• Title/Summary/Keyword: 체형기상(體形氣像)

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The Bibliographical Investigation of Sasang Constitution Diagnosis (사상체질(四象體質) 진단법(診斷法)의 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) - 외형(外形), 심성(心性), 증(證)을 위주(爲主)로 -)

  • Jung, Won-gyo;Kim, Jong-weon
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.95-117
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    • 1999
  • 1. Purpose of study There are many Constitution theories. But, In the Sasang Constitutional medicine, the theory and the practice are connected systematically. So it has been used in Korea popularly. Lee Je-Ma suggested that the external form, the mind, the symptom are the criteria of Sasang constitution diagnosis at the Discourse on the Four Principle and the Discourse on the Identifying Four Constitutions. But The clinical importance study of three diagnostic criteria - the external form, the mind, the symptom - has never been studied. Therefore, there are many obstacles of using the three diagnostic criteria totally. And I think that it needs a study which we apply the three diagnostic criteria to practice and approve the clinical importance of one another. I classify and investigate the previous methods of Sasang constitution diagnosis by the three diagnostic criteria in this study. 2. Method of study I investigate the previous methods of Sasang constitution diagnosis bibliographically by Dongyi Soose Bowon, Journal of Constitutional medicine and other books. 3. Result of study (1) Study of the external form The Study of Ki-sang(氣像) and Sa-ki(詞氣) by experience and intuition was done previously, and study of imaginay formulation of each constitution by measuring Chae-hyung(體形) and yong-mo(容貌) has being done recently. (2) Study of the mind For the objectification of study and diagnosis, self-reporting questionnaire has been used. The ideal choice to determine an indivisual constitution, as far as questionnaire go, is to take results from both the modified version Sasang Pattern Identification Questionnaire and QSCCII. (3) Study of the symptom For the study of the symptom - constitution symptom and constitution symptom of disease - the study of principles, the clinical study of the type of disease and symptom, the study which the pathologic view of Oriental medicine apply the view of Sasang Constitutional medicine have been done. We must try to objectfy Sasang Constitutional disease.

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The Morpho-Imaganary Viewpoints of Lee Je-ma and the Morpho-Imaganary recognitions of Sasang Constitutional Medicine (동무공(東武公)의 형상관(形象觀)과 사상의학(四象醫學)의 형상의학정신(形象醫學精神))

  • Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1999
  • Lee Je-ma created Sasang Constitutional Medicine from the insight of different congenital formation of Viscera which was based on his own Morpho-Imaganary recognition of human beings. The basic principles to understand human beings are as follows. The first, human beings are morphologically figured based on the human nature. The Second, Morpho-lmaganary recognition was the understanding to all the things including human with the rule of society and the relationships. affairs-mind-body-objects. The Morpho-Imaganary characteristics of Sasang Constitutional Medicine are as follows. The first, Sasang Constitutional Medicine recognize the symptoms and diseases as the aspect of structure and function at the same time. The second, it recognize the symptoms and diseases with the viewpoint of Change.

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A Study on the Symptomatic-pharmacology(病證藥理) Sasang Constiution (사상인(四象人)의 체질병증약리(體質病證藥理)에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1998
  • 1. Purpose : The correct constitutional diagnosis and the accurate prescription are very important in clinical application of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Lee Je-ma emphasized that symptom is the best clue to diagnose constitution in "DongYi Suse Bowon". After research the characteristics of each constitution's symptoms and the backgrounds of constitutional prescriptions, this paper is to know the correct clinical application of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 2. Method : Through the clinical applications of "DongYi Soose Bowon" and "Dongyi Sasang Sinpeun", the characteristics of constitutional symptoms and the application of prescription were researched 3. Results & Conclusions 1) The symptoms of Sasang Constitutional Medicine were came from the Hyung-Sang Medicine(形象醫學) which were important to mind-body equally and from the summarizing spirit of four Qi such as Warm-Hot-Cool-Cold(溫熱凉寒) 2) The symptoms of Soeumin and Soyangin are the Cold-Hot symptoms of ingestive food(水穀) and the treatment of symptoms is to control the ascent-descent of up and down. The symptoms of Taeumin and Taeyangin are the Warm-Cool symptoms of Qi-Yack(氣液) and the treatment of symptom is to control the unfasten-fasten of interior and exterior. 3) The symptoms of Taeyangin are 'Weak Lower part and Firm Upper part symptom'(下虛上實病證) and 'Blood and Yack Exhasted Symptom'(血液俱耗病證), the symptoms of Soeumin are 'Fall Down Symptom'(下陷病證) and Stomach Cold Symptom(胃寒病證), the symptoms of taeumin is 'Dryness Fever Symptom'(燥熱病證) and 'Interior Fever Symptom'(燥熱病證), the symptoms of Soyangin is 'Fire Fever Symptom'(火熱病證) and 'Interior Fever Symptom'(燥熱病證). 4) The characteristics of sasang constitutional symptoms are the exterior-interior symptoms classified with nature-emotion and cool-hot, the inclusive control of exterior-interior symptoms with healthy energy, and the classification of ingestive food symptoms and Qi-Yack symptoms. 5) The characteristics to treat symptoms are the classification of seriousness and obedience, the use herbs according to each constitutions, and inclusive symptoms control.

