• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직업존중

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A Survey on the Engineer's Sense of Value (엔지니어의 가치관에 대한 실태 조사)

  • Rho, Tae-Cheon;Lee, So-Yee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to survey on the engineer's sense of value. For this, we analyzed the ethic code of the engineer relation groups and executed the survey of consulting committee. The subjects of analysis were six associations related to engineer, and analysis of the ethics was done on the basis of 'four levels of engineer's ethics or sense of value'. The subjects of survey were 57 professions. The ethic code shows the most important engineer's sense of value is dignity maintenance, development of individual and social welfare as well as public service. The survey shows the most important sense of value when engineer make decisions at the present is practicality and economical efficiency. And it shows the most important sense of value when engineer make decisions in the future is practicality and economical efficiency.

Ethical Dilemmas in Teacher-librarians' Professional Practice (사서교사의 윤리적 딜레마에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Jin Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.161-180
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates ethical dilemmas of teacher-librarians in their professional practice. Within the framework of "Librarians' Statement of Ethics" by Korean Library Association, the study used the survey and semi-structured interview with teacher-librarians. 259 teacher-librarians responded the survey and 5 teacher-librarians participated the interview. The survey was analyzed using descriptive statistics to find how often teacher-librarians experience ethical dilemmas. The semi-structured interview was transcribed and analyzed to draw the individual cases of teacher-librarians' ethical dilemmas. The results indicate that teacher-librarians experience ethical dilemmas in relation to information access and intellectual freedom most often. It was difficult for teacher-librarians to relate their professional duties with their expertise and that they were not clear on how to avoid copyright issues and how to deal with the balance between users and copyright holders. This study had implications that individual dilemma cases are so context-dependent that teacher-librarians had to make decisions individually. They tried hard to find the balance between protecting students from harmful resources and library ethics. Researchers and practitioners need focus more on finding where the balance is and how teacher-librarians deal with their ethical dilemmas.

A Study on the Family Strength and the Career Maturity of High School Students (고등학생의 가족건강성과 진로성숙도에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Nam-Hee;Hong, Eun-Sil
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to identify family strength and career maturity, and to explore the difference of career maturity according to family strength, targeting high school students as subjects. A total of 1,000 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 858 copies were used for the final analysis. The major results are summarized as follows: In respect to general tendency of family strength and career maturity, the score of family respect was the highest, 3.59, followed by 3.56 of gratitude and affection, 3.54 of problem shooting ability, economic stability, faithfulness to role, emotional bond, positive communication and goal sharing. The score of emotional bond with society was the lowest, 2.90. The score of family strength was 3.36, which was the intermediate level. As sub-factors of career maturity, the score of relevancy was 3.40, and that of tendency was 3.17, followed by that of independence and compromise. The score of determination was the lowest, 2,75. A total score of career maturity was 3.05. Family strength was marked highly by the girls students studying humanities, and religious ones. Those whose parents have high education and no-divorce background also showed high scores. High school students with higher economic levels and long-married parents showed higher scores than high school students with poor economy levels and single parents. Students with parents who have professional jobs also marked high scores. Career maturity degree as a background variable was significantly higher in the following cases: In terms of religious background, students whose mother are buddhists or atheists marked high scores. High scores were marked by those whose parents have higher education and no-divorce background. High school students from middle class and over and long-married parents showed higher career maturity degree than high school students with poor economy levels and single parents. Students with parents who have professional jobs also marked high career maturity degree. While career maturity degree, which is subjected to family strength, showed very different results when analysed with 5 sub-variables. As family strength resulted in positive effects to career maturity degree, higher family strength showed higher career maturity degree. Especially, in the areas of relevance and tendency of career maturity degree, the effects of positiveness was clearly high.

