• Title/Summary/Keyword: 집단 구조

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Taxonomic Review of Pristiophorus japonicus Complex (Pristiophoridae, Chondrichthyes) in the Northwest Pacific (북서태평양 톱상어(톱상어과, 연골어강)의 분류학적 재검토)

  • Myoung, Se Hun;Kim, Jin-Koo;Song, Choon Bok;Kai, Yoshiaki
    • Journal of Marine Life Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2016
  • The family Pristiophoridae belonging to the order Pristiophoriformes consists of about 8 species and 2 genera in the world. Among them, only one species (Pristiophorus japonicus) is distributed in northwestern Pacific. The family is characterized by having an elongated and flattened rostrum with laterally projecting a low of sharp teeth. In order to clarify variability of local populations of P. japonicus, we investigated 16 individuals collected from four locations (Korea, n=6; Miyagi, n=1; Kochi Pref., n=1; Okinawa, n=8) for morphological and molecular analyses. Morphological analysis showed that there may exist three morphotypes, of which A morphotype (Korea, Miyagi, Kochi Pref.) has a short snout (26.8% of TL), being most similar to syntypes of P. japonicus. On the other hand, B morphotype (Okinawa) has a long (31.7% of TL) and wider snout (snout width at nostrils 5.2 times pre-oral length) and, C morphotype (Okinawa) has a long (31.7% of TL) and narrower snout (6.3 times). Molecular analysis using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b DNA sequences (386 base pairs) showed that the K2P distance between A and C morphotypes were 2.1~2.7%, but those within A morphotype were 0.0~0.5%. We identified A morphotype as P. japonicus, and designated B and C morphotypes as Pristiophorus sp. 1 and Pristiophorus sp. 2, respectively. Further studies are required to elucidate the taxonomic status of two morphotypes of the sawshark in Okinawa.

Reexamination of Coach-Athlete Relationship Maintenance Scale in Pro Baseball (프로야구 코치-선수관계 유지 척도 재검증)

  • Huh, Jin-Young;Choi, Hun-Hyuk
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to prove a development and initial validation of the korean version of coach-athlete relationship maintenance scale that originated from the work of Rhind & Jowett(2012) in pro baseball. The items were then administered to 132 Participants(29 coaches and 103 athletes) completed the questionnaires of the coach-athlete relationship maintenance in First preliminary investigation. Maximum likelihood estimate was used to identify the latent underlying structure. In order to verify the validity of Korean version of coach-athlete relationship maintenance was administered to an independent sample of 273 coaches and athletes. Pro baseball coach-athlete relationship maintenance is consisted of six factors(25 items) with conflict management, motivational, preventative, openness/assurance, support, and social network. SPSS18.0 and AMOS16.0 were used to analyze the exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factory analysis and internal consistency, test-retest with bootstrapping using of the data in this study. The results of the pro baseball coach-athlete relationship maintenance scale had six factors with 25 items, and each six factor was positively correlated. Overall, this study verified pro baseball coach-athlete relationship maintenance questionnaire. Thus, suggest that path of comparing the differences between the first division and farm team by using the test of the structural model invariance across the groups.

The Study on the Development of the 'Successful Aging' Scale for Korean Elderly (한국 노인의 '성공적 노후 척도' 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mee Hye;Shin, Kyung Rim
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 2005
  • This study attempts to develop the scale of 'Successful Aging' for Korean elderly. It follows fives: (1)developing 105 items based on the literature reviews, (2)performing the 1st survey to confirm and reduce items, (3)verifying the content validity through the professional group and the elderly focused group, (4)performing the 2nd survey to explore the factors of 'Successful Aging' and (5)performing the 3rd survey to identify the construct validity and concurrent validity. The scale constructs four factors with 30 items. The four factors are confirmed : (1)self efficacy, (2)satisfaction with adult children's success, (3)couple life like companion, (4)self control. The reliability of this scale is 0.94 and the relationship between the items and each factor are statistically significant by the confirmatory factor analysis. Thus, the content validity is verified. Also the correlation with the successful aging and the life satisfaction is 0.69 and then the concurrent validity is verified. This 'Successful Aging Scale' for Korean elderly will contribute to use as the socio-metrics at the welfare practice for aging.

