• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역화과정

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A Regulationist Interpretation on the Changes of the Regional Inequality between Seoul Metropolitan Area(SMA) and Non-SMA after 1981 (1980년대 이후 수도권/비수도권 지역격차 변화의 조절이론적 해석)

  • Seo, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.1 s.118
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    • pp.41-62
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims to interpret the changes of the regional inequality between Seoul Metropolitan Area(SMA) and Non-SMA after 1981 on the regulationist approaches that examine institution changes and power dynamics that motivate regional disparities in South Korea. Despite the restrict laws and aims that alms to reduce the concentration into SMA before 1988, the acts were not executed effectively due to the structural selectivity of the bureaucratic authoritarian state of those years. Thus, the regional concentration phenomena of SMA was intensified in the 1980s. However, the democratization in 1987 invoked Non-SMA regions to claim their regional development and it also forced the state to mediate the conflicting interests between the regional agents protesting the SMA concentration and the Capital agents supporting the SMA deregulation. From the early 1990s. the state launched a series of national strategies and policies to diminish regional inequality. They included execution of the existing acts mitigating SMA concentration and construction of industrial complexes in the underdeveloped areas of Non-SMA. Thus, the equalizing polities led the reduction of the concentration of SMA from 1989 to 1997. However, the financial crisis of Korea in 1997 intensified the claims of the Capital agents to deregulate the SMA control. The circumstance also forced the state towards the Capital side that request the deregulation of SMA control. As the result, the regional disparity between SMA and Non-SMA has been enlarged again since 1998.

Structure and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Southwestern Area of the South China Sea (남중국해 남서부 지역에서의 지구조 분석 및 순차층서학적 연구)

  • Lee, Eung Gyu;Lee, Gi Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 1999
  • The overall structural framework was studied using the regional 2D seismic data, followed by the sequence stratigraphic study on the 3D seismic and well- log data in the margin of the South Con Son basin of the South China Sea. This research contributes to delineate depositional stratigraphy, depositional environment and geologic history in the 3D seismic area of highly complicated faulting. Eight Miocene sequences were indicated on the 3D seismic and well-log data, in which the structural maps of each sequence boundary and the isochron maps for the corresponding sequence were made. The seismic facies were analyzed for each sequence volume and sequence boundary surface. The 3D seismic area is characterized by coal beds deposited in the transgression environment (transgression systems tract) and channel distributions just above the sequence boundaries. During the Early Miocene, the coals and thick shales deposited in the mangrove swamp representing the lower coastal plain environment. During the Mid to Late Miocene, thick clastic sediments deposited in the coastal to shallow shelf by regional subsidence and marine transgression. The isochron maps and structural patterns indicate that the sediments were transported from west to east or from northwest to southeast.

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Foreign Immigrants‘ Recognition on Macro-contexts of Transnational Migration (외국인 이주자의 거시적 이주 배경에 관한 인지)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo;Lee, Gyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.64-88
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    • 2010
  • Rapidly increasing transnational migration can be seen as a typical process which has proceeded under macro-contexts of socio-spatial characters of origin and destination country and their relationships, shaped with global uneven regional development in the process of glocalization and development of transportation and communication on the global level. In order to consider macro-contexts of transnational migration, this paper emphasizes the concept of multicultural space and some key elements implied in it, that is, place, territory, network, scale (suggested by Jessop et al.) and spatial flow and difference. As results of questionnaire analysis of foreign immigrants' recognition of macro-contexts, this paper suggests some findings: that is, a high level of recognition of all types of foreign immigrants on global changes, the most negative recognition of migrant workers among 4 types of foreign immigrants on economic and social conditions of their origin country, a positive recognition of people in all regions of their origin (except few countries such as Japan) on international migration, and a low level of their recognition in all types on S. Korea's characters as their destination country.