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The Status of Nursing Ethics Education in Korea 4-year-College of Nursing (간호윤리 교육현황 - 4년제 대학교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Han Sung-Suk;Kim Yong-Soon;Um Young-Rhan;Ahn Sung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To provide fundamental data to present further direction of education on Nursing Ethics by investigating the status of Nursing Ethics education performed at 4-year-Colleges of Nursing. Korea. Methods : A descriptive survey study The data collected from 28 universities through a questionnaire to examine the status of Nursing Ethics education in Korea. Results : I. Teaching Nursing Ethics class as a independent subject-6(21.4%) universities. 1) The average of 23.67 hours(2 credits) in the total educational hours. 2) Teaching method-theoretical class, discussion of case study, discussion of related issues, presentation of video tapes and discussion, team education, role play, and submission of reports. 3) Education contents-Nursing profession and ethics, the dignity of human life, necessity of bioethics, ethical theory and refutation, code for nurses, ethical issues between nurses and patients, nurses and co-workers, and nurses and nurses 6 universities 4) 5 universities-Included ethical decision making, artificial insemination, external insemination, artificial abortion, organ transplantation, brain death, human subject of study suicide, and euthanasia. II. Teaching Nursing Ethics as an inclusive theme in other subjects-22 (78.57%) universities. 1) Educated in Introduction of Nursing (14 universities), Nursing Management, Nursing Ethics and Philosophy, Special Nursing, Nursing and Law, and Professional Nursing. 2) Educational course-Taught in freshman level at 14 universities, average 9.32 education hours. Conclusion: Showed not only that universities, not operating Nursing Ethics as a independent class, unreasonably operate and assign too many contents in comparing with its education hours and are likely to become only a cramming education but also professors whose major is not Nursing Ethics presently in charge need to take a chance to supplement their knowledge and teaching method.

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Impact of Dentists' Attitudes and Dental Hygienists' Services on Dental Anxiety (치과의사의 태도와 치과위생사의 서비스가 치과불안에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Jeong A;Lee, Su-Young;Oh, Se-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting dentists' attitudes and dental hygienists' services on dental anxiety in adults. The subjects were 300 adults older than 20 years of age living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, and Daegu. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Among the distributed questionnaires, 225 respondents were selected as subjects, excluding 74 people who did not answer and 1 person who was not faithful. Data were analyzed using statistical software with a t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. As a result, the gender was slightly higher in women (54.7%) than in men, and the last dental visit was less than one year in 59.6% of respondents. Most of the respondents' educational level was higher than college level (79.1%), and the monthly income was less than 2 million won in 53.8 of respondents. This study showed that distrust of dentists affected dental anxiety and anxiety stimulation. Higher reliability of the dentist was correlated with less dental anxiety in patients. Dental anxiety showed statistically significant results in dentist subcategories of patient slight and dentists' trust (p<0.01). Additionally, the factors affecting dental anxiety and anxiety stimulus were knowledge of dental hygienist and distrust of dentist (p<0.01). According to this study, dentists' and dental hygienists' trust of dental staff show the importance of oral health professionals' role in reducing dental anxiety in patients. It is also suggested that efforts should be made to improve public awareness of oral health experts. It is believed that dentists, and dental hygienists need to promoted to become professionals. In addition, a variety of programs have been developed to reduce dental anxiety, so patients need to be comfortable to receive dental treatment.

Factors Associated with Care Burden among Family Caregivers of Terminally Ill Cancer Patients (말기암환자 가족 간병인의 간병 부담과 관련된 요인)

  • Lee, Jee Hye;Park, Hyun Kyung;Hwang, In Cheol;Kim, Hyo Min;Koh, Su-Jin;Kim, Young Sung;Lee, Yong Joo;Choi, Youn Seon;Hwang, Sun Wook;Ahn, Hong Yup
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: It is important to alleviate care burden for terminal cancer patients and their families. This study investigated the factors associated with care burden among family caregivers (FCs) of terminally ill cancer patients. Methods: We analyzed data from 289 FCs of terminal cancer patients who were admitted to palliative care units of seven medical centers in Korea. Care burden was assessed using the Korean version of Caregiver Reaction Assessment (CRA) scale which comprises five domains. A multivariate logistic regression model with stepwise variable selection was used to identify factors associated with care burden. Results: Diverse associating factors were identified in each CRA domain. Emotional factors had broad influence on care burden. FCs with emotional distress were more likely to experience changes to their daily routine (adjusted odds ratio (aOR), 2.54; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.29~5.02), lack of family support (aOR, 2.27; 95% CI, 1.04~4.97) and health issues (aOR, 5.44; 2.50~11.88). Family functionality clearly reflected a lack of support, and severe family dysfunction was linked to financial issues as well. FCs without religion or comorbid conditions felt more burdened. The caregiving duration and daily caregiving hours significantly predicted FCs' lifestyle changes and physical burden. FCs who were employed, had weak social support or could not visit frequently, had a low self-esteem. Conclusion: This study indicates that it is helpful to understand FCs' emotional status and family functions to assess their care burden. Thus, efforts are needed to lessen their financial burden through social support systems.

