• Title/Summary/Keyword: 초학문

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Natural Hazard Research in Geography (지리학 측면에서의 자연재해연구)

  • 김욱중
    • Water for future
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.415-415
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    • 1989
  • 자연재해연구는 인간.자연환경 관계를 연구하는 학문이다. 금세기초 환경결정론, 환경가능주의, 그리고 인지에 의한 행동과학주의로 연구 Paradigm이 변화.발전되어 오며서 지리학에서도 이러한 이론적 방법론의 바탕위에 인간-자연환경 관계를 설명하려고 노력했다. 1920년대 초 Barrow가 인간생태학 개념을 발표, 1950, 1960년대 이에 영향받은 White, Kate와 Burton 같은 미국의 자연재해지리학자들은 미국에서 홍수재해문제를 인간적응, 특히 "인식"의 역할에 중점을 두어 재해지역에서 자원이용과 이의 관리문제를 연구하였다. 1970년대 들어오면서 재해의 양상, 적응방법등이 연구되고, 또한 적응의 여러 비교연구가 있었으며, 사회성과 관련 사회학적 연구 접근과 다양한 레벨의 케이스 Study 또한 이루어졌다. 오늘날의 자연재해연구는 일반재해연구로 발전하여 핵반응, 각종산업.교통재해, 화학물질 및 환경오염문제, 각종 소음공해, 폭발물 사고 등 참으로 여러 종류의 사회문제가 재해연구의 대상이 되었고, 근래에는 약물중독, 성폭행, 그리고 복잡한 현대사회에서 제기되는 정신질환까지 일종의 재해문제로 다루어 지리학내에서 연구되고 있다. 이와같이 연구의 많은 변환.발전과 함께 처음 Academic한 연구로 시작된 재해문제 연구가 이에 관심을 같는 여러분야 즉, 경제.사회, 심리학자, 토지이용개발자, 보험, 은행, 부동산업자 재해와 관련있는 민간단체, 정부기관, 정책실행기관등이 참여하는 공동연구가 활발히 행하여지고 있다. 최근에는 "세계 자연재해 감소 10개년 계획"이라는 Program을 미국이 주동이 되어 국제적인 기구로 만들어 관심있는 여러국가의 과학자, 재해연구가, Engineer, 정부관계자들이 참여 서로 정보와 지식의 교환, 세계의 개발.재개발에 대한 계획, 재해감소의 교육훈련등 다채로운 Project을 가지고 세계 자연재해 감소를 위하여 공동연구의 노력을 하려는 움직임이다. 세계의 권위있는 재해통계에 의하면 한국이 매년 자연재해로 인하여 100만명당 1,000명이 희생되는 나라로 방글라대시, 이란, 중남미와 페루, 과태말라, 동남아시아의 뉴기니와 나란히 중진개발도상국으로 몇안되는 나라의 하나로 들어있는 것을 볼 때 유감이 아닐수 없다. 우리나라는 하루빨리 이러한 자연재해로부터 아까운 생명과 재산을 잃어버리고 있는 고통과 문제를 해결하려는 민간.정부차원에서 관심을 기울이고 우선 기본적인 연구의 기틀을 마련하는 제도적 장치와 분위기가 아쉽다고 않을 수 없다.와 분위기가 아쉽다고 않을 수 없다.

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Development of Public Diplomacy Crisis Communication Model and Its Application (공공외교 위기커뮤니케이션 모델의 개발과 적용)

  • Jangyul Kim
    • Public Diplomacy: Theory and Practice
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2023
  • This study finds that the South Korean government's public diplomacy efforts have focused on promotional activities such as the "K-wave" or responses to controversial historical issues. However, the South Korean government needs to be more prepared for strategic responses to unexpected crises and subsequent communications. This paper attempts to apply crisis communication research developed in the field of public relations to public diplomacy. To do so, this research reviewed theories in crisis communication, an essential area of public relations, and developed a crisis communication model. The model was then applied to several crisis case studies to suggest how to develop response strategies and conduct communications. As a result, this research developed an Ongoing Public Diplomacy Crisis Communication Model (PDCCM) that can be applied to public diplomacy research and practice. The model identifies four crisis communication principles (be quick, be open, be consistent, be authentic) that should be applied in six phases. Following continuous social listening and monitoring, governments should analyze crisis situations using sense-making, develop short- and long-term crisis response objectives, response strategies, and communication messages depending on the level of responsibility, implement crisis communication, and conduct post-crisis evaluation.

