• Title/Summary/Keyword: 취약부 해석

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Assessment of the Internal Pressure Fragility of the PWR Containment Building Using a Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (비선형 유한요소 해석을 이용한 PWR 격납건물의 내압 취약도 평가)

  • Hahm, Daegi;Park, Hyung-Kui;Choi, In-Kil
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the probabilistic internal pressure fragility analysis was performed by using the non-linear finite element analysis method. The target structure is one of the containment buildings of typical domestic pressurized water reactors(PWRs). The 3-dimensional finite element model of the containment building was developed with considering the large equipment hatches. To consider uncertainties in the material properties and structural capacities, we performed the sensitivity analysis of the ultimate pressure capacity with respect to the variation of four important uncertain parameters. The results of the sensitivity analysis were used to the selection of the probabilistic variables and the determination of their probabilistic parameters. To reflect the present condition of the tendon pre-stressing force, the data of the pre-stressing force acquired from the in-service inspections of tendon forces were used for the determination of the median value. Two failure modes(leak, rupture) were considered and their limit states were defined to assess the internal pressure fragility of target containment building. The internal pressure fragilities for each failure mode were evaluated in terms of median internal pressure capacity, high confidence low probability of failure(HCLPF) capacity, and fragility curves with respect to the confidence levels. The HCLPF capacity was 115.9 psig for leak failure mode, and 125.0 psig for rupture failure mode.

수송용기 충격완충체 용접강도의 충돌거동 영향 평가

  • 구정회;서기석;구대서;민덕기;김영진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1998.05b
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    • pp.318-323
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    • 1998
  • 사용 후 핵연료 수송용기의 충돌사고에 대한 안전성은 층격완충체의 층격흡수특성에 지배되며, 충격완충체의 충격홉수특성은 외부의 케이스와 내부 격막판 둥의 철제 구조물과 내부에 삽입된 충격흡수재의 변형특성에 지배를 받는다. 충격흡수재를 감싸주는 철제 케이스와 내부 격막판의 용접 접합부는 일부 부분이 제작공정상 부득이 부분용접의 접합형태를 갖기 때문에 판재나 완전 접된 부분에 비해 강도가 약해 충돌사고시 취약부위가 파단된다. 이러한 케이스 용접부의 파단은 충격완충체의 변형특성을 변화시켜 충격흡수거동이 달라지는 원인이 된다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 용접 접합부의 강도특성을 수송용기의 자유낙하 충돌해석에 적용할 수 있는 해석모델을 구성하고 부분용접된 접합부의 파단강도가 수송용기의 충돌거동에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다.

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Fragility Analysis of RC Moment Resisting Frame with Masonry Infill Walls (비내력벽을 가진 RC모멘트저항골조의 취약도 해석)

  • Ko, Hyun;Park, Yong-Koo;Lee, Dong-Guen
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2009
  • Many of residential buildings, which have pilotis in lower stories to meet the architectural needs, are recently constructed in Korea. Usually, infill walls located in the upper stories of these buildings may cause a soft first story, which is very weak from the earthquake resistance. In the design of the buildings, the infill walls of upper stories are usually considered as non-structural elements and thus they are not included in the analytical model. However, the infill walls may affect the seismic behavior of the residential buildings. Therefore, the differences in seismic behaviors of RC buildings with and without masonry infill walls are required to be investigated. In this study, seismic fragility analyses were performed for masonry infilled low-rise RC moment-resisting frames. And seismic behaviors of RC moment-resisting frame with/without masonry infill walls were evaluated. Two types of structural system with the same frame and different allocation of infill walls are used to evaluate the influence of masonry infill walls on seismic behavior of RC moment-resisting frames. The infill walls were modeled as bi-equivalent diagonal struts. The fragility analyses show that the seismic performance of RC moment-resisting frames with soft story is below the desirable building seismic performance level recommended by current seismic codes, indicating high vulnerability of RC moment-resisting frames with soft story.

