• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형형성작용

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Late Quaternary Depositional Processes in the Korea Plateau and Ulleung Interplain Gap, East Sea (동해 한국대지 및 울릉 분지간통로의 제4기 후기 해저퇴적작용)

  • 윤석훈;박장준;한상준
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 2003
  • High-resolution (Chirp, 3-11 kHz) echo facies and sedimentary facies of piston-core sediments were analyzed to reveal the late Quaternary depositional processes in the Korea Plateau and Ulleung Interplain Gap. The Korea Plateau is an Isolated topographic high with a very restricted input of terrigenous sediments, and its slope is characterized by a thin sediment cover and various-scale submarine canyons and valleys. Echo and sedimentary facies suggest that the plateau has been moulded mainly by persistent (hemi) pelagic sedimentation and intermittent settling of volcanic ashes. Sediments on the plateau slope and steep margins of ridges and seamounts were reworked by earthquake-induced, large-scale slope failures accompanied by slides, slumps and debris flows. As major fraction of the reworked sediments consists of (hemi) pelagic clay particles, large amounts of sediments released from mass flows were easily suspended to form turbid nepheloid layers rather than bottom-hugging turbidity currents, which flowed further downslope through the submarine canyons and spreaded over the Ulleung Basin plain. In the Ulleung Interplain Gap, sediments were introduced mainly by (hemi) pelagic settling and subordinate episodic mass flows (turbidity currents and debris flows) along the submarine channels from the slopes of the Oki Bank and Dok Island. The sediments in the Ulleung Interplain Channel and its margin were actively eroded and reworked by the deep water flow from the Japan Basin.

Tectonic Structures and Hydrocarbon Potential in the Central Bransfield Basin, Antarctica (남극 브랜스필드 해협 중앙분지의 지체구조 및 석유부존 가능성)

  • Huh Sik;Kim Yeadong;Cheong Dae-Kyo;Jin Young Keun;Nam Sang Heon
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.5 no.1_2 s.6
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 1997
  • The study area is located in the Central Bransfield Basin, Antarctica. To analyze the morphology of seafloor, structure of basement, and seismic stratigraphy of the sedimentary layers, we have acquired, processed, and interpreted the multi-channel seismic data. The northwest-southeastern back-arc extension dramatically changes seafloor morphology, volcanic and fault distribution, and basin structure along the spreading ridges. The northern continental shelf shows a narrow, steep topography. In contrast, the continental shelf or slope in the south, which is connected to the Antarctic Peninsula, has a gentle gradient. Volcanic activities resulted in the formation of large volcanos and basement highs near the spreading center, and small-scale volcanic diapirs on the shelf. A very long, continuous normal fault characterizes the northern shelf, whereas several basinward synthetic faults probably detach into the master fault in the south. Four transfer faults, the northwest-southeastern deep-parallel structures, controlled the complex distributions of the volcanos, normal faults, depocenters, and possibly hydrocarbon provinces in the study area. They have also deformed the basement structure and depositional pattern. Even though the Bransfield Basin was believed to be formed in the Late Cenozoic (about 4 Ma), the hydrocarbon potential may be very high due to thick sediment accumulation, high organic contents, high heat flow resulted from the active tectonics, and adequate traps.

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Geomorphic Features of Bing-gye Valley Area(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) -Mainly about Talus- (의성 빙계계곡 일대의 지형적 특성 -테일러스를 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 1998
  • Bing-gye valley(Kyongbuk Province, South Korea) is well known as a tourist attraction because of its meteorologic characteristics that show subzero temperature during midsummer. Also, there are some interesting geomorphic features in the valley area. Therefore, the valley is worth researching in geomorphology field. The aim of this paper is to achieve two purposes. These are to clarify geomorphic features on talus within Bing-gye valley area, and to infer the origin of Bing-gye valley. The main results are summarized as follows. 1) The formation of Bing-gye valley It would be possible to infer the following two ideas regarding the formation of Bing-gye valley. One is that the valley was formed by differential erosion of stream along fault line, and the other is that the rate of upheaval comparatively exceeded the rate of stream erosion. Especially, the latter may be associated with the fact that the width of the valley is much narrow. Judging that the fact the width of the valley is much narrow, compared with one of its upper or lower valley, it is inferred that Bing-gye valley is transverse valley. 2) The geomorphic features of talus (1) Pattern It seems to be true that the removal of matrix(finer materials) by the running water beneath the surface can result in partly collapse hollows. Taluses are tongue-shaped or cone-shaped in appearance. They are $120{\sim}200m$ in length, $30{\sim}40m$ in maximum width. and $32{\sim}33^{\circ}$ in mean slope gradient. The component blocks are mostly homogeneous in size and shape(angular), which reflect highly jointed free face produced by frost action under periglacial environment. (2) Origin On the basis of previous studies, the type of the talus is classified into rock fall talus. When considered in conjunction with the degrees of both weathering of blocks and hardness of blocks, it can be explained that the talus was formed under periglacial environment in pleistocene time. (3) The inner structure of block accumulation I recognize a three-layered structure in the talus as follows: (a) superficial layer; debris with openwork texture at the surface, 1.3m thick. (b) intermediate layer: small debris(about 5cm in diameter) with fine matrix(including humic soil), 70cm thick. (c) basal layer: over 2m beneath surface, almost pure soil horizon without debris (4) The stage of landform development Most of the blocks are now covered with lichen, and/or a mantle of weathering. It is believed that downslope movement by talus creep well explains the formation of concave slope of the talus. There is no evidence of present motion in the deposit. Judging from above-mentioned facts, the talus of this study area appears to be inactive and fossil landform.