The Meta-Educational Implications of Toson-Shibigok ("도산십이곡"에 나타난 메타교육적 함의)

  • Park, Mi-Young
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.23
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    • pp.71-105
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    • 2005
  • Toson-Shibigok(Twelve Songs of Toson) which T'oegye, Yi Hwang, composed has received a lot of attention in terms of its educational implications. These implications have become the essential part of Gojeon Sigas(classic songs and poems), and solid evidence has also been accumulated in the literature. Therefore, the purposes of this study are twofold, that is 1) to explore the impact of T'oegye's fundamental structure of the first education at that time and 2) describe how these educational attitudes will eventually yield meta- educational values. What T'oegye meant by fundamental structure of the first education was that Sijos originated from his own experience should be the vital part of teaching method. One can say that T'oegye's teaching method is more integrative than that of modern literature education in that it includes songs. Not only using his own teaching method, but T'oegye tried to demonstrate his own literary structure to his colleagues and the future generations. In the end, Meta-Education which comprises the heart of recent educational theories well reflects Toegye's theoretical propositions. Rather than giving practical knowledge, his method offers the paradigms of thought patterns and shows the learners' attitudes in approaching the truth. Moreover, T'oegye's teaching method has become a good example to the future generations as well as his contemporary followers. In sum, although a lot of years have passed since he died, T'oegye's Sijo works and life still have invaluable impact on the field of education.

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An origin and development, the thought and understanding of actual world of Noron (노론의 연원과 전개, 철학사상과 현실인식)

  • Kim, Moon Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.32
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    • pp.79-112
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    • 2011
  • Since Noron(老論) had organized in the period of Sookjong(肅宗), it constantly had led the political situation of Choson until Choson(朝鮮) perished as the grasping political power. Studies and thoughts development of Noron can be devided into four periods. First, the term of politics of faction of the period of Sookjong. Second, a period of Youngjo(英祖) and Joungjo(正祖). Third, a period of politics of power(勢道政治). Fourth, the latter term of 19century. We can look into an origin and development aspect in outline by dividing like this. The general character of Noron can be summarized by the respect of Song Si-yeol(宋時烈, 1607-1689), the theory of a party of a man of virtue(君子黨論) based on the theory of moral civilization of Choson(朝鮮中華論), the succession of Lee i(李珥; 1636-1684)'s neo-confucianism, rejecting all teaching that does not conform to neoconfucianism and protecting right studies, and oppression of Roman Catholic. The noticeable scholars of Noron were Kwon sang Ha(權尙夏; 1641~1721), Kim chang hyup(金昌協; 1651~1708), Lee jea(李縡; 1680~1746) etc. These scholars of Noron following Song Si-yeol had tried to raise "Learning of the Way"(正明道) by respecting Zushi and removing injustice(尊朱子攘夷狄), also believed people should embody moral values in their society and country. and possessed an will guiding to stabilize the country by rejecting uncivilization(尊王攘夷). Above all, they insisted, the King of Choson should rule with 'lighting heavenly reason'(明天理). Also they insisted the King and countrymen should together strive to recover civilization of moral humanity and destroy uncivilzation. But gradually they lost the motive and purpose of moral politics in the seventeenth century. Finally Noron Byeokpa(?派) take over the reins of government. It resulted in the bad effect of politics of autocrat(勢道政治) having their own way to use power of authority after death of Jungjo(正祖). The peculiar character of Noron politics can valued as the extreme aspect of 'according of politics and scholarship'(政學一致).

