• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형체계

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Seniority Based Pay System and the Relational basis of Workplace Inequality (연공성임금을 매개로 한 조직내 관계적 불평등: 내부자-외부자 격차에 대한 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyunji;Ham, Sunyu
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2017
  • This study aims at explaining organizational mechanisms of inequality that has been rising rapidly alongside the proliferation of irregular employment in the post-crisis Korean labor market. It argues that inequality is not sufficiently explained by individual gap in human capital or widespread marketization as such. Social categories into which each individual worker falls seems more important as a source of labor market inequality. Employment types that are composed of regular and irregular employment do not simply indicate the different economic meanings of employment contracts but have rather been institutionalized as a social category of status in the context of inequality over the past two decades. They are also often matched with other social categories such as gender that have created and reproduced greater labor market inequality. We pay attention to the organizational practice of dominant incumbents who make claims for advantages of return based on their exclusive accessibility to limited organizational resources and explain how that particular practice plays a role to increase relational inequality between those insiders who achieve advantageous returns and outsiders mostly irregular workers who are excluded from those resources because of the social categories that they belong to. In this study, we identify seniority based pay as the key organizational practice that justifies categorical differences within the workplace and examine how that particular practice contributes to organizational level segmentation and income ineqaulity.

An Hwak's Recognition of 'Joseon' and 'Joseon Cheolhak' (안확의 '조선' 인식과 '조선철학')

  • Lee, Haeng Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.50
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    • pp.171-200
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    • 2016
  • The full-scaled study of Joseon conducted by Japan in the 1910s was part of its colonial policy, while the native Joseon studies against it contained political aspiration to recover the national rights and independence. Accordingly, the conceptual meaning of 'Joseon' varied according to its subject of speech. The establishment of modern nation-state failed along with the extinction of Korean Empire, but 'Joseon' was newly discovered within national ideology. It became a historical concept in which the experience of the past and the expectation toward the future could be united. The so-called 'Joseon Studies' was only limited to intellectuals in the academic circle, but 'Joseon' embraced the articulations from more various social agents. Furthermore, it is only natural that 'Joseon Studies' should be interpreted within the historical semantics of 'Joseon', considering the connection between concept and discourse. In his The History of Joseon Civilization, An Hwak encompassed the history from the times of ancient mythology to the contemporary times under the banner of 'Joseon'. Opposing Japanese distortion of history carried out in the name of historical positivism, he idealized Joseon history as comparable to that of the Western democracy. He extended the study of 'Joseon' into culture at large, foreshadowing a kind of Joseon philosophy. In his An Overview of Joseon Philosophical Ideas, the first description of 'Joseon philosophy' as an independent field, he proposed philosophy as one of three sources of pride in Joseon and asserted its uniqueness and originality compared to the West. It was an attempt to grasp the peculiarity of Joseon ideas from a perspective of the history of universal human civilization. He considered 'Jong'(倧) as an ideological foundation held from the ancient to the modern times, and the acceptance of Buddhism and Confucianism as beneficial to 'Joseon philosophy'. The birth of 'Joseon philosophy', the modern transformation of the traditional knowledge system, was an intellectual experiment to apply traditional knowledge to the modern disciplinary classification system.

A Study on Extending of the Addressable Object of Address of Things (사물주소 부여대상 확대 방안 연구)

  • Yang, Sungchul
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2024
  • There There is a difference in terms of administrative power in that the address of things are not an address under Public Act. In terms of location expression, it is possible to express the location more flexibly and in more detail than the road name address, so it should be improved so that it can be assigned and managed in an appropriate location, so that the location of the entire territory can be expressed together with the road name address. As a result of the comparison between the road name address and the address of things based on the analysis results of related laws such as the existing Road Name Address Act, the Building Act, and the Regulations on the Preparation and Management of Basic Address Information, it was confirmed that there are fundamental limitations of the address of things system. Accordingly, this study attempted to suggest ways to improve the address of thing system by broadly dividing it into the legal aspect and the addressable object aspect. From the legal point of view, firstly, it is necessary to improve the upper and lower level laws by unification together with a clear definition of the term subject of addressable object; secondly, according to the Building Act, facilities that are not used for residence among buildings must be given an address of thing; and thirdly, it is necessary to make it easy to use and link with heterogeneous public data by classifying the registration items of the basic address information map by type of geographical feature to be assigned an address. From the point of view of addressability, firstly, it must be given to all facilities in the relevant category so that it can be recognised that all specific facilities have object addresses, and secondly, it is necessary to be able to address the address of things to places that are used by many, even if there are no facilities.