Comparison of Major and Job Satisfaction of Students and Graduates in Dental Hygiene and Nursing (대전 일부 치위생학과와 간호학과 재학생 및 졸업생의 전공과 업무 만족도 비교)

  • Baek, Seong-Min;Song, Da-Hye;Park, Jin-Seul;Bae, Jeong-Yeon;Jeong, Won-Seok;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2013
  • Although dental hygiene has haven a special domain of knowledge and its own business territory, people have misunderstandings about dental hygienists as nurses or nirses' aides in Korea. Inadequate knowledge could make negative results for university applicants to choose department of dental hygiene. This study was aimed to compare major and job satisfaction of students and graduates in dental hygiene and nursing for objective comparison and suggestion for dental hygiene. The subjects were 98 dental hygiene students, 113 nursing students, 53 dental hygienists, and 53 nurses by convenience sampling in Daejeon. The questionnaire consisted of satisfaction of college life, social identity, career path and job. ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc analysis was used with SPSS 20.0 program. Although dental hygiene students scored lower than nursing students in satisfaction of college life, social identity, career path and job, dental hygienists, nurse and dental hygiene students didn't have different satisfaction of job. Dental hygienists scored the lowest in relation with clinical work and major curriculum, and sexual discrimination. Nurses scored the lowest in working condition and salary. Dental hygienists and dental hygiene students had lower scores in information and advice of career path, entrance to graduate school, stable work, family's pride of my major, social position and so on. We suggested the community of dental hygiene should try to promote dental hygienists to public, the community of dentists should give the stable working condition, and the department of dental hygiene should improve the major curriculum to relate with clinical work.

The effects of skill-utilization based underemployment on self-esteem and mental health: Employment commitment and social support as moderators (기술활용도 측면의 불완전고용이 재취업자의 자아존중감과 정신건강에 미치는 영향: 일에 대한 몰입과 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Youn-Hee Roh ;Myung Un Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.355-383
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the effects of skill-utilization based underemployment on self-esteem and mental health were examined. Also the moderating effects of employment commitment and social support were verified. Data obtained by a longitudinally designed survey with the reemployed (N=153) after job loss were used. The skill-utilization based underemployment was measured in two ways. One is measured in the way that use objective data, the ratio of education - 'educational requirement for the current job' divided by 'individual educational attainment.' The other is measured in the way that use psychological and self-reported measure, two factors of overqualification - the absence of opportunity for growth (no-growth) and the occupational mismatch in educational attainment, skills and experiences (mismatch). The main effect revealed that the no-growth made self-esteem lower and mental health (GHQ-social maladjustment) worse. The significant interaction of the ratio of education and employment commitment indicates that the negative effects of underemployment measured by the ratio of education on mental health (GHQ-social maladjustment, GHQ-depression/anxiety) were greater for those perceiving low employment commitment than for those perceiving high employment commitment. The significant interaction of the ratio of education and social support indicates that the negative effects of underemployment measured by the ratio of education on mental health (GHQ-depression/anxiety) were greater for those perceiving low social support than for those perceiving high social support. The two moderators also interacted with the two factors of perceived overqualification. Employment commitment had significant interaction effects with the no-growth and the mismatch on self-esteem and mental health (GHQ-depression/anxiety), whereas social support had a significant interaction only with the no-growth on mental health (GHQ-depression/anxiety). The significant interactions show that employment commitment and social support function as buffers in reducing the negative effects of skill-utilization based underemployment on self-esteem and mental health.

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