The Study on the Development of the 'Caregiving Affirmation Scale' for Korean Caregivers for the Aged (한국 노인가족부양자의 '부양긍정감척도' 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Jang, Young-Shin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.415-429
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    • 2012
  • This study attempts to develop the scale of 'Caregiving Affirmation Scale' for Korean Caregivers for the Aged and to testify the possibility of generalizing the scare. Mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative researches were used to achieve the purpose of the study. The steps of developing the scale were proceeded as follows: Firstly, 40 items were identified through the qualitative study and the literature reviews. Secondly, the content validity was verified through the professional group survey in addition to confirm the questionnaire items by the 1st survey. And thirdly, the construct validity and concurrent validity of the factors of 'Caregiving Satisfaction' were explored by performing the 2nd survey. As the results of the study, the total 16 items of 'Caregiving Affirmation scale' identified with the four sub-factors as follows; 1) Improvement of the care skill and a sense of fulfillment; 2) Possibility of contributions to other persons; 3) Acceptance of the aged; and 4) Improvement of Self-value. The reliability value of Cronbach's α was 0.89 with the high internal consistency and the confirmatory factor analysis showed the relationship between the items and each factor were also statistically significant. Thus, the content validity was verified. Also the correlation with the affirmative care recognition and the life satisfaction was 0.65, which meant the concurrent validity exists. The Caregiving Affirmation Scale for Korean Family Caregivers for the aged is expected to be used at the social welfare practice settings for the aged.

A Study on the Moderating Effects of Social Support and Stress Coping Behaviors in between Parenting Stress and Depression of Grandparents of Grandparents and Grandchildren Family (조손가족 조부모의 양육스트레스와 우울 간 사회적 지지와 대처행동의 조절효과)

  • Song, Yoo-Mee;Lee, Seon-Ja
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.795-811
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    • 2011
  • Recently, an interest on how to moderate parenting stress of grandparents is rising according to rising depression of grandparents of grandparents and grandchildren family(GGF) because of parenting stress So, this study tried to analyze moderating effects by setting social support and stress coping behaviors as moderator variable in order to know how much parenting stress of grandparents would influence their depression. For this purpose, we selected 369 cases of grandparents who were being provided social welfare service and to 334 cases out of them, did multigroup analysis using hierarchical regression analysis and structural equation model under spss Vor. 19.0 program. Followings are the results. First, the more parenting stress was high, the more depression high. But when social support was high, parenting stress low. And the more parenting stress was high, faith dependence, negative emotional expression and passive evasion as stress coping behaviors also high while problem reestablishment low. Second, emotional support, information support, and material support as social support had moderating effects in which parenting stress influenced depression while appraisal support had not. Third, faith dependence and low passive evasion as stress coping behaviors had moderating effects in influence of parenting stress to depression while problem reestablishment has not. On the one hand, emotional expression was meaningless in explaining moderating effects in connection with parenting stress. Through these, we draw a social welfare practical implication that could lift moderating effect of social support and stress coping behavior in between parenting stress and depression of grandparents of grandparents and grandchildren Family.

A Study for the Standardization of the Korean Version of the Parent Mealtime Action Scale (한국형 부모의 식사 중 행동척도(K-PMAS)의 표준화 연구)

  • Chung, Kyong-Mee;Lee, Su-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Health Psychology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.711-727
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and standardize the Korean version of the Parent Mealtime Action Scale(K-PMAS). The parents of typically developing preschool and elementary school children (N=887) ranging in age from 1 to 11 years as well as parents of children with developmental disorders (N=116) completed the PMAS. A subset of the participants were retested for reliability and also completed the Children's Eating Behavior Inventory- Korean Version (K-CEBI), which was used for assessing validity. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the theoretically-based 8-factor structure of PMAS fit the data well. The PMAS scores suggested acceptable levels of internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Validity was also supported by significant correlations between the K-CEBI scores and the differences in K-PMAS scores between the parents of children with developmental disorders and those of typically developing children. The results of one-way ANOVA showed no significant differences in K-PMAS scores between the genders. However, there were significant differences across ages. The means and standard deviations of the PMAS scale scores are provided. Clinical and research implications as well as limitations are discussed.