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Segregation of the Lowest Social Class and Transformation of Communal Consciousness : As a Case Study of Douwa District in Yao City, Osaka (사회적 최하층계급의 거주지분리와 공동체의식의 변화 : 대판부(大阪府) 팔미시(八尾市)의 동화지구를 사례로)

  • Jo, Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.803-819
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    • 2009
  • This study explores of the lowest social class segregation in the residential area of Yao city of the Osaka Prefecture. The Buraku people, who constitute a social class that was the object of societal discrimination and exclusion since the beginning of modem times, formed a segregated residential area of their own. During the process of an organized struggle against discrimination that was institutionally recognized, communal consciousness among the constituents was consolidated. Moreover, in the Yao city, Korean immigrants in Japan, another discriminated group, as well as Vietnamese refugees and Chinese, who are also social minorities, increased in number. Also, activities by the Buraku people and Korean immigrants in Japan to defend human rights and the rights of social minorities began to unfold. Recently, the number of small scale factories in the Buraku's Douwa District decreased due to relocation of manufacturing companies elsewhere throughout Japan and to the effects of depression. New non-Buraku houses began to appear one by one on the site where factories started to disappear. While the spatial separatism of Yao city, as part of the isolated Douwa District, is weakening, the struggle based on communal consciousness among the social minorities and continued human rights activity is exerting great influence upon the administrative policy of Yao city. In the case of Yao city, while the visual appearance of spatial segregation is weakening, the communal consciousness among the regional residents remains. From this perspective, it can be said that this case represents a modified form of isolated space or the social pattern of segregation which is in the stage of extinction.

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Analysis of Future Demand and Utilization of the Urban Meteorological Data for the Smart City (스마트시티를 위한 도시기상자료의 미래수요 및 활용가치 분석)

  • Kim, Seong-Gon;Kim, Seung Hee;Lim, Chul-Hee;Na, Seong-Kyun;Park, Sang Seo;Kim, Jaemin;Lee, Yun Gon
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2021
  • A smart city utilizes data collected from various sensors through the internet of things (IoT) and improves city operations across the urban area. Recently substantial research is underway to examine all aspects of data that requires for the smart city operation. Atmospheric data are an essential component for successful smart city implementation, including Urban Air Mobility (UAM), infrastructure planning, safety and convenience, and traffic management. Unfortunately, the current level of conventional atmospheric data does not meet the needs of the new city concept. New and innovative approaches to developing high spatiotemporal resolution of observational and modeling data, resolving the complex urban structure, are expected to support the future needs. The geographic information system (GIS) integrates the atmospheric data with the urban structure and offers information system enhancement. In this study we proposed the necessity and applicability of the high resolution urban meteorological dataset based on heavy fog cases in the smart city region (e.g., Sejong and Pusan) in Korea.

The Geomorphological Characteristics of Coastal Dune in Young Gwang, Jeonnam (전남 영광 지역의 해안사구 지형 특성)

  • PARK, Cheol-Woong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.177-191
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes a dune field on shoreline of Young Gwang. To clarify geomorphic characteristics, made an analysis of grain size of the sand sediments samples and surface texture of quartz grains, and field survey. The following results were obtained : 1) Young Gwang sand dune is taking to pieces by human impact, and dose not move ahead the process of sand dune. 2) there was a turbulence of sand sediments outcrops saying to the cryoturbation that represents cold climatic environments, 3) Constituents of sand dune are mainly fine and very fine sand(2.5~4.5Φ) consisted by quartz and feldspar. Young Gwang sand grians have some analogy with different sites in west coast 4) In surface texture, roundness is thought to have been formed sub-angular, and some V cracks represented mechanical weathering environments. Especially, the dune environment has significant cultural and archaeological values arising from the occupation of human in the past. Those areas where occupation is known provide a valuable source of past records relating to human settlement.

Analyzing Research Themes and Trends in Living Lab Studies: An Exploratory Approach Using LDA Topic Modeling and Semantic Network Analysis (리빙랩에 관한 연구 주제 및 동향 분석: LDA 토픽모델링과 의미 연결망 분석을 통한 탐색적 접근)

  • Ki-youn Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to explore the scholarly advancements and research trends of living labs, highlighting their role as a strategic approach for addressing community challenges and driving innovation in public services through a systematic investigation of domestic academic research. A total of 510 research papers published between 2012 and 2024 were analyzed, focusing on unstructured data such as titles, abstracts, and keywords. Using text mining techniques, the underlying themes were systematically extracted and refined through Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) topic modeling and semantic network analysis, leading to the identification of five core themes: 'Smart cities and participatory innovation', 'Community welfare and social innovation', 'User-driven field-Based innovation', 'Educational innovation linked to community issues', and 'Enhancement of quality of life, culture, and youth welfare'. Each theme was named based on high-frequency terms within topic clusters and further verified through a detailed literature review, ensuring the thematic categories accurately reflect the focus of the papers. Semantic network analysis further revealed the structural interconnections between keywords, adding depth to the understanding of their unique characteristics. The findings present a comprehensive view of the research landscape in living lab studies, highlighting thematic convergence and divergence across various scholarly focuses. This study provides actionable insights for academics and policymakers, suggesting that living labs can serve as a strategic framework for solving regional challenges, enhancing community resilience, and integrating digital solutions into public services and lays the foundation for future research and policy initiatives aimed at leveraging living labs for sustainable community innovation.

