• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형체계

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A Study on the Characteristics of Trail Use and Trail Users' Perception Regarding Visitor Impact Levels on Baekdudaegan Trails of Korea (백두대간 등산로 이용행태 및 환경영향 수준에 대한 이용객 인식)

  • Yoo, Ki-Joon;Kim, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.603-612
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to provide information which will be useful for establishing and implementing effective management policy for Baekdudaegan Trail and user satisfaction by investigating the characteristics of trail use and users' perceptions of the environmental impacts on the trail. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was employed in Baekdudaegan trail by three topological types. With this classification, the characteristics of the way the trails used and users' perceptions of the impacts were analysed in terms of ecological, physical and social environments. The result showed that the Baekdudaegan trail was used mainly for mountaineering rather vacation or travel, and found no differences in the characteristics of the trail use by the types. Ecological environment showed no significant relation with user satisfaction, however changes in physical environmental factors such as a trail width functioned as a negative component to decrease use experience. In addition, the satisfaction of the users had little to do with social environment, when the level of using the trail was relatively low. To present, the levels of impacts on ecological, physical and social environments and the users' satisfaction level regarding the Baekdudaegan trail appear to be positive. However, the increase of use level is expected in the future, and therefore systematic managerial measures need to be implemented to monitor the changes of the trails and interactions of the environmental impacts.

A Study on the Classification Criteria of Landscape Type for Urban Landscape Planning (도시경관계획을 위한 경관유형 분류기준에 관한 고찰)

  • Bang, Jae-Sung;Yang, Byoung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to build fundamental data for the classification of landscape type as a base for landscape planning and management practices. To do this, prior dissertations and landscape plan reports were analyzed, which presented the classification criteria for landscape type. Based on this, classification criteria for landscape type which could be usable in zoning ordinances has been suggested. The result is as follows: Firstly, in landscape analysis and assessment study based on ecological and formal aesthetic models, landscape type is classified by the character of the landscape element. Secondly, there is no logical classification of landscapetype in urban landscape planning according to mixed use of landscape type for analysis and planning. It is therefore difficult to identify the object of landscape planning, which is intimately linked with the shortage of concrete practice for landscape management. In connection with this issue, classification criteria for landscape type are suggested based on utility in landscape planning. This could be divided into internal criteria and external criteria. The former are land-use, topographical characteristics, characteristics of the view object, and landscape elements while the latter are viewpoint, distance to view object, and urban form. Applying the landscape type classified by the criteria suggested in this paper, it is possible to manage an entire urban area. In addition, landscape type could be reference data for operating a zoning system.

Study on Anchored Safety Improvements for Open Sea Anchorage - Focused on Pohang Port (외해 개방형 정박지의 안전성 향상에 관한 연구 - 포항항 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rok;Gug, Seung-Gi
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2015
  • Recently, Due to variable marine accident occurred, problems relating to marine accidents have been raised. Of these accidents, designated anchorage of Korea coastal port, spcially open-sea anchorage, occurred dragging anchor and accidents are likely, due to failure to obtain a valid ship's holding power so that it is the situation unsatisfactory that ensuring the safety of the anchored ship and anchorage systematic safety management stadars for the efficent operation of the anchorage. also in case of open-sea anchorage vulnerable to external force of certain conditions due to geographical location and topographical characteristics of the port, accidents are likely dragging anchor by typoon or suddenly strong wind and secondary accidents are concerned. This paper shows standard of limit external force to ensure the safety anchorage each of ship's size through review marine accidents on Pohang port, also it is determined to be used as a basic reference for anchoring safety and efficient anchorage management.

Analyses on the Impact of Plastic Deformation on Change of the Road Surface Condition (소성변형 정도를 고려한 시간전개에 따른 노면상태 변화 분석)

  • SON, Young Tae;PARK, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.216-228
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    • 2018
  • In this study analyzed the ponding changing of plastic deformation section follwed time development to apply weather, geometry and traffic data in additon to time development to improve road management service and safety of roads during or after rain. After We selected an 8.3km section of old national highway the Seongnam-Janghowon section and created a three-demensional surface of terrain through the numerical transformantion of design drawing data, with reflection the linear data of the same coordinate system in order to describe more realistic roads, we design additional structures with shading above roads. The altitude and azimuth of the sun were calculated and set based on the longitude and latitude data of the survey line for the analysis of the sun rate, and the daylight impact zone was visualized by setting the shaded time to an interval of 1 hour and the shade rate of the corresponding section. In addition, the evaporation volume calculated from weather data such as temperature, humidity, radiant energy, and road temperature analyzes together, it will use the way of a safer and more efficient road management as grasping the ponding changing more efficent in time development.

