 분말이 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 색도에 있어서 L값은 표고버섯 첨가군이 어두워지는 경향을 보였으며, a값은 뽕잎분말 첨가군이 높게 나타났다. b값은 백년초가루 첨가군이 높은 값으로 나타났으며 대장균은 음성으로 검출되지 않았다.

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Interaction of Oxygen and Chlorine Dioxide in Pulp Bleaching (II) - Studies on the Degradation of Carbohydrates - (펄프 표백시 산소와 이산화염소의 상호작용 (제2보) - 탄수화물의 분해에 관한 연구 -)

  • 윤병호;김세종;최경화;김영훈
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2004
  • ECF and TCF bleaching methods are favored in bleaching plants over the world due to the increasing environment constraints. However, interaction of main stages(D and O stage) in ECF bleaching have not been understood completely yet. The degradation of holocellulose as a carbohydrate model compound was investigated by SEC(size exclusive chromatography) to estimate the change of its molecular weight distribution after O and D stage combination treatment. The molecular weight distribution of holocellulose was observed in two divisions(higher and lower molecular portions). It was also shown that DO sequence was more effective than OD, and DOD or ODO was more effective than DO. D stage had a little effect on the degradation of holocellulose, while the degradation of holocellulose increased as the time of the first O stage increased.

Flavonoid Glycosides from Needles of Taxus cuspidata(Taxaceae) (주목 잎의 후라보노이드 배당체)

  • Ham, Yeon-Ho;Park, Wan-Geun;Han, Sang-Sup;Bae, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 1997
  • 주목 잎을 채취하여 건조하고 아세톤-물 (7 : 3, v/v) 의 혼합액으로 추출한 후 에틸아세테이트 및 수용성 부분으로 분리하고 Sephadex-LH 20으로 충진한 칼럼을 이용하여 2개의 flavan 단량체와 2개의 후라보노이드 배당체를 단리하였다. 에틸아세테이트용성 추출물은 대부분 (+)-catechin 과 (-)-epicatechin으로 구성되어 있었으며 수용성 부분에서는 quercetin-3-0-arabinopyranosyl-($1"'{\rightarrow}6"$)-${\beta}$-D-glucoside와 quercetin-3-O-rutinoside 인 두 개의 탄수화물로 구성된 배당체를 분리하였으며 주목에서는 이들 화합물은 아직 보고된 바가 없다. 이들의 구조결정을 위하여 박층크로마토그래피를 실시하고 $^1H$-NMR과 $^{13}C$-NMR 스펙트럼을 기존의 스펙트럼과 비교, 분석하여 정확한 구조를 규명하였다.

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Inhibition of carbohydrate digestion using egg yolk antibody (난황 항체를 이용한 탄수화물의 체내 소화흡수 저해)

  • 홍성길;김대원;김정원;이홍석
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2002
  • The dietary carbohydrates are mainly digested and adsorbed at small intestine. We developed a new food additive as an egg yolk antibody(1gY) against maltase, sucrase and sodium dependent g1ucose cotransporter(SGLT) for the regulation of blood glucose level and weight control. The maltase, sucrase and SGLT were purified from porcine small intestine which is very similar to that of human in physiological characteristics. The purification step contained an ultracentrifugation, ion exchange chromatography and hydrophobic chromatography. The hens were immunized by purified protein and the IgY activities against immunized antigens were determined. This antibody obtained from the immunized hen's egg yolks directly inhibited the activities of maltase and sucrase in vitro. And the IgY delayed and decreased the increment of blood g1ucose level after administration of maltose, sucrose and glucose in rat about 30 to 60%. The results of this study suggest that the IgY inhibiting the carbohydrate digestion could be used as functional food materials for weight control and regulation of blood glucose level in diabetes.

건강컬럼 - 병 안 걸리는 식사법 '현미밥채식' _'현미'는 당뇨병 치료에 큰 효과가 있다

  • Hwang, Seong-Su
    • The Monthly Diabetes
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    • s.256
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    • pp.56-57
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    • 2011
  • 당뇨병은 혈당이 높은 상태를 말한다. 단순하게 생각하면 혈당을 내리기 위해서는 혈당의 원료가 될 수 있는 성분을 적게 섭취하면 도움이 될 것 같기도 하다. 그런 이유 때문에 당뇨병환자의 식이요법 원칙에는 밥을 적게 먹는 대신 단백질이 많이 든 동물성 식품을 더 먹어야 한다고 되어 있다. 그러나 이 같은 원칙대로 식이요법을 실시해 본 환자들은 이구동성으로 혈당 조절이 대단히 어렵다는 얘기를 한다. 필자는 당뇨병이 있으면서 뇌혈관병이 겹쳐 발생한 환자들을 많이 치료하면서 현미밥이 혈당 조절에 매우 탁월한 효과가 있음을 알게 되었다. 현미에는 탄수화물이 칼로리 비율로 85.7%나 될 정도로 대단히 많이 들어 있어서 얼핏 생각하면 당뇨병에 좋지 않는 영향을 미칠 것이라고 생각할 수 있다. 하지만 전혀 딴판이다. 지금까지 현미가 당뇨병에 좋은 몇 가지 이유를 살펴보기로 하자.