Dynamic Characteristics of Cable-Stayed Anchorage considering Cracks at Bolt and Welding Connection (용접 및 볼트 연결부 균열을 고려한 사장교 케이블 정착부의 동특성 해석)

  • Kim, Chul Young;Kim, Sung Bo;Jung, Woo Tai
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.11 no.4 s.41
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 1999
  • Damage detection methods which utilize the change in dynamic characteristics are very hard to apply to large civil structures since local damage hardly affects global dynamic characteristics. But, if there is a very important and critical member and we focus only on the local behavior of it, it would be possible to detect damage from the change in local dynamic characteristics, such as natural frequencies and mode shapes .In this study, the cable anchorage part of a cable-stayed bridge under construction is modeled and analyzed by commercial finite element program, ABAQUS. It has both welding and bolting connections with a cable and a stiffening plate, and has a possible high stress concentration portions in it. Several damage scenarios such as crack through the welding or crack through the bolting connection are examined. The result shows that the local natural frequencies of the damaged member decrease up to 16% compared with that of the undamaged member. It is concluded that there is quite a high feasibility that the damage of the cable anchorage can be detected by measuring local dynamic characteristics.

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Influence of Incidence Direction of Seismic Wave on the Probabilistic Seismic Fragility Assessment of Bridges (교량의 확률론적 지진취약도에 대한 지진파의 입사방향성의 영향)

  • Sina Kong;Yeeun Kim;Sinith Kung;Jiho Moon;Jong-Keol Song
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2024
  • As the incidence direction of ground motion (or seismic wave) changes, the seismic response of the structure will also change according to that direction. In order to analyze the effect of the seismic response of the example bridge according to the direction of incidence of ground motion, the acceleration response spectra (Sa-T1) corresponding to the 1-second period obtained for various angles of incidence were obtained. Using Sa-T1, 40 sets of orthogonal pairs of horizontal component seismic waves corresponding to 5 types of percentiles were generated. Seismic vulnerability analysis of the bridge piers was performed by obtaining the seismic response of an example bridge according to the direction of incidence of ground motion. By analyzing the seismic vulnerability analysis of seismic waves corresponding to five types of percentiles, it was found that the median value of the seismic vulnerability curve differs by about 1.2 to 2.6 times depending on the incident direction of the seismic wave. In other words, depending on the incidence direction of seismic waves, the degree of damage to the bridge structure can vary by about 1.2 to 2.6 times.

다축경편 복합재료 평판에서 기계적 체결시 발생하는 원공 주위의 응력분포

  • 최재민;조민규;전흥재;변준형
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.56-56
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    • 2004
  • 섬유강화 복합재료는 응용범위가 산업계 전반으로 빠르게 확대되고 있다. 개발 초기에는 하중을 감당하지 않는 이차 구조물에 주로 사용되어 왔으나, 점차 산업 전반의 I차 구조물(Primary Structure)에 쓰이는 등, 그 사용범위가 넓어지고 있으며, 취약한 두께방향 물성 향상의 필요성을 충족시키기 위해 다축경편(MWK) 복합재료에 대한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 다축경편(MWK) 복합재료의 기계적 체결부에 관한 응력해석을 연구하였다.(중략)

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모서리 절단 효과로 인한 사각주상체의 공기력 특성변화 전산해석

  • Hwang, Gyu-Gwan
    • Proceeding of EDISON Challenge
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    • 2015.03a
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    • pp.553-558
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    • 2015
  • 교량의 주탑, 초고층빌딩과 같이 세장비가 큰 대형구조물의 경우 풍하중에 취약한 특성을 지니고 있어서 바람에 의해 직각 방향으로 발산 진동하는 갤로핑(galloping) 현상이 발생하게 된다. 구조물의 진동을 억제하려는 방안으로 단면 형상에 변화를 주어 공기역학적 불안정성을 감소시키는 방법이 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 Edison_CFD를 이용하여 모서리 절단부의 비율과 받음각에 따른 공기력 특성에 대한 전산해석을 수행하였다.

