• Title/Summary/Keyword: 청소기법

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Analyzing Self-Introduction Letter of Freshmen at Korea National College of Agricultural and Fisheries by Using Semantic Network Analysis : Based on TF-IDF Analysis (언어네트워크분석을 활용한 한국농수산대학 신입생 자기소개서 분석 - TF-IDF 분석을 기초로 -)

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, S.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.89-104
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    • 2021
  • Based on the TF-IDF weighted value that evaluates the importance of words that play a key role, the semantic network analysis(SNA) was conducted on the self-introduction letter of freshman at Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries(KNCAF) in 2020. The top three words calculated by TF-IDF weights were agriculture, mathematics, study (Q. 1), clubs, plants, friends (Q. 2), friends, clubs, opinions, (Q. 3), mushrooms, insects, and fathers (Q. 4). In the relationship between words, the words with high betweenness centrality are reason, high school, attending (Q. 1), garbage, high school, school (Q. 2), importance, misunderstanding, completion (Q.3), processing, feed, and farmhouse (Q. 4). The words with high degree centrality are high school, inquiry, grades (Q. 1), garbage, cleanup, class time (Q. 2), opinion, meetings, volunteer activities (Q.3), processing, space, and practice (Q. 4). The combination of words with high frequency of simultaneous appearances, that is, high correlation, appeared as 'certification - acquisition', 'problem - solution', 'science - life', and 'misunderstanding - concession'. In cluster analysis, the number of clusters obtained by the height of cluster dendrogram was 2(Q.1), 4(Q.2, 4) and 5(Q. 3). At this time, the cohesion in Cluster was high and the heterogeneity between Clusters was clearly shown.

A Study on Heo Gyun's 'Clean(Cheong: 淸)' Kind Style Examined through Style Terminologies in Seongsushihwa(『惺叟詩話』) (『성수시화(惺叟詩話)』 속 풍격(風格) 용어(用語)를 통해 본 허균(許筠)의 '청(淸)'계열(系列) 풍격(風格) 연구(硏究) - 청경(淸勁)'·'청절(淸切)'·'청초(淸楚)'·'청월(淸越)'을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Jaehwan
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.63
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    • pp.9-41
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    • 2016
  • This paper focuses on 'clean(cheong: 淸)' kinds of style terminologies among various style terminologies appearing in Heo Gyun's Seongsushihwa("惺?詩話") and tries to analyze the distinctive points which 'clean(cheong: 淸)' kinds of style terminologies include. In Heo Gyun's Seongsushihwa, 11 of 'clean' kinds of style terminologies, such as "cheonggyeong(淸勁), cheonghryang(淸亮), cheongryeo(淸麗), cheongseom(淸贍), cheongso(淸?), cheongweol(淸越), cheongjang(淸壯), cheongjeol(淸絶), cheongjeol(淸切), cheongchang(淸?), cheongcho(淸楚)," were used. This paper focuses and analyzes 'cheonggyeong(淸勁)', 'cheongjeol(淸切)', 'cheongcho(淸楚)', and 'cheongweol(淸越)' that he suggested through applying to real literary pieces. The result of analysis indicates that 'clean' kinds of style terminologies 'cheonggyeong', 'cheongjeol', 'cheongcho', and 'cheongweol' share the same 1st character 'clean(淸)', yet have distinctive qualities by the 2nd characters. These 4 style terminologies all share 'cheong(淸)' image which means clear and clean, yet each one has the attribute of the 2nd character that indicates each one's individual characteristic. It is apparent that 'Cheonggyeong(淸勁)' reflects the 'gyeong(勁)' image meaning upright and solid and implies poems of poets' steadfast spirit within clear boundary; 'cheongjeol(淸切)' reflects the 'jeol(切)' image meaning either desperation and imminence or pitifulness and sorrow and implies poems of poets' urgent and pitiful emotions within clear and clean boundary; 'cheongcho(淸楚)' reflects the 'cho(楚)' image meaning either delicacy and fineness or slenderness and tenderness and implies poems of poets' beautiful but not luxurious, delicate and tender emotions within clear and clean boundary; and 'cheongweol(淸越)' reflects the image of 'weol(越)' meaning unworldliness and excellency and implies poems, within clear and clean boundary, of excellent appearance and mentality surpassing mundane world. Compared with the 1st character's attributes of the style terminologies which Heo Gyun used, the 2nd characters's attributes do not appear that vivid. Especially, in the case that the 2nd characters have similar meanings, it is not easy to clarify the categories. Indeed, in order to grasp clear and distinctive qualities of style terminologies, the kinds of them need to be initially categorized by the 1st characters, and then sorted by the 2nd characters. In this case, the contents which the 2nd characters of style terminologies indicate should be considered. It is because style terminologies explain both literary pieces' aesthetic qualities and writers' personalities, and because explanations about literary pieces' aesthetic qualities includes not only the conclusive poetic or semantic boundaries which literary pieces' created but also literary pieces' creation processes and expression techniques. Through the style terminologies with Heo Gyun used in Seongsushihwa, it can be aware that he evaluated poems focussing more on the conclusive semantic boundaries that poets' spirits and poems created than expression techniques or creation methods. The overall aspects Heo Gyun's such style criticism has will be checked out in more detail through further studies by examining more materials.