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Parotid Gland Tumors (이하선종양에 대한 임상적고찰)

  • 박혁동;심윤상;오경균;이용식
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.97-97
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    • 1993
  • Primary tumor arises infrequently in the parotid gland and generally, only about 20 to 40 percent of which prove to be malignant. They are characterized by histopathologic diversity, slow tumor growth, significant proportion of patients who have received previous treatment elsewhere. We have reviewed retrospectively 101 cases of parotid gland tumors which were treated for the recent eight years (1985-1992), Non-neoplastic tumor-like lesions were all excluded.

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The Effects of Diet-Gel and Electric Muscle Stimulator on Waist Circumference Reduction (다이어트젤과 전기근육자극기가 허리둘레 감소에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Gwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2021
  • Abdominal obesity is increasing due to a decrease in physical activity and westernization of diet in busy daily life. Therefore, in order to satisfy the desire for body shape management, a management program with high efficiency versus time is needed. In this study, the diet-gel (i.e., slimming cosmetics) with the electrical muscle stimulation therapy was used to promote the effect of reducing waist circumference and body fat mass (or abdominal fat). For men and women in their twenties, the subjects simply applied diet-gel to their waist, wore EMS, and massaged for 20 minutes twice a day after waking up and before going to sleep. The experiment period was carried out for 2 weeks. The reduction of subcutaneous fat was observed using non-contrast CT, and it was confirmed by measuring waist circumference and body fat mass. In conclusion, the developed EMS and diet-gel combination program showed excellent waist management effects by reducing waist circumference by about 3 cm (p<0.001) and body fat mass by about 1 kg (p<0.01). This result suggests that the use of EMS shows a massage effect by muscle stimulation, and plays a role in promoting fat decomposition by helping the absorption of diet gel.

A Study on the Survival Time of a Person in Water for Search and Rescue Decision Suppor (해양수색구조 의사결정지원을 위한 익수자 생존시간 고찰)

  • Hae-Sang Jeong;Dawoon Jung;Jong-Hwui Yun;Choong-Ki Kim
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2023
  • Predicting the survival time of a person in water (PIW) in maritime search and rescue (SAR) operations is an important concern. Although there have been many studies on survival models in marine-developed countries, it is difficult to apply them to Koreans in Korea's oceans because they were developed using marine distress data from the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. Data on the survival time of a P IW were collected through interviews and surveys with a special rescue team from the Korea Coast Guard, SAR cases, press releases, and Korea Meteorological Administration data to address these issues. The maximum survival time (Korean) equation was developed by performing a regression analysis of this data, and the applicability to actual marine distress was reviewed and compared to the overseas survival model. By comprehensively using the maximum survival time (Korean), domestic SAR cases, and overseas survival models, guidelines for survival time and intensive and recommended search time were suggested. The study findings can contribute to decision-making, such as the input for search and rescue units. The findings can also help to determine the end of or reductions in SAR operations and explain policy decisions to the public and families of a PIW.

Sasang Herb medicine, IRCT (InfraRed Computer Thermography), Yakchim (Korean herb-acupuncture) remedy (체통환자(體痛患者)의 사상의학적(四象醫學的) 사초(四焦)와 이목구비(耳目口鼻)를 중심(中心)으로 한 체열(體熱) 분석(分析))

