• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역화과정

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A Study on the Current Status and Location Characteristics of Stone Jangseung - Focusing on Doljangseung in Daejeon Area - (돌장승의 현황 및 입지특성에 관한 연구 - 대전지역 돌장승을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Heo, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • This study requires a strict distinction between the sculptures we call 'Jangseung' because their origins, history, or functions are different from each other. Therefore, a theoretical consideration was made through the origin and history of Jangseung. Currently, Jangseung is widely distributed throughout the country, but the Honam region shows the largest distribution, and 73 out of 167 locations nationwide remain in the Chungcheongnam-do region. Among these, there are 54 stone jangseungs in Jeollanam-do, 37 in Jeollabuk-do, and 19 in Jeollabuk-do. In particular, the original shape of the stone jangseungs in the Honam region is well preserved, and as a center of the agricultural economy, the jangseung culture is active in this region. It was popular, and many stone jangseungs were built in the Daejeon area amid social changes in the late Joseon Dynasty. However, in the South Chungcheong region, there is not much culture about stone jangseungs, but there is a village meaning and consciousness that stone jangseungs have, but it is true that research on stone jangseungs is insufficient in various aspects. Among them, the form of the stone jangseung built between the 17th and 19th centuries is a sculpture that contrasts with the wooden pillar-type jangseung that is common in the central region, and shows the simple mentality of the people of the Daejeon region without any embellishment. Through Jangseung, we were able to discover the unconscious and potential creativity of national aesthetic consciousness. Therefore, the purpose is to trace the change process of the stone jangseung in the Daejeon area, investigate the functional aspects of this structure, and based on this, examine the various current status and locational characteristics of the so-called stone jangseung. In addition, the wooden figures and stone statues that are now commonly known as Jangseung were each erected in different times and for different reasons. Centering around Daejeon, the study attempted to research and identify representative stone monuments or 'stone jangseungs' that appear as stone statues, and even suggest their form through locational characteristics and suggestions. As a result, traditional jangseungs have changed in various forms as times change, reaching their present form, and the religious elements of modern jangseungs made and erected today are weakened or disappeared, and are used as symbolic symbols or sculptures of tradition. Although it has lost its traditional function as an object of village faith, it functions as a milestone or sign at the entrance to a village or event site, or as an exhibition in special places. It was found that the modern jangseung is a representative symbol of Korean traditional culture and is being re-created as an artistic sculpture that expresses common, simple, natural beauty and humor. Therefore, through this study, based on more specific and systematic investigation and research on the jangseung, it was materialized into a more developed form considering its utilization plan to prevent miscellaneous spirits from entering the village through the currently existing stone jangseung and to improve the spatial space accordingly. It is believed that what is located at the entrance can greatly convey its meaning. Therefore, it is judged necessary to maintain the strong characteristics of folk religion without the sophistication of foreign religions for various deities.

