• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직관적 사고력

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The Intuition in History of Mathematical Philosophy and Mathematics (수리철학과 수학의 역사에서 직관)

  • Lee Dae Hyun
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2005
  • Intuition has played an important role in process of invention of mathematics and given understanding of mathematical truth and the direction of solution. So, I review about intuition in history of mathematical philosophy and mathematics because we need systematic research about intuition for search of the methods for enhancement of intuition in mathematics education. According to the research of scholars who emphasize intuitive education, intuition is common feature which everybody hold and is not special feature which particular person hold. In addition, intuition is universal ability that can enhance by proper instruction. So, we have to emphasize the importance of the development of intuition and education which emphasize creative thought via intuition.

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Difference between Gifted and Regular High School Students in Mathematical Thinking Ability (고등학교 수학영재와 일반학생의 수학적 사고력의 비교)

  • Hwang, Dong-Jou;Lee, Kang-Sup
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.847-860
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the instrument of mathematical thinking ability tests were considered, and the differences between gifted and regular high school students in the ability were investigated by the test. The instrument consists of 9 items, and verified its quality due to reliability. Participants were 353 regular and 252 gifted high school students from tenth grade. As a result, not only organizing ability of information but also ability of space perception and visualization and intuitive insight ability could be the characteristics of the mathematical giftedness.

Development of Physical Computing Curriculum in Elementary Schools for Computational Thinking (컴퓨팅 사고력 향상을 위한 초등 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육과정 개발)

  • Kim, Jaehwi;Kim, Dongho
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 2016
  • Block-based educational programming language(EPL) is commonly used due to its availability at low or no cost. It is also preferred tool of computing education due to its intuitive design, ease-of-use and its effectiveness in increasing algorithmic thinking abilities especially in elementary students. Physical computing is also necessary because it brings students closer to real-world problem solving by connecting the real world with the computing environment. However, due to high-cost and required knowledge in electrical engineering, many schools find the education difficult to access. The study shows significant increase in computational thinking abilities in both groups treated with EPL and additional physical computing education.

수학 영재 판별을 위한 수학 창의적 문제해결력 검사 개발

  • Jo Seok-Hui;Hwang Dong-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.211-226
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    • 2006
  • 이 연구는 수학 창의적 문제해결력을 바탕으로 수학 영재를 판별하기 위해서 수학 창의적 문제해결력 검사를 개발하고, 유창성만으로 수학 창의성을 평가한 이 검사 방법의 신뢰도와 타당도를 검증하는데 있다. 10개의 개방적인 수학 문제를 개발한 바, 수학적으로는 직관적 통찰력, 정보 조직력, 추론능력, 일반화 및 적용력, 반성적 사고력을 요구하는 문제들이다. 이 10문항을 영재교육기관에 입학하고자 지원한 초등학교 5학년 2,2029명에게 실시했다. 교사들은 각 문제에 대해 타당한 답을 제시한 빈도로 유창성을 측정했다. 학생들의 반응은 Rasch의 1모수 문항반응모형을 기반으로 한 BIGSTEPTS 로 분석했다. 문항반응 분석결과, 이 검사는 창의성을 유창성만으로 측정할 때도 영재판별 검사로서 신뢰도, 타당도, 난이도, 변별도가 모두 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 덜 정의되고, 덜 구조화되고, 신선한 문제가 영재교육 프로그램에 지원한 학생들의 수학 창의성을 측정하는데 좋은 문제임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 이 검사는 남학생이 여학생보다 수학 창의적 문제해결력이 우수하며, 영재교육원에 지원한 학생들이 수학영재학급에 지원한 학생들보다 더 우수함을 확인해 주었다.

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Preservice secondary matheamtics teachers' understanding of irrational numbers (예비 중등 교사들의 무리수에 대한 이해)

  • Lee, Sunbi
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.499-518
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the preservice secondary mathematics teachers understanding and dimensions of knowledge about definition of irrational numbers and irrational numbers and operations. I adopted a framework consisting of formal dimensions, intuitive numbers, algorithmic dimentions suggested by Tirosh et al.(1998) by adding instrumental dimension for his study. I surveyed 65 preservice secondary mathematics teachers who are in bachelor program and post-bachelor program for teacher certificate by using a questionnaire suggested by Sirotic and Zazkis(2007). The results of this study suggest that 83.1% of the participants gave correct answers in definitions of irrational numbers. 43% of the preservice secondary teachers gave correct answers in adding with irrational numbers. Also 91% of the preservice teachers gave correct answers in multiplying irrational numbers. The preservice teachers appeared to understand irrational numbers and operations at formal dimension. More than half of the preservice teachers gave incorrect answers in adding irrational numbers and a few participants gave incorrect in multiplying irrational numbers. The preservice teachers seemed to understand irrational numbers and operations at intuitive or instrumental dimension. The results also suggest that the preservice secondary mathematics teachers have incorrect understanding about irrational numbers.