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The Distribution and Geomorphic Change of Debris Slope at Ongjeom-ri in Cheongsong-gun (청송군 옹점리 일대 암설 사면의 분포와 지형 변화)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul;Park, Han-San
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.360-374
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    • 2010
  • The distributions, factors, and vegetation covers of debris slopes and changes of debris at the eastern Ongjeom-ri, Cheongsong-gun are analyzed. The important factors influencing on the developments of the slopes are felsites having advantages to the developments of cliffs and supply of enough debris, and the relatively long days below zero temperatures promoting the physical weathering processes. The distributional areas of the slopes at southern and western slopes are more extensive than those of northern and eastern slopes due to the active water evaporation by high insolation. The Ga area at eastern Ongjeom-ri has experienced the steady decreases of area of the slopes due to the vegetation covers and shows the increasing rates of vegetation covers of $431.0m^2/yr$ as averaged values. However, it is estimated at the Na area using terrestrial LIDAR that 1 or 2 debris were moved or displaed per year in slope.

지구의 비쌍극자 자장과 편각

  • Park, Chang-Go
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.53-53
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    • 2010
  • 지표위의 어떤 지점에서의 지구자기의 수평분력 방향과 진북방향 사이의 각을 편각(Declination)이라고 정의한다. 쉽게 말하면 편각은 나침반의 자침이 가러 키는 방향과 진북방향과의 사이 각을 말한다. 대부분의 사람들은 나침반의 자침이 북자기극(North magnetic pole)을 가러킨다고 잘못알고 있다. 지구 다이나모설(Geodynamo theory)에 의하면 주로 철(약 90%)로 구성된 외핵 속에서 계속 생성 유지되고 있는 복잡한 (각각 나선형(helical)의 회전축에 대체로 평행하거나 평행하지 않은) 대류(Convection currents)에 수반하는 전류가 복잡한 지구자기장을 형성한다. 지표상에서 측정한 지구자기장의 자료를 Spherical harmonic analysis 으로 분석하면 한 개의 커다란 쌍극자(Dipole) (Inclined geocentric dipole 또는 주된 자기장(Main field) 이라고 부름), 적도쌍극자(Equatorial dipole), 4극자 (Quadrupoles), 8극자(Octupoles) 등의 여러 개의 크고 작은 쌍극자들의 총합이 지구자기장의 근원인 것처럼 해석되고 있다. 어떤 지점에서의 지구자기장의 방향은 외핵에서 생성된 천체 자기장에서 Main field를 제거한 나머지 자기장과, 상부 맨틀(upper mantle), 지각 및 지표상에 존재하는 인공 물체 또는 암석 및 광석 등의 잔류자기 및 유도자기 그리고 지형 등의 영향으로 결정된다. 어떤 지점에서의 지구자기장의 방향은 태양풍(Solar wind)과 전리층 사이의 상호작용 등의 외부자장(external field)의 영향도 받는다. 비쌍극자 자장(Non-dipole field)은 지표상에서 측정되는 총자기장에서 외핵에서 생성된 주된 자기장(Main field) 즉, 지구의 회전축에서 약 11.5도 기울어진 쌍극자 자장을 제거하고 남는 자기장을 말한다. 따라서 편각은 비쌍극자자장의 영향을 가장 많이 받는다. 비쌍극자 자장은 정지한 상태의 자장(standing field) 과 매년 서쪽으로 약 0.2도 움직이는 Westward drift하는 자장으로 크게 두 가지로 구분된다. 쌍극자 자장의 방향은 매우 느리게 변하지만 그 세기는 현재 비교적으로 빠르게 약해지고 있다. 비교적으로 매우 빠르게 변하는 비쌍극자 자장의 변화를 영년변화(Secular variation) 이라고 한다.

