• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역화과정

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A Study on the Core Competency of Dance Festival Using VRIO Model (VRIO모델 분석을 활용한 춤 축제 핵심역량 도출)

  • Kwak, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 2019
  • As of 2019, a report by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism showed that 884 diverse regional festivals are being held in the country. While there are successful festivals with large audience numbers and local economic effects, there are many festivals that only waste local budgets. Against this backdrop, the question of this study is "What are the key competences of a successful dance festival utilizing the VRIO model?" The development process and success factors of the success dance festival at home and abroad were analyzed in order to explore the key competences and specialization measures of the festival that our dance festival can take off as a successful dance festival. The purpose of the study is to examine what is the source of competitiveness of the regional festival through VRIO model, which can identify the key competencies of the festival to grow into a successful dance festival, and to derive the key competencies of the festival through the interview of the expert group(Focus Group Interview) to apply the development measures of our country's dance festival. According to the analysis, festival experts view the success factors of local festivals from various perspectives based on their empirical knowledge. The key competencies priority was 1. Theme, 2. the festival organization and professional personnel management, 3. The results came in the order of residents' participation. And the successful domestic and foreign dance festivals had their own core competencies. Growing up as a successful festival through festival management, which is worth no other festival, difficult to emulate, rare and difficult to replace, is seen as the biggest key to leading the regional festival to the world festival.

Development of Simulation for Estimating Growth Changes of Locally Managed European Beech Forests in the Eifel Region of Germany (독일 아이펠의 지역적 관리에 따른 유럽너도밤나무 숲의 생장변화 추정을 위한 시뮬레이션 개발)

  • Jae-gyun Byun;Martina Ross-Nickoll;Richard Ottermanns
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2024
  • Forest management is known to beneficially influence stand structure and wood production, yet quantitative understanding as well as an illustrative depiction of the effects of different management approaches on tree growth and stand dynamics are still scarce. Long-term management of beech forests must balance public interests with ecological aspects. Efficient forest management requires the reliable prediction of tree growth change. We aimed to develop a novel hybrid simulation approach, which realistically simulates short- as well as long-term effects of different forest management regimes commonly applied, but not limited, to German low mountain ranges, including near-natural forest management based on single-tree selection harvesting. The model basically consists of three modules for (a) natural seedling regeneration, (b) mortality adjustment, and (c) tree growth simulation. In our approach, an existing validated growth model was used to calculate single year tree growth, and expanded on by including in a newly developed simulation process using calibrated modules based on practical experience in forest management and advice from the local forest. We included the following different beech forest-management scenarios that are representative for German low mountain ranges to our simulation tool: (1) plantation, (2) continuous cover forestry, and (3) reserved forest. The simulation results show a robust consistency with expert knowledge as well as a great comparability with mid-term monitoring data, indicating a strong model performance. We successfully developed a hybrid simulation that realistically reflects different management strategies and tree growth in low mountain range. This study represents a basis for a new model calibration method, which has translational potential for further studies to develop reliable tailor-made models adjusted to local situations in beech forest management.

Study for applying the augmented reality onto postage stamps (우표의 증강현실 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ki Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.33
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    • pp.503-529
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    • 2013
  • The commemorative AR postage stamps which are the world first presented at The YEOSU EXPO 2012 has had meaning of communicating with future in this present from a convergence that the most analog medium is using now and that the AR is cutting edge of digital technology. The AR stamps printed 10 kind out of 33 commemorative stamps. These have great significance that is artistic value than that is world first. The applied AR images are not only expressed 3D real images but also artic represented and signifying each stamp images from visualized creativity process, and build 'new art space' that is new concept between on real(analog) and virtual(digital). This study analyzes meaning of images and then makes concept of AR contents design. The processing is designed and considered the meaning of architectures and environments, and the regional specific feature of the Yeosu with surrealistic graphic concept. The 10 of deducted images were expressed after AR coding such as visual arts. This study realized markerless 3D image tracking AR stamps and deducted research result are; the first, it was able to figure out how to realize AR in the process of registering the reference images, coordinating transformation, and hybriding AR on the stamps for the mobile devices. The second, it was able to be seeked a possibility of new virtual exhibition space. The third, it was able to know possibility of satisfaction of immersing with visual formativeness and usability with informativity.