Development of a Monitoring Method for Soil Erosion using an Ultrasonic Sensor (I) (초음파센서를 활용한 토양침식모니터링 방법 개발 (I))

  • Nam, Koung-Hoon;Lee, Jea-Hyoung;Lee, Hak-Yun;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2015
  • Few studies have investigated soil management policy and soil erosion measurement, whereas the occurrence of climate change requires the establishment of robust soil management systems and appropriate control of soil erosion. In this study, we developed a smart sensor for real-time quantitative measurements of soil erosion at the watershed scale. The smart sensor consists of an ultrasonic sensor, a rainfall meter, a solar cell, an RTU (remote terminal unit),and a CDMA (code division multiple access) and it was programmed to take a measurement every 30 minutes. The depths measured by the smart sensor were compared with data from terrestrial LiDAR. Experimental results showed a strong correlation in the depth of soil erosion between LiDAR and the ultrasonic sensor for the period from 22 August to 11 October 2013. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between soil erosion depth (mm) and soil erosion volume (m3) was 0.9063 in the lower region of the watershed and is 0.9868 in the upper region. The proposed ultrasonic sensor technique can provide high-quality data for soil conservation and management systems in the future.

A Comparative Study on Species Richness and Land Suitability Assessment - Focused on city in Boryeong - (종풍부도와 세분화된 관리지역 비교 연구 - 보령시를 대상으로 -)

  • Shin, Manseok;Jang, Raeik;Seo, Changwan;Lee, Myungwoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study are to apply species distribution modeling in urban management planning for habitat conservation in non-urban area and to provide a detailed classification method for management zone. To achieve these objectives, Species Distribution Model was used to generate species richness and then to compare with the results from land suitability assessment. 59 species distribution models were developed by Maxent. This study used 15 model variables (5 topographical variables, 4 vegetation variables, and 6 distance variables) for Maxent models. Then species richness was created by sum of predicted species distributions. Land suitability assessment was conducted with criteria from type I of "Guidelines for land suitability assessment". After acquiring evaluation values from species richness and land suitability assessment, the results from these two models were compared according to the five grades of classification. The areas with the identical grade in Species richness and land suitability assessment are categorized and then compared each other. The comparison results are Grade1 10.92%, Grade2 37.10%, Grade3 34.56%, Grade4 20.89% and Grade5 1.73%. Grade1 and Grade5 showed the lowest agreement rate. Namely, development or conservation grade showed high disagreement between two assessment system. Therefore, the areas located between urban, agriculture, forest, and reserve have a tendency to change easily by development plans. Even though management areas are not the core area of reserve, it is important to provide a venue for species habitat and eco-corridor to protect and improve biodiversity in terms of landscape ecology. Consequently, adoption of species richness in three levels of management area classification such as conservation, production, planning should be considered in urban management plan.

Current Status of Alien Plants in the Reservoir Shoreline in Korea (우리나라 저수지 호안에서 외래식물의 현황)

  • Cho, Hyunsuk;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.274-283
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    • 2015
  • The reservoir shores seem to be vulnerable to biological invasion. The purpose of this research was to find out the floristic composition of alien plants and their relationship between environmental factors on reservoir shorelines in Korea. We investigated flora of alien plants and environmental factors of geomorphology, hydrology, water quality and soil on the shoreline of a total of 35 reservoirs with different water level managements. There were 56 species of alien plants, which was 15% of the total plant species identified in the study of reservoirs. A total of 57% of these alien species were the species which were introduced shortly after opening the port from 1876 to 1921 in Korea. More than 80% of the alien plants on the reservoir shores originated from America and Europe. The current distribution of Ambrosia trifida and Paspalum distichum were restricted in the central part and the southern region of the Korean Peninsula, respectively. The water level fluctuation, flood frequency at the median water level, water pollution index, coverage of rock exposure and mean degree of shoreline slope were determined as important environmental factors that have an effect on the characteristics of shoreline alien flora. Our results suggest that the reservoir shore was in danger of being invaded by alien plants due to the water level management and other human disturbances. For effective conservation of the reservoir ecosystem, periodic monitoring systems are required for the early detection of alien species on the reservoir shore.

Analyses on Sunshine Influence and Surface Freezing Section of Road using GIS (GIS를 이용한 도로의 일조영향 및 노면결빙구간 분석)

  • Lee Hyung Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2005
  • In case of the roads that pass the mountain area, the cut sections or the tunnels are constructed. And In winter season it appears sunshine few in the specific segment, the shade is continued last and the freezing sections occur. So, the attention is necessary in traffic safety. This study was to evaluate the influence of sunshine and surface freezing sections expected in route plans of roads using GIS and makes alternative ideas in road stability security. After selecting 29 km sections of Donghae highway and creating a 3 dimensional terrain surface through the digital conversion of design plan data, it reflects the road alignment data of the same coordinates and a 3 dimensional road modeling is created. It set shadow time of road surface for the solar trace in the winter solstice in 20 minute interval. Shade areas are displayed and inputed in polygon data by manual vertorizing. Graphic and attribute data of this shade section is constructed in geodatabase of ArcCatalog. And it extracted the freezing section using intersect fuction of the GIS spatial analysis. By analyzing the winter meteorological data of temperature, rainfall, snowfall, humidity, and etc. and grasping dangerous freezing section of the road surface effectively, it will be able to make alternative ideas of the preliminary stability evaluation reflected in basic design.

