• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역의 구성

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Some Possibities of Community Archivs (공동체아카이브, 몇 가지 단상)

  • Lee, Young-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.31
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    • pp.3-42
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    • 2012
  • This paper considers some possibilities of community archives by exploring the concepts ans meanings of archival description. The author deals with two interesting cases -Herstory Writers Workshop Collection of Stony Brook University in New York and Poolmoo Collection of Poomoo Agricultural School in Korea. The author argues that archivists should know the specifications of Community Archives related to National Archives when they organizing and preserving records and archives of community archives.

The Effect of Settlement Inclusivity on Older People's Mental Health (정주환경 포용성이 고령층의 정신건강에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Sae Rom;Park, In Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.3-23
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to conceptualize the settlement inclusivity for overcoming social exclusion and the decline in quality of life of older people and to examine its effects on their mental health. The concept of the settlement inclusivity for older people focuses on the immediate environment around the place where they live. We proposed two domains for the conceptual framework; social domain that provides opportunities for community cohesion; spatial domain that provides security of residential area and access to basic services within walking distance. The social domain was represented by participation and interdependence, while the spatial domain by security and accessibility in the settlement inclusivity. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression model was constructed with 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans data to analyze the factors influencing depressive symptoms of older adults. The empirical results demonstrate that increased level of neighborhood network and social participation is associated with a decrease in the number of depressive symptoms. In addition, higher satisfaction in neighborhood environment and good accessibility to public transport/stores are associated with fewer depressive symptoms. Finally, housing condition and home ownership have a moderating effect on the relationship between social network/participation and depressive symptoms level, whereas they have no direct effects on depressive symptoms. This study demonstrates multi-dimensionally and mutually significant associations between settlement inclusivity and depressive symptoms for older people providing implications for urban planning and policies to improve mental well-being of older population.

Validation of Short Form Age Integration Scale and Relationships between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Age Integration: A Comparison of Age Groups (단축형 연령통합척도 타당화 및 인구사회학적 특성과 연령통합인식 관계: 연령집단 간 비교)

  • Chung, Soondool;Lim, Jeungsuk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2020
  • This study validates an abridged version of the age integration scale by Chung et al. (2015), which constitutes sub-dimensions of age flexibility and age heterogeneity-from Riley et al. (1994)-and observes disparities in the perception of age integration among different socio-cultural characteristics. This study analyzed 1,433 people in the "Age Integration and Generation Integration Survey" data, with the support of the Social Science Competency Enhancement Project (SSK) (supported by the Korea Research Foundation). This paper analyzed the data using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, multiple-group factor analysis, and a compare means test. The results are as follows. First, the scale was abridged to 13 items from 28, of which eight items concern age heterogeneity and five concern age flexibility. Second, the multi-group analysis did not show a significant difference among younger, middle, and older age groups, therefore allowing the scale to be used among all age groups. Third, when sociocultural characteristics were observed, younger adults showed differences in their levels of age integration, age heterogeneity, and age flexibility regarding their residential area. Middle-aged adults showed dif f erences in their levels of age integration, age heterogeneity, and age flexibility regarding their residential area and social status. Older adults showed differences in their level of age integration regarding their residential area, education level, and social status. They also showed differences in the level of age flexibility regarding their residential area and social status and differences in the level of age heterogeneity regarding their residential area and education. Based on the results of the study, political and practical measures to promote perception on age integration in the future were suggested.

A Provenance Study of Iron Archaeological Sites in the Gyeongsang Province: Petrographic and Geochemical Approaches (경상지역 제철유적의 산지추정 연구: 암석기재학 및 지화학적 접근)

  • Jaeguk Jo;Seojin Kim;Jiseon Han;Su Kyoung Kim;Dongbok Shin;Byeongmoon Kwak;Juhyun Hong;Byeongyong Yu;Jinah Lim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.475-499
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    • 2023
  • To infer the provenance of raw iron materials utilized in iron production at the archaeological sites in Gyeongsang province, petrographic and geochemical analyses were conducted for smelting samples and major iron ores sourced from ore deposits. The smelting samples excavated from various iron archaeological sites were classified into different types according to their refining processes, such as iron bloom, iron bloom slag, pig iron, pig iron slag, forging iron flake, smithery iron, iron flake, and arrowhead. These samples exhibited discernable differences in their mineralogical components and texture. The enrichments of major elements such as aluminum and calcium in silicate minerals of the residual slags and the high contents of trace elements such as nickel and copper in some iron-making relics reflect the characteristics of raw iron ores, and thus can be regarded as potential indicators for inferring the provenance of source materials. In particular, the compositional ranges of Pb-Sr isotope ratios for the iron smelting samples were classified into three categories: 1) those exhibiting similar ratios to those of the raw iron ores, 2) those enriched in strontium isotope ratio, and 3) those enriched in both lead and strontium isotope ratios. The observed distinct Pb-Sr isotope characteristics in the iron smelting samples suggest the potential contribution of specific additives being introduced during the high-temperature refining process. These results provide a new perspective on the interpretation of the provenance study of the iron archaeological samples in Gyeongsang province, particularly in terms of the potential contribution of additives on the refining process.