The Satisfaction Research on the Multilateral Cooperative Military Training of Using the XR Technology (XR 기술을 활용한 다자간 협업 군사훈련 만족도조사)

  • Lee Yong Il
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2024
  • So far, most of the military trainings were carried out in the field, and were influenced by the various parameters of the weather, the climate and the civil complaints regarding the noise. Also, it's the reality that the considerable time and resources are required to maneuver the weapon system used for the military training. Furthermore, the serious damage and casualties during tha military training are important parameters that can't be ignored. Recently, with the development of 5G communication networks and XR technologies, XR technologies are used in various fields that participate with multilateral parts, i.e. in military technology and training. In this paper, to implement the military education, 5G communication network and military education training system were established. The military education training system were composed that over 10 persons were possible to train in the various circumstances such as counter combat, mountains combat, urban combat and beaches combat. Also it is possible to fight with AI combatants, and train the gun disassembly and assembly, and train the various firing exercise. The military training system of using XR technologies were applied to the multilateral military training, and we analyzed the satisfaction results for the experienced persons of this XR system.

The Characteristics of Bioclimatic Types According to Annual Cumulative Temperature-Humidity Index in South Korea (남한의 연 누적 온습도 지수에 따른 생리기후유형의 특성)

  • Kang, Chul-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.312-323
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze thermal sensation which is measured by human physioclimatic reactions in South Korea. Relationships between Temperature-Humidity Index(THI) and human thermal sensation scale are derived from a questionnaire, which investigates degree of volunteer's thermal sensation with respect to each biometeorological condition. Analyses of these empirical relationships make it possible to calculate thermal sensational indices and to classify bioclimatic types for individual weather stations based on long-term(1971-2000) averages of monthly temperature and humidity data. A generalized annual physioclimatic maps for each Annual Cumulative Thermal Sensation Index for the 68 stations are constructed to show men tend to feel in various areas. The Monthly thermal sensations are affected by latitude, altitude, orographic effects and systems of airmasses. The Annual Cumulative Thermal sensations are increasing towards northern areas and inland, and that the major factors are largely derived from cold stress in winter. The Annual Physioclimatic Types are grouped 8 climatic types(M, ES, M-ES, M-S, W-ES, C-ES, C-M, C-M-ES) according to climatic stress. Results of this study can be applied for evaluation of thermal environment in our daily activities, and for searching relevant sports training-sites, climatherapy etc.

A Study on the Technique Develop for Perspective Image Generation and 3 Dimension Simulation in Jecheon (제천시 영상 조감도 생성 및 3차원 시뮬레이션 기술개발에 관한 연구)

  • 연상호;홍일화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2003
  • Stereo bird's-eyes-view was prepared for 3-dimensional view of various forms of Jecheon city, and 3-dimensional simulation was applied to it so as to show it in moving pictures in spatial. In manufacturing stereo bird's-eyes-view, perspective technology was used in image-making technology, and the basic material images are prepared as fellows: used EOC Images from Arirang-1 satellite, created DEM whose error was optionally geometric corrected after drawn from the contour line of the map on a scale of l/5,000 manufactured by national geography institute as a national standard map, and classified road lines which were manufactured as a road layer vector file of a map on a scale of l/l,000 and then overlay it over the three dimensional image of target area. Especially for the connectivity with address system to be used in new address, an arterial road map on a scale of l/l,000 that had been manufactured to grant new address was used in maximum in road network structure data of city area in this study.

GIS Technology for Groundwater Resources Management (지하수 자원 개발을 위한 GIS 응용 연구)

  • 김윤종;조민조;성익환;김남종;최영진;김규범
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 1993
  • GIS technique was applied to identify the regional hydrologic units for groundwater exploitation and recharge analysis in a study area. The technique was very effective to identify the potential areas for groundwater exploitation, and for groundwater management & land use planning. GIS database of environmental resources was complied from a variety of sources and scales as the foundation for analysis, including digitizing and scanning of hardcopy maps. A DEM(Digital Elevation Model) was used to dassify slopes, and identify problematic drainage system. Quantitative analysis of environmental resources helps us to develop the scoring system of GIS model, which evaluates each resource in relation to the others and reflects the relative importance of each resource. ARC4NFO was used to construct digital database, and the cartographic simulation techniques were applied in order to create new maps.

