• Title/Summary/Keyword: 청각특성

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Correlation of acoustic features and electrophysiological outcomes of stimuli at the level of auditory brainstem (자극음의 음향적 특성과 청각 뇌간에서의 전기생리학적 반응의 상관성)

  • Chun, Hyungi;Han, Woojae
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2016
  • It is widely acknowledged that the human auditory system is organized tonotopically and people generally listen to sounds as a function of frequency distribution through the auditory system. However, it is still unclear how acoustic features of speech sounds are indicated to the human brain in terms of speech perception. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether two sounds with similar high-frequency characteristics in the acoustic analysis show similar results at the level of auditory brainstem. Thirty three young adults with normal hearing participated in the study. As stimuli, two Korean monosyllables (i.e., /ja/ and /cha/) and four frequencies of toneburst (i.e., 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz) were used to elicit the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Measures of monosyllable and toneburst were highly replicable and the wave V of waveform was detectable in all subjects. In the results of Pearson correlation analysis, the /ja/ syllable had a high correlation with 4000 Hz of toneburst which means that its acoustic characteristics (i.e., 3671~5384 Hz) showed the same results in the brainstem. However, the /cha/ syllable had a high correlation with 1000 and 2000 Hz of toneburst although it has acoustical distribution of 3362~5412 Hz. We concluded that there was disagreement between acoustic features and physiology outcomes at the auditory brainstem level. This finding suggests that an acoustical-perceptual mapping study is needed to scrutinize human speech perception.

Different Types of Encoding and Processing in Auditory Sensory Memory according to Stimulus Modality (자극양식에 따른 청감각기억에서의 여러가지 부호화방식과 처리방식)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Lee, Man-Young
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1990
  • This study investigated Greene and Corwder(1984)'s modified PAS model, according to which, in a short-term memory recall task, the recency and suffix effects existing in auditory and visual conditions are mediated by the same mechanisms. It also investigated whether the auditory information and mouthed information are encoded by the same codes. Though the experimental manipulation of the phonological nature, the presence of differential recall effect of consonant-and vowel-varied stimuli in auditory and mouthing conditions which has been supposed to interact with the recency and suffix effects, was investigated. The result shows that differential recall effect between consonant and vowel exists only in the auditory condition, but not in the mouthing condition. Thus, this result supported Turner.

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  • Park, Ki-Hyun;Park, Soon-Il;Lee, Yang-Sub;Kwon, Jun;Lee, Jin-Ho;Kang, Jung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1987.05a
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    • pp.10.2-10
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    • 1987
  • 최근 사회구조의 발달로 우리주변에는 뜻하지 않은 청력장애를 일으키는 경우가 많고 의료보험 실시와 더불어 생활수준의 향상으로 이비인후과 외래를 찾는 청력장애자들이 많아지고 있다. 또한 청력장애를 호소하여 청각검사를 의뢰하는 타과 입원환자도 점차적으로 증가하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 저자들은 1985년 1월 1일부터 1986년 12월 31일까지 만2 년간 연세대학교 원주의과대학부속 원주기독병원 이비인후과로 의뢰된 타과 입원환자 1063예중 청각검사를 시행한 182예를 대상으로 임상청각학적 고찰을 하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 의뢰한 과별로는 신경외과(50.5%)가 제일 많았고 다음 내과(23.6%)의 순이었다. 2) 원래질환과 청력장애사이에 연관관계가 있는 경우는 102예 (56.0%)이었으며 이중 외상이 87예(86.2%)로 제일 많았다. 3)외상의 경우 폭발사고가 35예 (40.2%)로 제일 많았고 다음 교통사고 28예(32.1%)의 순이었다. 이 중 계속적인 추적치료를 시행한 경우가 9예 (10.3%)에 불과하였다. 4) 외상의 경우 청력손실의 형태별로는 전음성이 41예 (47.1%), 감음신경성이 30예(34.4%), 혼합성이 7예 (8.2%) 였으며, 사병자(malingerer)가 9예 (10.3%) 였다. 결론적으로 강원도의 지역적 특성상 탄광폭발 사고로 인한 외상후 이차적으로 청력손실을 호소하는 환자가 많은 편으로 이에 대한 적극적인 진단 및 추적치료를 위하여 특히 신경외과와 상호협조 체제가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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The study of the impact of using hearing aids on job satisfaction and daily life satisfaction of hearing-impaired workers (보청기 사용이 청각장애인 근로자의 직무만족도와 일상생활만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, J.A.;Lee, S.D.;Yeum, D.M.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2013
  • Data from Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled(4th year, 187 workers) was used for analyzing the difference between hearing aid users and nonusers for their job satisfaction and daily life satisfaction. The analyses result shows that there are no significant differences in both job satisfaction and daily life satisfaction between hearing aid users and nonusers. However, job satisfaction of hearing aid users has a positive role in daily life satisfaction. Although hearing aids to the hearing impaired played very important role, it was thought to be resulted that some influence factors such as the increase of using IT devices and the expansion of communication support services weren't applied because of the nature of the panel data. These limitations of the study and implications are presented at the conclusion.

