• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직업 추천

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A Study on Intelligent Jobs Information Recommendation Algorithm for a Mobile Environment (모바일 환경을 위한 지능형 일자리 정보 추천 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Dong-Pyo;Jeon, Do-Hong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2008
  • As ubiquitous technology develops, there are many studies to provide various contents proper to users through a mobile device. However, there is a limit of information provision due to a small user interface of a mobile device. This study proposes a system that can solve a problem and provide an intelligent agent model appropriate to a mobile environment and job information positively that an individual user is interested. It is composed of a personalization engine to monitor users' behavior patterns and a learning algorithm to provide information to a mobile device. Analysis shows that preferred job items are different by sex, age and education, while a region affects job searching significantly.

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Job Preference Analysis and Job Matching System Development for the Middle Aged Class (중장년층 일자리 요구사항 분석 및 인력 고용 매칭 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Seongchan;Jang, Jincheul;Kim, Seong Jung;Chin, Hyojin;Yi, Mun Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.247-264
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    • 2016
  • With the rapid acceleration of low-birth rate and population aging, the employment of the neglected groups of people including the middle aged class is a crucial issue in South Korea. In particular, in the 2010s, the number of the middle aged who want to find a new job after retirement age is significantly increasing with the arrival of the retirement time of the baby boom generation (born 1955-1963). Despite the importance of matching jobs to this emerging middle aged class, private job portals as well as the Korean government do not provide any online job service tailored for them. A gigantic amount of job information is available online; however, the current recruiting systems do not meet the demand of the middle aged class as their primary targets are young workers. We are in dire need of a specially designed recruiting system for the middle aged. Meanwhile, when users are searching the desired occupations on the Worknet website, provided by the Korean Ministry of Employment and Labor, users are experiencing discomfort to search for similar jobs because Worknet is providing filtered search results on the basis of exact matches of a preferred job code. Besides, according to our Worknet data analysis, only about 24% of job seekers had landed on a job position consistent with their initial preferred job code while the rest had landed on a position different from their initial preference. To improve the situation, particularly for the middle aged class, we investigate a soft job matching technique by performing the following: 1) we review a user behavior logs of Worknet, which is a public job recruiting system set up by the Korean government and point out key system design implications for the middle aged. Specifically, we analyze the job postings that include preferential tags for the middle aged in order to disclose what types of jobs are in favor of the middle aged; 2) we develope a new occupation classification scheme for the middle aged, Korea Occupation Classification for the Middle-aged (KOCM), based on the similarity between jobs by reorganizing and modifying a general occupation classification scheme. When viewed from the perspective of job placement, an occupation classification scheme is a way to connect the enterprises and job seekers and a basic mechanism for job placement. The key features of KOCM include establishing the Simple Labor category, which is the most requested category by enterprises; and 3) we design MOMA (Middle-aged Occupation Matching Algorithm), which is a hybrid job matching algorithm comprising constraint-based reasoning and case-based reasoning. MOMA incorporates KOCM to expand query to search similar jobs in the database. MOMA utilizes cosine similarity between user requirement and job posting to rank a set of postings in terms of preferred job code, salary, distance, and job type. The developed system using MOMA demonstrates about 20 times of improvement over the hard matching performance. In implementing the algorithm for a web-based application of recruiting system for the middle aged, we also considered the usability issue of making the system easier to use, which is especially important for this particular class of users. That is, we wanted to improve the usability of the system during the job search process for the middle aged users by asking to enter only a few simple and core pieces of information such as preferred job (job code), salary, and (allowable) distance to the working place, enabling the middle aged to find a job suitable to their needs efficiently. The Web site implemented with MOMA should be able to contribute to improving job search of the middle aged class. We also expect the overall approach to be applicable to other groups of people for the improvement of job matching results.

A Study for Satisfaction of Chinese Tourists in Korea (중국소비자의 한국관광 만족을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Koo, Hye-Gyoung;Kim, Young-Seen;Choi, Ara;Wang, Sujie
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to propose measures to consistently induce Chinese tourists who represent the largest percentage of inbound tourism from foreign countries, utilizing raw data of 2015 Korea International Visitor Survey conducted by the Korea Culture & Tourism Institute under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Differences and influence factors for overall satisfaction on travel in Korea, intention to revisit Korea, and intention to recommendation were analyzed by demographic characteristics and tourism characteristics of Chinese consumers. As a result of analysis study, it came out that there are differences between overall satisfaction on travel in Korea and intention to revisit Korea by age and job of demographic characteristics. Among the tourism characteristics, there are differences in intention to revisit Korea depending on purpose of travel, intention to revisit Korea and recommendation according to route of travel information search, and there are differences in all three categories according to type of travel. The most important factor of all three category was identified as 'Food' factor and the second most influential factors were immigration procedures, security, and tourist attractiveness. It is suggested that more active research and improvement efforts are needed in the government, industry, and academia in order to attract Chinese tourists in the future.