Contents analysis of the plans and performance reports for the Community Social Service Investment Scheme in South Korea: Exploring the welfare autonomy capability of local governments and tasks for it (지역사회서비스 투자사업 계획서 및 보고서 내용분석 : 지방정부의 자치복지 역량에 대한 탐색과 과제)

  • 김보영
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2018
  • The Community Social Service Investment Scheme, which is planned and managed by local governments themselves in order to respond to the needs of local communities, have been in operation for more than ten years. This study is to assess the Scheme and draw tasks for further development through the examination of local government welfare capacity by analysing contents in the yearly plans and the performance reports of the seventeen metropolitan cities and provinces. As a result of the analysis between 2013 and 2015, until the Scheme stably implemented since the systemic assessment system established, although overall strategic planning and management of the Scheme is not prevalent, when we divided the Scheme into the operational tasks such as systemazing service architecture, improving service performance, strengthening service supply capability, advancing service programmes, and enhancing accessibility of services, we can find strengthening service supply capability task well-managed as well as a range of good leading examples among other tasks. Therefore we can see probability of local government welfare capability while it is not apparent overall in the Scheme; explore directions for development in individual operational tasks; and find implications for other policies in terms of welfare autonomy.

Estimation of Soil Depth Using Improved Topographic Attributes in Mountainous Area (개선된 지형학적 속성을 이용한 산악지역의 토심 예측)

  • Shin, Hosung;Bang, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2024
  • Soil depth results from bedrock weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition are critical in landslide stability analysis and sediment-related disasters. This study proposes a soil depth prediction model for mountainous regions using multiple linear regression analysis based on topographic attributes. The specific catchment area (SCA), a key indicator in multiple regression models, was initially developed as a hydrological parameter for runoff estimation. However, for soil depth prediction, the initial triggering volume must be adjusted to account for slope failures based on the topographic slope. The SCA is calculated using the infinite flow direction model for flow tracing and the priority-flood algorithm for depression flattening. In addition, a modified contributing area equation is derived by incorporating slope-dependent initial triggering volume adjustments, thereby enabling the calculation of an improved SCA that is applicable to large mountainous regions. Analyses conducted in the Umyeonsan and Dongjak-gu areas of Seoul reveals that slope, topographic wetness index, and sediment transport index are suitable independent variables for soil depth prediction. The soil depth prediction equation derived from the multiple linear regression model exhibits no multicollinearity issues and demonstrates statistical significance. Residual analysis confirms that the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity are satisfied. The proposed soil depth prediction method is expected to be systematically applied to various regions in South Korea, thereby contributing to the development of a nationwide soil depth distribution map and supporting practical solutions for various issues, e.g., slope stability assessments in mountainous areas.

A Study on Limesurvey in the Form of Open Source Online Survey System for Curriculum Organizing (학교 교육과정 편성을 위한 오픈 소스 온라인 설문조사 시스템 Limesurvey 활용 방안)

  • Han, Ki-Sun;Chun, Seok-Ju
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.01a
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to quickly identify school parents, teachers, students, community needs and opinions for curriculum organizing and the implementation of an online survey system for operating educational activities. Online survey system should be implemented based on Limesurvey to reduce costs and administrative costs. Limesurvery is available without the development of the separate program and offers the form of web-based template system, complete design, layout. Also, Limesurvey offers basic statistical analysis of survey data. Limesurvey can be executed by installing the program on a web hosting, typing database information. Limesurvey can be made a graph of the statistical results. Besides, Limesurvery can be stored in the form of HTML, Word, Excel, CSV Files and can be stured as basic datas for SPSS or PASW, R data, other statistical processing programs. If we could be operate Limesurvey in the form of open source-based survey program in elementary school, we could be reduced teacher's unnecessary work for statistics and overcame the problem of offline survey system.

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