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Analysis of Error Characteristics and Usabilities for Korean Consonant Perception Test (한국자음지각검사의 오류특성 및 유용성 분석)

  • Kim, Dong Chang;Kim, Jin Sook;Lee, Kyoung Won
    • 재활복지
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.295-314
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to supply the baseline data for auditory rehabilitation in the field through error type and rate of the phoneme which the hearing impaired feel difficulty to discriminate. Thirty participants with sensorineural hearing loss heard KCPT lists through recorded voice by male and female to get the data about error type and KCPT score accordance with talker's gender. In the initial consonant test list, /ㄷ/, /ㅂ/, /ㅃ/, /ㅉ/, /ㅌ/ showed more than 30% error rate while /ㄱ/and /ㄷ/ showed in final consonant test list. The most common error type was the initial consonant substitution or the final consonant substitution for the initial or final consonant test lists. Talker's gender effect was not signigicant showing no statistical difference between the scores when compared results from male voice and female voice. It means that KCPT can be used regardless of talker's gender in clinics.

The Influence of Discrimination Experience on Life Satisfaction of the Employed Hearing-Impaired - Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem - (취업한 청각장애인의 차별경험이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향 -자아존중감의 매개효과-)

  • Lee, Jun Sang;Park, Ae sun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.97-119
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to understand the influence of discrimination experience on life satisfaction of the employed hearing-impaired, and also to verify the mediating effects of self-esteem on relations between discrimination experience and life satisfaction. To achieve this objective, the data of the 8th Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled was used, and then the extracted data of 234 employed hearing-impaired persons was used for analysis. The results of this study are like below. First, discrimination experience showed negative(-) relations with self-esteem and life satisfaction while self-esteem showed positive(+) relations with life satisfaction. Second, when the perception of discrimination experience was low, the life satisfaction was high. Third, the mediating effects of self-esteem were verified on relations between discrimination experience and life satisfaction. Marital status, health, social-economical position has effected on life satisfaction. Based on such results of the study, suggestions were made to increase life satisfaction of the hearing-impaired.

양방향 TV 시대의 CRT S/M 기계적 특성 향상

  • Lee, Byeong-Yong
    • Information Display
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.11-13
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    • 2003
  • 양방향 TV 시대에는 해상도 뿐만 아니라 사운드의 다양화 및 고음질화 되어 시각과 청각 특성 모두가 현장감, 박진감에 버금하는 시스템으로 변경되는 홈시어터 경향으로 더불어 오락 경기도 PC Game에서 Video Game의 위주로 전환 싯점에서는 사운드의 현장감은 더욱 더 절실히 요구되므로, 마이크폰닉에 대한 CRT의 특성 보완이 절실히 요구된다. 따라서, 본 보고서는 열적 변형과 좌굴에 의한 구조물의 안정성을 확보하기 위해서 Invar와 AK의 복합인 Claded Steel에 대한 좋은 특성을 소개하고자 한다.

Music Genre Classification using Spikegram and Deep Neural Network (스파이크그램과 심층 신경망을 이용한 음악 장르 분류)

  • Jang, Woo-Jin;Yun, Ho-Won;Shin, Seong-Hyeon;Cho, Hyo-Jin;Jang, Won;Park, Hochong
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.693-701
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a new method for music genre classification using spikegram and deep neural network. The human auditory system encodes the input sound in the time and frequency domain in order to maximize the amount of sound information delivered to the brain using minimum energy and resource. Spikegram is a method of analyzing waveform based on the encoding function of auditory system. In the proposed method, we analyze the signal using spikegram and extract a feature vector composed of key information for the genre classification, which is to be used as the input to the neural network. We measure the performance of music genre classification using the GTZAN dataset consisting of 10 music genres, and confirm that the proposed method provides good performance using a low-dimensional feature vector, compared to the current state-of-the-art methods.

Enhancement of the 3D Sound's Performance using Perceptual Characteristics and Loudness (지각 특성 및 라우드니스를 이용한 입체음향의 성능 개선)

  • Koo, Kyo-Sik;Cha, Hyung-Tai
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.846-860
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    • 2011
  • The binaural auditory system of human has ability to differentiate the direction and the distance of the sound sources by using the information which are inter-aural intensity difference(IID), inter-aural time difference(ITD) and/or the spectral shape difference(SSD). These information is generated from the acoustical transfer of a sound source to pinna, the outer ears. We can create a virtual sound system using the information which is called Head related transfer function(HRTF). However the performance of 3D sound is not always satisfactory because of non-individual characteristics of the HRTF. In this paper, we propose the algorithm that uses human's auditory characteristics for accurate perception. To achieve this, excitation energy of HRTF, global masking threshold and loudness are applied to the proposed algorithm. Informal listening test shows that the proposed method improves the sound localization characteristics much better than conventional methods.

A Perceptual Audio Coder Based on Temporal-Spectral Structure (시간-주파수 구조에 근거한 지각적 오디오 부호화기)

  • 김기수;서호선;이준용;윤대희
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 1996
  • In general, the high quality audio coding(HQAC) has the structure of the convertional data compression techniques combined with moodels of human perception. The primary auditory characteristic applied to HQAC is the masking effect in the spectral domain. Therefore spectral techniques such as the subband coding or the transform coding are widely used[1][2]. However no effort has yet been made to apply the temporal masking effect and temporal redundancy removing method in HQAC. The audio data compression method proposed in this paper eliminates statistical and perceptual redundancies in both temporal and spectral domain. Transformed audio signal is divided into packets, which consist of 6 frames. A packet contains 1536 samples($256{\times}6$) :nd redundancies in packet reside in both temporal and spectral domain. Both redundancies are elminated at the same time in each packet. The psychoacoustic model has been improved to give more delicate results by taking into account temporal masking as well as fine spectral masking. For quantization, each packet is divided into subblocks designed to have an analogy with the nonlinear critical bands and to reflect the temporal auditory characteristics. Consequently, high quality of reconstructed audio is conserved at low bit-rates.

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