Suicidal Impulse caused by Stress in Korea : Focusing on mediational effects of Existent spirituality, Family Support, and Depression (한국인의 스트레스가 자살충동에 이르는 경로분석 : 실존적 영성, 가족의 지지, 우울의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jae Yeon;Lim, Yeon Ok;Yoon, Hyun Sook
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.81-105
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    • 2010
  • This study is aimed to investigate the effects of stress on suicidal impulse, considering the mediating effects of existent spirituality, family support, and depression. The data, collected from 1,000 adults were examined by the statistics software SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 17.0, in which descriptive statistics, structural equation model analysis, and multi-group simultaneous analysis are utilized. The study shows that, from the structural equation modeling, the stress has positive effects on depression and suicidal impulses, but negative effects on existent spirituality. Existent spirituality acts as a protective factor, negatively affecting the suicidal impulse. Depression has positive effects on suicidal impulse. Therefore, existent spirituality and depression have mediational effects on the relationship between stress and suicidal impulse. The results of multi-group simultaneous analysis imply that there are no age and sex differences. In conclusion, social workers need to make great efforts to exterminate stress, and treat depression at the first priority, because the depression is a major sign of suicide. As a protective factor, strengthening existent spirituality is a very effective way to prevent a suicidal impulse.

A Validation study of the Korean Version of Material Values Scale (한국판 물질주의척도의 타당화 연구)

  • Ji Hae You;Kyoung Ok Seol
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.385-410
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    • 2018
  • Materialistic values can be a important variable to understand Koreans' psychological well-being and mental health. This study aimed to validate the Korean version of the Material Values Scale (K-MVS)(Richins & Dawson, 1992). In study 1, we performed confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) to ascertain the three factor model of the original MVS using 417 Korean undergraduate student data(sample 1). The CFA confirmed the three-factor model of the MVS. Yet, three items that yielded low factor loadings in this study as well as in other MVS validation studies were excluded from the final model. In study 2, content, construct, and concurrent validity of the K-MVS were examined with 650 undergraduate student data(Sample 2). We also tested measurement invariance across two groups(i.e., college student group of Sample 2 and employee group of Sample 3). The result revealed that the three-factor model of the K-MVS hold true across the two groups. Lastly test-retest reliability was calculated with 408 female college student data(Sample 4) that filled out K-MVS twice within 6 months. These findings suggest that the K-MVS is a reliable and valid measure for assessing materialistic values in Korea.

The Relationship between Lifestyle and Life Satisfaction of Single-Person Youth Households: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Interpersonal Relationship and the Moderating Effect of Parents' Socioeconomic Status (청년 1인 가구의 라이프 스타일과 삶의 만족도와의 관계: 대인관계의 매개효과와 부모의 사회·경제적 지위의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Cheol-gi Min
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2023
  • This study is a research study aimed at finding out the relationship between lifestyle and life satisfaction of single youth households and the relationship between the mediating role of interpersonal relationships and the effect of parents' social and economic status regulation in the relationship between lifestyle and life satisfaction. To this end, this study conducted a self-written survey of single-person youth households across the country through an online survey institution, regardless of gender, and used a total of 501 copies out of 520 subjects for final results analysis. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 programs, and the applied statistical techniques included correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model analysis, multi-group analysis, and bootstrap. As a result of the study, there was a significant positive (+) correlation between lifestyle, life satisfaction, and interpersonal relationships of single youth households, and interpersonal relationships were found to have a mediating effect in the relationship between lifestyle and life satisfaction. It was found to have a significant positive (+) effect on income and income satisfaction, but the moderating effect of education, economic activity, housing ownership type, and class consciousness was not significant. Based on the results of these studies, it was intended to provide basic data for developing various community programs and institutional arrangements for single youth households.

A study of the multicomponent therapeutic recreation function intervention strategy by analysis on the operating condition of the cognitive rehabilitation program in dementia care center

  • Moon-Sook Lee;Byung-Jun Cho;Jae-Sik Yang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.12
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted with 50 elderly people each (5) participating in the cognitive rehabilitation treatment program at the Dementia Care Center in D City to derive the development direction and contents of a multidimensional therapeutic recreation program and a revitalization plan through analysis of the current status and actual conditions of the cognitive rehabilitation program at the Dementia Care Center. aperture) was selected, and 9 people were selected as the subject of expert group opinion collection. The collected data was SPSS ver. Using the 18.0 statistical program, descriptive statistics and the importance and priority of each component were analyzed by hierarchical structure analysis. First, unlike the needs of users, the cognitive rehabilitation support programs currently being provided are not sufficient and require considerable experience. It was found to be low, and the areas for improvement were the expansion of care and protection facilities and the development of various programs to meet the needs of users. Second, the importance and priority of each component of therapeutic recreation were categorized into 6 major categories: exercise therapy , middle category (16 items) behavior-centered approach to exercise therapy, small category (47 items) strength and brain gymnastics, and silver health gymnastics were the highest. This result shows that a multidimensional program plan that considers the priorities of each area must be made when developing a therapeutic recreation program.