A Study of academic high school students' STEM career motivation formation: An approach based on the Grounded Theory (고등학생들의 이공계 진로동기 형성과정 연구: 근거이론적 접근)

  • Jung, Young-Hee;Shin, Sein;Lee, Jun-Ki
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.36-59
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a theory appropriate to the context by identifying the career motivation formation process from the perspective of academic high school students using a grounded theory approach. In this study, participants were selected among non probability sampling was used for sampling by artificially reputational case selection methods. Forty two highschool students(21 male, 21 female) were participated in this study. Research data were collected mainly collected using in-depth interview data were analyzed by applying the grounded theory method of Strauss and Corbin (1998). According to the results, 319 concepts and 56 sub-categories, and 19 categories were derived n the open coding process. Academic high school students' formation of STEM career motivation were influenced by contextual conditions of "STEM-related career think that the instruments' causal conditions and 'STEM education experience in inside and outside of school' named 'STEM career understanding and self-understanding' using the strategy of being influenced in interventional conditions of social support and obstacle 'for the central phenomenon of "STEM efforts to achieve career goals, it appeared as a result of" satisfaction for STEM careers. And it had a 5-step process over time that the formation process of STEM career motivation. This is expected to provide homes, schools, communities, and contribute to have a new insight on the education of the country, given the direction of career education and counseling intervention and the basic data used to develop and apply STEM career education.

Exploring Job Aptitude through Analyzing the Relationship between Six Types of GEOPIA and MBTI's four Function Types (도형심리검사 GEOPIA 6가지 유형과 MBTI 4기능 유형 간 관계연구를 통한 직업적성탐구)

  • Oh, Mi-Ra;Choi, Jeang-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship and degree of agreement between the six types of Geometry Psychological Assessment (GEOPIA) and four functions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test, and to investigate the appropriate level of vocational aptitude commonly recommended by each tool. A total of 377 adult men and women from Korea, aged between 19 and 70 years, were tested using GEOPIA and the MBTI. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to verify the validity and reliability of the measuring tools, and the mean and standard deviation of each variable were calculated. Also, a cross-sectional analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between GEOPIA and the MBTI. The results showed that Round/Triangle (RT) types, Round/Box (RB) types, Triangle/Box (TB) types and Box/Curve (BC) types among the GEOPIA personality types are highly related to MBTI's Sensing/Thinking (ST) types. GEOPIA RC types were related to Intuition/Feeling (NF) and Sensing/Feeling (SF) types, and TC types were highly related to Intuition/Thinking (NT) types. Based on the common characteristics of the two tests, the findings suggest appropriate levels of vocational aptitude. Through this research, it was confirmed that GEOPIA (a Korean psychology and personality test) can be used in counseling, coaching, and education, and above all, is a reliable tool for vocational psychological assessment to search for career aptitude.

A Design of an NCS-Based Job Matching System for the Disability

  • Jung-Youn Park;Min-Ji Kim;Jin-Ui Kim;Jin-Seop Yoo;Eun-Mi Mun;Hee-Young Nam;Won Joo Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose and design an NCS-based job matching system for individuals with disabilities. This system allows users with disabilities to access it, input basic information (personal and disability-related details), and take a simple test related to job performance. The system then provides NCS job-related information appropriate to their type and degree of disability. To effectively link various NCS-based jobs, it is essential to consider the degree of disability for each type of disability. However, most evaluation tools target specific types of disabilities or assess the vocational abilities of individuals with disabilities in a limited manner, focusing only on cognitive levels or certain physical functions. This makes it challenging to apply these tools to an NCS-based job matching system for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, in this paper, we utilize the ICF coresets for VR to assess the cognitive levels or physical functions required for performing specific jobs. Additionally, we use the NCS vocational competency evaluation tools to determine the levels of vocational competencies required for performing specific jobs. By doing so, we match NCS-based jobs according to the type and degree of disability. The proposed NCS-based job matching system relies on the user's interaction with the system, which may pose challenges for visually impaired individuals or those with intellectual and autism spectrum disabilities who have low literacy levels. Enhancing the accessibility of this system could enable individuals with disabilities to receive recommendations for NCS-based jobs that suit their vocational abilities.

