• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역의 구성

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Regional Long-term/Mid-term Load Forecasting using SARIMA in South Korea (계절 ARIMA 모형을 이용한 국내 지역별 전력사용량 중장기수요예측)

  • Ahn, Byung-Hoon;Choi, Hoe-Ryeon;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.8576-8584
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    • 2015
  • Load forecasting is needed to make supply and demand plan for a stable supply of electricity. It is also necessary for optimal operational plan of the power system planning. In particular, in order to ensure stable power supply, long-term load forecasting is important. And regional load forecasting is important for tightening supply stability. Regional load forecasting is known to be an essential process for the optimal state composition and maintenance of the electric power system network including transmission lines and substations to meet the load required for the area. Therefore, in this paper we propose a forecasting method using SARIMA during the 12 months (long-term/mid-term) load forecasting by 16 regions of the South Korea.

Community Radio's Interaction with Local Community Residents A Field Report on Mapo FM's Case (공동체 라디오와 지역 공동체 구성원의 상호작용에 대한 현장연구 마포 FM 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ban, Myeong Jin;Kim, Young Chan
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.78
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    • pp.79-115
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    • 2016
  • This study, by proposing a case study of community radio, attempts to expand the horizon of academic and social discussion on the medium that has been disproportionately skewed towards discourses on alternative media, technology, and programming content. As residents of local community actively participate in the production process, they reconstruct their cultural identities. In that sense, community radio is a medium that makes it possible the re-negotiation and reconfiguration of cultural identities of local residents. That is to say, a case study on the specific ways in which community residents appropriate community radio in reconstructing their identities offers us some entry points where we may come up with a new perspective on the identity of community radio. The results of fieldwork show that community radio, as it is closely intertwined with the residents' participatory cultural practices, is a medium of 'lived culture' -i.e., a medium that contributes to the making of civility, communitarianism, and social network. Community radio, then, may be redefined as an interactive medium that contributes to the formation of social rapport and solidarity.

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Final Results of APG-15 5th meeting

  • Chung, HyunSoo;Moon, Jun-Cheol;YU, Dai-Hyuk;Je, Do-Heung;Jo, Jung-Hyun;Roh, Duk-Gyoo;Oh, Se-Jin;Sohn, Bong-Won;Lee, SangSung;Kim, Hyo-Ryung
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.54.3-55
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    • 2015
  • 국제전기통신연합 (ITU)에서 주관하여 2015년 11월 2일-27일 스위스 제네바에서 개최되는 WRC-15(세계전파 통신회의, World Radiocommunication Conference)회의에서는 28개 의제에 대해서는 의제별 주파수대역별로 국제전파규칙(Radio Regulations)을 개정하게 된다. WRC-15 본회의에는 200여개 ITU회원국의 국가대표 3,000여명이 모여서 회의를 진행하게 되며, 원활한 회의진행과 의견 결정을 위하여 각 국가별 제안서 제출은 지양하고, 해당 지역별 국가들의 공동제안서를 중심으로 논의하게 된다. ITU에는 현재 6개의 지역(유럽, 러시아, 아랍, 북남미, 아프리카 및 아태지역) 공동체가 등록되어 있으며, 아태지역은 아태지역 전파통신협의체(Asia-Pacipic Telecommunity)를 구성하여 WRC 의제에 대응하고 있다. 지난 2015년 7월 27일-8월 1일에는 WRC의제에 대한 아태지역의 공동제안서(PACP)를 작성하기 위한 최종 회의(APG-15 5차회의)가 서울 힐튼호텔에서 개최되었다. 과학업무 의제의 경우, 5개 의제에 대한 공동제안서가 작성되었으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 7145-7250 MHz 대역의 지구탐사위성(지구대우주)업무의 1순위 분배 지지, 2) 9,200~9,300MHz 및 9,900~10,400MHz대역의 지구탐사위성업무의 신규 SAR용 1순위 분배 지지, 3) 우주선 근거리통신용 410-420MHz 대역 관련 거리제한 규정 삭제 지지, 4) 윤초 삭제 지지, 5) 나노 위성 및 피코 위성의 규정개정 연구를 위한 차기 WRC회의 의제 수행 지지를 들 수 있다. 따라서 본 발표에서는 7월에 개최된 APG-15 5차회의의 주요 결과를 소개하고, WRC-15회의에 대비하여 국내 전파천문업무 보호를 위한 주요 이슈에 대해 소개를 하고자 한다.