Recovering Process from Gambling Addiction (도박중독자의 회복과정 : 수렁에서 빠져나오기)

  • Yoon, Myeong-Sook;Chae, Wan-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.271-297
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the entity theory on the recovering process from gambling addiction. This study focused on "What is the process of getting out of the pit of gambling addiction?" based on grounded theory methodology suggested by Strauss and Corbin(1990). The subjects of this study were 7 male gambling addicts living in Jeonbuk area. As the result of this study, a total of 97 concepts were drawn, which were classified into 28 subcategories and 16 superordinate categories. The results of analyzing the categories by paradigm showed that in the process of overcoming gambling addiction, the casual condition was 'Being cut off money; 'Losing the will', and the contextual condition corresponding to this phenomenon was 'Shame', 'Repent', and 'Wanting to die'. The core phenomenon was 'Giving up the dream of hitting the jackpot'. The intervening condition to boost this core phenomenon was 'Being helped by friends', 'Being supported by the police', 'Being led by the family', and 'Showing the willpower'. The action/interaction strategies were identified as 'Cutting off the flow of funds', 'Overcoming the temptation of gambling', and 'Diverting attention to other things', ending up 'Being conscious of family', 'Growing up', and 'Being free'. The core concept in the process of overcoming the gambling addiction was revealed as 'Being free by giving up the dream of hitting the jackpot'. The process of getting over the gambling addiction was 'The dream of hitting the jackpot being shattered', 'Giving up the dream of hitting the jackpot', 'Getting out of it', and 'Being free'. The study participants were classified into four types; 'Challenging type', 'Enjoying type', 'Showing off type', and 'Obsessive type'. This study was expected to have significance in establishing the first theory in Korea on the recovering process of gambling addict.

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Development of Transition Process and Programs for Empowerment of People with Developmental Disorder (발달장애인의 Empowerment 강화를 위한 전환과정과 프로그램 개발)

  • Na, Woon Hwan
    • 재활복지
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to develop transition process and programmes for gently converting people with disabilities to local communities, through their empowerments. The methods used in the research were literature research, case studies on related programs, and expert interviews. The following shows the results. Firstly, the transition process for people with developmental disorders is exceedingly limited, and the process does not consider special attention needed for people with developmental disorders. Secondly, the postsecondary education programs for people with developmental disorders are being started as transition processes, however these programs need more connection with secondary schools. Thirdly, the primary factors which must be contemplated for University programs(for people with developmental disorders, after secondary education) are self-cognition and self-understanding. According to these results, we can suggest transition processes and programs within Universities for people with developmental disorders. (In Korea) Firstly, the postsecondary transition for people with developmental disorders requires a consideration of their characteristics, and mainstreaming education is also needed for their self-cognition and self-understanding. Considering this, the transition process within Universities can be an alternative. Secondly, tertiary educations within Universities for people with developmental disorders need to consider the following factors: ① The programs in Universities need to set up a support network. ② The door to program should be open to all students with developmental disorders within the Universities. ③ Organization of human resources must be systematized and connected, so that specialists within the Universities can participate in the postsecondary education programs for people with developmental disorders. ④ Inclusive learning activities must be under-taken, allowing students without disabilities to participate in the programs for students with developmental disorders.

A Study on Documentation Strategy for Archiving Locality (지역 아카이빙을 위한 기록화방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Soon-Myung;Lee, Seung-Hwi
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.21
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    • pp.41-84
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    • 2009
  • Lots of cultures, memories, histories of the local life have disappeared. Some sectors of universities and religion have keep their records in manuscript archive only. On the other hand records of public sectors were at least able to be managed by the records management law. Citizen's groups and academic bounds were also roles to get public records strong. However can we just describe whole body with only public records? As records management law a record of private sector which has value of preserving can be managed under national protection. Yet establishment of local archive is not obligate. Only stressing on public records is like what dictatorial government acted in past years. It is what we ignore diversity and request of community. We need to move our view that we have focused on public and central sectors to private and local sectors. Local records management based on locality could help to complete the entire puzzle. The way complete the puzzle is various and wide spheres including from cultural space to being extinct village. Locality is defined as the property in certain area or distinctiveness of locals. Establishing production strategies is as important as collecting records produced over the past years for local archiving. Local archiving has to be regionally conducted in phase. Moreover common wealth and recognition of communities are reflected in the acquisition process. In next to archiving local organizations and private records according to collection policy, methodology on local archiving needs for archive management and use in various public and private fields. This methodology could be possible by building a local archive networking tool. It is true that Local archiving is not familiar and clear yet. If we can turn the effort for public records we have made to endeavor for private sectors, we might expect big fruits in private sectors. We easily emphasis on globalization or internationalization, our daily lives start on our villages. Setting aside our small communities, such a puzzle of the whole would never be completed. This is good time to begin finding lost puzzle for future. The key that can find lost puzzles be held in archiving localities.