경주시 양남 제4기 역질 해안단구 퇴적층 풍화단면내 앨로패인(allophane) 교결층의 기원

  • 정기영;배진한;정창식
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.115-115
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    • 2001
  • 경주시 양남면의 4기 단층으로 추정되는 수렴단층에 의해 절단되는 해안단구 퇴적층 풍화단면에서 저결정질 광물인 앨로패인 교결층을 기재하였다. 이들은 자갈퇴적층 내에 협재하는 수조의 모래층에 한정되어 형성되어 있으며, 3-17 cm 두께로 연장성이 매우 좋다. 편광현미경 관찰에 의하면 모래층에는 사장석편들이 다량 함유되어 있으며 앨로패인은 광학적 등방성의 치밀한 점토집합체들로서 사장석 입자를 선택적으로 교대하거나 자갈과 모래입자들을 피복하고 있다. 앨로패인은 광학적 이방성인 상하위층의 고령토질 점토피복물과 명확히 구분된다. 앨로패인의 전자현미분석에 의하면, Al/Si 원자비가 1.3-1.7 범위이고 평균값은 1.5이다. X선회절분석 결과 3.49$\AA$과 2.26$\AA$에서 두 개의 넓은 회절대가 관찰된다. 주사 및 투과전자현미경관찰에 의하면 앨로패인을 특정한 입자형태 없이 치밀한 겔상태를 이루고 있다. 열분석에 의하면 96$^{\circ}C$에서 큰 흡열피크와 992$^{\circ}C$에서 발열피크가 관찰되며, 총 45% 정도의 중량감소를 보인다. 사장석의 평균조성은 An$_{87}$이며, 사장석내 유리포유물의 전자현미분석결과는 화산암 화학분류도에서 현무암 영역에 도시된다. 이 지역의 기반암은 현무암질 라필리응회암이나 사장석편을 제외하고 벤토나이트화되어 있다. 따라서 해빈환경에서 사장석이 벤토나이트에서 분리되어 퇴적한 것으로 보인다. 앨로패인 교결층은 해수면 강하로 단구퇴적층이 지표로 노출된 후, Al의 함량이 높고 비교적 풍화에 약한 사장석이 선택적으로 풍화되어 생성되었다. 앨로패인으로 피복된 모래층 내의 자갈은 풍화반응이 지체되어 상하위층의 자갈과 비교하여 풍화도에 있어서 현저한 차이를 보인다.. 파이프 중심에서 외곽부로 갈수록 전기석의 함량은 줄어들고 있고 장석들이 알바이트ㆍ칼스베드 쌍정을 보이며, 흑운모가 각섬석보다는 우세하게 나타나고 있다. 전기석은 주상 결정, 자형 내지 반자형의 입자로 다색성을 보이며, 결정 중심에서 가장자리로 갈수록 파란색과 황갈색의 광학적 누대구조를 관찰할 수 있다. 일광광산에서 산출되는 전기석에 대한 현미경 관찰은 열수기원임을 지시하고 있다. 야외조사와 현미경 관찰의 예비조사에 의하면 일광광산의 전기석이 형성된 환경은 다른2가지 화학적인 저장소의 혼합 효과의 결과로 생성되어진 것으로 예상된다. 일광의 화강암류를 만든 마그마는 전기석을 형성할 만큼의 Fe-Mg성분이 충분하지 않았을 것이다. 화강암 내에 흑운모와 각섬석의 결정작용에 의해 마그마의 Fe-Mg성분이 고갈되어지고 이로 인해 그 함량이 감소하며 상대적으로 마그마 내에 남은 붕소(B$_2$O$_3$)는 열수로 용리되고 흑운모, 각섬석과 평형을 유지하며 열수에 남아있게 된다. 잔류용융체에 남은 붕소의 함량은 전기석을 만들기에 충분함에도 불구하고, Fe-Mg 함량이 부족하여 마그마 기원의 전기석 결정을 만들 수가 없다가 광맥이 형성된 시기에 또 다른 열수가 공급되면서 이전의 평형이 깨지고 기존의 흑운모와 같은 염기성 광물이 붕소(B)를 함유한 새로운 열수와 반응하여 전기석을 형성한 것으로 예상한다. 앞으로 전암과 광물에 대해 지화학적 연구를 통해 화강암류와 전기석과의 지화학적 연관성, 주성분 원소와 열수의 특성과의 상관관계, 전기석의 기원(마그마 기원인지 열수기원인지)이 보다 정확하게 파악될 것이다. 마그마 진화에 따른 전기석의 성분변화와 기원을 이용하여 일광광산의 동광화대를 형성한 마그마 계에서 열수계로 이어지는 지질학적 과정을 이해할 수 있을 것이며, 암석 성인론적 지시자로서

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The case study of Topophilia's Role as a Motivator to Learn and an Analysis of Educational Resources (토포필리아의 학습동기 역할 사례와 교육자원 분석)

  • Yoon, Ma-Byong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.467-479
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    • 2014
  • Topophilia refers to emotional bonding such as attachment to or nostalgia for one's home town, which is remembered or imagined as a beautiful and happy paradise experienced in youth. The time spent in one's home town may have been short, but the associated memories of it are strong and enduring. These can later act as a strong motivator to learn if the correlated emotions are positive. According to archival research conducted on Jooyoung Chung's life, his home town and the things found therein, such as cows, were the principal objects of his topophilia, and later became the driving forces behind his success story. The same applies to Dvorak. Dvorak sublimated his nostalgia for his home town by composing a piece of music on hearing the sound of a train. We can discover diverse rhythms in nature such as sunrises and sunsets, the changing seasons, and even our heart beat. If a melody is added to the rhythm, it transforms into art. And if we seek harmony and principles, it becomes science. In this study, Jeonbuk's nature, places, food, and arts, as represented in its educational resources, are analysed for their ability to give rise to topophilia. To gain some experience of this feeling we recommend that you visit the Jeonju Hanok Village, the value of Gochujang, reverse icespike on Mai Mountain or enjoy the works of the painter Book Choi.

