• Title/Summary/Keyword: 치과 임플란트 산업

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Problems of Metallic Dental Instruments for Dental Use (치과에서 사용되는 금속치과기구의 임상적용시 문제)

  • 최한철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 2003
  • 치과재료에 사용되는 금속재료는 주로 스테인리스강, 타이타늄, Ni-Ti, Co-Cr등과 같은 특수합금이 주로 사용되고 있다. 이들 재료는 치과 보철물과 교정재료 및 충전재료로 주로 사용되고 있으며 그 외 치과에서 사용되는 기기나 기구에도 많이 활용되고 있다. 특히 치과 보철물을 사용하여 치료를 원하는 환자가 최근에 급격히 증가하면서 임플란트 고정체와 나사 등을 이용한 치료법의 연구와 개발이 필요하게 되어 세계적으로 연구와 투자가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 그러나 재료의 설계나 합금의 설계 및 제품의 설계상의 문제로 인하여 생체조직과 결합하는데 많은 문제점이 임상적으로 발생되고 있다. 즉 임플란트 표면의 생체적합성부여, 고정체와의 결합시 파절이나 풀림현상, 골에 고정체로 사용하는 나사의 강도와 내마모성문제 등이 개선되어야 할 문제점으로 남아있다. 또한 총의치에 사용되는 자석 어태치먼트의erosion-corrosion문제, 교정선의 탄성 과 마모저항문제 등은 앞으로 계속적인 연구를 행하여야할 과제로 남아있다. 또한 국소의치에서 사용되는 frame은 정밀주조법을 통하여 제조하며 주조상의 결함 등으로 인한 클라스프의 파절 문제점이 발생되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 치과재료로 사용되는 임플란트 고정체, 나사, 교정용 선등의 문제점을 고찰하고, 지금까지 이루어진 연구를 중심으로 최적의 개선 조건을 찾고자하였다. 최근첨단소재 및 금속재료를 사용하여 치과재료 합금을 설계할 수 있는 연구가 활발히 진행된다면 수입에 의존하고 있는 고가의 치과재료를 값이 싼 고성능의 제품으로 대체할 수 있는 효과가 클 것으로 생각된다.>$\rho$$\sub$0/=1.8 %. As t$\sub$Co/ increases, a transition from the regime of co-existence of superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic behaviors to ferromagnetic behavior was observed. Tunneling barrier called "decay length for tunneling" for the films having the thickness of Co layer from 1.4 to 1.6 nm was measured to be ranged from 0.004 to 0.021 ${\AA}$$\^$-1/.문에 기업간 관계를 연구하는 측면에서는 탐험적 연구성격이 강하다. 더 나아가 본 산업의 주된 연구가 질적이고 기업내부만을 연구했던 것에 비교하면 시초적이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 관계마케팅, CRM 등의 이론적 배경이 되고 있는 신뢰와 결속의 중요성이 재확인하는 결과도 의의라고 할 수 있다. 그리고 신뢰는 양사 간의 상호관계에서 조성될 수 있는 특성을 가진 반면, 결속은 계약관계 초기단계에서 성문화하고 규정화 할 수 있는 변수의 성격이 강하다고 할 수가 있다. 본 연구는 복잡한 기업간 관계를 지나치게 협력적 측면에서만 규명했기 때문에 많은 측면을 간과할 가능성이 있다. 또한 방법론적으로 일방향의 시각만을 고려했고, 횡단적 조사를 통하고 국내의 한 서비스제공업체와 관련이 있는 컨텐츠 공급파트너

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Induction Heating Device for Dental Implant Removal (인공치아의 임플란트 탈착을 위한 유도가열장치 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Myung;Seo, Young;Song, Chang-Woo;Lee, Seung-Yop
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 2016
  • Induction heating is the process in which an electrically conducting object (usually a metal) is heated by electromagnetic induction through heat generated in the object by eddy currents. The main advantage of an induction heating device is the generation of the heat inside the target object itself. Hence, non-contact and safe heating devices are widely used in many industrial and medical fields. Recently, a new dental implant system was developed using a shape-memory alloy, wherein an artificial tooth could be easily removed from the dental implant by heating. This paper discusses the development of an induction-heating device to remove the dental crown in the new implant system. First, the finite element simulation of electromagnetic and thermal coupling analysis was implemented to obtain the temperature distributions of the target object for various frequencies, input currents, and coil shapes. Based on the simulation results, experiments were conducted by using prototypes, and an induction heating device was developed to remove the dental crown from the implant.