An inquiry into philosophy-reason prose that deals with the nature of people and things (인(人)과 물(物)의 관계를 다룬 한국 철리 산문 고찰)

  • Lee, Hee-sook
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.35
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    • pp.35-73
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    • 2009
  • This thesis aims at making clear correlation between the controversy that the nature of people and things is equal or different each other and Sung Confucianism, which is closed and discriminative. For this aim, I am looking closely at philosophy-reason prose that deals with the nature of people and things, from the early days of Chosun when Sung Confucianism became a new trend of thought to the later days when the controversy that the nature of people and things is equal or different had begun in earnest. This philosophy-reason prose has had gradual and important change. There are four different view points toward the nature of people and things. According to the first view point, people are the nucleus of the world. For the second one, things are thought to be important enough to be valued, but people are still the only core of the world. The third view point is that people and things are equally important and they are all the core of the world. Finally, the fourth view point regards people inferior to things and it says that things need to instruct people by scolding their bad behavior. There is a correlation between the view point of the nature of people and things and the attitude of an author. If some scholars think that people are the most important nucleus of the world, they tend to consider Sung Confucianism as the only school. On the contrary, other scholars who think that people and things are equal tend to respect other schools with open mind. In conclusion, the heated debates of the 18th century was an acute pain to destroy the closed and discriminative character of Sung Confucianism. It has contributed to innovate the thought toward the nature of people and things and the reformism of practical science have also done important role in the process of modernism's being groped by itself.

Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Novice Secondary Science Teachers through Collaborative Reflection (초임 중등 과학교사들의 협력적 성찰을 통한 수업 전문성 발달)

  • Shin, Minkyoung;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated how collaborative reflection between novice secondary science teachers promoted the development of teaching professionalism. We intentionally selected research participants who shared sufficient rapport. Data were collected by videotaping the classes taught by participants, pre-talk, post-interviews and nine collaborative reflection processes. All data were transcribed and analyzed. Results indicated that all three teachers showed changes in teaching practice. Minyoung's practice involved a teacher-led lecture, but through collaborative reflection, she could create a learning environment to enhance students' power and ownership in her class. Emphasizing academic rigor, Soyoung used to teach content outside the scope of the curriculum, but through collaborative reflection, she became more considerate of students' understanding. Finally, in Jiyeon's classes inquiry activities and theoretical explanations were separated from each other. However, she repeated her efforts to improve her class after collaborative reflection, allowing students to construct explanations through activities. In this study, three factors that promoted the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge through collaborative reflection were identified. First, the different teaching orientations of the three teachers who participated in this study, promoted sharing of opinions through collaborative reflection. Second, reflection based on teaching practice enabled practical feedback on the class, which enhanced the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. Third, the equal status and formation of rapport between the three teachers created an environment for productive reflection. These results suggest that future teacher education programs should target communities that can promote collaborative reflection based on teachers' teaching practice.

Rural Systems Visioneering: Paradigm Shift from Flux Measurement to Sustainability Science (지역시스템 비저니어링: 플럭스 관측에서 지속가능성과학으로의 패러다임 전환)

  • Kim, Joon;Kang, Minseok;Oki, Taikan;Park, Eun Woo;Ichii, Kazuhito;Indrawati, Yohana Maria;Cho, Sungsik;Moon, Jihyun;Yoo, Wan Chol;Rhee, Jiyoung;Rhee, Herb;Njau, Karoli;Ahn, Sunghoon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2018
  • Sustainability science is an emerging transdisciplinary research which necessitates not only the communication and collaboration of scientists, practitioners and stakeholders from different disciplines and interests, but also the paradigm shift from deterministic and reductionist approaches to the old basic. Ecological-societal systems (ESS) are co-evolving complex systems having many interacting parts (or agents) whose random interactions at local scale give rise to spontaneous emerging order at global scale (i.e., self-organization). Here, the flows of energy, matter and information between the systems and their surroundings play a key role. We introduce a conceptual framework for such continually morphing dynamical systems, i.e. self-organizing hierarchical open systems (SOHOs). To understand the structure and functionality of SOHOs, we revisit the two fundamental laws of physics. Re-interpretation of these principles helps understand the destiny and better path toward sustainability, and how to reconcile ecosystem integrity with societal vision and value. We then integrate the so-called visioneering (V) framework with that of SOHOs as feedback/feedforward loops so that 'a nudged self-organization' may guide systems' agents to work together toward sustainable ESS. Finally, example is given with newly endorsed Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Lab (i.e., 'Rural systems visioneering') by Future Earth, which is now underway in rural villages in Tanzania.