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A Pixel Game for Kids Using Arduino-Proceesing (아두이노와 프로세싱을 접목시킨 아동용 픽셀게임)

  • Jung, Yi-jin;Kang, Hyun-a;Lee, Hye-bin;Cho, Yu-ra
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.1324-1327
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    • 2021
  • 코로나19로 인해 가정에서 2-7세 아동이 혼자 있는 시간이 증가하였다. 피아제 이론에 따르면, 2-7세 아동은 전조작기 시기에 해당하는 아동이다. 전조작기 시기에는 직관적 사고력이 강하여 놀이를 통해 보존개념을 발달시키는 것이 중요하다. 하지만 보존개념을 발달시킬 수 있는 아동을 위한 적절한 교육놀이용 도구가 부족한 상황이다. 본 논문에서는 아두이노 프로세싱을 이용한 아동 놀이기구를 제안한다.

The Introduction of Design Thinking to Science Education and Exploration of Its Characterizations as a Method for Group Creativity Education (집단 창의성 교육을 위한 방안으로서 과학 교육에 디자인적 사고의 도입과 속성 탐색)

  • Lee, Dohyun;Yoon, Jihyun;Kang, Seong-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2014
  • Group creativity has recently been heightened as a core competence in the 21st century. Therefore, there is a need for introduction of concepts on design thinking emphasizing the collaboration and empathy to science education as an effective method for fostering group creativity. Understanding design thinking for effective introduction should be preceded, so we explore the characterizations of design thinking through the generic model overlay method, focus group interview, and critical incident technique analysis. The results reveal 4 cluster units of competency and 15 core competencies. The collaboration cluster consists of 5 competencies and they are as follows: organization of the team, communication, self-control, persuasiveness, and initiative competency. The integrative thinking cluster consists of 3 competencies and they are as follows: analytical, strategic, and intuitive thinking competency. The human-centeredness cluster consists of 3 competencies and they are as follows: user-orientation, relationship building, and interpersonal understanding competency. The multidisciplinary cluster consists of 4 competencies and they are as follows: achievement orientation, information seeking, curiosity, and flexibility competency. Findings are expected to provide the basic data for developing programs and establishing strategies in order to foster group creativity as well as introducing design thinking to science education effectively.

Teaching and Learning of University Calculus with Python-based Coding Education (파이썬(Python) 기반의 코딩교육을 적용한 대학 미적분학의 교수·학습)

  • Park, Kyung-Eun;Lee, Sang-Gu;Ham, Yoonmee;Lee, Jae Hwa
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2019
  • This study introduces a development of calculus contents which makes to understand the main concepts of calculus in a short period of time and to enhance problem solving and computational thinking for complex problems encountered in the real world for college freshmen with diverse backgrounds. As a concrete measure, we developed 'Teaching and Learning' contents and Python-based code for Calculus I and II which was used in actual classroom. In other words, the entire process of teaching and learning, action plan, and evaluation method for calculus class with Python based coding are reported and shared. In anytime and anywhere, our students were able to freely practice and effectively exercise calculus problems. By using the given code, students could gain meaningful understanding of calculus contents and were able to expand their computational thinking skills. In addition, we share a way that it motivated student activities, and evaluated students fairly based on data which they generated, but still instructor's work load is less than before. Therefore, it can be a teaching and learning model for college mathematics which shows a possibility to cover calculus concepts and computational thinking at once in a innovative way for the 21st century.

The Education Program Model for the Thinking Extension Ability of the Gifted in Information Based on Game Tree (게임 트리에 기반한 정보영재의 사고력 신장을 위한 교육 프로그램 모형)

  • Jung, Deok-Gil;Kim, Byung-Joe
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.310-314
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we develop the thinking extension education program for the gifted students of information, and prove the validity and effectiveness of the proposed model by presenting the Tic-tac-toe problem as the practical example of the information-gifted students. This model consists of four phases which has the game tree as data structure and the search of game tree as control structure. And the search of game tree becomes the basis of the thinking extension education program. This model gives the help for students to learn representing the problem as tree structure and solving the problem of tree structure using the search method of game tree. The internal ability of the information-gifted for thinking extension of this education program contains the fluency, perceptiveness, originality, power of concentration, imaginative power, analyzing skills, pattern recognition, space sense, synthesizing, problem-solving.

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The Education Program Model for the Thinking Extension Ability of the Gifted in Information Based on Game Tree (게임 트리에 기반한 정보영재의 사고력 신장을 위한 교육 프로그램 모형)

  • Jung, Deok-Gil;Kim, Byung-Joe
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.1228-1234
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we develop the thinking extension education program for the gifted students of information and prove the validity and effectiveness of the proposed model by presenting the Tic-tac-toe problem as the practical example of the information-gifted students. This model consists of four phases which has the game tree as data structure and the search of game lee as control structure. And the search of game tree becomes the basis of the thinking extension education program. This model gives the help for students to learn representing the problem as tree structure and solving the problem of tree structure using the search method of game tree. The internal ability of the information-gifted for thinking extension of this education program contains the fluency, perceptiveness, originality, power of concentration, imaginative power, analyzing skills, pattern recognition, space sense, synthesizing, problem-solving.