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Serum glucose and lipid profiles according to dietary carbohydrate and lipid intake ratio in NIDDM patients (인슐린 비의존성 당뇨환자의 탄수화물과 지질섭취비율이 혈당과 지질성상에 미치는 영향)

  • 조우균
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 1998
  • This study aimed at the effect on serum glucose and lipid profiles according to carbohydrate / lipid intake ratio in Korean 191 NIDDM patients. Most of NIDDM patients belong to under 50-64 years. As carbohydrate intake level increased, lipid intake level decreased. The group of higher carbohydrate / lipid intake ratio shows significantly high in fasting glucose level and postprandial glucose in NIDDM patients. The higher carbohydrate / lipid intake ratio the higher dietary linoleic and $\omega$-3 fatty acid level but not in dietary $\omega$3/$\omega$6 ratio. Serum HDL decrease inhigher carbohydrate lipid intake ratio group. Serum total lipid and PUFA level decrease according to ditary total lipid intake decrease in men but not significantly different.

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Hydrogen Evolution by Photosynthetic Bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides KS56 (광합성 세균 Rhodobacter sphaeroidea KS56에 의한 수소 생성)

  • 이은숙;권애란
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.325-329
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    • 1997
  • The optimum temperature and pH for growth and hydrogen evolution of the organism were observed at 30-35$^{\circ}C$, and around pH 7.0, respectively. The efficiency of various sugars and organic acids on hydrogen evolution as electron donors by the organism was examined. Among them, higher rates of hydrogen evolution were observed with sugars such as glucose or fructose and organic acids such as alate or pyruvate. From the result, it was evident that Rhodobacter sphaeroides KS56 had a great capacity of utilizing various kinds of reduced carbon compounds as electron donors.

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Effects of Some Carbohydrates and Ammonium Sulfate on Lignin Degradation by Pseudomonas diminuta (탄수화물과 황산암모늄이 Pseudomonas diminuta의 리그닌 분해에 미치는 영향)

  • 김규중;신광수;맹진수;성치남
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1988
  • To investigate the influence of cosubstrate supplement and ammonium sulfate on lignin degradation by Pseudomonas diminuta KM-4-2, isolated in the laboratory, the strain was cultured on the lignin media which contained lignin as a source of carbon and the culture filtrate was analyzed by Sephadex G-75 column chromatography. It was found that polymerization was not appeared unlike wood-rot fungi. When the carbohydrates were added, the peak of lignin at 280nm by UV scanning spectra of the filtrate, was significantly increased. In order to determine the effect of ammonium sulfate on the ligninolytic activity, the isolated strain was incubated in the media containing 0.1%, 0.25% and 0.5% of nitrogen concentration in the Warburg flask and the rate of oxygen uptake was esitmated by Warbuge Respirometer. As a result, the activity was maximum at 0.1% of nitrogen concentration and thereafter decreased in parallel with nitrogen concentration.

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방사광 가속기요 초고진공 재료의 화학세정

  • 권혁채;홍만수;박종도;김경렬;정진화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.41-41
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    • 2001
  • 포항가속기의 초고진공 세정기술은 초고진공 영역에서의 기체방출을 최소화하기 위한 것으로 발생한 오염원을 추적하여 큰 오염원 부터 시작하여 단계적으로 진행해 미세한 오염원 을 제거해 나가는 방법을 적용하고 있다. 이러한 극청정한 진공표면을 얻기 위해서는 표면과 오염물질 사이의 결합에너지를 극복해야 한다. 오염물 제거 방법으로는 물리.전기.화학적인 방법을 모두 적용하며 그리스 및 절삭유를 비롯해 흡착된 탄화수소와 불순물 성분 또는 산소나 황과 같은 반응성 원소와의 화합물 등을 효과적으로 제거한다. 또한, 세정 과정 에서 생성될 수 있는 수소, 불규칙한 산화물, 질화물, 염화물, 그리고 탄수화물을 최소화하여 초고진공 영역에 도달할 수 있는 방법을 제공한다. 본 논문에서는 포항가속기 연구소의 초고진공 환경을 확보하기 위한 화학세정 설비 및 응용기술, 주요 진공 구성재료의 표면 분석 결과를 소개하고자 한다.

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Self-Selection of Carbohydrate to Protein Ratio for Different Feeding Periods a Day by Rats. (하루중 사료공급기간이 흰쥐의 탄수화물과 단백질의 선택적 섭취비율에 미치는 영향)

  • 조재현
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 1989
  • Growing male rats were allowed to have food from two dishes containing isocaloric, isoprotein 15% or 70% carbohydrate diet for 4, 8, 12 or 24 hours a day at the beginning of the dark period. Four hours of feeding were not enough to grow though the first 4 hours of intake were significantly higher than other periods. 4-hour and 8-hour feeding groups consumed significantly less carbohydrate calorie than 12-hour and ad libitum feeding groups, which hence, showed lower ratio of carbohydrate to protein in the total food consumed. The fasting brain tryptophan and serotonin levels among groups were not significantly different. It appears therefore that the manipulation of the feeding period could be valuable in suppression of carbohydrate appetitie, especially carbohydrate carving.

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