An Analysis of The Technological Regime by an Integrated Taxonomy of Region-Industry: Focusing on the Manufacturing Sector of the 2016 Korean Innovation Survey (지역-산업 통합분류법에 의한 국내 기술체제 분석: 2016년 한국기업혁신조사 제조업 부문을 중심으로)

  • Jaepil Han
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2023
  • This study proposes an integrated use of region and industry as a way to classify firms' innovation activities by type. Existing studies have used the method of determining innovative activities according to the components of the technological regimes and aggregating them by industry classification, but this method cannot fully reflect the heterogeneity within industries in an increasingly sophisticated innovation environment. Therefore, this study divides firms by region and industry and conducts a cluster analysis on the proportion of innovative activities by the components of the technological regimes to derive a total of four innovation types. Using the 2016 Korean Innovation Survey to classify innovation types in the manufacturing industry, we found that innovation activities are concentrated in Seoul, Busan, Incheon, and Chungnam/ Sejong/ Daejeon area, with different deviations by region and industry. The results of the aggregation of industrial innovation activities, weighted by corporate activity by region, show that the level of innovation activity in some manufacturing industries, such as petrochemicals, manufacturing of medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks, is high, but the level of innovation in other sectors within the manufacturing industry is generally low.

Developing the Self-Reporting Scale of Community Integration for the Person with Psychiatiric Disabilities (정신장애인의 자기보고식 지역사회통합 척도 개발)

  • Choi, Youn Jeong
    • 재활복지
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.165-192
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to develop a valid self-report scale for the community integration of persons with psychiatric disabilities. To this end, conducted were in-depth interviews with individuals with psychiatric disabilities, consultation with experts, and a survey. First, literature review and the in-depth interview with individuals with psychiatric disabilities were collected questionnaires regarding the community integration of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Second, preliminary research 1 focused on the selection and modification of the items collected in the first research. Final 44 items were selected by the verification of the importance and content-validity of items under the advices of professionals. Lastly, preliminaty research 2 applied cross-validation method to the data from 524 cases in order to verify the factor structure and concept-validity of the items. The result of exploratory factor analysis shows that 5 factor structures are the most appropriate, and the confirmatory factor analysis suggests that the Self-reporting Scale of Community Integration for the person with psychiatric disabilities consists of 27 questionnaires which compose 5sub-concepts such as'psychological integration','physical integration', 'social support', 'social integration', 'independence/self-actualization'. Moreover, this scale was significantly related to the 'Life Satisfaction scale for the person with psychiatric disabilities'. This proved concurrent validity of the scale.

A Study on Perceptions of Users for Establishing Mid-to Long Term Development Plan for Public Libraries in Dobong-gu (도봉구 공공도서관 중장기 발전계획 수립을 위한 지역주민 인식 연구)

  • Su-Young Lee;Ji-Ann Yang;Jae-Woo Nam;Min Sun Song
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.183-205
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to identify the operation status of Dobong-gu public libraries in order to establish a mid- to long-term development plan for Dobong-gu libraries, and to analyze local residents' perceptions of libraries by factors through user surveys to suggest specific development plans for Dobong-gu libraries. Overall, the satisfaction level of Dobong-gu residents with library services was found to be high, and all libraries were analyzed to be providing high-quality services. From this, the following operational strategies for the mid- to long-term development plan of Dobong-gu public libraries can be derived. First, libraries need to continue to collect and provide books that meet the quantitative and qualitative levels to satisfy the needs of the community and users. Electronic and online materials, including e-books and audiobooks, as well as subject-specific materials should be expanded to provide relevant programs. Second, although Dobong-gu is an aging city, a wide range of age live there, so there is a need to promote communication and understanding between generations and promote integration of the community through a generational empathy program. Third, it is necessary to remodel and improve the space of aging libraries by organizing library facilities and environments into open spaces and creating makerspaces and multicultural spaces for direct experience and practice, reflecting the latest trends in library space organization.