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Development of high-order method of porous shallow water equations for urban inundation modeling (도시범람모의를 위한 다공성천수방정식의 고차 정확도 기법 개발)

  • Jung, Jaeyoung;Hwang, Jin Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.100-100
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    • 2022
  • 일반적으로 유체와 구조물간 상호작용의 수리동역학적 모의에서는 벽경계조건을 통하여 유동에 대한 구조물의 영향이 반영된다. 하지만 도심지에서 발생한 홍수를 예측하려는 경우 이러한 방법으로는 밀집한 구조물들 사이에 형성된 좁은 길들로 인하여 세밀한 격자망을 요하여 큰 계산량을 유발하고 빠른 예측 속도를 기대할 수 없게 한다. 최근 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해 성긴 격자망에서도 구조물의 유체에 대한 영향을 반영할 수 있도록 하는 방법들이 큰 관심을 받고 있다. 그 중에서도 다공성 천수방정식은 벽경계조건 대신 다공도(posority)의 개념을 이용한 모형으로 도시범람모의에 있어 계산량과 정확도를 가장 적절하게 타협한 모형으로 보고되고 있다. 이러한 흐름에 맞추어 본 연구는 다공도 천수방정식을 해석하는 수치 기법을 개발하였고, 여기에 최근 쌍곡선계 방정식의 수치적 연구들에서 소개된 주요 특징들이 반영되도록 설계하였다. 우선, WENO 기법과 Runge-Kutaa 기법을 통하여 공간과 시간에 대한 고차 정확도를 만족시켰다. 이 때, 재구성 변수와 알고리즘를 새롭게 제시하여 정상흐름조건에 대한 플럭스항과 생성·소멸항간 절단오차에 의한 비물리적인 흐름생성을 억제하였다. 또한, 수치모의 중 음수심의 발생으로 인하여 수치모형이 불안정해지는 현상을 막기 위해, 양-보존성 제한자를 구축하였다. 마지막으로 도심지에서 즐비한 인위적인 구조물에 의해 나타나는 지형적인 불연속의 효과를 적절하게 반영할수 있도록 정상파 재구축의 단계를 구축하여 수치 기법에 반영하였다. 이렇게 구성된 수치기법은 리만문제의 해석해에 기반하여 기존의 주요 연구들의 결과와 비교되었고, 그 결과 본 연구의 방법이 정확성, 수렴성, 안전성의 측면에서 가장 우수함을 수치적으로 증명하였다.

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Seasonal Circulation and Estuarine Characteristics in the Jinhae and Masan Bay from Three-Dimensional Numerical Experiments (3차원 수치모의 실험을 통한 진해·마산만의 계절별 해수순환과 염하구 특성)

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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2024
  • Circulation, tides, currents, harmful algal blooms, water quality, and hypoxic conditions in Jinhae-Masan Bay have been extensively studied. However, these previous studies primarily focused on short-term variations, and there was limited detailed investigation into the physical mechanisms responsible for ocean circulation in the bays. Oceanic processes in the bays, such as pollutant dispersal, changes on a seasonal time scale. Therefore, this study aimed to understand how the circulation in Jinhae-Masan Bay varies seasonally and to examine the effects of tides, winds, and river discharges on regional ocean circulation. To achieve this, a three-dimensional ocean circulation model was used to simulate circulation patterns from 2016 to 2018, and sensitivity experiments were conducted. This study reveals that convective estuarine circulation develops in Jinhae and Masan Bays, characterized by the inflow of deep oceanic water from the Korea Strait through Gadeoksudo, while surface water flows outward. This deep water intrusion divides into northward and westward branches. In this study, the volume transport was calculated along the direction of bottom channels in each region. The meridional water exchange in the eastern region of Jinhae Bay is 2.3 times greater in winter and 1.4 times greater in summer compared to that of zonal exchange in the western region. In the western region of Jinhae Bay, the circulation pattern varies significantly by season due to changes in the balance of forces. During winter, surface currents flow southward and bottom currents flow northward, strengthening the north-south convective circulation due to the combined effects of northwesterly winds and the slope of the sea surface. In contrast, during summer, southwesterly winds cause surface seawater to flow eastward, and the elevated sea surface in the southeastern part enhances northward barotropic pressure gradient intensifying the eastward surface flow. The density gradient and southward baroclinic pressure gradient increase in the lower layer, causing a strong westward inflow of seawater from Gadeoksudo, enhancing the zonal convective circulation by 26% compared to winter. The convective circulation in the western Jinhae Bay is significantly influenced by both tidal current and wind during both winter and summer. In the eastern Jinhae Bay and Masan Bay, surface water flows outward to the open sea in all seasons, while bottom water flows inward, demonstrating a typical convective estuarine circulation. In winter, the contributions of wind and freshwater influx are significant, while in summer, the influence of mixing by tidal currents plays a major role in the north-south convective circulation. In the eastern Jinhae Bay, tidally driven residual circulation patterns, influenced by the local topography, are distinct. The study results are expected to enhance our understanding of pollutant dispersion, summer hypoxic events, and the abundance of red tide organisms in these bays.