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Identifying Risk Management Locations for Synthetic Natural Gas Plant Using Pipe Stress Analysis and Finite Element Analysis (배관응력해석 및 유한요소해석에 의한 SNG플랜트의 리스크 관리 위치 선정)

  • Erten, Deniz Taygun;Yu, Jong Min;Yoon, Kee Bong;Kim, Ji Yoon
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • While they are becoming more viable, synthetic natural gas (SNG) plants, with their high temperatures and pressures, are still heavily dependent on advancements in the state-of-the-art technologies. However, most of the current work in the literature is focused on optimizing chemical processes and process variables, with little work being done on relevant mechanical damage and maintenance engineering. In this study, a combination of pipe system stress analysis and detailed local stress analysis was implemented to prioritize the inspection locations for main pipes of SNG plant in accordance to ASME B31.3. A pipe system stress analysis was conducted for pre-selecting critical locations by considering design condition and actual operating conditions such as heat-up and cool-down. Identified critical locations were further analyzed using a finite element method to locate specific high-stress points. Resultant stress values met ASME B31.3 code standards for the gasification reactor and lower transition piece (bend Y in Fig.1); however, it is recommended that the vertical displacement of bend Y be restricted more. The results presented here provide valuable information for future risk based maintenance inspection and further safe operation considerations.

Case Study of the Stability of a Large Cut-Slope at a Tunnel Portal (터널 입구부 대절토 사면 안정성 사례 연구)

  • Park, Dong Soon;Bae, Jong-Soem
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.115-129
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    • 2015
  • The cut-slope of a large-sectional tunnel portal is recognized as a potential area of weakness due to unstable stress distribution and possible permanent displacement. This paper presents a case study of a slope failure and remediation for a large-scale cut-slope at a tunnel portal. Extensive rock-slope brittle failure occurred along discontinuities in the rock mass after 46 mm of rainfall, which caused instability of the upper part of the cut-slope. Based on a geological survey and face mapping, the reason for failure is believed to be the presence of thin clay fill in discontinuities in the weathered rock mass and consequent saturationinduced joint weakening. The granite-gneiss rock mass has a high content of alkali-feldspar, indicating a vulnerability to weathering. Immediately before the slope failure, a sharp increase in displacement rate was indicated by settlement-time histories, and this observation can contribute to the safety management criteria for slope stability. In this case study, emergency remediation was performed to prevent further hazard and to facilitate reconstruction, and counterweight fill and concrete filling of voids were successfully applied. For ultimate remediation, the grid anchor-blocks were used for slope stabilization, and additional rock bolts and grouting were applied inside the tunnel. Limit-equilibrium slope stability analysis and analyses of strereographic projections confirmed the instability of the original slope and the effectiveness of reinforcing methods. After the application of reinforcing measures, instrumental monitoring indicated that the slope and the tunnel remained stable. This case study is expected to serve as a valuable reference for similar engineering cases of large-sectional slope stability.

Seismic Design of Steel Moment Connections with Welded Straight Haunch (용접 수평헌치로 보강된 철골 모멘튼 접합부의 내진설계)

  • 이철호
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구에서는 용접 수평헌치로 보강된 철골 모멘트 접합부의 내진설계법을 제시하고자 한다. 최근의 실험결과에 의하면 보의 하부를 수평헌치로 용접하는 방안은 취약한 내진성능이 드러나 기존 철골 모멘트 접합부의 내진보강이나 내진성능이 뛰어난 건물의 구축에 매우 효과적임을 알 수 있다. 용점 삼각헌치로 보강된 접합부의 설계법은 최근에 미국의 연구자들에 의해 제시된 바가 있다. 그러나 이 설계법은 응력 전달 메커니즘이 상이한 수평헌티 접합부의 설계에는 적용될수 없다. 본 논문에서는 우선 수평헌치와 보의 상호작용 및 변형의 적합 조건을 고려하여 도출된 단순화된 해석적 응력전달 모형을 간략히 기술한다. 이를 기초로 수평헌치 접합부의 단계별 내진 설계절차를 제안한다. 아울러 헌티단부의 응력집중을 줄이는데 매우 효과적인 디테일도 제시하고자 한다.

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