Distributed Hashing-based Fast Discovery Scheme for a Publish/Subscribe System with Densely Distributed Participants (참가자가 밀집된 환경에서의 게재/구독을 위한 분산 해쉬 기반의 고속 서비스 탐색 기법)

  • Ahn, Si-Nae;Kang, Kyungran;Cho, Young-Jong;Kim, Nowon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.12
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    • pp.1134-1149
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    • 2013
  • Pub/sub system enables data users to access any necessary data without knowledge of the data producer and synchronization with the data producer. It is widely used as the middleware technology for the data-centric services. DDS (Data Distribution Service) is a standard middleware supported by the OMG (Object Management Group), one of global standardization organizations. It is considered quite useful as a standard middleware for US military services. However, it is well-known that it takes considerably long time in searching the Participants and Endpoints in the system, especially when the system is booting up. In this paper, we propose a discovery scheme to reduce the latency when the participants and Endpoints are densely distributed in a small area. We propose to modify the standard DDS discovery process in three folds. First, we integrate the Endpoint discovery process with the Participant discovery process. Second, we reduce the number of connections per participant during the discovery process by adopting the concept of successors in Distributed Hashing scheme. Third, instead of UDP, the participants are connected through TCP to exploit the reliable delivery feature of TCP. We evaluated the performance of our scheme by comparing with the standard DDS discovery process. The evaluation results show that our scheme achieves quite lower discovery latency in case that the Participants and the Endpoints are densely distributed in a local network.

Assessment on Achievements of 'the Geography of Korea': Survey on Professional Geographers of Korea (전문가 설문을 통한 "한국지지"와 "한국지리지" 발간성과 분석)

  • Yu, Keun Bae;Hong, Yooinn;Shin, Young Ho;Kwon, Yongwoo;Kim, Chan Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.791-808
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    • 2012
  • This study sets out to assess achievement of two series of publication titled "the Geography of Korea", which established itself as the most representative publication on Korea's geography. For assessment, this study selected Delphi method to survey Korean geographical professionals on the publication by requesting respondents to rate the adequacy of its: publishing system, production team organization, array of topics, target reader, classification of regions, and use of visual materials. The results showed the respondents highly appreciated the significance of the publications and generally agreed that the past publications had adequate level of: publication frequency, time allowed for writing, number of pages, selection criteria of authors, range of topics, region classification schemes. On the other hand, dissatisfaction from the respondents came from the lack of chief supervisor over each section or the whole publication. The geographers also stressed the need to enhance the publication's accessibility to the wider public by adopting easier writings and also requested diversification of visual aid design. This study also examined the difference between respondent groups by occupations and by past involvement in the publication. The result of this study can serve as a foundation to identify the desirable direction of future publications on "the Geography of Korea".

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Research on Ways to Promote Community Care for People with Developmental Disability (발달장애인의 커뮤니티 케어 실현방안에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Jun-Ok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.531-540
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to present ways and tasks for the successful settlement of community care that the korea government recently aimed to convert the care system of the vulnerable from the center of institutional care to the community-based care system. As a research method, we tried to find out the community care policies for foreign developmental disabilities and explore major issues and problems in the process. As a result of the study, de-institutionalization and maintenance and enactment of laws related to community-based care systems, the division of subjects and tasks in policy implementation, and above all, it is necessary to specify necessary financial estimation, procurement plan, and budget securing method. In addition, sincere deliberation on the form of living space for people with developmental disabilities after de-institution and clarification of the subjectivity of using the services provided Establish reliable statistics on the characteristics and degree of disability of people with developmental disabilities, worry about human rights violation factors that can occur in community residential facilities that will be provided after de-facility, and create consensus in the community was also analyzed as an important factor. I think it is a key factor to secure the success of the community care policy by carrying out the above multiple tasks simultaneously.

Eye Detection Using Texture Filters (질감 필터를 이용한 눈 검출)

  • Park, Chan-Woo;Kim, Yong-Min;Park, Ki-Tae;Moon, Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a novel method for eye detection using two texture filters considering textural and structural characteristics of eye regions. The human eyes have two characteristics: 1) the eyes are horizontally long and 2) the pupas are of circular shapes. By considering these two characteristics of human eyes, two texture filters are utilized for the eye detection. One is Gabor filter for detecting eye shapes in horizontal direction. The other is ART descriptor for detecting pupils of circular shape. In order to effectively detect eye regions, the proposed method consists of four steps. The first step is to extract facial regions using AdaBoost method. The second step is to normalize the illumination by considering local information. The third step is to estimate candidate regions for eyes, by merging the results from two texture filters. The final step is to locate exact eye regions by using geometric information of the face. As experimental results, the performance of the proposed method has been improved by 2.9~4.4%, compared to the existing methods.