  • Kim, Su-Beom;Song, Il-Byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.377-393
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    • 1996
  • Lumbago is the common disease in the human, many people have been sicked the Lumbago. As the traditional methods of Lumbago treatment, acupuncture, moxibustion, herb medicines have been applied to a patient, nowadays, new methods have been applied physical remedy, Yakchim (Korean herb acupuncture) remedy, Chuna remedy to. This report was collected 73 Lumbago patients by name, sex, age, motive, symptoms, X-ray, CT, MRI, lRCT, Sasang constitution type, Sasang herb medicine, Yakchim, Chuna, period of remedy, satisfaction of remedy, at the "WooRee Korean Medical Clinic" during 21 months from Sep. 14, 1994 to May 25, 1996. And this report was studied about the distribution of the Sasang constitution type, the Sasang herb medicine, the effect, the period. The results were as follows: 1. Lumbago patients were distributed like that; Taeum-ln (太陰人) 47 (66.3 %), Soyang-In 16 (21.9 %), Soum-In (13.7 %), Taeyang-In (太陽人) 0. This was different from distribution of Donguisuseibowon (東醫壽世保元), Taeum-In (太陰人) 50%, Soyang-In (少陽人) 30 %, Soum-In (少陰人) 20 %, Taeyang-In (太陽人) little, this report shows that the number of Taeum-In (太陰人) is more than that of Donguisuseibowon and the number of Soum-In is less than that of Donguisuseibowon. 2. The average satisfaction of remedy was 60.3 %, Taeum-In's satisfaction was 66.0 %, Soum-In's satisfaction was 56.3 %, Soyang-In's satisfaction was 60.0 %. 3. The effective herb medicines were as follows, Soyang-In used the Hyong Bang Ji Hwang Tang (荊防地黃湯), Yuk Mi Ji Hwang Tang (六味地黃樓), Soum-In used the Sib Yi Mi Goan Jung Tang (十二味寬中湯), Taeum-In used the Chung Sim Yon Ja Tang (淸心蓮子陽), Chung Pae Sa Gan Tang (淸師爾肝湯), Yeol Da Han So Tang (熱多寒少湯). 4. The period of remedy was about 6 weeks. The period of remedy of each types was as follows, Taeum-In was about 5.7 weeks, Soum-In was about 6.8 weeks, Soyang-In was about 4.2 weeks. 5. The method of Lumbago remedy is divided three types, sprain Lumbago, Pyobyong (表病 : outside Syndromes) Libyong (裡病 : inside symdromes). Soum-In's methods are Pyobyong's ascending the Yang (陽), adding the Gi (氣) [升陽益氣], and Libyong's descending the inside Yim (裡陰) [裡陰降氣], Soyang-In's methods are Pyobyongs's decending the outside-Yim [表陰降氣], and Libyong's ascending the cool Yang (濟陽) [淸陽上升]. Taeum-In's methods are Pyobyong's ascending the Lung's Yang (肺陽升氣), and Libyong's colding the dried hot liver (淸肝燥熱). Taeyang's methods are strong the liver and making Yim. (補r肝生陰) 6. There are two methods for using the YakChim (Korean herb-acupuncture) by Sasang constitution medicine, one is to select the Yakchim, the other is to choice the point for appling the Yakchim. The first, to select the Yakchim, the other is follows; Soum-In can select the bee Venom, Soyang-In can select the H.O. (Hong Whoa 紅花), Taeum-In can select the I (Hodo 胡挑), V, O.K. (Ungdarn, 薦膽), Uwhang 牛黃, Sa-Hyang 麝香, etc., Palgang Yakchim (eight principles Korean herb-acupuncture (八剛藥鐵)) could made by abstracted Sasang herb medicine. The second, to choice the points for applying the Yakchim are used in the TaeGiuk Acupuncture method (太梗針法), Sacho (四焦, four warmer) by Sasang constritutional physiology and pathology.

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Study of Rainfall-Runoff Variation by Grid Size and Critical Area (격자크기와 임계면적에 따른 홍수유출특성 변화)

  • Ahn, Seung-Seop;Lee, Jeung-Seok;Jung, Do-Joon;Han, Ho-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2007
  • This study utilized the 1/25,000 topographic map of the upper area from the Geum-ho watermark located at the middle of Geum-ho river from the National Geographic Information Institute. For the analysis, first, the influence of the size of critical area to the hydro topographic factors was examined changing grid size to $10m{\times}10m,\;30m{\times}30m\;and\;50m{\times}50m$, and the critical area for the formation of a river to $0.01km^2{\sim}0.50km^2$. It is known from the examination result of watershed morphology according to the grid size that the smaller grid size, the better resolution and accuracy. And it is found, from the analysis result of the degree of the river according to the minimum critical area for each grid size, that the grid size does not affect on the degree of the river, and the number of rivers with 2nd and higher degree does not show remarkable difference while there is big difference in the number of 1st degree rivers. From the results above, it is thought that the critical area of $0.15km^2{\sim}0.20km^2$ is appropriate for formation of a river being irrelevant to the grid size in extraction of hydro topographic parameters that are used in the runoff analysis model using topographic maps. Therefore, the GIUH model applied analysis results by use of the river level difference law proposed in this study for the explanation on the outflow response-changing characters according to the decision of a critical value of a minimum level difference river, showed that, since an ogival occurrence time and an ogival flow volume are very significant in a flood occurrence in case of not undertow facilities, the researcher could obtain a good result for the forecast of river outflow when considering a convenient application of the model and an easy acquisition of data, so it's judged that this model is proper as an algorism for the decision of a critical value of a river basin.