Cause and Process of Place-Name Change by Social Influence : A Case Study of Jin-An Region (사회적 영향에 의한 지명 변화의 원인과 과정 -전북 진안군 지명을 사례로-)

  • Cho, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.526-542
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    • 2007
  • This study look into the place-name change by social influence around Jin-An region. The place-names were made through joining natural environment with social condition. The place-names were born as a river name firstly, and it was selected as the artificial administration district name in this region(Ju-Chon, Jeong-Chon, An-Chon). Generally the place-name is reflected by a terrain feature of narrow area but this region's place name was made by wide river drainage area as a system. It is different point to others place-name and the social factor played more important role than natural environment in this process. The displacement process of mountain name which is from Ju-Jul to Un-Jang was through social situation change without the natural conditions change. It was used to the Ju-Jul firstly and coexistent the Ju-Jul with Un-Jang and only use the Un-Jang recently. Formal change period was 1910s in the map, Mt. Un-Jang(雲長山) had the advantage at the pronunciation and written than Mt. Ju-Jul. Mt. Gu-Bong(九峰山) was played important role for new mountain name and Song Ik-Pil(宋翼弼) was appeared for rationalization of Mt. Un-Jang.

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A Study on the Improvement of Animal Waste Composting Operations in Korea (한국(韓國)의 가축(家畜) 배설물(排泄物) 콤포스트화(化) 작업(作業) 개선(改善)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Ji Hyung;Matsuda, Juzo;Ikeuchi, Yoshinori
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 1984
  • 가축배설물(家畜排泄物)의 콤포스트화(化) 작업(作業)의 공학적(工學的)인 국면(局面)은 축산(畜産) 경영(經營)의 축산물(畜産物) 생산성(生産性), 에너지 보전(保全), 공해방지(公害防止)와 분뇨처리(糞尿處理)의 노력(勞力) 절약(節約)에 긴밀(緊密)한 관계(關係)가 있다. 그러나 우리나라에 있어서 축산업(畜産業)의 사양(飼養) 규모(規模)와 두수(頭數)는 매년(每年) 증가(增加)하고 있는 경향(傾向)인바 전통적(傳統的)인 가축(家畜) 배설물(排泄物) 처리(處理) 및 재이용(再利用) 과정(科程)에서 발생(發生)되는 문제점(問題點)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) 자료(資料)가 없고 특(特)히 콤포스트화(化) 작업(作業)이 원시적(原始的)이므로 개선(改善) 확립(確立)이 절실(切實)히 요구(要求)되는 실정(實定)이다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)의 목적(目的)은 가축(家畜) 분뇨(糞尿)의 콤포스트화(化) 작업(作業) 과정(科程)에서 공학적(工學的)인 제(諸) 문제점(問題點)을 조사(調査) 분석(分析)하여 현상(現狀)을 평가(評價)하고 개선(改善) 방안(方案)을 모색(摸索)하기 위한 기본자료(基本資料)를 제공(提供)하고져 수행(遂行)하였다. 이에 관한 조사(調査)와 분석(分析) 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 축산농가(畜産農家)의 가축(家畜) 배설물(排泄物) 처분(處分) 방법(方法)은 대부분(大部分)이 자연건조(自然乾燥), 퇴적(堆積), 혐기적(嫌氣的)인 고형(固形) 또는 액상(液狀) 퇴비화(堆肥化)에 의하여 실시(實施)되고 있었으며 가축분뇨(家畜糞尿)로 인(因)한 공해(公害)는 심각(深刻)하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 2. 호기성(好氣性) 야적(野積) 콤포스트의 통기작업(通氣作業)은 트랙터에 부착(附着)되어진 전후(前後) 작동식(作動式) 로우더가 바람직하다. 3. 농축산(農畜産) 폐기물(廢棄物)의 콤포스트화(化) 작업(作業)은 축산농가(畜産農家)를 중심(中心)으로 한 콤포스트 센타에서 전체 농가(農家)가 지방(地方) 증진(增進)과 오염(汚染) 방지(防止)를 하기 위해 참여(參與)하여 완전(完全) 공동(共同) 이용(利用) 체계에 따라 일관성(一貫性)있게 수행(遂行)되어야 한다. 4. 호기성(好氣性) 야적(野積) 콤포스트 작업(作業)은 다른 방법(方法)에 비하여 운영비(運營費)가 적게 들어 영세적(零細的)인 축산업(畜産業)의 경우(境遇)에 가장 적당(適當)하고 공해(公害)를 방지(防止)함으로서 한국(韓國) 축산농가(畜産農家)의 콤포스트화(化) 시설(施設)로 전망(展望)이 밝다고 판단(判斷)된다.

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