Mechanical Properties and Cross-sectional Surface Evaluation of Dental Ceramic Abutment (치과용 세라믹 임플란트 지대주의 기계적 특성 및 절단면 평가)

  • Hwang, Jun Ho;Kwon, Sung-Min;Choi, Sung Gi;Sung, Mi Ae;Lee, Kyu-Bok
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the mechanical properties of the ceramic abutment with washer. In this study, ceramic abutment were used, tested with $30^{\circ}$ compression load, shear fatigue, adaptation accuracy test(rotation angle, contact interval), removal torque force test, torsional breaking force test. The $30^{\circ}$ compression load was 729 N, the shear fatigue load was 275 N, adaptation accuracy test of rotation angle was within $3^{\circ}$, contact interval within $10{\mu}m$, and removal torque force test value is $18.88N{\cdot}cm$, torsional breaking force test value is $35.52N{\cdot}cm$. Ceramic abutment with a washer fitted have sufficient mechanical strength and may be substituted for titanium abutment.

Survey study on the Preference of Dental Medical Personnel for Dental CAD/CAM Milling Machines (치과용 CAD/CAM 밀링기에 대한 치과의료종사자들의 선호도 조사)

  • Song, Eun Sung;Kim, Bongju;Lim, Young-Joon;Lee, Jun Jae
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Recently, according to the development of digital technology, computer aided design/computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) system is widely used for fabrication of various dental prostheses in the field of dentistry. This study aims to survey the present state and awareness of CAD/CAM system on domestic dental field, and to supply the advice for the application of the new system. Materials and methods: In this questionnaire survey was conducted for a total of 298 dentists, dental hygienist and dental technicians of the whole country including the dental hospital of Seoul National University for two months from November to December, 2016 through mail. Results: The most important purpose to consider when purchasing a dental CAD/CAM milling machine were the performance of the milling machine (64.43%) and the use of milling machine was the highest with 49.33% of manufacturing for dental prosthesis and customized implant abutment. In addition, more than 60% of respondents answered positively about the purchase of new milling machine if the CAD/CAM milling machine was improved to satisfactory performance. Conclusion: This survey results show that the improved CAD/CAM milling machine would be play an important role in the dental industry in preparation for digitization and the 4th industrial revolution.

A Study on the Prioritization of Medical Device using Fuzzy-AHP (Fuzzy-AHP를 활용한 미래유망 의료기기 우선순위 도출)

  • Lee, Chang-Seop;Yoon, Jae-Woong;Chun, Jae-Heon;Lee, Suk-Jun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.181-213
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    • 2017
  • According to the aging, the medical device industry is focused as a future promising industry. However, Korea medical device industry is not enough market competitiveness due to a narrow domestic market and a small company structure. This study aims at evaluating medical device priorities following 3 steps. First, we classify the medical device into three hierarchy categories and AHP survey was conducted on 30 experts in order to extract medical device priorities. Second, priority scores of medical device are analysed using AHP and Fuzzy-AHP. Third, a most important medical device is selected by comparing the volume of medical device manufacture and priority scores. As a result, 'dental implant' is the most import medical device, and we suggest a strategy based on a positioning map. The proposed methodology will provide a inspiration for establish of R&D and support policy in the medical device industry.

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Characteristics of Abutment Screw Structure for Dental Implant (치과용 임플란트 지대주 나사 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Jong-Beop;Choi, Il-kyung;Jung, Hyo-kyung;Kwon, Soon-Hong;Kwon, Soon-Gu;Park, Jong-Min;Kim, Jong-Soon;Jung, Sung-Won;Choi, Won-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2017
  • Dental implants are required to have biomechanical functions and biostability in order to perform authoring, pronunciation, and aesthetic functions in the oral cavity. In terms of biostability, pure titanium for medical have good biostability and no rejection in the alveolar bone. with appropriate strength in terms of strength as well as biocompatibility. In recent years, various surgical methods and devices have been developed to improve the convenience and safety of the procedure. However, as the number of procedures increases, the screw loosening of the abutment screw connecting the artificial root and the abutment There are many reports of artificial root and abutment fracture. Fig. 1 is an example of a case where the upper part of the abutment screw is arbitrarily modified to remove the abutment by the abutment fracture due to the loosening of the abutment screw. The fundamental cause of abduction of the abutment screw is caused by the slight movement due to the lowering of the retention force of the abutment screw. It is necessary to minimize loosening of the abutment screw to avoid problems such as fracture during the period of using the implant. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure of the abutment screw to prevent the loosening of the abutment screw by forming 0.5mm slot.