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The Assessment of Future Flood Vulnerability for Seoul Region (서울 지역의 미래 홍수취약도 평가)

  • Sung, Jang Hyun;Baek, Hee-Jeong;Kang, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Young-Oh
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.341-352
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to statistically project future probable rainfall and to quantitatively assess a future flood vulnerability using flood vulnerability model. To project probable rainfall under non-stationarity conditions, the parameters of General Extreme Value (GEV) distribution were estimated using the 1 yr data added to the initial 30 yr base series. We can also fit a linear regression model between time and location parameters after comparing the linear relationships between time and location, scale, and shape parameters, the probable rainfall in 2030 yr was calculated using the location parameters obtained from linear regression equation. The flood vulnerability in 2030 yr was assessed inputted the probable rainfall into flood vulnerability assessment model suggested by Jang and Kim (2009). As the result of analysis, when a 100 yr rainfall frequency occurs in 2030 yr, it was projected that vulnerability will be increased by spatial average 5 % relative to present.

Geology and Polymetallic Mineralization in the Cusco Area, Peru (페루 꾸스코 지역 지질특성과 다금속 광화작용)

  • Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Heo, Chul-Ho;Munoz, Michael Valencia;Cornejo, Raymond Rivera;Angeldonis, Alexander Santisteban
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2012
  • 페루 남동부 지역에 위치한 꾸스코 동-금을 포함한 다중금속 광상 지역의 지질은 고생대 페름기-중생대 삼첩기 변성퇴적암인 미투(Mitu)층군과 이를 관입한 동시기 관입암으로 구성되어 있다. 조사지역은 페름기-삼첩기 관입암과 관련된 U-W-Sn-Mo, Au-Cu-Pb-Zn, REE 광화작용과 관련된 금속광화 대로 알려져 있다. 특히 해당 관입암은 대자율 측정 결과 S-type, 티탄철석계열과 관련이 있는 것으로 보인다. 꾸스코 지역은 깔까 북쪽과 시꾸아니 부근에 주요 광화대가 발달하고 있다. 조사대상 광상은 아줄 동, 올미오 동, 빅토리아 금, 빠딴자 동, 나우챠피-초차까나 동, 체카 금광상이다. 아줄 광상의 모암은 안산암질암이며 광석광물로는 반동석 및 황동석이 산출하며, 동은 7.81~15.3%의 범위를 가지고 평균 10.7%이다. 올미오 광상의 모암은 흑색편암이며 엽리를 따라 산화동이 충진되어 있고, 동은 0.61~2.60%의 범위를 가지고 평균 1.74%이다. 빅토리아 광상의 모암은 변성퇴적암이며, 석영맥 충진형 광상으로 금함량은 < 0.1 g/t, 은함량은 < 0.1~< 0.3 g/t이다. 빠딴자 광상에서는 이암 또는 실트암의 층리를 따라 충진하고 있는 산화동이 산출하며, 동은 3.74~9.21%의 범위를 보이며 평균 6.21%이다. 나우챠피-초차까나 광상은 적색사암의 층리를 교대충진하고 있는 산화동 광체이며, 동은 1.62~10.5%의 범위를 가지며 평균 6.39%이다. 체카 광상은 모암인 규암이 각력화작용을 받은 부분에서 금이 산출되고 있는 것으로 보고되어있으나 분석결과 금이 탐지되지는 않았다.

The intersection of online/offline spaces and the remediation of the city : a case study of a workshop on locality education (온라인/오프라인 공간의 교차와 도시의 재매개 - 지역 교육 연수를 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Heesang
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.362-374
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    • 2013
  • ICTs(Information and Communication Technologies) have changed the ways of social activities and communications, and in the process, online and offline spaces have been thought of as binary spaces in which online spaces substitute and erode offline spaces. The aim of this study is to explore how urban space where local social activities and communications are performed is constructed in terms of timespace through the intersection of online and offline communications and how the urban space is 'remediated' through online spaces. For this, the study looks at the case of a workshop on 'locality education' held at the Yeungnam University Museum in January 2013. Criticizing the dichotomist viewpoint that increasing in communications through online spaces results in the expansion of 'absent presence' or 'placelessness' in offline spaces, the study argues that online spaces remediating offline spaces are spaces not transcending the timespace constraints of the offline spaces but rather reflecting the spatial, temporal, material, social, cultural environments of urban space and place.