Design of Low-Noise and High-Reliability Differential Paired eFuse OTP Memory (저잡음 · 고신뢰성 Differential Paired eFuse OTP 메모리 설계)

  • Kim, Min-Sung;Jin, Liyan;Hao, Wenchao;Ha, Pan-Bong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.2359-2368
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, an IRD (internal read data) circuit preventing the reentry into the read mode while keeping the read-out DOUT datum at power-up even if noise such as glitches occurs at signal ports such as an input signal port RD (read) when a power IC is on, is proposed. Also, a pulsed WL (word line) driving method is used to prevent a DC current of several tens of micro amperes from flowing into the read transistor of a differential paired eFuse OTP cell. Thus, reliability is secured by preventing non-blown eFuse links from being blown by the EM (electro-migration). Furthermore, a compared output between a programmed datum and a read-out datum is outputted to the PFb (pass fail bar) pin while performing a sensing margin test with a variable pull-up load in consideration of resistance variation of a programmed eFuse in the program-verify-read mode. The layout size of the 8-bit eFuse OTP IP with a $0.18{\mu}m$ process is $189.625{\mu}m{\times}138.850{\mu}m(=0.0263mm^2)$.

Design of eFuse OTP Memory with Wide Operating Voltage Range for PMICs (PMIC용 넓은 동작전압 영역을 갖는 eFuse OTP 설계)

  • Jeong, Woo-Young;Hao, Wen-Chao;Ha, Pan-Bong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, reliability is secured by sensing a post-program resistance of several tens of kilo ohms and restricting a read current flowing over an unblown eFuse within $100{\mu}A$ since RWL driver and BL pull-up load circuits using a regulated voltage of V2V ($=2V{\pm}10%$) are proposed to have a wide operating voltage range for eFuse OTP memory. Also, when a comparison of a cell array of 1 row ${\times}$ 32 columns with that of 4 rows ${\times}$ 8 columns is done, the layout size of 4 rows ${\times}$ 8 columns is smaller with $187.065{\mu}m{\times}94.525{\mu}m$ ($=0.01768mm^2$) than that of 1 row ${\times}$ 32 columns with $735.96{\mu}m{\times}61.605{\mu}m$ ($=0.04534mm^2$).

The Corelation Research between Cyberbullying and Information Media Use - With Focus on Internet and Mobile Phone Use (사이버불링 발생과 정보매체활용 간의 상관분석 - 인터넷과 휴대전화 사용을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bongseob;Park, Jongsun;Gam, Dongun;Jin, Sangki
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2013
  • Cyberbullying has a negative influence on teens. However, the academic approach and try is still an its early stages in spite of the issue of the seriousness and importance. Accordingly, this study conducted a survey of 1,112 elementary, middle and high school students. According to the survey, Internet bullying violence experience was from 20.3% to 39.0%, victim experience from 11.0% to 23.4%, mobile phone bullying violence experience was from 15.9% to 44.1%, victim experience from 5.5% to 21.8%. The factors affecting Internet bullying violence experience were gender, academic stress, internet accessibility, anonymity, use time of internet. The factors affecting mobile phone bullying violence experience were school table, academic stress, mobility, anonymity, use time of mobile phone. Finally, this study grasped the relation between Internet and mobile phone bullying. It was found that Internet bullying violence victim experience had something to do with mobile phone bullying violence victim experience. Especially, Internet bullying violence experience had a lot to do with mobile phone bullying violence experience, Internet bullying victim experience had a lot to do with mobile phone bullying victim experience.

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