Chemical Characteristics and Pollution of Groundwater in the Ponchon Area, Kwangju (광주, 본촌지역의 지하수의 수화학적 특성과 오염)

  • 양해근;김인수;최희철;김정우
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2001
  • In this study, the contaminated status of groundwater under Ponchon Basin, Kwangju-city was analyzed by hydrogeological survey. Though the distribution of groundwater hydraulic head was similar with the ground elevation, the flow system of groundwater was changed due to overpumping in the industrial area. Paddy field and residential area which were located in the north part of the basin had relatively high concentrations of Cl, N $a^{+}$ and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ in the groundwater. Southern part of the basin which most industrial area occupied had relatively high concentrations of HC $O_3$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$ and Zn. Groundwater was contaminated by C $l^{[-10]}$ and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ due to the infiltration of domestic sewage and factory wastewater. In the Cl case, C $l^{[-10]}$ had a tendency of distribution over the water shed along with the contaminated source. The drawdown of groundwater due to overpumping caused more vertical movement of contaminant than lateral movement. If the overpumping continues in the industrial area, the groundwater flow system will be more affected and the groundwater will be lowered in the north part of basin. It is clear that contamination by C $l^{[-10]}$ and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ due to domestic sewage and factory wastewater will spread through the whole basin area.rea.

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Morphotectectics of the Shackleton Fracture Zone around the Antarctic-Scotia plate boundary off the northern Antarctic Peninsula (남극반도 북부 남극-스코시아 판경계부에서의 셰클턴 파쇄대의 지형지체구조)

  • Jin, Young-Keun;Kim, Yea-Dong;Nam, Sang-Heon;Kim, Kyu-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2000
  • In the vicinity of the Antarctic-Scotia plate boundary off Elephant Island(EI), geophysical data(multichannel seismic and gravity data) reveal rapid structural variation of the Shackleton Fracture Zone(SFZ) along its strike. The SFZ ridge terminates in front of the Antarctic Peninsula margin, whereas the transform fault of the SFZ continues farther southeast near EI and the width of the SFZ broadens toward the southeast. Accordingly, the SFZ transform fault changes its morphology along its strike as (1) a graben structure along the high Shackleton ridge in Drake Passage, (2) a half-graben structure in oceanic crust just southeast of the Antarctic-Scotia plate boundary, and (3) splay faults deforming the margin of EI. Two phases of tectonic deformation are clearly observed along the transform fault. Major extensional deformation had formed a large-scale half-graben during roughly about $10{\sim}20$ Ma when Drake Passage had opened. And then, the Shackleton fault has been reactivated with reverse sense, which has been caused by recent convergence between Antarctic and Scotia plates due to westward movement of the Scotia plate since 6 Ma.

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Socio-economic Features of One Slice of Chicagoland Using A Geo-Spatial Information System (시카고 부분지역의 사회경제적 특성에 대한 지형공간정보체계의 이용)

  • Oh, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.223-235
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    • 1993
  • This study associates with socio-economic status in a slice section area of Chicago metropolitan to get spatial patterns of urban windows. GSIS(Geo-spatial Information System) has been monitored with several statistic methods, and geo-spatial map presentations. From the grouping analysis, the result displays that most suburban town have high income values, such as Elmhurst, Melrose Park, North Lake(Income ranges between $25,000${\sim}$30,000 : 1980 Sensus data). The factors produced form both analyses of SAS and BMDP are socio-ethnic, economic, hispanic, black, life expectancy, and multiple car ownership. In the study area the socio-ethnic factor is striking, and is composed of nine out of the fourteen varialbles. Geo-spatial 3-D mapping represents a socio-economic configuration of the study area. The high income value areas are Elmhurst and North Lack, and a spot between Belmont Ave. and the Lake Shore. Economic configuration is a vital importance of socio-economic activities in the urban areas. In the study area a minimum average income level is about $4,364 and maximun is $30,311.

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