WINE - WAITER AND WINE : A MARKETING CONNECTION Towards the current trend of the sommellerie (소믈리에와 와인 간의 관계 마케팅 전략 - 최근 소믈리에의 경향 중심으로 -)

  • Pierre, METTELIN
    • Proceedings of the Culinary Society of Korean Academy Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2004
  • The sommellerie is an ancient job, which has always advanced with the passings centuries. It has become more and more specialized. So, the wine waiter must have a suitable training, sound world knowledges, a keen sense of wine tasting and the liking of human contact. All these skills lead him to put his know - how to good use in the surest way : restaurant. There he undergoes a fruitful experience. The view of a man with many facets is true : taking part in purchases, cellar management, wine-list formulation, advising customer, accommodation between wines and food essentially. However, his duties have risen. He is running through business size, upstream of sales and with clients. Expert in this matter, he is able to take an effect on the store, marketing product, sales, and finally the sales figure of the institution in which he assumes a key position.

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Attitudes Towards Homecare Beauty Devices in Women in Correlation to Narcissism (여성의 자기애에 따른 홈케어 뷰티디바이스 이용 태도)

  • Kang, Shin-Ok;Kim, Moon-Ju
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.212-224
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to provide data on attitudes towards the use of Homecare beauty devices in correlation to narcissism of women between ages 30-59. Through statistical analysis of 563 survey questions, data displayed that respondents' age, level of education, marital status, economic status, and career status showed a strong correlation with implicit narcissism, while explicit narcissism only showed a correlation with age and career status. The most popular skincare location was shown to be 'self-provided at home', and the most popular item purchased being 'galvanic devices'. Secondly, attitudes towards the use of homecare beauty devices in correlation towards implicit narcissistic respondents were only to the consideration of its use, while explicit narcissists displayed a strong correlation between the purchase of a product and the recommendation of others. While this is the first study on attitudes towards homecare beauty devices in relation to a personality-based trait like narcissism and it displayed meaningful results, a more in-depth study in the future dealing with a larger region and respondent groups of a wider age and gender group should be undertaken.

Occupational advice for adults who do stutter and the associated factors (말더듬 성인에 대한 직업 추천 양상과 관련 요인 분석)

  • Park, Hong Zoo;Park, Sun Young;Jang, Hye Kyung;Park, Jin
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.91-109
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    • 2016
  • This study was mainly aimed to investigate on the perceptions of occupational suitability for speakers who stutter and the associated factors. 90 college students who do not stutter participated in this study and asked to hear one of three audio recordings(i.e., fluent version, mildly-stuttered version, and severely-stuttered version) of a male speaker who stuttered. Then, the participants were asked to rate the speaker's communicative functioning, personal attributes, and suitability for 31 occupations, along with perceptions of the occupations' speaking demands and educational requirements. Results show that speakers who stuttered (i.e., mildly-stuttered and severely-stuttered version) received lower suitability ratings for high speaking demand occupations than for low speaking demand occupations. In addition, it has been shown that perceived speaking demand strongly affected occupational suitability ratings at both levels of stuttering severity. However, it has been shown that occupational suitability ratings were not associated with ratings of the speaker's personal attributes and perceived educational requirements. From these findings it can be argued that adults who stutter may face occupational stereotyping and/or role entrapment in work settings.

A Study on the Influence of Workers' Aspiration for Academic Needs on Participation in University Education (근로자의 학업욕구 열망이 대학교육 참여에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun;Mun, Bok-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2021
  • This study intended to present strategies and implications for attracting new students and customized education to university officials through research on the participation of workers' academic aspirations in university education. Thus, variables were derived by analyzing prior data, and causal settings between variables and questionnaires were developed. Subject to the survey, 331 workers interested in participating in university education were collected through interpersonal interviews. The collected data were dataized, and reliability and feasibility verification and frequency analysis were conducted. Finally, we validate the fit of the structural equation model and the causal relationship for each concept. Therefore, the results of the validation show the following implications. First, university officials should be motivated by a mentor and mentee system with experienced people who have switched to a suitable vocational group through university education. It will also be necessary to develop and disseminate programs so that they can continue to develop themselves for the future. To this end, it will be necessary to help them understand their aptitude and strengths through consultation with experts. Second, university officials should strengthen public relations so that prospective students can know the cases and information of the job transformation of the admitted workers through recommendations. It will also be necessary to develop university education programs that can self-develop, accept various ideas through "public contest", and provide accurate information about university education to workers through re-processing. Third, university officials should provide workers with a program that allows them to catch two rabbits: job transformation and self-improvement through university education. In other words, it is necessary to stimulate the motivation of workers by providing various information such as visiting advanced overseas companies, obtaining various certificates, moving between departments of blue-collar and white-collar, and transfer opportunities. Fourth, university officials should actively promote university education programs related to this by participating in university education and receiving systematic education and the flow of social environment. Finally, university officials will need to consult and promote workers so that they can self-develop when they participate in college education, and they will have to figure out what they need for self-development through demand surveys and analysis.