Geoscientific land management planning in salt-affected areas* (염기화된 지역에서의 지구과학적 토지 관리 계획)

  • Abbott, Simon;Chadwick, David;Street, Greg
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2007
  • Over the last twenty years, farmers in Western Australia have begun to change land management practices to minimise the effects of salinity to agricultural land. A farm plan is often used as a guide to implement changes. Most plans are based on minimal data and an understanding of only surface water flow. Thus farm plans do not effectively address the processes that lead to land salinisation. A project at Broomehill in the south-west of Western Australia applied an approach using a large suite of geospatial data that measured surface and subsurface characteristics of the regolith. In addition, other data were acquired, such as information about the climate and the agricultural history. Fundamental to the approach was the collection of airborne geophysical data over the study area. This included radiometric data reflecting soils, magnetic data reflecting bedrock geology, and SALTMAP electromagnetic data reflecting regolith thickness and conductivity. When interpreted, these datasets added paddock-scale information of geology and hydrogeology to the other datasets, in order to make on-farm and in-paddock decisions relating directly to the mechanisms driving the salinising process. The location and design of surface-water management structures such as grade banks and seepage interceptor banks was significantly influenced by the information derived from the airborne geophysical data. To evaluate the effectiveness ofthis planning., one whole-farm plan has been monitored by the Department of Agriculture and the farmer since 1996. The implemented plan shows a positive cost-benefit ratio, and the farm is now in the top 5% of farms in its regional productivity benchmarking group. The main influence of the airborne geophysical data on the farm plan was on the location of earthworks and revegetation proposals. There had to be a hydrological or hydrogeological justification, based on the site-specific data, for any infrastructure proposal. This approach reduced the spatial density of proposed works compared to other farm plans not guided by site-specific hydrogeological information.

Chinese Agrarian Resistance and A New Mediation of State-Society Relationship (중국 농민저항과 국가-사회 관계의 새로운 조정)

  • Lee, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-82
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    • 2011
  • Public resistance is an essential factor of the democratization process. Due to this, public resistance has been recognized as an important element in discussing the democratization of China. Recently in China, and a new era of resistance especially the agrarian resistance has been being expanded. This paper identifies trends and characteristics of that. With searching changes in the relationship between the nation and the societies in China, we will check whether democratization can be built from the whole bottom of the nation's ideology or not. It is a paradox of china's economic growth that the peasant uprising increased is a factor to the growth. The farmers' smoldering discontent exploded with rage because rural communities have been forced to sacrifice during the growth. The authoritarian party-state system in China has been faced with the limits in calming the peasant revolt down with the traditional suppression and restriction. Even though the party-state system in China has accepted farmers' dissatisfaction somewhat, and it has tried to improve its image of a benevolent government and pursued buying stability strategy, the gap between urban and rural areas has been expanded in the sustainable economic development and modernization process, therefore the authorities could not soothe the farmers' sense of alienation. Accordingly, the peasant revolt has not flickered out easily, and has been getting uncontrolled across China. Resistance characteristics of Chinese farmers have also changed. In the past, they had been sporadic and indirect ways, whereas in recent years, they have changed into organized and active ways. Of course, it is generally evaluated that the party-state system has sustained a strong social control so far. Buying stability strategy has prevented farmers' complaints from spreading to a threat to its regime, because civil societies in rural areas have still weak foundations from being formed. The party-state system, because of tensions and conflicts, will control the growing powers of civil societies in rural areas with institutionalization of interaction between the nation and the societies, and they will induce street protests to legalized struggle for a while. However, the relationship between the state and the societies has already started new rearrangement, in terms of that the conflicts between the state and rural communities have continued, and the changes of resistance ways.