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Development of VR Simulation Functions for Supporting Optimal Design Information in Road Project (도로공사의 최적 설계정보 지원을 위한 VR시뮬레이션 기능 구축)

  • Kang, Leen-Seok;Moon, Hyoun-Seok;Park, Seo-Young;Bae, Cheol-Won;Kim, Min-Ji
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.662-665
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    • 2008
  • This research attempts to develop 4D CAD function to support optimal road design by expanding the existing 4D CAD utilization system, which focused on construction phase, to the design phase. The functions such as earthwork simulation for selecting of road alignment, alternative route simulation and structure type simulation were suggested as functions to support road design. Through those virtual reality (VR) functions, visual confirmation of the condition of route and earthwork Is possible by the developed system, and an optimal alternative route can be selected by carrying out layout simulation of the alternative route. The functions presented in this research provide the decision making tools based virtual model for efficient support to road design.

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Weight setting of major environmental assessment items using Analytical Hierarchy Process - Case for the selection of railroad route - (계층분석법을 통한 환경영향평가 중점항목의 가중치 설정 - 철도사업 노선선정을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Minjoo;Kim, Minkyung;Lee, Sangdon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 2014
  • This paper performed studies on a guide for an environmental assessment necessary to select railroad route optimally, and presented techniques for an environmental friendly route selection using AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process) as an objective method. The AHP is an approach to decision making that involves multiple choice criteria into a hierarchy and assessing the relative importance of each criterion, and determining an overall ranking of the alternatives. For the purpose of this study, we established the weight and the order of major environmental assessment items based on the survey of experts. The results of the weight by AHP were in order of Fauna & Flora, Topography & Geology, Nature Environmental Assets, Noise & Vibration, Water Quality, Landscape and Air Quality indicating natural environment should be in priority. To develop the more efficient environmental friendly route selection systems, it is necessary to consider economical, technical, and social aspects in addition to environmental consideration.

The Study on the Development of Urban Flood Prediction and Warning system at Coastal Area Based on SWMM and HEC-RAS Models (SWMM과 HEC-RAS 모형을 이용한 해안 도시 홍수예경보 시스템 구축)

  • Shin, Hyun-Suk;Park, Yong-Woon;Kim, Hong-Tai
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.816-820
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구에서는 해안 도시 하천의 범람으로 인한 홍수 재해 발생시 예상될 수 있는 피해에 대해 적절한 홍수예경보 및 피난대책을 수립하고자 대표적인 해안 도시 하천의 특성을 가지는 부산시 온천천 유역을 대상으로 수치지도에서 각종 지형자료를 추출하였고 수문 GIS 자료를 구축하였다. 그리고, 하천 수리 분석을 위한 한계유출량 산정을 위해 HEC-RAS 모형을 이용 조위의 영향을 고려하여 홍수위 및 한계유출량을 산정하였고 수문 분석을 위한 도시 돌발 홍수 기준 우량 산정을 위해 PCSWMM 2002를 이용하여 기준 우량을 산정하였다. 전형적인 해안 도시 지역 유역 특성을 나타내는 부산시 온천천 유역에 대한 경보발령 기준을 설정하기 위하여 선정지점 세 곳의 한계수심 $H_{c1},\;H_{c2},\;H_{c3},\;H_{c4}$가 발생할 수 있는 강우량(위험 홍수량을 유발하는 위험 강우량(Trigger Rainfall))을 산정하였고 PCSWMM을 이용한 모형화 기법으로 해안 도시 돌발 홍수 기준 우량을 산정하였다. 산정 결과 온천천 유역의 홍수예경보 시스템과 이에 따른 홍수예경보 발령흐름도, 운영체계가 결정되어 해안 도시 돌발 홍수예경보 방안이 구축되었다. 해안 도시의 홍수 관리는 도시 우수 시스템, 하천, 해안 특성이 복합된 문제이다. 현재 해안 도시 지역의 홍수예경보 시스템 구축 실적이 전무한 실정임을 볼 때 현실적으로 실용화 할 수 있는 시스템 개발을 해내는 것이 무엇보다도 시급하고 중요한 문제이다. 앞으로 더욱 심도있게 연구하여 주요 하천에 대한 홍수예경보 시스템 구축이 절실히 요구된다.

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