Skew Compensation and Text Extraction of The Traffic Sign in Natural Scenes (자연영상에서 교통 표지판의 기울기 보정 및 덱스트 추출)

  • Choi Gyu-Dam;Kim Sung-Dong;Choi Ki-Ho
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.3 no.2 s.5
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2004
  • This paper shows how to compensate the skew from the traffic sign included in the natural image and extract the text. The research deals with the Process related to the array image. Ail the process comprises four steps. In the first fart we Perform the preprocessing and Canny edge extraction for the edge in the natural image. In the second pan we perform preprocessing and postprocessing for Hough Transform in order to extract the skewed angle. In the third part we remove the noise images and the complex lines, and then extract the candidate region using the features of the text. In the last part after performing the local binarization in the extracted candidate region, we demonstrate the text extraction by using the differences of the features which appeared between the tett and the non-text in order to select the unnecessary non-text. After carrying out an experiment with the natural image of 100 Pieces that includes the traffic sign. The research indicates a 82.54 percent extraction of the text and a 79.69 percent accuracy of the extraction, and this improved more accurate text extraction in comparison with the existing works such as the method using RLS(Run Length Smoothing) or Fourier Transform. Also this research shows a 94.5 percent extraction in respect of the extraction on the skewed angle. That improved a 26 percent, compared with the way used only Hough Transform. The research is applied to giving the information of the location regarding the walking aid system for the blind or the operation of a driverless vehicle

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Music Therapy Interventions for Prevention of Suicidal Ideation (자살 충동 예방을 위한 음악치료적 접근)

  • Lee, In Yong
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2006
  • Recently many treatment strategies have been developed to prevent suicidal ideation as it is increasing. Various community facilities and university centers are carrying out research to develop efficient treatment programs. This study examined how music can be used therapeutically for a case who is going through severe suicidal ideation. Various music therapy techniques are utilized including song psychotherapy, music and imagery and role play instrumental improvisation. A woman with severe depression for seven one-hour session. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to examine the changes in the suicidal ideation. As results, there were lots of changes in the client's attitude towards life through exploring inner world. Much of stability and sense of security were gained and emotional hardship was resolved in the process of therapy. The client was able to structure future plans productively as the suicidal ideation was reduced. In the process of role play instrumental improvisation, music allowed her to express issues regarding relationships with others, attitudes and in other areas as well. Music was used "as therapy" and solved many repressed emotions related to the trauma including psychological inhibition, tension, helplessness, lack of energy. Further music was able to bring the "false" ego with "true ego". The study implies that various psychotherapeutic interventions can alleviate depression and reduce suicidal ideation.

Spatial Distribution Pattern of Chloranthus japonicus Population at Mt. Ahop (아홉산 홀아비꽃대 집단의 공간적 분포 양상)

  • Huh, Man Kyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.148-152
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    • 2018
  • The patchiness of local environments within a habitat is assumed to be a primary factor affecting the spatial patterns of plants, and a randomization procedure is developed for testing the null hypothesis that only spatial association with patches determined the spatial patterns of plants. Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae) is an herbaceous perennial and a member of the genus Chloranthus in the family Chloranthaceae. The spatial pattern of C. japonicus was analyzed according to several patchiness indices, population uniformity or aggregation under different sizes of plots by dispersion indices, and spatial autocorrelation. Population densities (D) varied from 0.356 to 2.270, with a mean of 1.527. The values of dispersion indices ( at Mt. Ahop were lower than 1 at six plots ($2m{\times}2m$, $2m{\times}4m$, $4m{\times}4m$, $4m{\times}8m$, $8m{\times}8m$, and $8m{\times}16m$), but the two large plots ($16m{\times}16m$ and $16m{\times}32m$) were higher than 1. Thus, the aggregation indices ( were negative at Mt. Ahop, which indicates a uniform distribution. The two large plots ($16m{\times}16m$ and $16m{\times}32m$) had positive CIs. However, the values were not large (0.009 for the $16m{\times}16m$ plot and 0.038 for the $16m{\times}32m$ plot). The mean crowding ($M^{\ast}$) and patchiness index (PAI) showed positive values for all plots.