Comparison of Integrated Health and Welfare Service Provision Projects Centered on Medical Institutions (의료기관 중심 보건의료·복지 통합 서비스 제공 사업 비교)

  • Su-Jin Lee;Jong-Yeon Kim
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.132-145
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study compares cases of Dalgubeol Health Care Project, 301 Network Project, and 3 for 1 Project based on program logic models to derive measures for promoting integrated healthcare and welfare services centered around medical institutions. Methods: From January to December 2021, information on the implementation systems and performance of each institution was collected. Data sources included prior academic research, project reports, operational guidelines, official press releases, media articles, and written surveys from project managers. A program logic model analysis framework was applied, structuring the information based on four elements: situation, input, activity, and output. Results: All three projects aimed to address the fragmentation of health and welfare services and medical blind spots. Despite similar multidisciplinary team compositions, differences existed in specific fields, recruitment scale, and employment types. Variations in funding sources led to differences in community collaboration, support methods, and future directions. There were discrepancies in the number of beneficiaries and medical treatments, with different results observed when comparing the actual number of people to input manpower and project cost per beneficiary. Conclusions: To design an integrated health and welfare service provision system centered on medical institutions, securing a stable funding mechanism and establishing an appropriate target population and service delivery system are crucial. Additionally, installing a dedicated department within the medical institution to link activities across various sectors, rather than outsourcing, is necessary. Ensuring appropriate recruitment and stable employment systems is needed. A comprehensive provision system offering services from mild to severe cases through public-private cooperation is suggested.

Contents analysis of the plans and performance reports for the Community Social Service Investment Scheme in South Korea: Exploring the welfare autonomy capability of local governments and tasks for it (지역사회서비스 투자사업 계획서 및 보고서 내용분석 : 지방정부의 자치복지 역량에 대한 탐색과 과제)

  • 김보영
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2018
  • The Community Social Service Investment Scheme, which is planned and managed by local governments themselves in order to respond to the needs of local communities, have been in operation for more than ten years. This study is to assess the Scheme and draw tasks for further development through the examination of local government welfare capacity by analysing contents in the yearly plans and the performance reports of the seventeen metropolitan cities and provinces. As a result of the analysis between 2013 and 2015, until the Scheme stably implemented since the systemic assessment system established, although overall strategic planning and management of the Scheme is not prevalent, when we divided the Scheme into the operational tasks such as systemazing service architecture, improving service performance, strengthening service supply capability, advancing service programmes, and enhancing accessibility of services, we can find strengthening service supply capability task well-managed as well as a range of good leading examples among other tasks. Therefore we can see probability of local government welfare capability while it is not apparent overall in the Scheme; explore directions for development in individual operational tasks; and find implications for other policies in terms of welfare autonomy.

Pseudo Image Composition and Sensor Models Analysis of SPOT Satellite Imagery of Non-Accessible Area (비접근 지역에 대한 SPOT 위성영상의 Pseudo영상 구성 및 센서모델 분석)

  • 방기인;조우석
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.140-148
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    • 2001
  • The satellite sensor model is typically established using ground control points acquired by ground survey Of existing topographic maps. In some cases where the targeted area can't be accessed and the topographic maps are not available, it is difficult to obtain ground control points so that geospatial information could not be obtained from satellite image. The paper presents several satellite sensor models and satellite image decomposition methods for non-accessible area where ground control points can hardly acquired in conventional ways. First, 10 different satellite sensor models, which were extended from collinearity condition equations, were developed and then the behavior of each sensor model was investigated. Secondly, satellite images were decomposed and also pseudo images were generated. The satellite sensor model extended from collinearity equations was represented by the six exterior orientation parameters in 1$^{st}$, 2$^{nd}$ and 3$^{rd}$ order function of satellite image row. Among them, the rotational angle parameters such as $\omega$(omega) and $\phi$(phi) correlated highly with positional parameters could be assigned to constant values. For non-accessible area, satellite images were decomposed, which means that two consecutive images were combined as one image. The combined image consists of one satellite image with ground control points and the other without ground control points. In addition, a pseudo image which is an imaginary image, was prepared from one satellite image with ground control points and the other without ground control points. In other words, the pseudo image is an arbitrary image bridging two consecutive images. For the experiments, SPOT satellite images exposed to the similar area in different pass were used. Conclusively, it was found that 10 different satellite sensor models and 5 different decomposed methods delivered different levels of accuracy. Among them, the satellite camera model with 1$^{st}$ order function of image row for positional orientation parameters and rotational angle parameter of kappa, and constant rotational angle parameter omega and phi provided the best 60m maximum error at check point with pseudo images arrangement.

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