A Study on Dental Patients' Knowledge and Attitude about the Implant Denture - Focused on South Gyeongnam Province, South Korea - (치과내원자의 임플란트 시술경험이 지식과 태도에 미치는 영향 - 경남지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Yu-Jin;Kwon, Su-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2011
  • This study is to inquire into the correlation between patients' knowledge and attitude about the implant denture, as well as to provide exact information for patients. The results are expected to be basic data to make patients have positive attitudes to the implant denture. The study was conducted on patients who visited dental hospitals located in South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, from 1 November to 31 December, 2009, the answer sheets from 198 patients analyzed. The results showed that 24.2% of respondents had implant dentures put in. Hereat, the t-test and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed to analyze respondents' knowledge and attitude about the implant denture according to general characteristics. In relation to knowledge about the implant denture, respondents showed differences according to what levels of education they had and whether they had the implant dentures put in. The results of a correlation analysis showed that respondents' knowledge and attitude about the implant denture had a significant correlation with each other. In other words, respondents, who had a high degree of knowledge about the implant denture, had a more positive attitude to it. With the generalization of implant dentures, dental care providers have need to provide exact information about the implant denture for dental patients in order that they may comprehend it and have positive attitudes to it. In addition, there is a need to establish a system to provide the general public with exact information about the implant denture.

Study on Changes in Osseointegration Following Early Infrared and Ultrasonic Stimulation Treatment After Dental Implant Placement (치과용 임플란트 식립 후 초기 적외선, 초음파 자극치료에 따른 골유착 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Hyo-Kyung Jung;Seung-Hee Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1319-1326
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    • 2024
  • In this study, 3 dental implants were implanted in each femur of NZW rabbits, and only the right experimental group was irradiated with 850 nm infrared and 3 MHz ultrasonic waves for 10 minutes every day. After 3 and 6 weeks, a torsional test was performed using a universal testing machine to determine the changes in osseointegration. As a result, in the specimen subjected to 3 weeks, the maximum value of 3.01 MPa was measured in specimen #1, and the minimum value of 1.20 MPa was measured in specimen #1. In the control group, the maximum value of 0.75 MPa was measured in specimen #6, and the minimum value of 0 .10 MPa was measured in specimen #4. The average value of specimens #1 to #3 of the experimental group was 1.76 MPa, and the average value of specimens #4 to #6 of the control group was 0.48 MPa. In the third week, among the torsion test results, for the control group, specimens #4 to #6, the specimen with the lowest initial osseointegration progress was measured at 0.10 MPa, and all of the measurement values at a total of 9 sites, including 3 sites for each specimen, were measured below 1.0 MPa. This is a very key part of this study, indicating that the initial osseointegration was very low. On the other hand, for the experimental group specimens #1 to #3, all of the measurement values at a total of 9 sites were measured above 1.0 MPa, and the maximum value was 3.01 MPa, confirming that 850 nm infrared light irradiation and 3 MHz ultrasound irradiation have an effect on improving osseointegration and bone quality with dental implants.

Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Veneer Ceramics to Co-Cr Alloys Produced by Selective Laser Melting and Casting Technique (선택적 레이저 용융 그리고 전통적인 주조 기술에 의해 제조된 Co-Cr 합금에 대한 전장용 세라믹의 전단 결합 강도 비교)

  • Hong, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.434-439
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    • 2020
  • Selective laser melting (SLM) manufactures an alloy using laser as a heat source, and has recently been introduced in the dental industry. However, there is a lack of analytical research on metal-ceramic restorations achieved by SLM. This study evaluates and compares the metal-ceramic bond strength of Co-Cr alloys produced by selective laser melting and casting methods. Co-Cr samples required for this study were produced through the sintering process of ceramics, by applying the SLM and CAST methods. The metal-ceramic bond strength was measured by applying the shear bond strength test. In order to determine the area fraction of adherent ceramic, Si content of the specimen was measured using scanning electron microscopy SEM/ EDS. Results of the metal-ceramic bond strength and AFAC were analyzed by t-test (α = 0.05). No significant difference was observed comparing the bond strength of SLM and CAST Co-Cr alloys (P> 0.05). However, the SLM group had much better ceramic adherence than the CAST group (P < 0.001). Moreover, oxidation characteristics were similar for both SLM and CAST Co-Cr alloys, but metal structures were different. These results imply that although the bond of ceramic and Co-Cr alloy is not related to the manufacturing method, SLM alloys impart better ceramic adherence. This indicates that alloys made with SLM can be used to fabricate upper implant prostheses in the future. In particular, it is expected to overcome the shortcomings of the CAST method, and save time and cost.