The Analysis of water quality using Satellite Remotely Sensed Imagery (위성사진을 이용한 해양환경분석)

  • Shin, Bum-Shick;Kim, Kyu-Han;Pyun, Chong-Kun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1940-1944
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    • 2006
  • 현지관측을 통한 지속적이고 광범위한 지역에 대해 정확하고 정밀하게 조사하여 종합적인 분석과 예측, 결정과정에 있어서, 복잡한 해양의 특성, 여러가지 조사 작업상의 난점, 경제적, 시간적으로 많은 어려움이 따르게 된다. 하지만, 위성원격탐사와 GIS를 이용한 해양환경파악기법은 현지관측에서 얻을 수 있는 제한적인 자료이외의 다량의 자료를 정성 및 정량적으로 데이터베이스화하여 분석함과 동시에 가시화함으로써 해양개발로 인해 불가피하게 초래될 수밖에 없는 환경을 보다 정확하게, 객관적으로 분석하여 장기적으로 예측할 수 있는 고도화된 환경조사 및 평가 기술이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 고해상도 위성자료인 Landsat TM 영상과 NOAA AVHRR 자료를 이용하여 수온 및 클로로필을 추출하였으며, GIS를 이용하여 현지관측자료 및 수치해도를 기초로 공간분포도를 작성함으로서 그 외의 수질환경요소를 산출하였다. 위성영상분석은 현장조사와 같은 시점의 Landsat TM 위성영상을 획득하여, 위성 영상은 지구의 곡률과 자전, 위성체의 자세와 고도 및 속도, 그리고 센서의 기하 특성으로 인하여 실제의 지형에 대하여 기하학적 왜곡을 가지고 있으므로 지형도에서 지상기준점(Ground Control Point, GCP)를 추출하여 ERDAS Imagine으로 UTM좌표체계에 따른 기하보정(Geometric Correction)을 실시하였으며, 동일한 시기의 NOAA AVHRR영상을 데이터로 처리하여 수온자료를 추출하였다. 표층수온과 현장관측에 의한 클로로필을 수치 지도화하기 위하여 열적외선영역인 TM band 6의 분광특성값(Digital Number)과 동일한 위치의 수온자료를 기초로 회귀분석을 실시함으로써 수온추출 알고리즘을 도출하여, 분석데이터의 신뢰도를 검증하였으며, 수온, 클로로필, 투명도 등을 위성원격탐사 자료와 GIS를 이용하여 공간분석을 실시하고, 공간분포도를 작성함으로써 대상해역의 해양환경을 파악하였다. 본 연구결과, 분석된 위성자료가 현장조사에 의한 검증이 이루어지지 않을 경우, 영상자료분석을 통한 표층수온 추출은 대기 중의 수증기와 에어로졸에 의한 계산치의 오차가 반영되기 때문에 실측치 보다 낮게 평가 될 수 있으므로, 반드시 이에 대한 검증이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 현지관측에 비해 막대한 비용과 시간을 절약할 수 있는 위성영상해석방법을 이용한 방법은 해양수질파악이 가능할 것으로 판단되며, GIS를 이용하여 다양하고 복잡한 자료를 데이터베이스화함으로써 가시화하고, 이를 기초로 공간분석을 실시함으로써 환경요소별 공간분포에 대한 파악을 통해 수치모형실험을 이용한 각종 환경영향의 평가 및 예측을 위한 기초자료로 이용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

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A Post-Verification Method of Near-Duplicate Image Detection using SIFT Descriptor Binarization (SIFT 기술자 이진화를 이용한 근-복사 이미지 검출 후-검증 방법)

  • Lee, Yu Jin;Nang, Jongho
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, as near-duplicate image has been increasing explosively by the spread of Internet and image-editing technology that allows easy access to image contents, related research has been done briskly. However, BoF (Bag-of-Feature), the most frequently used method for near-duplicate image detection, can cause problems that distinguish the same features from different features or the different features from same features in the quantization process of approximating a high-level local features to low-level. Therefore, a post-verification method for BoF is required to overcome the limitation of vector quantization. In this paper, we proposed and analyzed the performance of a post-verification method for BoF, which converts SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) descriptors into 128 bits binary codes and compares binary distance regarding of a short ranked list by BoF using the codes. Through an experiment using 1500 original images, it was shown that the near-duplicate detection accuracy was improved by approximately 4% over the previous BoF method.