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A Study on Correlations between Distribution of Sulfur Dioxide Concentration and Soil Environments by Using Passive Samplers (Passive Sampler를 이용한 $SO_2$ 공간농도분포 조사와 토양오염 상관성 연구)

  • Song, Young-Bae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.10
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    • pp.1025-1029
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    • 2005
  • A simple analysis of atmospheric sulfur dioxide($SO_2$) pollution in industrial region was investigated using badge type passive samplers. It were set up in 76 locations and the $SO_2$ distribution evaluated along the boundary of land use type. It changed considerably both monthly and seasonally. Soil samples were also collected in 120 locations to investigate influence of sulfur dioxide pollution on soil and heavy metal distribution in the study area, where the sulfur dioxide pollutants from industrial area could affect the soil environment of near residential and green areas. The relationship between the $SO_2$ concentrations in the atmosphere and heavy metal(Cu, Pb) concentrations in the soil were analyzed, by using the correlation coefficient values and the results were 0.17 and 0.08 in industrial area. And this study indicated that the atmospheric pollution in industrial region affect the level of the soil pollution adjacent to the residential and green area. The study result may be used to define correlativity for establishing an exposure index. It will subsequently be used for a more precise assessment measuring the exposure of plants and inhabitants, for the purposes of a study en effects on health.

A Study on the IPA Analysis of Menu Quality and Servicescape of Kijang Area Local Restaurants (기장지역 향토음식점의 메뉴품질과 서비스스케이프의 IPA 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heon Chul
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2016
  • The main purposes of this study is to examine a local restaurants menus' importance and satisfaction of the servicescape. Survey was collected by December 1 through December 31 2015, in the region Kijang County. the data from this survey were analyzed by using various statistical techniques including frequency tables, factor analysis, reliability test, and IPA. Results of IPA analysis showed that menu consisted of local products is the highest average value, and it means the local food restaurants need to use the nostalgic marketing techniques. In addition, menus are currently for sale in order to attract continuing foreign tourists as perceived by Busan residents Kijang. Therefore, the local food restaurants need to revive the traditional flavors and recipes coming down area from ancient times. Based on these results, this study will contribute to provide fundamental information for developing marketing strategies especially local food restaurants.

A Study on User-oriented Evaluation of Book Collections under a Regional Library System (지역단위 도서관 시스템에서의 이용중심적 장서평가 연구)

  • Park, Young-Ae;Lee, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.457-477
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    • 2010
  • Currently, collections with public libraries are evaluated only on the basis of simple data, such as the use volume of collections with individual libraries, and interlibrary lending (ILL) results. To promote the ILL of regional libraries and raise the use of collections, however, the evaluation of collections should be expanded from individual libraries to regional libraries. This study aims to propose user-oriented methods for evaluating the library collections within a regional library system by using four kinds of data: collection, acquisition, circulation, and ILL application data. The results of this study show that the proposed method can reveal the positions of each library within a regional library system, and also the characteristics of a library's collections and users' needs more precisely.

A Study on the Mechanical Characteristic and Shear Strength haracteristic on Elapsed Time of the Western Sea Dredged Soils (서해안 준설토의 역학적 특성 및 시간경과에 따른 강도 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hongtaek;Han, Yeonjin;Yu, Wandong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2013
  • The dredged soils of western sea of Korea have been used as the fill materials because it possess the characteristics that constitute silt, silty sand and sand mainly. However, a study on dredged soils as the fill materials is insufficient. Hence, in this present study, the application the dredged soils of western sea of Korea as the fill materials was confirmed. Primary, the composition characteristics of the ground was analyzed to confirm the application on dredged soils as the fill materials by the piezo-cone penetration test. In laboratory test, it was performed the self-weight consolidation test for mechanical characteristics of the dredged soils. The direct shear test using self-weight consolidation test sample for shear strength characteristics was performed after self-weight consolidation test. Additionally, the mechanical characteristics of the dredged soils on elapsed time using self-weight consolidation test sample, which is drained naturally, was evaluated. The dredged soils of western sea of Korea show that unit weight and shear strength is increased as natural drain time elapses.